
Hidden Soul Chronicles

Author: DeadSoul In the charming town of Springville, a mysterious writer known as DeadSoul leads a quiet life, finding comfort in the world of words. He shares soulful quotes online, keeping his passion for writing hidden from those around him. Little does he know that his heartfelt words have touched the heart of a special reader named "sunshine." As time goes on, DeadSoul's online presence shrinks to just two followers, with "sunshine" being one of them. They share an unspoken connection, understanding the emotions woven into the lines. One day, an unexpected invitation breaks the walls of anonymity, leading DeadSoul to a life-changing encounter. Hidden Soul Chronicles is a tale of chance encounters, friendship, and the power of words to light up even the darkest moments. Join DeadSoul and Lisa as they explore the hidden depths of their souls, unravel mysteries, and embrace the unexpected journey that awaits them. Get ready to be enchanted by a story that will warm your heart and leave you yearning for more

Aniket_Shele · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Chapter 2: The Enigmatic Invitation

As the day of the long-awaited meeting approached (2 January 2004), I an introvert who believed in solitary living, found myself walking through the bustling streets of Serendell before the meeting hour, " I still remember every second as clearly as a full moon in the night ". The town was like a miniature version of cities like Tokyo, with its vibrant energy, diverse population, and a blend of traditional charm and modern allure.

The sun painted the sky with bursts of orange as it began to set, casting a warm glow on the town's cobblestone paths, showing the last light of hope to everyone who watched it.

Serendell's markets were a feast for the senses, with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the sweet scent of pastries from the nearby bakery as well as the spices from the all-street stalls in my path.

In the middle of this lively atmosphere, I couldn't help but feel a sense of mixed emotions with the most I feel was excitement and curiosity. The enigmatic invitation from "sunshine" never left my mind, with constant thoughts of "who will it be ", "how he/she looks, will they like me by how I am in real life with no social life, teasing my curiosity like an unsolved puzzle. When the appointed time finally arrived, I made my way to the designated meeting spot, a charming little café tucked away in a quiet corner of town. I got so lost in the thoughts of who will be the anonymous &mysterious reader, that caused me to got me a little late for the meeting.

Before entering I fixed my hair and clothes one last time and took a deep & long breath. As I entered, I scanned the faces, wondering if I would be able to recognize my mysterious admirer in the middle of the crowded street.

It didn't take long for my eyes to lock with a pair of bright, hazel eyes that seemed to hold the secrets of the universe. A young girl, around 18 years old, sat at a corner table, her radiant smile greeting me like the first ray of sunshine after a storm. I can't describe how and why I thought she was my anonymous reader. It just feel right I couldn't think of anyone, moreover I couldn't see and find anyone that's how beautiful she was. Just like that the crowd that was in front of me a moment ago was gone and every sound I could hear disappeared for a moment as if the time has stopped.

Her silky long hair cascaded down her shoulders, catching the warm light from the nearby window. Her hair had not very noticeable to the eye but had a hint of goldish brown, resembling the color of autumn leaves gently swaying in the breeze. The delicate floral perfume she wore filled the air around her, leaving a trail of elegance wherever she went. Her smile was captivating, like the soft glow of moonlight on a tranquil night.

"She was a candle in the darkness for me just like a moon in the night."

As I stood there, her presence left me speechless, and I couldn't possibly describe what I was feeling at that moment. Her beauty and grace seemed to illuminate the entire café.

"DeadSoul, I presume?" she said, her voice gentle yet filled with an air of confidence.

I nodded, feeling a mix of surprise and relief at the sight of my admirer.

"Am I late?" I asked, a hint of apology in his voice.

"Not at all. I just got here myself. I was lost in a world of words." she said in her soft voice.

As the conversation continued, I got to know her name was Lisa, and her presence released a warmth that instantly put me at ease.

"I've been following your quotes and lines for so long," she continued, "Your words have this magical way of touching hearts". That inspire me and make me feel more connected to her.

I couldn't help but feel humbled and grateful for her kind words. It was a very strange but at the same time magical moment for me as if the shadows of anonymity had lifted, and I was finally meeting the soul behind the sunshine.

"Hey, DeadSoul," she began, "I've been curious about your username. It's unique."

I replied," It's a bit complex to put into words, just take it 'DeadSoul' became a way for me to express that feeling of something missing like a part of me was no longer alive."

Lisa's expression softened with understanding. "I see. It's interesting how names can hold so much meaning. And you're right, we all have those moments where we feel like something's missing."

"You know, DeadSoul," she said, "I think I'm going to call you 'Soul.' It's like a nickname that captures your essence."

I looked both surprised and amused. "Soul, huh? Ahh I get that works for me "

Lisa chuckled. "I'm glad you like it. It's just a way to make our conversations a little more personal."

"Soul it is then."

As the conversation flowed effortlessly, I discovered that Lisa had a dream that shone as brightly as the sun itself.

"You know, Soul," she said with a sparkle in her eyes, "Ever since I was a child, I've dreamt of becoming a doctor. I wanted to help & cure people, to make a difference in their lives and pain."

Her dream to become a doctor resonated with me deeply. It was like she carried the essence of "sunshine" not only in her name but in her aspirations as well – a desire to bring warmth and light to those in need. I couldn't help but admire her determination and compassion. Sunshine was the ray of light for the people in the dark, she was just like that.

With each passing moment, the awkwardness between us disappeared, and we found ourselves diving into conversations that flowed effortlessly. It was as if we had known each other for a lifetime.

Over cups of steaming coffee, we shared stories, dreams, and laughter, creating a connection that defied the boundaries of time and space.

In return, I shared my unseen written stories and lines, As expected she understood every word and line written in it, as if she could read my mind by my words. I felt comfort in talking to her. She was like a Soulmate or a perfect reader for a writer who understand my every line word by word.

Little did they know, this meeting was just the beginning of a journey that would lead them to discover the hidden depths of their life and the threads that connected their lives in ways they could never have imagined.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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