
Chapter 2.36

Since I am a bit ahead in writing today and I got asked a bunch of times, I am releasing another chapter today. Hope you enjoy it (but you still might want a fish ready)!

I drove the twins to their school and walked them into their classroom. When Ms.Levy saw me, her face changed, even though she fought to keep her smile. She rushed over to me and I stood my ground.

"Good morning, Mr. Maurer!"

I stared her down, "so your Omega brother is Connor?"

She froze and her eyes widened, "um...yes."

I waved to the kids as they went to their desks, "I think it would be best for the kids to switch to the other 1st grade class."

"What?! Why?!"

I glared at her, "you might as well be a spy for your brother. Telling him about me...about my kids! What right do you have to do that?!"

"I swear, I didn't even know you knew my brother until a week or so ago! I have not told my brother anything other than when he asked me about your family dynamic! I just told him your family was close and loving. I would never say anything negative!"

I shook my head, "I want nothing to do with your brother, even vicariously. I will talk with admin to see what can be done. Until this is resolved, please do not associate with me unless it is necessary and mention nothing to the twins."

I left the school before driving home and made a few phone calls on the way. I got myself ready for the day and brought Addie with me out to the car.

We spent the day going to different daycares and taking tours of their facilities. Later that day, I brought Addie with me to pick up the kids and we went home.

"Welcome home!" Cora called as we came in the front door. I smiled slightly to her before continuing on to Addie's room. I began rocking her in the rocking chair until she fell asleep. I then put her in her crib before going downstairs and to the kitchen table. I placed all the pamphlets I had recieved, sticky notes, and a pen on the table in front of me. I began analyzing the information and didn't look up until the teens came home. I smiled to them as they came over to me.

"What are you doing?"

I looked to Emit, "I'm trying to choose the best daycare for Addie. We went and viewed them today."

"Daycare?" Cora asked with surprise as she came into the room, "why would Addie need a daycare? Jayden said you planned to be a stay at home parent."

I didn't look to her, "I think I want to get back into the workforce. So I figure I should start early." I paused when my phone rang, "hello?"

"Hey, are you still okay to meet at 5:30?"

"Yeah, I'll be sure to get there on time."

"Do you want us to pick you up? I don't want you driving after drinking."

I chuckled, "that's true. I'm probably going to drink more than I'm used to. So, yeah, that would be good."

"We'll pick you up at 5."

"See you then." I hung up and looked up to Chase as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Dont drink too much, Will."

I smirked to him, "I'll keep it in check. Don't worry, they'll take care of me."

I put the pamphlets together, put them in a drawer in the kitchen, and went upstairs. I went to my room and got dressed.

It was the first time I had dressed up to go out for fun in a long time. I put on my dark jeans, white button up shirt that I rolled up the sleeves a third of the way, and my brown leather belt and shoes. I looked in the mirror and couldn't fight a giant smile. I looked like my old self, the young, cocky pretend Alpha I used to portray. I fixed my hair before heading downstairs and putting together my things.

I turned when I heard a comical whistle to see Chase smiling and Emit looking to me in shock. "Damn," Chase said with a chuckle, "I haven't seen you dress up in a while. But this....wow."

I smirked, "I guess you never saw me before the twins. This was my usual."

"You look hot!"

I laughed as Emit blushed from his own statement, "thanks, I feel like my old self."

"Momma!" The twins said in a gasp as they came over to me, "you look pretty!" Ashley added.

I met Cora's gaze when she came into the room holding Addie and she looked to me with surprise, "you don't even look like yourself or even your age."

I looked to the door when there was a loud knock. I rushed to open it and Cam looked to me in shock, "holy shit!" He gasped immediately and covered his mouth, "sorry!"

I chuckled, "its okay. You aren't used to being around kids."

Sean laughed as he came over to the doorway, "you look like your old self!"

"His old self?"

Sean smiled, extended his hand, and Chase shook it, "can I show him a picture from the past?"

I chuckled, "is it at least PG-13?"

He cackled, "of course!" He quickly opened his phone and pulled up a picture of Cam, Sean, and I at a party when we were working in the industry together.

"That's you?!" Chase said in shock and I nodded.

"That was before the twins."

"You look like a playboy!" Emit said as he came to Chase's side.

"He looks like an Alpha!"

Cam snickered, "that was when we thought Will was an Alpha. He kept his gender a secret when we used to work together."

"Momma?" The twins asked and I smiled before moving so they could see who was here.

"Uncle Sean!" Archer hollered.

"Uncle Cam!" Ashley squealed.

They both came barreling to the group and tackled Sean and Cam as they crouched to meet the kids. They hugged them before the twins switched spots and hugged again.

"Momma! Why didn't you say they were coming?!"

I winked at Ashley, "I wanted it to be a surprise." I turned to Cora, "I'll be back late, so don't wait up."

"You could always stay with us tonight."

"I might take you up on that." I chuckled before winking to Sean, "it depends on how much fun I get myself into."

"Please keep an eye on Will. I don't want him going all out."

Sean nodded, "don't worry. I've taken care of his drunk behind more times than I can count. I will stop him before he gets too far gone."

I slid my wallet, keys, and phone into my pockets before kissing the twins on the head. I then went over and kissed Addie but stopped when Cora took a light hold on my shirt sleeve.

"Did you talk to Jayden about this? I feel like he's going to be really upset if he doesn't get to see you. He said he's missed you."

I brushed her off and couldn't fake a smile, "if he missed me, he would have at least called me. I begged him to just talk to me when I desperately needed it, but I have yet to hear from him. I get that he's a busy guy, but I'm not going to wait around when I need support. If he wants to see me so bad, he can wait a few hours."

I followed Cam and Sean out to their car and felt my heart race with excitement. To finally have some of my friends back and a chance to go out and enjoy myself freely, it was almost too exciting to bear.

I woke up and saw Sean's shoulder beside my head. I looked up to see his face and noticed he was talking to someone. I looked to the space on the booth beside me and saw Cam. I sat up and took ahold of Cam's chin with my hand. He looked to me in surprise as I gave him the best Alpha smile I could.

"Let's get outta here," I said as I moved closer. "Hunter ain't home so we can spend some quality time together."

Cam pulled my hand off him, "you're way gone, Will. Drink your water and sober up some."

I chuckled, "come on baby," I said as I caressed his arm and then took his hand. "You said you love me. You can't say that and then not come home with me!"

Cam sighed, "Will, that was years ago. I'm with Sean and you're going to marry Jayden."

I cackled so hard that I got off balance and fell back onto Sean's shoulder. "Jayden?! Ha!" I wiped my face as I cried from laughing so hard, "that psycho Alpha?! I would never be with him!" I turned around, and caressed Sean's cheek, "how about we share him? I can make you feel good too. There's a reason I'm a fan favorite." I quickly caught him off guard as I kissed him and intertwined our tongues.

I was startled when I was suddenly yanked off of Sean and out of the booth. I looked to Jayden and saw how twisted his face was with anger.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Jayden!" Cam gasped, "what are you doing here?"