

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Bitter Enemies by seryon

supahsanic6969 · วิดีโอเกม
24 Chs


In the morning Slyvanas awoke in pain, holding the side of her face, her world spinning. "My head feels like was stomped by a bull." she coughed, feeling the effects of the alcohol from last night. She had expected the boy king to be sleeping next to her but where had the troublesome had he went?Through the side of her eye she saw a couple potions with a note attached to them.

"Dear lady windrunner, I had received some potions from Irti. She lowered the dosage so it wouldn't harm you, she assumed the dosage needed to be lower because you're not an Eredar and she feared it would kill you." Sylvanas read aloud before she quickly drank one of the green potions,seeking to relieve her headache. The one thing she didn't miss about being alive was the headaches and ailments that came along side it, she would have to be more careful in the future. No longer could she afford to be reckless in battle,she was more vulnerable now.

"Where is that boy?" she wondered, getting up from the bed and walking to the window which overlooked the backyard. She saw Anduin practicing his swordsmanship with shirt was off as sweat poured down every muscle which was perfectly honed for battle.

"I had to admit his form was good and although far off from his father's, with time he could surpass him."

Sylvanas slowly made her way outside, sitting down with slight interest, she watched him swing left and lunge forward. She could feel a slight gust of air as he moved his weapon back in forth. After some time Anduin had finished his training and soon after he sat down next to her, drying himself off with a towel.

"Congratulations you may succeed in killing a murloc, I'm impressed boy." She smirked.

Anduin lightly chuckled, " My form is still far from.." he slightly paused as a hurt showed on his face.

"Your fathers." she replied to which he nodded.

Anduin let out a sigh, "Yes my father, I try to mimike his form as much as possible but it's hard, he was trained so young and took to it naturally."

" If you hope to copy his form completely, its a waste of time, he was one of the best warriors to be born on azeroth and that was out of all of the races."

Anduin smiled, "Well I can try Sylvanas." he confessed.

She shook her head, " You can never be your father Anduin, you are you and Varien was Varien. Carve out your own destiny and stop trying to live in his shadow. Even I had to learn that with Alleira, people had always compared me to her especially after she had vanished. It had become very unbearable until I decided to live for myself and not for the approval of others." She confessed.

Anduin nodded his head, " Thank you Sylvanas that was actually helpful and nice, of course in your ice queen way." He laughed.

"Don't count on anymore tips Boy!, I was just making a suggestion." She scoffed.

"Sure," he smiled as he got up, "I'm going to take a bath and then meet with Irti."

"For what?"She glared.

" Relax Sylvanas I'm not up to something, Irti and her hunting party are going off on a hunt tonight."

Sylvanas glared at him the more, "And you didn't think to invite me?"

Anduin slightly backed up with his hands raised, " After last night I thought you would be to hung over."

Sylvanas got up from her chair and brought her face to Anduins, "Human I am still a ranger of Quel'thalas, hunting is in my blood! Besides the potions worked, so I will be ready."

Anduin sighed, " Okay fine, anyway like I said before I'm going to take a bath." Aundin replied, turning away only for his arm to be pulled by Sylvanas.

"I'm taking a bath with you human." she commanded, seeing him blush.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Anduin mumbled turning his head.

" I think it is boy." she smirked, kicking him in the butt. "Move it Alliance dog."

"Whatever, as long as you don't touch me Sylvanas I know how you can get," he replied before they walked up the stares into the bathroom. Anduin thought it best to run the water as steam filled the room with a sweet aroma of soaps and incense.

" You know human, I do grow tired of this stupid waiting," Sylvanas said, taking off her clothes and sinking into the warm water.

" It's not the fact that I don't desire to have sex with you, it's the fact that we are not married, nor do we love each other. Also you could be with child and that would very hard to explain to the horde and alliance once we get back. An offspring between us would bound your family to the alliance crown forever."

"It's not that deep human, I just want to have sex with you, nothing more, nothing less." she sighed, washing her back. She her loved the new feeling of temperature as she felt the warm water relax her aches.

"It is that deep" Anduin replied as he to sunk into the water, " Now that you're fully alive again there may be consequences if we cross that line." He warned.

Sylvanas slowly moved toward anduin until their bodies were facing each. She observed the way his muscular chest moved up and down. She gazed into his ocean blue eyes,which she sometimes hated and sometimes lusted after when she was in heat. She wanted nothing more than for him have his way with her like the lion he claimed to be. Sylvanas had a longing desire to sink her teeth into his skin as they made love, to make him her plaything.

"To the wind with the consequences."She thought before she quickly moved to kiss him.

