

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Bitter Enemies by seryon

supahsanic6969 · วิดีโอเกม
24 Chs


" Quickly we don't have much time, we have to find your wife now!" Valeera said as she finished off the last of the guards.

" Thank you Valeera, your combat skills have brought us some time." Anduin said before they headed to the stockades. The young king could fill his markings light up on his arm, he knew that his wife was close but he felt a great impending darkness coming up on them.

" Do you feel that Valeera? I know that you don't know much about the light but surely anyone can feel the darkness." Anduin said.

The Elven Rogue paused briefly, her species were known for their affinity towards magic and sometimes she sensed either strong arcane magic or even…"

" This is necromancy that fool Thandor started the ritual!" Valeera spat.

" It has to be that disgusting magic but what ritual are you talking about?"

The young elf held her finger to her lips, signaling that quietness was needed at the knew the young king wanted answers but first she had to secure the area. They didn't have much time to talk and by the looks of the stockades most of the criminals had already escaped. Any one of them could strike at any second and without if they weren't paying attention.

Anduin knew what his childhood friend meant, safety was the first priority over anything at the moment. But time was running out and he needed to know what she meant by the ritual.

" I need to know l Valeera, especially if I have a chance to stop it." Anduin said in a hushed tone.

Valeera shook her head and unsheathed her daggers before answering his question.

" Even Slyvanas knows about this is older than me after all but I'm surprised she didn't tell you."

" Tell me what? I must know Valeera!"

The young Quel dori released a sound of frustration before answering." Long ago before Arthas invaded our homeland we already had problems with necromancy and dark forbidden magic in our kingdom. The ruling classes outlawed the practice of such magic because of its tendency for bloodlust."

" bloodlust?"

Valeera nodded," yes the magic causes its users to go into a bloodlust frenzy. They killed multiple people to raise them undead. Except unlike Arthas and even your wife's magic the victims didn't retain a similar appearance like they did before they died. The victim's turned into beast like creatures that craved flesh and destruction.

" By the Light that's horrible!"

" Horrible isn't even the word for it Anduin. I saw a forged version of the ritual once in my life and the creature was hideous. Fortunately for my group we ended up killing the Necromancer and the creature but at the cost of many lives. Not even to mention the fact that it wasn't even the truest form of the ritual. It was a mere reflection of what could be if used right."

" It's that destructive?"

Valeera released sad sigh.

"The ritual when used will transform an unlimited amount of corpses into those hideous creatures. Thandor needs to have the blood of three elven elders who are at least a thousand years old and unfortunately those three on the island and probably have been taken captive.

" It just seems like our problems keep getting worse and worse,first we find my wife and then we stop the ritual."

Valeera couldn't help the shocked expression from appearing on her face.

" And what if we run out of time to stop the ritual Anduin? Surely our first priority should be to get your wife and then leave this isle."

" Yes but I have a duty to stop the darkness wherever it may lead. I may be the king of Stormwind by I'm also a light wilder. My life is a small consequence compared to the horror that would be unleashed upon the world if Thandor succeeded in his plans."

Valeera suddenly heard footsteps approaching from the dark end of the corridor. They were strong and confident, couldn't be a guard otherwise they would be a lot faster and frantic. Certainly not a criminal otherwise they would be scared and murderous, this person was...

" And you are my husband first!" Sylvanas yelled as she bristly walked past Valeers and slapped Anduin across the face. Surprising both himself and Valeera.

Anduin reacted in pain." Was that really necessary! I came all this way to rescue you and all I get is a slap,have you lost your mind because of the pregnancy!

" Shut up! Anduin."

The young king was about to speak before she pushed him lightly.

"I said shut up! Would you use your eyes for once and look at me!" Slyvanas said.

Anduin quickly looked down and saw stains of blood all over her clothing,he knew that it couldn't be hers otherwise with anyone losing this much blood they would be dead or unconscious.

" How did…?"

" I was able to break free from my cell and I begin to cut down guard and criminal alike one by one. But that is not why I'm angry Anduin, I'm not angry because you didn't get to me fast enough so I didn't have to do these things, I'm a windrunner and Banshee Queen! So I somewhat enjoy the thrill of violence."

" Forgive me for interrupting but why are you angry?" Valeera interjected.

Slyvannas quickly look at the elf and then back to Anduin.

" Before I cut down the last of the guards I overheard the conversation you two were having! Anduin it sure sounded like you were about to give up your life to stop this ritual! Our children aren't even born yet and your talking about giving up your life and leaving me alone! I will not stand for it! I will not lose the one who I love after years of being a wretched banshee, I'm finally happy after all these years and to have it ripped away from me so prematurely…." She cried angrily.

" it is my duty like my father before me." Anduin said sadly, while he saw more tears pouring from her face.

" I was there,your father didn't have a choice! She seethed. " So don't lecture me on sacrifice, you do have a choice and If I have to cut your legs off then so be it. But you will be with me when I have your children,especially after you got me pregnant and I will not be alone like I was all those years before! You will raise this crazy, dysfunctional family with me!" She almost commanded with red teary eyes.

