
diary of 2022

1st Jan 2022

mirror oh mirror show me the world greatest brave human

tik tik tik

it still show my self while I am scared as worm Evan just ask for work.....

am I lazy

yes it's possible but I not sleep full day


I am just scare I will lost wonderful life that I have

fiancee,mother,my 32 puppies and all

Evan I long distance with my fiancee

my heart keep tip top because someting empty hole in my heart today slowly make me scard of this life

it is true

it is possible?

as a human of this era

live as she like without depending other

I never ask other

I just ask my self

that not different to snail

Evan snail slow also at lease she do something to this world

as human I don't know what isy capabilities. that's all for today

see u tomorrow 🌃