

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Bitter Enemies by seryon

supahsanic6969 · วิดีโอเกม
24 Chs


Anduin felt a heavy sensation on his chest as he spiraled out of the portal along with Sylvanas and Valeera. He'd never cared much for mana portals, they always left his body feeling exhausted and sick but he couldn't imagine the toll it had taken on his wife's body.

" Are you okay?" He asked, quickly closing the gap between himself and his wife before helping her to her feet.

She tried to hide her face from her husband but there was no use, the tears streamed down her face and she was completely defeated. Sylvanas just lost her good friend, possibly one of her only friends in the world besides her husband.

She roughly ran her fingers through her hair while uttering curses in her native language. She was angered with herself." How could I let this happen!" She shouted, punching a nearby stone slab and scraping her hand.

Anduin released a heavy sigh, he knew Lor' Themar's death would affect her deeply. He was disappointed with himself for not being able to do anything!Even with his power there were still some things he was unable to accomplish. But what if instead of Lor'themar it would have been his wife? This was a deep fear that Anduin held unto but he couldn't focus on it now, he must comfort his wife!

" Sylvanas there was nothing that we could do, if we stayed we would have died and you would have lost your children." Valeera pointed out, seeing that a helpful dose of perspective might help the former war chief.

"I know but… his death was caused because of my creation!I created those devices for the alliance,out of my hate!" She shouted as she roughly hit her chest before continuing. " It was my hate that cost the life of my friend!" She cried, before Anduin quickly enveloped her in a tight embrace.

" He gave his life for a noble cause, and we will avenge his death,you have my word Sylvanas!" Anduin declared, feeling warm tears drip onto his neck as she tightened her hold.

Valeera set her hand upon Sylvanas shoulder." You have my word as well,we won't let Thandor get away with this. And I will give my life to make sure that It doesn't happen!"

Sylvanas nodded her head in approval before wiping the tears from her face, she would have time to mourn later but now she needed to get to safety along with her husband. Most likely Thandor sent trackers after the explosion so they needed to get as far away as possible.

" How do we…"

A loud animalistic cry quickly let the group know that they weren't the only ones in the immediate area. However their fears were put to rest as a large griffin came swooping down beside them.

Anduin suddenly jumped for joy upon seeing his companion.

" I thought we lost her but she's good at tracking us it seems." Anduin exclaimed before the griffin nugged her head against Anduin's shoulder.

" It seems that your wife isn't the only female that likes you." The assassin remarked, seeing a slight frown appear on his wife's face.

Anduin smiled before feeling a slight uncomfortability in his wife, " You don't like Griffins? " He questioned.

Slyvannas shook her head, " I never could quite get along with Griffins,especially the female they sensed my domineering personality. I just hope your pet doesn't flip me off of her back when we're riding." She sighed, knowing that this was the only way to escape.

" Oh don't worry she's actually really nice, just a little rough around the nevermind you someone?" He teased,giving his wife a light nug to her own annoyance.

" You're horrible at making jokes Anduin, don't nug me like that, I'm pregnant remember?" She sighed.

" I' m not that…"

" Yes you are."

" Well I beg to differ, maybe in your own opinion my dearest wife…"

Sylvanas couldn't help but to snicker" Don't make me laugh, that's like my old subordinates saying that I'm a very nice person. Even I would have meant that I was a…"

" language Sylvanas." Anduin warned.

His wife sent him a very terrifying glare."Excuse me! Did you just…"

Valeera sighed, " Well I guess Anduin was do make an alright couple,certainly argue like one and who would've thought that they would have a debate in the middle of a war zone!" She thought before deciding to enter interject in the happy couple's argument.

" Anduin do you still have the map to the portal to Outland?,Hopefully we can make it," Valeera interrupted.

" Aren't there guards posted around the portal? How would we even plan to get past them? Sylvanas asked with a raised eyebrow.

Anduin looked at them with confusion on his face before laughing, causing both of the elves to look at him in a bewildered manner. He thought he told Valeera about his plan before they arrived but apparently he must have forgot.

" I had a friend get me a stone from the black market, it's supposed to teleport us to one of the cities in outland.I just don't know which one, but it's not like a regular hearthstone. We have to travel to a location to set the stone on a statue and then the portal will be emitted from its mouth."

The plan seemed pretty solid in his head, however it did not go over well with the two elves who quickly sent him a hard

glare."You're telling me that you would let your pregnant wife go through a portal that you got on the black market! How do we even know it works? His wife argued.

" I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with Sylvanas how do you even know it works Anduin. Say we go to the Statue and nothing happens?"

" I'm not completely sure but I will put my money on it." He said, Anduin knew why they were hesitant but at the moment that they didn't really have any options.

Sylvanas rolled her eyes and surrendered." If we're going then we must leave now!Who knows how long it will be until Thandor is hot on our tracks."

Valeera nodded in agreement as she settled into the giffrin for travel, " I hope the beast is comfortable with you,otherwise we'll be going swimming." She warned.

" Well it's my husband's pet, so I assume he would know better than to let me ride a beast that wouldn't hesitate to kill me! But as someone who has been around Anduin for some time, I will admit that he doesn't really think." She complained, settling herself in between Anduin and Valeera.

" You might as well just settle your nerves Sylvanas, hopefully we will arrive at location in a few hours, are you all strapped in and ready?" He asked.

Both elves nodded in unison as the giffin's powerful wings began to take flight. Sylvanas felt a sinking feeling of fear as she rode higher and higher above the sky. She was never comfortable with riding these beasts, they always gave her an issue but so far it seemed to be calm. However she quickly had the urge to throw up all the continents in her stomach.