"Sylvan.." Anduin blurted out but was suddenly cut short, he was silenced by her lips but he wanted to fight it. However he knew it was almost an impossible battle to win.

The kiss quickly became passionate, there hands moving in unison. Anduin grasping her hips tightly leaving marks in them. Sylvanas moaning and wrapping her hands around his broad back as he showered her neck with kisses.

" Anduin." Sylvanas purred, feeling him sink his teeth into her shoulder. Her hands became quickly entangled in his long hair when he brought her closer to his body. Anduin suddenly let out a huge breath of air knowing he had to get some control over this situation.

"Sylvanas we have to stop." he warned, seeing her settle in his lap.

" You know I can't do that human." she spat in a low tone, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

" Sylvanas if we have sex your going to be with child,your not undead anymore and It would be my first time. I doubt I could control myself."

"And we will handle that later," she replied to which his mouth hung open, "Are you insane? He asked.

" Relax Boy, once we get back to Azeroth I will…" she replied but quickly realised that she didn't have a plan, she knew next to nothing about being a mother or caring for a child, she thought of children as something far away from her. She was undead and couldn't bare any children but now it was not only a possibility but could happen if they were not careful.

"See! You're not even thinking about the future." he said, noticing her perplexed features.

" Dammit boy I want what I want! We are not going to fall in love, I don't hate you anymore but you still disgust me with your morals and chivalry but what if…"


Sylvanas eyes brightened as she smirked, " Get the Eredar to marry us."

Anduin eyes glared at her, "What are you going on about?"

"We have two years before the ship arrives, I know you can't survive two years with us going the way we are. So to meet our needs, why don't we get the goat people marry us according to their tradition? Once we get back to Azeroth it would be as if it didn't exist." She reasoned.

Anduin sighed deeply, " What about marrying for love? We barely stand each other as it is"

Sylvanas laughed, "You're acting as though the nobles of Stormwind marry for love, barely any of them do and you know it. Even the high elves have a tendency to do the same,like I said when we leave it wouldn't exist anymore, call it a divorce."

"You have a somewhat of a point, although it is morally gray."

Sylvanas snorted, " It satisfies your stupid views and it gives me what I want."

Anduin scratched his wet hair as she leaned more into his chest which aroused him. The water was getting hotter and it wasn't because of the bath. " This is still not taking into consideration the risk of pregnancy,"

" Oh boy! just don't edjculate inside of me, its simple. Didn't they teach you that in prince school?."She said bluntly.

" Do you have to say it like that." He glared.

Sylvanas rolled her eyes, " Just don't lay your seed unto my fertile soil my king, is that better?" she mocked in a seductive tone.

" I may consider it, but I must admit that it has been harder for me to resist you. If I do have sex with you at least it would be a binding contract in ceremony, but what if we..."

"What if we what human." she glared with a raised eyebrow.

"Fall in love." he confessed to which she shook her head, having an upset look on her face.

" I could never love you, and you could never love-as your people call a monster ." She replied bluntly.

"I'm not to sure," he laughed.

"What? Do you… fancy me human." She said out of pure shock.

" Well I may have a little crush on you." he confessed with a smile, " Ever since we have been forced to spend time together, you have peaked my interest."

" You're a fool for having any sort of feelings for a woman like me, if you had known everything I did you would hate me. I would break your heart and crush it before your eyes Anduin."

" Like said before I see a person that hasn't been loved in a long time and deserves to be loved. I'm not saying a romantic love but the sort of love that every living being deserves. Not the looks or hateful words you have received from humans"

" And you think you're the one to do it? To show me that love you speak of" she asked with an eyebrow raised clearly skeptical, almost laughing at his foolishness.

Anduin shrugged his shoulders, " Sylvanas I'm not above forgiving people for anything. Like I said before,under that cold exterior is a decent woman, she just hasn't be out in a while."

"Arthas changed that forever," she said, looking away in anger.

Anduin in a show of boldness, lightly used his hand to guide her face back to his, " Only if you let him! He is dead Sylvanas It may not be easy but let it go, he still has hold over you even in death. Live your life and be happy,when was the last time you did something that made you feel alive and happy?"

"What would bring me enjoyment at the moment is you giving me what I want. This would help me along with the healing process." she lied hoping he would agree to it.

Anduin shook his head, he knew she was avoiding the answer but maybe she was right. With them getting married it could take away a lot of the sexual tension and it could meet some his requirements although not entirely. Although it was better than holding himself back for so long and two years was a long time.

" Fine I will do it." he answered to which she smirked, careful not to show too much emotion. She knew she had won a small victory, he would at least be useful in some aspect.

