

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Bitter Enemies by seryon

supahsanic6969 · วิดีโอเกม
24 Chs


Anduin awoke to the sound of snoring as he turned over to see Sylvanas asleep on the other side of the bed. He had almost laughed out loud at the site of the infamous war chief sleeping like a baby and to top it all off snoring like an orc.

" If only I could paint at picture." He smirked as he saw her eyes suddenly open.

"I would kill you if you tried boy."She yawned as she began rubbing her eyes and stretching her arms.

Anduin quickly caught a glimpse of her chest before he turned his head away,turning bright red. "Put on some clothes, lady windrunner!" Anduin exclaimed.

"Oh please human, so shy about nakedness?You saw me naked yesterday in the bath." She replied rolling her eyes.

" I was too tired to care then, now I do!"

"Whatever boy." She replied seeing the alliance king get up.

" Ellongir should be here any moment to give us our clothes." Anduin yawned as he went through is stretching routine. He was certain that after laying on a hard surface for three days he really needed it.

" They should give us some clothes that can fit us.I want something that's form fitting,not baggy or horrendous."

" And I want something that doesn't have holes in it" he smiled before he saw Sylvanas get up from the bed in her nakedness not caring for his comments on the subject earlier.

Anduin sighed, " I'm going down stairs, hopefully there is some food."

"Go do that little lion cub." Sylvanas smirked, knowing that her lack of clothing would get him out of the room. He had habit of getting on her nerves, especially with his chivalry.

" I'll get on it." he blurted, hoping to avoid another situation like last night.

Sylvanas scoffed at seeing him exit their bed knew he could be a child, but this was ridiculous, she didn't even feel like testing his boundaries of purity at the entered the bathroom to gasp at what she saw in the once pale blue skin was replaced with a white pinkish tone of her eyes which were ruby red days ago had changed into a bright sliver hazel color.

"My hair.." she marveled, running her hands through her now completely platinum blond hair.

"What is going on?" she wondered as she felt a tingling sensation in her midsection, "I have to pee.." she gasped as she quickly found what looked like a latrine for the Ereder.

Sylvanas remembered that on the way to the village the hunting party drank water from a had been very thirsty, a feeling that was new to her, at least since becoming alive again. Sylvanas remembered Anduin laughing as she drank handfuls of water before burping.

" That idiot!" she sighed, using a small towel to attend to herself before looking in the mirror again.

Sylvanas was dreading this day, hating the day that she would be alive again since Anduin unintentionally jump started the process of her reanimation. She didn't think it was a gift, simply another part of her life that was given to her without her control or even wanting it in the first place. But she truly wanted to know if she was fully alive yet and there was one way to test it.

Sylvanas found her knife in her belongings, she lightly cut into the palm of her hand until she saw blood.

"Warm and perfectly red." she observed, the blood was neither cold nor black like she was accustomed to but like most living beings red and warm.

" I'm alive!" She sobbed, looking in the mirror almost hating herself. She had put so much effort into her new identity as a forsaken and it was all she was accustomed to. Sylvanas spent so much time developing a hatred for the living and now she was one of them, living and just like before she would have to carve out a new destiny, she hoped the forsaken would accept her when she returned to azeroth. But deep down she knew they would sooner kill her out of jealousy and envy. It was no secret that although they hated the living most forsaken just wanted to be alive again, to recover everything they lost. Suddenly Sylvanas was pulled from her thoughts when she heard footsteps by the door.

"Sylvanas, I have the clothes." Anduin said before he looked up to see couldn't see her clearly in the darkness of the room,but as the light reflected off of the crystal he could see her completely now. She was alive and looked no different than any other high elf, especially with her platinum blond hair.

"What are you doing?" he gasped as he quickly came to her side and removed the dagger from her hand.

She shook her head in anger, "Did you think I was committing suicide Anduin?Although I hate my new condition it's not worth me killing myself over." She spat.

