

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Bitter Enemies by seryon

supahsanic6969 · วิดีโอเกม
24 Chs


Anduin engaged his opponent with an intensity never before seen in him. He knew that Tyrande was a fierce fighter by her own right and he knew that he would have to match her level of aggression if he were to have a chance in this fight.

Anduin let out a painful grunt as her first lodged itself in between his ribs, an ache,feeling similar to that of a bruise started to form. So far throughout their intense fight he barely managed to land a blow on her, he figured the thousands of years of training would do that. And although she is stood nearly eight inches taller than him, he could manage to get under her length, at least in theory?

" Your body is failing you boy!" She grinned, with her unmistakable white fangs baring for all to see.

" To give up would be such a shame! Wouldn't you want a good fight?" Anduin chucked, although painfully. " You need to have a little more faith in me than that tyrande."

The jaded queen paused at his statement, wondering if what he was saying was genuine or just a ploy to mess with her.

" We wouldn't have to go through this if you handed over the witch King Anduin. This could be done with your word! Why should I have to risk my honor if I accidentally kill the king! My people have done nothing wrong to anyone but her, she gets to live in peace while we still suffer? Mothers without their sons, wives without husbands! That's hardly fair to anyone and you know it!" She replied sharply, giving a hard kick to his chest for good measure.

Anduin skeeted back a few feet before grunting in pain. " I may not fully be able to understand your peoples pain but I empathize with them and your struggle!Maybe in another time she would've faced justice, however now it's different. We need her to face the forces of the undead, Thandor planes to destroy all of Azeroth! I'm sorry to say this but they're more important things right now than getting personal justice for your people. I don't mean that to be hurtful, however you need to realize what will happen if she is killed!

His words tore into the queen like a blade through her heart, however this had the opposite effect that he intended. She was shaking with anger, sweat pouring from her body. Her muscles pulsating and straining like they were about to burst."

" I don't think Anduin should have said anything to the tree hunger! This seemed to have made her worse, if she goes further I will have to act. I will not let my husband be killed! To hell with honor!" Sylvanas whispered to Valeera and watched with anticipation and anxiety.

" I still have a smoke bomb to use just in case, The only problem will be getting out of here in time?" She replied.

The former war chief held her hand underneath her chin signaling intense thought. " Are you good with magic?"

" As good as any other sin'dorei, it's respectable but nothing near the level of a mage, why do you ask?"

Sylvanas looked towards the match which was clearly going one way as Anduin had severe bruising all over his body. " If we're both able to channel a decent amount of mana into this hearthstone we should be able to get to another location. I know that Anduin had his plan to teleport from here, but that may be compromised for now."

Valeera, paused slightly, " maybe it's not compromised just yet, Anduin had been looking at the inscription to teleport to Outland, I may be able to figure it out and carve it into the hearth stone." She answered.

The former war chief quickly handed Valeera the stone before giving her a node of approval, signaling that she must hurry but be careful not to be seen. Sylvanas wouldn't let anyone know this but she was increasingly worried about this fight. She felt powerless to intervene, she wanted Anduin to win in an honorable way but at the moment it was definitely far out of his reach. Tyrande has been trained from birth in her people's martial art, some historians even said that the kaldorei were most likely the first people to develop an advanced fighting form. Perhaps even Tyrande was one of its first practitioners.

" Come on Anduin I know there is something that you could do!"

Anduin was indeed dealing with more than he could handle, Tyrande was getting the best of him but perhaps he could win the ground game?

Anduin acted quickly as he used an old move his father taught him and suplexed Tyrande to the ground. Her long limbs made it possible for him to latch into her knew she only outweighed him by twenty pounds however no matter how strong her physiology was she still became susceptible to basic submission movements.

" Wouldn't work on an orc, that's for sure!"

Tyrande was taken aback by the boy's strength as she struggled to get out of his hold, her peoples martial art was based solely on standing and not the ground, it was considered dishonorable to do this in a match, however Anduin wouldn't have known such a thing. Her arm was inbetween his legs and he used her own arm against her for leverage. It was increasingly becoming painful despite her effort.

" A dirty trick boy!" She seethed.

" I would do what is necessary to stop you Tyrande, stop your pursuit of revenge and let the will of the light carry out justice!"

Tyrande turned her head to give him a look of hate. " Why didn't your precious life protect the children from being burned, why didn't your precious light protect my people from being ravaged by that Witch!You dare lecture me about the light priest! Why would I trust anything other than my own hands and willpower to handle something like this!"

Anduin gripped tighter as he felt her resistance strengthening. " Tyrande you couldn't control fate any more than you could control your people being ravaged."

" No!" Tyrande shouted as she broke out of the hold and they scrambled on the ground to battle for supremacy!

Tyrande felt something off and gave him a devilish smirk. " No wonder the witch likes you so much, you appear to be enough to please most women!" She said in a sultry tone, seeking to make Anduin distracted.

However Anduin would have none of it as he reversed their position one final time to interlock her head between his arms, her long ears almost impaired his vision but his arms acted as his eyes, quickly feeling for her jugular veins as he applied pressure. Anduin was a healer by nature, he had to know most bodies in and out.