" Thank you husband to be and do it today, I cant wait any longer to lay with you, By the way fix your face it won't be that bad. You finally get to become a man tonight.

"If your definition of being a man is having sex, then you need a new definition." He replied as she got up from the tub.

"No, it makes you a man because your bedding and marrying for a time,the once ranger general of Silvermoon. The war chief of the horde, feared banshee queen Sylvanas Windrunner who has laid waste to armies of the legion,Arthas and alliance alike, so feel honored." She arrogantly said, drying herself off in front of him.

Anduin laughed as he got up and put his hands on his hips." Then you should feel honored that you are marrying for a time, Anduin wrynn High king of the Alliance and.."

"A virgin." she teased.

" And proud of it Lady windrunner. " He smiled, flexing his muscles in a jokily manner.

Sylvanas ran her eyes through every nook and cranny of his body, " You will do just fine I think."

" And you said I was the pervert." Anduin sighed, drying himself off," So you want me to talk to Elliongir before the hunt or after?"

" Of course before, as I told you before human I cant wait any longer. I would go crazy and it's been decades." she replied, putting on her top and trousers.

" Fine I will do it, even though I dont think its a good idea." He confessed.

"What's the worst that could happen Anduin." Sylvanas asked, although she most likely knew the answer.

Anduin glared at her, " Like me having to explain to Genn and all of the alliance leaders why I have a child with me."

" You're the high king of the alliance, I'm sure you can make up an elaborate lie." She smirked.

" I'm serious Sylvanas." he said before she lightly kissed him, " I know you are little lion but I don't care what you tell the alliance. As long as if we do have a child, you take care of it."

"What about you?" he asked in a serious tone.

" Undercity is not fit for a child, also I would fear for its safety. I'm no longer undead and I don't know if my banshee powers are still active. It would be harder to protect myself, much less a child."

"Let's get off this subject for now, it's like we're planning for this the worst outcome." Anduin said in a half joke, half serious manner.

"As you said little lion, we must always be prepared." She said before she left.

Later that day Anduin and Sylvanas made there way through the village, seeing many of the Eredar do the same daily routines. Some had been tailoring clothing,while others worked on many of the machines that lined the streets. Sylvanas had noticed that for the most part everyone seemed happy and joyful, not a single sad expression was shown. After some time they reached what looked like the town hall.

" I assume this is the place." Sylvanas said in Erdun which cought Anduins attention.

"You're a fast learner." He smiled.

"A leader has to be fool!How else would the horde thrive if i was an idiot?"

"Pure luck." he chuckled, before they entered the building. He didn't miss the look Sylvanas sent him after he made his comment, appeartanly she took pride in her leadership skills and didn't like anyone talking about it in a joking manner.

" Enough of this nonsense Boy, where is the older Eredar?" she asked in annoyance as they stood in the middle of the town hall watching many Eredar pass by.

Anduin sighed, he began looking for Ellionger through the crowd, it didn't help that the Eredar stood at seven feet as an average of course made it harder to make anything out as he and Sylvanas moved through the crowd.

"There he is." She said seeing the older Eredar sitting down at a desk.

Anduin sighed deeply before they approached the table, he had a sinking feeling that this wasn't a good idea. But he would be lying if he said he didn't desire physical intimacy with Sylvanas. He had always been taught as a prince that he shouldn't form close attachments with people. But here he was suddenly finding himself getting attached to a woman who was the exact opposite of himself. He wasn't as naive to think that Sylvanas loved him or even liked him, she was just using him for sex and company but he sensed that something deeper was at work.

Elliongir looked up from his work, a smile forming on his face. "Anduin how are you my boy?" he exclaimed as he shook Anduins hand.

"I'm doing well Elliongir, however my mate and I would like to ask you a question."

"Sure anything Anduin, what is it?"

Anduin almost stuttered at what he was about to say, almost in disbelief even. " My mate wants a legal contract binding us or in other words a marriage certificate."

Elliongir looked slightly confused, " I thought you and your mate were already married."

"By the seven hells no!" Sylvanas softed.

" She knows Eredun Anduin?" He asked in complete shock.

" Not completely but she is a fast learner, she still has to pronounce the words a little better.I have been teaching her and she seems to be picking it up better than I thought." He laughed.

" He has some uses, even as annoying as he can be." Sylvanas replied dryly, " Can you write us one or not, I grow tired of waiting." she said

Anduin gave Elliongir an expression that said sorry as he looked slightly taken aback by her rudeness. "Well I can certainly write you two one now, however are you two sure? This contract is binding no matter what and it has many obligations." He warned.