" I don't know Sylvanas,there is still much that I have to learn about you" he sighed.

" As if I want you to know me boy! Once we get back to Azeroth the Alliance will be crushed." She argued, taking the clothes from his hands and putting them on. She had noticed that he had a new set of trousers and a shirt which clung to his body perfectly. The outfit was dark brown along with black boots.

"How did they know our size and how in the name of the sunwell did they make boots for you? I thought the goat people didn't really wear shoes?" She questioned, putting on her top and trousers which were a matching set of light green and gray.

" The funny thing is that I had the same question. Ellongir told me the craftsmen recovered our plated armor and they found a way to reverse engineer the clothing and boots for us." He answered.

Sylvanas sat down on the tub pulling the boots on her feet, "Smart goats aren't they."

Anduin shook his head, "They are not goats lady windrunner, they are a respectful honorific people."

" Boy you know I don't care, to me they are goat people." She replied as she stood in the mirror fixing her hair while Anduin leaned on the door frame watching her in amazement.

"What you said was untrue" he commented.

"About what? Them being goat people?" she glared at him from the side as she tied her hair.

"No, about the alliance being crushed once you get back, you have more of your own problems. Even you said the forsaken will never accept a living ruler,you can't make them follow you." He reasoned.

"There are plenty of forsaken who are loyal to me!" she argued, turning around to face him.

Anduin rolled his eyes, " Sylvanas, maybe the undead high elves but the humans wont, and there are more undead humans than elves. They would sooner kill you and have you replaced with Nathanos." He replied to which he noticed her fist tighten.

"Nathanos is loyal only to me he would never…"

"You don't know that, people can lie and will slit your throat in a heartbeat."

" Fool! I was the one who gave him a full undead body, like most of the forsaken he is forever in my debt."

" You mean the body of his cousin." he said calmly to watch her face turn into that of surprise and then anger.

"How did you know that boy!"

Anduin sighed before he spoke. " If your done with your hair, I would like to sit on the bed and tell you. My legs are still sore from the long track yesterday." He replied as he exited the bathroom.

"Bating me I see, what is he after?" she wondered as she complied and followed him.

"Now tell me Boy!" She demanded with her arms crossed, watching him sit on the bed.

"Nathanos family was very well known throughout the nobility of stormwind, his father was a very accomplished warrior. They were so well known that one noble had a family painting commissioned. I saw the painting and what Nathanos looked like before his death. However as he is now it's pretty obvious that it's his cousins body,they look completely different." He replied.

"What if I raised his cousin and gave him the name Nathanos to honor his family member?" she argued to which he chuckled.

"I'm not as stupid and naive as you think I am Sylvanas. I have also studied dark magic, particularly that of necromancy. Only the dark arts could accomplish something like that and it usually leaves the living person dead, like his cousin." He said with a hint of disgust in his voice.

Sylvanas glared at him, "Well played boy king now what is your point?"

Anduin got up from the bed and came face to face with her."My point is that I think he hates you for what you did and is waiting for the right time to wants to catch you in a vulnerable position and run a sword through your back. Also, did you forget the hand you had in the many crimes against the alliance?"

Sylvanas scoffed, " Then it doesn't matter what the Horde or forsaken might alliance would want to get to me first, especially your dog Genn. I wonder, would you have me thrown to the wolves Anduin?" She asked with a smirk.

Anduin hesitated, he knew in his heart that he wouldn't let her be thrown to the wolves. She would certainly serve some time in the stockades with his supervision of course.

Sylvanas noticed the hesitation and took advantage. " With the way things are going on between us you know that eventually I will be with you really let your allies kill me, the mother of your child?" she chuckled, taking full advantage of his mind.

" Sylvanas, we are not having a child nor getting married at the moment." he argued back confidently, he knew she was playing mind games with him and he would have to watch his steps carefully.

She rolled her eyes, " Oh please Anduin I know you desire me, it's clear as day."