" In has less than a minute you will lose consciousness and we will leave, please do not follow us." He almost begged.

Tyrande, who knew she lost the fight, yelled something in darnassian as she clawed into Anduin arms, leaving scraps as blood poured on them. He felt incredible pain as her nails were more like claws than anything else but he kept his fortitude regardless.

" You will pay for your dishonor, boy!"

Anduin shook his head, " Sleep,warrior" Anduin hushed as the queen finally lost consciousness signaling that he had won the day. However he feared the battle was just beginning. Tyrande wasn't in her right state of mind to just let them go freely, most likely she had shouted out orders to kill them if he won.

Anduin tried to fight it but exhaustion quickly took over as he fell back on the marble floor ruins of the temple. Sylvanas and Valeera quickly ran to his aid.

" I would ask if you're okay but you're clearly not Anduin." Sylvanas smiled but kept a watchful eye on their surroundings. She had a sinking feeling that Tyrande's soldiers wouldn't let them leave alive, so she was thankful for the fact that Valeera had a plan in advance.

Valeera looked around to see the Kaldorei soldiers surrounding them, fearing the worst as she readied her smoke bombs in Anticipation.

One soldier in particular stood out among the rest, clearly a second in command to Tyrande. A Kaldorei woman, who had long silver hair and a beautiful but imposing figure. She wore a look of seriousness but hesitancy.

Time stood still for Anduin who barely made out the figure who stood over them, his vision had become fuzzy from his fight however it was beginning to come back to him.

" Is the king ready to speak?" She asked suddenly.

Sylvanas wore a look of annoyance before she spoke but was stopped by her husband who sensed she would let her anger take over.

"No! I can speak. It's because of them that we were being held up! I am pregnant and could give birth any week now, I'm stressed which is bad for our children, they can go kiss my…!"

" Which is why we are letting you go" The commander said with a sigh.

Anduin,Sylvanas and Valeera looked bewildered and concerned,"What!" They all said in unison.

" Although we are still very angry with you, you're clearly not the banshee queen anymore. The humans call it the light, but we feel that it may very well be the will of Elune. We saw your concern and care for King Anduin, something I'm sure we both could agree on would never happen before your change. We can't prosecute a different person for their past crimes, especially in a case like this, although I would be lying if we didn't want to take our revenge on you. But to our greatest surprise you are.."

" Pregnant, yes it was an unexpected surprise for us as well, it's not exactly something that we planned. Who would've guessed the former war chief of the horde would be carrying the legacy of the alliance king." Sylvanas sighed, she was certainly worried about the latest events in her life but she couldn't say that she regretted anything, she loved Anduin with all of her heart and couldn't wait until their children were born.

Anduin released a sigh of relief, " I know that this must have been hard, Especially since you all experienced loss from that horrible day. But you're also putting your own livelihoods at risk for disobeying orders from Tyrande but I can't thank you all enough. There are many evils rising up all over the kingdoms and they must be dealt with. But the birth of my children comes first at the moment. I have a strange feeling that the light will have a very specific will for them."

" Since when have you felt that way,you haven't told me much about that boy king?" Sylvanas chuckled.

" Well our king is full of surprises," Valeera agreed.

" I wish Elune's blessing on you and your family king Anduin but you must go quickly. Turande will wake up soon and we have the horrifying task of coming up with a good excuse as to why you all escaped." She sighed, overlooking the trouble expressions on all of her subordinates faces. Tyrande was no longer the gentle queen that they adored. She had become very spiteful and vengeful in her quest for justice.

" Try these out!" Vereesa chimed in, giving the commander three smoke bombs. " I was going to use these things if everything went south, just tell her that we escaped into the woods and use the smoke bombs before she wakes up. I would recommend someone watching her until then. You know, so y'all can get the story right." She added.

Tyrande's soldiers wore a look of confusion and then expressed gratitude, " Thank you so much sin'dorei."

Vereesa simply shook her head, " It's good to know there are some decent people,despite the madness going on in the world."

" Told you." Anduin chuckled as Slyvannas helped him stand to his feet. " Good people still exist in this world, not just me Vereesa."

The blood elf rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Whatever."

" It seems my husband is naive as ever, anyway I thank you for what you all have done for not just Anduin but me as well. And I know that this sounds quite odd coming from me, perhaps even disrespectful but I sincerely apologize for the actions of my past self. This new life and body certainly has a way of making me remorseful for what I've done." She said, slowly gaining the attention of those around her before she continued.

"It's like waking up in a new world and finding out that everyone hates you for a very good reason but at the same time you're not that person anymore. I'm going to use this new life to fight against the evil that I created! Sylvanas the banshee queen is gone. Now all that stands before you is Sylvanas windrunner wyrnn!" She declared with grit.

Anduin couldn't help the beaming smile that was drawn across his face, he waited a long time to see this change and now it was finally on display. He would love to savor the moment but time is short.

" Let's get going." He added, gently grabbing his wife by the hand as he channeled his mana into the Crystal.

" Outland here we come!" he smiled,