"Yes we are madly in love, We just want to be married before the ship arrives." Sylvanas lied, although Ellionger couldn't tale as she proved to be very deceitful even to the older Eredar.

"Anduin are you in agreement?" He asked to which Anduin hestatied slightly only to see Sylvanas glare at him from the side. " Yes I am." He quickly said.

Elliongir smiled as he got up from his desk, " Okay follow me you two." he said and soon after they followed him through a small crowded area into what looked to be a small chapel.

"This place is beautiful." Anduin exclaimed , amazed at the crystal walls and writings.

Sylvanas was very impressed as well, the sun reflected off of the crystals in the chapel making a beautiful sight to behold, It reminded her of the many buildings in Silvermoon. Elven people were renowned for their ability to recognize shape beauty, but the Eredar could certainly give them a run for their money.

Ellongir open a large book as Anduin and Sylvanas stood in front of him, " In our culture agreements are bound in blood, for what greater oath can one swear by than his own blood. This ceremony is short but very meaningful. I will ask you two to slightly cut into the palm of your hand, the purpose of this is so that both your blood can mix into one as it pours into this urn." He finished pointing to the ceremonial knife and urn.

" You first Boy, I heard in human tradition the men take the initiative . " she teased as she watch Anduin pick up the knife.

Anduin stared at the knife for what seemed like forever, he didn't know what to think. Was this right? He would still be committing himself to her even if Azeroth was millions of miles away. Would she use it expose him, or worse to her advantage?

"You are certainly taking a long time Anduin, hurry up." She said in an annoyed tone.

Anduin sighed before he cut into the palm of his hand, drawing blood before Sylvanas took the knife and did the same as Ellionger held their hands over the urn and there blood dripped together to form as one.

"As your blood forms into a union I will say an incantation and the ceremony will be complete. " Ellionger said as he began chanting in an language even Anduin couldn't understand and after he finished the urn suddenly glowed in a strange blue aura as a mist formed around the left arm of Anduin and the right arm of Sylvanas. They felt a strange sensation on their arms and chest as the mist flowed throughout their body and soon disappeared.

"By the light!" Anduin exclaimed, seeing the ancient blue Eredun markings on his left arm and upper shoulder. They looked like the Draenei tattoos he saw many of them wear to battle.

Sylvanas gasped as she watched red markings appear on her right arm that ran alongside her chest, she didn't recognise the language but it had to be Eredun.

"What do these markings mean?" she asked with slight annoyance, not expecting the markings to appear.

"They are marriage markings and vows in Eredun, My wife and I have them ourselves. They are embound with light magic and helps the two bond. You can read each others emotions and can even form a telepathic connection, although that takes years to learn. Also In battle it could help you two use better teamwork, I can say for myself that it saved my life many times." Ellongir chuckled.

"Will they always have a bright aura to them?" Anduin asked,holding up his arm.

"Sometimes they do, but they mostly light up like that when your mate has a longing desire to have sex . I must say you two are the brightest I have ever seen. I heard that Irti is taking you on a hunt but from your markings I would say that before you go you should consummate the marriage" He seriously said.

" What if we don't?" Anduin asked out of curiosity.

" You two would rip each others clothes off and mate no matter who is watching, but you two enjoy and good luck on your hunt." Ellionger laughed before he left the them alone.

' I have a feeling there is more to these markings than he would like us to believe." Sylvanas said before Anduin nodded his head in agreement, " There has to be to more to this." he replied before he turned to leave.

" Well, let's go get something to eat before the hunt, I'm' starving," he said but soon after was pinned to a chair by his newlywed wife.

"I don't care what these markings mean, your going to give me what I want Boy!You were the direct cause of me getting my body back and you're going to satisfy it. No longer can you use the excuse of purity, I am a hunter and if you didn't agree to this I would have taken it by force and you would have enjoyed it!" She said in an angry tone as the red markings lit up along her arm in an almost hot manner.

Anduin also felt his blue markings burn with insanity as she got body started to heat up as more lustful images flooded his mind. He suddenly like he was about to explode if he didn't satisfy his desires and soon he agreed with Sylvanas for once.

"Fine." he agreed.

Anduins gasped as he wiped himself off with a towel, it had been hours since they had consummated their marriage and he had to say the sex was amazing. He remembered ripping her clothes from her body when they entered their house and everything after that was pure bliss and pleasure. There markings equally glowed bright as they made love throughout the afternoon. He never knew she could moan the way she did or show a side of herself that he didn't know existed. She had a command over him as she told him to go faster or slower as there bodies modeled to one bit into his neck and drew blood as she felt there passionate dance subside. Anduin remembered himself having break himself away from her as he started his had been upset with him at first but she knew it was the better Anduin had been left dripping with sweat as he felt the cool air around his body.