Anduin lightly chuckled, " Dysfunctional would be the right word, you do have a lot of mood swings even without the pregnancy. Also not to mention the fact that it seems like you want to kill me most days than not. Lastly, you have quite a bit of an anger issue lady windrunner but some strange reason I fell for you."

" I rather be dysfunctional than a pompous prince who is the ultimate form of justice or rather thinks he is." She chuckled and then continued." But even in impossible odds I fell in love with you too and because of that I don't want you to die right now Anduin. As you have said the light has a will, let it sort out this mess."

" She is right Anduin, we will do what we can and try to gather as many survivors as possible but in the end, once I use this incantation portal it's a done deal." Valeera added.

The young king wasn't too fond of these options. He wanted to save as many people as possible but he also knew that his family was first above many pletely opposite from what his father had told him in his youth. Putting your family before the kingdom was considered heresy even treachery among the nobles. But to protect the greater good in exchange for your life, now that was a hard decision to make.

Anduin noticed the confused looks on the two elven woman's face as he paused for a few brief moments. Taking into account every course of action he could take until he finally spoke.

" First we find Lor' themar and any survivors that will listen to us and then we open the portal. Slyvannas do you have any idea where they may be holding him?" He asked, seeing his wife look perplexed for a moment.

" He was in the cell next to me a day before but they moved him while I was asleep. My guess would be that they put him into a deeper and more protected cell on the lower levels."

Valeera agreed. " In my experience when they want to move a more influential prisoner,he or she is put into a lower due to the fact that it's almost impossible to escape. But with your wife's appearance it appears that the lower levels are filled with confused guards and bloodthirsty prisoners." She said but chuckled at the last part.

" Well I think that solves our problem, we need to go to the lower level and perform a rescue before more guards show up." Anduin agreed.

" No sense in waiting here then." Slyvanas chimed in before she tired to walk past the group but not before Anduin put a protection spell over her.

The windrunner gave him a glare.

" Safety over everything, you may be the best ranger to ever live but anyone can get hurt, especially in the state you're in."

" find little lion if you must but come on let us go bathe in the blood of my enemies." She grinned.

" For once I actually agree with the former warchief,I do enjoy a good fight after all." Valeera grinned.

Anduin shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest."So much lust for violence between the two of you. If I didn't know any better I would think that you would be orcs or worgen.

" Oh please husband, we are something else altogether, much more elegant and refined unlike the brutish orcs or the animalistic worgen. Quel dori woman are more ferocious than you think and looks can be deceiving as I'm sure you found out by spending so much time with me." Slyvanas smiled as the group continued to the lower levels of the dungeon.

Soon their journey was met with much resistance as criminals and guards alike attacked from all corners and all sides of the cramped corridor's. But one question remained on Anduins mind and that was who released all the prisoners? Surely the guards wouldn't have done such a thing so who was ridiculous and insane enough?

" I wonder who was dumb enough to release some of the most bloodthirsty murderers in Silvermoon! This is a pain in the backside to deal with!" Anduin yelled, while he stabbed a prisoner into his gut and kicked him off his sword,leaving a crimson stain on his blade.

" How close-minded of you husband what if the person who released the prisoners thought it would be a better idea to escape. It is simpler to walk out in the middle of chaos instead of order!"Slyvanas argued back before she drove her daggers into a guards neck and removed them with such a great force that blood splattered on her hands.

" That is the most ridiculous and juvenile thing I've ever heard you admit to!" Anduin yelled.

Valeera laughed aloud. " it's somewhat of a good idea and besides I think I see his cell and it looks like the guards left it unattended in fear for their lives." She added before seeing an opening in the chaos of the fight ". Anduin make us a path to his cell!"

" I'm on it." Anduin said as he harnessed great amounts of light energy into the palm of his hands and released it into the corridor, burning most of the guards and prisoners in its path. The smell of burnt flesh and the sounds of agony filled the groups noses and ears as they carefully walked over to Lor' themar's cell. Valeera used one of the keys from the dead guards body to open the cell door and soon they found a sight which was repulsive. The silvermoon King had been tortured relentlessly, his other eye look to be gouged out and many cuts adorned his body along with missing fingers. His unconscious body was tied to the floor in chains, most likely having to stay in that uncomfortable position for hours on end.

" Those animals!" Anduin spat out in disgust.

" Animals isn't even the word to use. Some animals even have a primitive sense of honor. The dark rangers that did this to him are far below animals but it's sad to say that in my past life I would even enjoy this scene and would even encourage such a thing to happen to Alliance prisoners." Slyvanas confessed with a saddened expression.

" That was in the past Ms. Windrunner and its even clear to me that you have permanently changed your ways. But there will be enough time to contemplate the past later,for now we have to help him." Valeera encouraged as she got down to check Lor themars pulse. It was strong but slow.

" If he is going to survive we to move now." Valeera explained.

" King Lor themar?" Anduin said as he used his light magic to try and wake the silvermoon King.

" Surely you didn't let those bastards get to you Lor Themar, I put you through worse torture when you were in my ranks! I know you are not weak because I did not train weak soldier's not wake up King Lor' themar!" Slyvannas said defiantly.