" Can you go a bit slower?" She asked, deciding that enough was enough and Anduin needed to slow the beast down.

"It's the morning sickness isn't it?" Anduin assumed as he stared the griffin a bit slower like how she asked.

" Here, take this." Valeera suggested as she handed Sylvanas a herb.

" Is this poison?"" Sylvanas asked with blunt sarcasm.

The assassin rolled her eyes." Yes it is, matter fact I want to kill the king's lineage right now." Valeera replied sarcastically, and then continued. " There's no sense in having you throw up on all of us while we're riding,we have at least three more hours to go."

The former war chief replied with a sound of annoyance before she ate the herb, instantly feeling her stomach relieve itself. After a short time of silence she surprised both of her companions by saying two simple words.

" Thank you." She whispered.

Valeera was slightly astonished, this woman who was known as very bitter and hateful just thanked her!

" I would have never thought that I would hear those words from you Sylvanas and you're quite welcome." She paused before continuing." By the way I know that Anduin cares a lot for you. And although I may not agree with your relationship, I'll certainly support Anduin if he feels like it's right." She confessed.

Sylvanas was slightly taken aback by her honesty, however she was slightly offended at her lack of support for the relationship! She came to the conclusion some time ago that many people wouldn't give their marriage a snowball's chance in Hades but this was getting quite ridiculous! Yes there may be a huge age gap and difference of race, but if Anduin and could change her heart than anything was possible.

" Why might I ask, do you not support our marriage?"

Anduin suddenly felt a knot form in his throat, he knew this wife had a temper and he'd hoped this wasn't the time it would flare up."Well maybe she's just saying that…"

" Hush little Lion, I just want to know, after all no one really gives us a chance anyway. Is it that unbelievable that someone could change? Now back to my question, Valeera, why don't you support our marriage?" Sylvanas asked in a very calm manner which surprised both her husband and Valeera.

Valeera released a heavy sigh, the assassin didn't want to get into an argument with the former war chief. However judging by her overall calmness and demeanor, it seemed as though that they may be able to have a civil conversation about the matter.

" Sylvanas, the light may have changed you along with the help of your husband but you are still a damaged person. I don't believe you will betray the alliance or Anduin but I do think that because you're damaged,

It can make your marriage a lot harder than it has to be! Perhaps putting too many expectations on Anduin, you mistakenly believed that I'm against your marriage because of your obvious and incredible differences. But to put it plainly, I'm speaking about the longevity of your relationship." Valeera explained while feeling Sylvanas body stiffen at her admission.

Surprisingly enough the former war chief didn't have a rebuttal for a few minutes,perhaps taking time to gather her thoughts and settling her anger and emotions. When enough time had passed she finally cleared her throat to speak.

" What makes Anduin so special is that he knows all of this, he knows my anxieties, he knows about my depression along with my antics. He was the first human in years to look at me as something other than the wretched Banshee Queen! He told me that I could be reconciled and I wasn't a monster. And even when I push back against his kindness and gratitude he always responded in the same fashion and the same graceful manner…"

She suddenly felt a slight tear on her face and struggled to continue, her throat feeling numb with emotion.

"I… I have given this man more than anyone could handle but regardless he still took my burdens and loved me the same. I know I'm not perfect but I'm very committed to changing, otherwise I wouldn't be here with this man now. I love him completely, no matter if we have a thousand years left or one day,I will continue to love him." She confessed before holding Anduin tighter from behind.

" By the Light she really has changed!" Valeera thought.

The assassin was floored at hearing the former Warcheifs statements and admission. If Valeera were to be honest with herself when Anduin told her about Sylvanas, she'd thought he lost his mind and the Banshee Queen Bewitched him! However from observing their interactions it was clear that Anduin accomplished something no one on Azeroth could ever do! Like an arrow going through armor he penetrated her heart and managed to change her from the inside out. Sure the same snarky, high horsed Sylvanas was there,she was always that even before her death. But regardless the assassin became convinced of their strong bond.

" Judging by your silence I see that your astonished Valeera." Anduin chuckled.

" Oh hush little lion it's not every day that a person gets to hear an emotional confession by the Banshee Queen herself. You should be honored that my voice even graced your ears." She teased before nibbling on his ear.

" Perhaps you two will prove me wrong,I just hope you can deal with having children! Light knows I don't want to deal with anything like that, have you two thought about names?" Valeera asked.

The married couple both shrugged their shoulders, " Well, I wasn't really expecting Sylvanas to become pregnant and then now that I think about it. We weren't really taking precautions like all we should have." Anduin added.

" So what you're telling me is that you guys were having sex like rabbits? And besides Sylvanas you know better! It's common knowledge among the Quel dori that conception happens faster between the two races!"

" Oh please thats just a myth,I don't think that it…"

" Obviously in your situation it is true,your body would've become fully regenerated and certainly would have had enough time to go through a menstrual cycle." The Assassin teased.

Sylvanas face turned red with embarrassment, before changing the subject. But Valeera did bring up a good point,when where they going to decide names?

" Whatever!" Slyvanas said,dismissing the subject and then addressed her husband.

"Anduin are we there yet? We've been flying over this jungle for about two hours now, what is this secret location that you spoke of?" She asked.

" I concur." Valeera agreed as she observed the jungle below, by her observations and Anduin had taken them to the wetlands near Arathi Highlands.

The former King didn't address the questions as he was deeply engulfed in his own not aware of his companions, he had a map but he didn't know exactly where it….

" there it is!" He shouted.