"Yes, but that doesn't mean that I have to give myself over to it and you would use your own child as a bargaining chip to escape punishment!" he gasped as he saw her become infuriated at his assumption.

"Boy! I may be a warrior at heart, but I would never abandoned my child, you understand that!" she shouted as she grabbed him by his shirt.

" It is very hippocrytical to want to protect your child. But your plans led to the destruction of so many night evlen children. It doesn't make any since!" He argued back.

" I know it is doesnt boy! but it's just the way I feel." she replied seeing him shake his head,

" Sylvanas I wouldn't let you rot in the stockades if you were with child, but why are we talking about something so extreme? I'm sure everything will be fine and when we get back you would continue to hate me. Although, I'm not too sure about what would become of your leadership position in the horde." He questioned.

Sylvanas snorted." Unlike you I'm not naive,I know we will eventually have don't pat yourself on the back, I'm just using you as an outlet for physical gratification. And to be honest your good looking for a human, so while I'm here on this miserable planet I'm going to use you for all your worth to me." She smirked.

"Sylvanas that is horrible we don't even love each other, that type of thing lacks fullness to it. Something expendable, I don't believe that sex should be used in this way" he replied.

She simply shrugged her shoulders before walking towards the door, " I know you don't love me, but I know you feel something for me boy. Most alliance leaders would have killed me days ago. But you continue to show me kindness and gentleness despite the fact that I don't feel sorry for what I've done and will most likely continue to treat you in this way. So you must be mad or something is at work." She reasoned.

"And I wonder about you lady windrunner, who had the chance to kill me more than once but still hasn't acted on it. If you truly hated me like Arthas you would have killed me the first time you saw me in the jungle. But you didn't, you don't hate me but I know you simply tolerate me. Sex cannot be the only motivation and if you wanted to, you could make poison and kill me in my sleep. The Ereder think that we are mates and I'm sure it wouldn't be hard for you to fake despair in order for them to believe you." He chuckled.

"You are smarter than you look Anduin," she smirked as she slowly walked over to him, her face just mere inches from his own.

" But you are wrong, I do hate you very much and sex to me is worth keeping you around."She almost whispered.

" If you really believe all the things coming out of your mouth then your mad." he replied before wrapping his hands around her hips.

"Some forsaken call me crazy, but I know I'm sane." she whispered as she stared into his blue eyes, she hated being a slave to her physical desires but the opportunity was too good to pass up, besides she hated him right?

Anduin quickly closed the gaps between their lips as they meet in a fierce kiss that seemed to go on forever until they both needed air. Anduin took in heavy breaths as he observed her swollen red lips. She looked simply beautiful as he felt her hands on his shoulders, her silver hazel eyes captivating his own.

"By the light I don't know what is going on between us, Human and elf, alliance king and warchief, different morals. We are completely different" He sighed.

" I don't have an answer Anduin." she answered honestly before she left the room. Anduin was even more confused his actions, he didn't love the women but he cared for her a lot. He knew that under her hard exterior was just a women who had been dealt some bad cards in life and was surviving the only way she knew how. This didn't excuse her actions, but her past life experiences was what made her into the feared banshee made his way down the steps, catching a glimpse of Sylvanas answering the door.

Elligor looked confused at seeing Sylvanas instead of Anduin.

" I got it Sylvanas." Anduin announced as he came behind her.

"Fine,just hurry up with your goat Anduin." she remarked, moving out of the way.

Anduin ignored her rude comment as he greeted the older Eredar, " Good afternoon Elligor how are you?"

Elligor smiled, " I'm Good Anduin, I just came here to invite you to the village feast, it starts in about five minutes."

Anduins blue eyes brightened at the prospects of a large feast with another culture, "Sure we will be there!" he excamiled.

" Such zeal Anduin, I hope it matches your stomach." The older Ereder laughed.

" I hope so too." he smiled and rubbed his stomach before the Ereder left.