Suddenly the group heard a soft but weak chuckle as the king's body started to stir. " I may have lost my sight but not my hearing, I know that angry voice anywhere."

The windrunner smiled, " it's good to know that they haven't broken you Lor 'Themar."

" Well it's hard to keep an old wolf down. I'm glad that you came to my rescue, surely I would have died."

" it's not like I had anything better to do." Valeera chuckled.

" Not a problem at all, it's my duty as a priest." Anduin chimed before he broke the chains that held the king with his magic.

" I'm surprised to hear you of all people Valeera sanguinar and Prince Anduin? How did the king of Stormwind and one of the best rouge's on Azeroth along with lady windrunner all rescue me at the same time? The light must be shining on me this day." Lor ' Themar said confusion but with happiness.

" it is a long story old friend but come we must go quickly." Slyvanas urged.

" Yes that's true but once we get out of this situation I must know lady windrunner, it's a story for the ages…."

Suddenly the group saw runes appear on Lor' themar body, the silvermoon king was left in utter astonishment and shock as more appeared on his face and legs.

" no it can't be, not here,not now no!" Slyvanas screamed.

" What's going on?" Anduin asked in confusion.

" That is precisely what I'm thinking, I never seen incantations like this before!" Valeera said.

A tear fell down from Slyvannas face before she answered. " It's a spell I developed a little before the battle of undercity. A plan that I intended to use throughout the war. All the user would have to do is carve the runes into the prisoners body with their own blood and then simply duplicate the symbols on rocks of Azurite. Once the prisoner was moved just a few inches from the area the spell would trigger a azurite explosion killing everyone in the vicinity. Long ago I planned to use this on softly guarded prisons,hoping the alliance would attempt to rescue their highly valuable generals or soldiers." She cried.

For a few brief moments no one said anything, there weren't any words break the tension or feeling that was in the cell but the victim in question finally spoke.

" I understand Lady windrunner, it has been an honor to serve you these past few months in your resurrection. It reminded me of the old days before all of this happened and besides King Anduin may be the key to stopping Thandor so he must get out safely ." Lor themar said with a calmness that anyone would envy in the face of death.

Slyvanas nodded in agreement with tears in her eyes but lacked any words to say anything for she knew that his death was partially on her hands.

" But there must be something we can do perhaps if I had more time to conjure up something to protect you!" Anduin utterd.

" Anduin we have to go! The spell doesn't have very long before it activates!" Slyvanas said.

" I have a responsibility to save this man regardless of what you may have caused or did!

" No you do not!" She argued back.

" Yes I do, I'm light welder and if I have a chance to save someone's life, I'm taking it. It's my duty to do this whether you like it or not."

" Your duty is to me, your wife and your unborn children. I'm responsible for his death, let my soul deal with the consequences!" She screamed.

" So now it makes sense." Lor' themar interjected calmly. " All that time you two spent on that world and even his presence here. He came here to rescue you in your time of need, something that I should have done long ago but I chose my duty instead of my family because that is what I was taught. So when I came home after the first wave of the scourge attacks to a tattered home and my wife and children dead on the floor,it was then that I understood that duty never came before my family. That is a burden that I carried upon my shoulders for many years, wishing I could done something different. Some days thinking of taking my own life would be better than suffering."

Anduin felt tears form in his eyes as he saw Lor themar stand up and quite accurately put his hands on his shoulders. " Listen to me boy, your duty is to protect your family and live for them at all cost. Don't do what I did and suffer for it or worse yet make your wife and children suffer through it. There are only a few rare cases where your life is required of you in exchange for life with your family. But this is not one of them."

"Yes sir." Anduin said as a tear fell from his face.

" Good you listen, you'll need it having to be with lady windrunner, she is as they say, high maintenance." Lor themar chuckled and then turned to Slyvanas.

" Don't cause yourself harm by blaming my death on your mistakes. I have served my people well over the years but you're giving me a great gift today. I get to see my family in the afterlife,something that I've wanted for so long,so this is not a time for mourning but a time for celebration. Many races envy the Quel dori for their long life spans but if you have suffered as much as I have then it will you make wish it was shorter."

Slyvanas moved to hug her old friend, " Say hello to your wife for me,she was always the one to keep you in check."

" Will do but you must go now! time is short and the spell is ready to activate."

Anduin looked Valeera who nodded in agreement and activated to spell before a large portal appeared before them.

" Light be with you Lor 'Themar." Anduin said.

" And you too King Anduin, make sure to bring that bastard to justice!"

" We will all make sure of that Lor themar,your death won't be in vain." Slyvanas said with great determination before Valeera, Anduin and herself moved into portal, leaving the silvermoon king to his fate.

Lor ' Themar heard cracks all around him as his cell begin to heat up like a furnace. His time was clearly coming to an end but before he breathed his last breaths he took out a pocket watch from his trousers and opened the lock. Athough he lost his sight he could feel the picture which was encased glass.

" I hope you can forgive me when you see me Trilla." He smiled before one last crack was heard before an explosion sent him into oblivion.