
Hidden Legacy: Nephew of the strongest twin in the universe

“I’ll be honest with you. The whole story was false, to begin with.” A mysterious man who seems to know more than anyone else appeared during Levinte’s visit to a memorial park of the World Clash. Levinte's world is turned upside down and he could not let go of the matter. "As I said, you won't believe me. How about this, since you've decided to follow me, I'll take you all over the place to prove my words. In exchange, you'll show me around this new world." With the stranger as his guide, Levinte embarks on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment, uncovering the hidden truths of history and unlocking the secrets of his destiny. But first, Levinte needs to dig up the stranger’s secret which seems to be related to many mysterious events...

Ebiw · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

A journey to the north-east (2)

The pair walked out of the palace with a strange air lingering around them. Levinte wore a troubled expression ever since Acre's conversation with the empress.

Levinte stopped in his tracks as he stared at Acre. "So if I'm guessing this right, you lived through the era of the World Clash?"


It took him a moment to digest the enormous amount of information. He had been bombarded with knowledge ever since yesterday, and he felt hard to accept it as a fact.

His mouth opened then closed, completely lost for words. Finally, he said, "So what am I supposed to do now that I know?"

"What was your original plan after visiting the memorial park?" Acre asked. 

Levinte sighed, looking up to the sky, and replied, "I don't know, but I'm not planning to go back soon."

Even if the boy was being indirect, Acre understood the meaning behind his words yet chose to not dig in further. "Then you should follow me and we can wander around together. I still have many things to show you."

Empress Diana Vandez Gertrud, the current reigning monarch of the Machaera empire. Historically, the firstborn was to succeed over the throne regardless of gender.

Originally, Empress Diana had the title of Emperor Diana because she was an imperial descendant. She fell deeply in love with her current spouse, Prince Archillus whom she gave the title of emperor. The people of Machaera could only try their best to tolerate her decision because they knew their female emperor loved the prince greatly to the point where she gave up her ultimate title. Nevertheless, they still treat Empress Diana as the sovereign of Machaera.

Alas, things took quite a drastic turn. After Prince Archillus had gained supreme authority, he changed into someone beyond expectation. Rumor has it that Emperor Archillus has a mistress, some even say that he has multiple of them. In Machaera, married men and women are not allowed to practice polygamy by law. If one party wishes to be with their lover, then divorce is the only choice.

Empress Diana was standing alone in the private royal library, scanning the bookshelf to find something. She had been looking through countless books for a while.

This part of the palace contains personally handwritten records by the imperial family. No one except the Gertrud lineage was allowed to step foot inside. They believe that if any foreign people were to enter, an invisible sword would pierce their hearts, causing their hearts to stop beating abruptly. This has been proven on many occasions.

Finally, she managed to pick out the right book. It was a book with a blue cover. It lacked a title, but something was written at the right bottom corner of the cover:

Sincerely, Irene.

What she had been looking for was the diary of Empress Irene. She sat down and opened a random page.

Letter #102

My heart aches like never before. This pain inside is eating me alive. How did it turn like this? I can never understand Euluc. He chose to side with her, an outsider, rather than me, his empress. I wish to vanish from this excruciating life. I'm hanging by a thread, one last push is all I need. 

Empress Diana stared blankly for a moment. Then, she turned a few pages.

Letter #115

I have settled in a small house in the countryside. Mother asked me to return but it will only bring more harm to the household. I wish to seclude myself and let my name die down. However, I am starting to like this peaceful life, even if my heart still hurts from the memories. I am grateful to have Alice and the others to support me even until now. I will visit them sometimes.

Letter #116

I woke up from a nightmare. Her evil smirk still lingers in my mind. I want this feeling to disappear. Even if I wish them doom, I won't gain a thing. The empire still needs a ruler. I pray for his well-being to manage the empire without me. I only wish for my people's happiness, even if they have turned against me. 

Her grip tightened on the book. She could not imagine the anguish Empress Irene had gone through. The last sentence made her breath hitch, feeling a sharp pang in her heart as if a needle had pierced through it.

As a Gertrud descendant, she had privileges compared to former empresses who were bound to their husbands. Imagining herself in the writer's position was something she never wanted to experience. Then, she skipped a few pages.

Letter #132

Today I met two children. A pair of lovely twins. One was a boy named Acre, one was a girl named Anki. They calmed me down when I was in my lowest moment. They sat wordlessly beside me. They waited until I was done crying and provided me with some comfort. It meant a lot to me. I wish to return their kindness. >

"Acre... It's him!" Empress Diana could not suppress a triumphant smile. She proceeded to highlight their names on every page and mark some interesting pages.

Letter #133

I decided to take them in as my children. They were planning to stay in ths city for a while, so I suggested that they should live with me for the time being. It's good to have some company.

Letter #134

Little Acre begged me to teach him about swords. They told me that they were actually on a journey to find a powerful swordsman living in a remote mountain. What an interesting pair. I agreed to teach them, perhaps they can inherit some of my knowledge.

Letter #137

The royal guards gathered in front of my house. However, I refuse to indulge myself in anything related to the royal palace. I have moved on.

Letter #139

If it wasn't for the children, I would have not been able to compose myself. Euluc is beyond irresponsible. This empire will fall if I continue to let this happen. I will do it for my people.

Letter #145

Today is her judgment day. I don't know how to react. I want nothing to do with her. Whether she lives through it or not is none of my concern. I wish to finish my work and return to my peaceful life.

Letter #146

For the first time in my life, I lashed out at the emperor. I couldn't help myself. Mother always told me to respect the emperor no matter what, I'm sorry Mother. It surprised me to the core when he knelt in front of me and begged for forgiveness. I did not know how to react so I wailed endlessly. It was beyond humiliating. I don't know if I can face him tomorrow.

Letter #151

It breaks my heart to see the children leaving. I wish them great blessings in their journey. I gave them a sword which I truly treasure, both in my favorite color. >

Empress Diana stayed up late because she read through every page of the diary from the beginning until the end. It was truly an amazing book. Now that things were within her comprehension, she could not wait to have a conversation with the man who called himself Acre.