Sylvanas raised her eyebrow, she had the sinking feeling that he was about to ask her to do something she didn't wanna do. "What is it boy?" she asked sharply.

"They are having a feast in the next five minutes, you don't have to go but I would like you to go." Anduin replied as his grin grew even wider at the thought of food.

" Fine but on one condition." she smirked.

"And is that?" he asked with suspicion.

"Teach me the goat peoples language, I can't exactly be useful around here being out of the loop." she replied.

Anduin nodded, "That would help out a lot and maybe you can make some friends." he suggested to see her roll her eyes.

"Oh please I have no desire to make friends with you or the goat people."

" It would help, but we can start today just follow my lead as I point to things." he said before they left the house.

It was mid afternoon as they walked along the streets of the village, not to many Ereder were outside, most probably enjoying the feast. Anduin had liked the village so far everything seemed so clean and in place. No trash or garbage which was far different than what he saw in stormwind on a daily basis. As they continued walking Sylvanas nudged Anduin in the shoulder getting his attention.

"Teach me boy." she commanded.

Anduin shook his head, " Okay fine, that is what they call a house." he replied but used Thalassian and Eredun to relay it back to Sylvanas.

"Sounds easy enough I had to learn orcish and many other tongues in my time as warchief." she said pronouncing many different words in Eredun as he taught her.

"So why do you suck a common." Anduin chuckled to which she punched him in the shoulder but not as hard as before.

"I don't suck a common, it's just that it's hard to pronounce the words with my foundational thalassian language. Ignorant human!"

"Don't worry about it, when you speak in common I think its attractive, especially with your accent." he confessed to which he saw her turn away quickly.

"I don't care what you find attractive Anduin." she replied as they approached the crowded feast filled with Ereder that towered over them.

"Oh really?" Anduin smiled before he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her elven ears, which he knew were sensitive.

"Dammit Boy!" she slightly blushed as she tried to grab him but he moved out of the way.

"Come on lady windrunner lighten up you don't always have to have a chip on your shoulder. We are not on Azeroth, no one knows us. We don't have to be bitter enemies, I'm using this time to get a much needed vacation, perhaps you can use it to." He smiled.

Sylvanas crossed her arms over her chest looking at Anduin with a slight glare. " How can you be so carefree when my Horde could be destroying your alliance right now?" she questioned.

Anduin chuckled as they made there way through the crowd, " I trust in the light and I know things will work out for the best."

" So blind faith I see."

Anduin laughed, " Nope just faith."

Sylvanas signed, In away he was right. They were on a distant planet far away from home and who would see them. Although she was undead formally, she did have hobbies and liked to enjoy many things when she was alive. Now with her condition most likely complete she could enjoy these things again to the fullest extent. Two years to relax and unwind after years of war and hatred. She knew Nathonos could take care of everything while she was gone and the war would most likely go on for years.

"Fine Anduin, I will as you say lighten up of sorts, but that doesn't mean I will be you or the goat people's friend." She confessed to which she saw Anduins face light up like a fire.

" Well the ice queen finally lightened up a little bit, come on!"Anduin exclaimed as he pulled her into a circle were the Ereder were dancing to the sound of drums and a string like instrument and a flute.

" I don't dance fool." Sylvanas exclaimed, as she felt a little foolish standing in the middle of the circle watching Anduin along with the other Eredar dance next to the fire and music.

" I have visited many high elven districts in dalaran, I know you can dance, most elven women do. Unless you were to much of a stuck up women to dance. Oh how could I forget the mighty Sylvanas windrunner can't dance.' Anduin chuckled as he moved his body to the music.

"Fine." Sylvanas agreed as she moved her feet to the Eredar folk music, which reminded her of old Tavern music. She had often celebrated like this with her sisters after they had won a battle but that was many years ago.

"There you go." Anduin clapped as other Ereder joined In and starting singing an old Eredun folk song. Sylvanas wanted nothing more than to show Anduin up at anything he did even if it meant something as simple as dancing.