"Quitting already, it's only been eight times Anduin, " Sylvanas pureed from behind him as she grabbed the towel and threw it to the other side of the room." Let us make love again dear husband." She smirked.

" I am tired," he sighed, laying down in the bed next to her naked as the day he was wondered if his father could see him now would he be ashamed of him? Sure his father always encouraged him to find a woman but Sylvanas windrunner wasn't exactly in the cards.

"Don't be like that little lion, show more zeal and vigor for your master." She teased biting his shoulder.

"Are you satisfied he asked?" hoping she would say yes, Sylvanas thought it better to scratch his back constantly as they made love all around the house, he still shook his head at the mess the made around the house. And his back stung from her sharp cuts.

"For right now yes… You know for a once virgin you proved to be pleasing to me, are you hiding something from me boy." she teased, laying her head on his chest.

Anduin gulped, " For sexual education they had me watch my servants have sex, it's kinda weird if you asked me but I learned a lot." he confessed to which she chuckled.

" A pervert I see, tell me during your younger years did you develop any crushes ib boys or girls?"

"Boys or girls? What are you saying?" he asked, bewildered at her question.

"Does the name, black prince ring any bells?" she asked in a serious tone, she heard about the rumors for years,but she wanted to know if Anduin indeed had an attraction to men, she certainly didn't want to catch him in bed with a male or female would be the day he died, she expected complete loyalty as long as they stayed on this forsaken planet.

Anduin laughed uncontrollably as he gathered her in his arms, " Wrathion? He was a deceiver who used my kind nature to make me feel great emotion when he told me his story. I was more disappointed and saddened at his cunning ways."

" So you're not attracted to men," she asked with a raised eyebrow not believing his story, " My spies tell me different."

Anduin smiled, "You're spies need to get there minds out of the gutter, no I'm not attracted to men Sylvanas, however I heard that you are as we humans say open minded or better yet let's talk about Nathanos." he commented.

"That's none of your business Human, Nathanos is none of your concern, just know that he is fiercely loyal to me and in a time before you were born I did feel something for him" She replied as she turned over in bed only for him to kiss her neck and shoulders. " I will leave that subject alone for now but... you know we have about an hour to go before he have to meet with Irti." he said as he made his way down her chest.

" Curse you, Boy!" she moaned as she felt has hands roam around her body, "I thought you were tired?" she smirked

" Lets just say that your beauty gives me a energy boost," he smiled as he saw her close her eyes.

"Fine, be quick about your business so I can prepare for the hunt and as I said before don't lay your seed inside of me boy." she warned as their bodies became one and they danced in pleasure once more. Their eyes meet as they lost themselves in lust as Sylvanas lips meet his own.

After they had finished Sylvanas lay atop of Anduin trying to catch her breath as there markings burned brighter, Anduin ran his hands down her red Eredun tattoos, they felt hot to the touch as he ran his fingers alongside them. " I can feel power." he whispered, seeing Sylvanas do the same to his arm.

" Can you understand them?" She asked seeing them burn brighter as there room had became completely dark as night came upon the village.

Anduin eyes meet hers, " Not all, but I understand this one." He said holding his arm out in front of her. " We stand together as a strong sword ,unshakable to the end of days." He read aloud.

"Seems poetic, such a shame it means nothing to me." she said, moving her finger over the marking.

" Yours says we are strong like a bowman's bow and furious like a tiger, seems fitting for you." He smiled, seeing her long eyebrows raise in slight interest .

" Yes I'm sure it is, but like it said these markings mean nothing to me." Sylvanas replied as she moved to get up only for Anduin to pin her beneath him. She knew he didn't mean her any harm but he was more aroused and aggressive than before. Like an animal that needed to be tamed and she was incredibly attracted to it.

"The lion is not yet done, lady windrunner." he said huskily, with a slight glow to his eye.

"Hmm I shall indulge you more.." Sylvanas said but suddenly gasped as she felt him become one with her again. Sylvanas for once thought had she had bitten off more than she could chew. His sexual appetite was more than she anticipated, had it something to do with the markings? She wrapped her arms around his neck as he began moving.

"Be quick Anduin!" Sylvanas she moaned aloud as she closed her eyes to bliss once more.

Hey guys its me the Author, just want to say thank you for the reviews and keep them coming it helps me improve the story to make better content and I will be updating weekly unless something comes up. Also for some reason when I upload my stories on this website some of the words are missing, as for why I don't know. If anyone can help please contact me.