
Chapter 398 Strange

A few days later.

 After being not allowed to go anywhere by Dae Hyun, today Soo Yin secretly went to campus without the man knowing.

 According to her, it was too much because he always limited her movement. Just because her stomach acid was rising, she was not allowed to do activities outside the house.

 Once, yesterday when Dae Hyun was at the hotel for work, Soo Yin accidentally said she wanted to go out. Dae Hyun immediately left his job, just to carry Soo Yin down the stairs.

 Soo Yin felt that her husband had gone too far.

 Today, Soo Yin decided to venture to go out of the villa, to be precise from the room. After confirming that her condition had recovered. But Soo Yin had to go out secretly without Aunt Xia's knowledge so she won't complain to her husband.

 There was nothing wrong with arguing for the good. Soo Yin didn't want to be absent from college just because of trivial things.