"Oh Father, oh father, come riddle to me

Come riddle it all as one

And tell me whether to marry fair Jazisada

Or bring the brown girl home

The brown girl she has house and land

Fair Ellender she has none

And there I charge you with the blessing

To bring the brown girl home

He got on his Elekk and he rode and he rode

He rode 'til he come to her home

And no one so ready as fair Jazsiada herself

To rise and welcome him in

What news have you brought unto me, Lord Eol 'nad?

What news have you brought unto me?

I've come to ask you to my wedding

A sorrowful wedding to be

Oh Mother, oh mother, would you go or stay?

Fair child do as you please

I'm afraid if you go, you'll never return

To see your dear mother any more

Once the song was over all of the Eredar near the fire shouted for joy at seeing the two dance with joy and viger. However Anduin and Sylvanas were gasping for air after the dance was over as Anduin made his way to a wooden chair when he suddenly felt Sylvanas fall into his had a wide grin on his face as he saw Sylvanas look tired but actually happy and as much as she would deny it he could see the faintest smile on her face.

'Not a word from you Anduin." she huffed, drinking a cup of water a Ereder had brought her.

"It was fun Sylvanas," he smiled.

"It was childish and foolish nothing more," she replied as she adjusted herself in his lap.

"So now I'm a human chair?"

"Yes and a good one at that, now stay still while a catch my energy human." she smirked, seeing him move his hands behind his head in a relaxed position.

As the night went on Anduin and Sylvanas ate and drank along with the other festivities that happened during the night. Anduin felt so full his stomach could have burst, meanwhile Sylvanas seemed to have a never ending appetite, most likely from her body being fully renewed. However what surprised Anduin was her willingness to drink the Eredar beer. He knew she hadn't drank in years but he was simply amazed as she downed cup after cup until she was obviously drunk.

"Come on Sylvanas, I think it's good for to lay down." he said as he gently pulled her away from the table with more than five empty cups.

"Anduin!" she exclaimed, hugging him and rubbing her nose into his chest. Sylvanas eyes were bit hazy but she had a big smile on her face along with a red blush on her cheeks.

"Yes I am here." he sighed seeing her almost stumble over his feet as they walked home.

"You take good care of your mate." A Eredar announced, seeing the two walk home.

" Oh she isn't my mate, I forgot to correct people earlier , she hates me." he laughed before he heard Sylvanas whisper something in his ear that made him blush.

My wife hates me as well, ah don't worry she will come around." The Eredar laughed before he said his goodbyes to the couple.

" Goodbye sir, and that's very improper Sylvanas!" Anduin reprimanded.

"You know you want to light boy,come on you have been thinking about it, I don't bite, much." she smiled, kissing Anduin on his neck and running her soft fingers down his chest.

Anduin sighed as they finally come to their house, " Here we are." He said as he closed the door behind them.

"Time to make some half elven babies Anduin, come on, make love to me Anduin." Sylvanas purred into his ear as he helped her up the steps.

" I will not take advantage of a incapacitated women, I am a light wielder Sylvanas." he replied, gently laying her down in their bed.

" Am i ugly Anduin." she sobbed, suddenly catching his attention in a matter of seconds.

"By the light No!, despite your personality and actions I think your one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen." he confessed before he sat down in the bed next to her.

" That's good to know Anduin, now can we make love." she yawned while rubbing her eyes.

Anduin blushed, Sylvanas hair had become untied in her drunken stupor and as a result her long blonde hair hung like a waterfall from her head. Her silver eyes and ruby red lips called to him but he knew it wasn't right. Not only was she drunk but he couldn't live with himself if he did this.

Sylvanas rolled her eyes before she suddenly lost consciousness, her body tired from the day and the amount of alcohol she consumed. Anduin lightly laughed before he pulled the covers over her and moved her long hair behind her ears.

"Beautiful indeed." Anduin yawned before he moved himself under the covers and went to sleep.