

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Bitter Enemies by seryon

supahsanic6969 · วิดีโอเกม
24 Chs


" Its quiet, too quiet." Sylvanas observed as the ship docked in Silvermoons Isle of Quel'Danas.

" The fog here is inferating, we would have crashed if it weren't for the lighthouse, but you are right Sylvanas. Its entirely to quiet, where are the admirals and seamen?"

" Thandar gave us an oath that his troops would met us at the docks but let us pray that he was about his word for once,Lor'themar. Otherwise we may have to fight our way out." She replied while continuously rubbing her stomach. Slyvanas knew she had to be careful,after all the life of her children were at risk and day by day her once sprawling energy came to a would make it incredibly hard to fight, let alone run to safety.

" As if the fool can keep his word about anything, as memory serves he even stabbed his own father in the back both literally and figuratively. What makes you think he won't set us up for an ambush?"

" The people still want me to lead, otherwise there would be no need to call us here, he may have been charismatic but that can only get you so far with weak people. You need to be a leader for those who are strong willed." She answered as their crew dropped the anchor and they made their way across the dock.

Sylvanas wasn't a fool, Lor'themar and herself were escorted by the very best silvermoon had to offer. If Thandor seeked her life then he would have to work for it, even if it meant inch by inch. But even she recognised the nervousness of their troops. Some may have relatives that choose to side with Thandar which in turn would make them enemies. It was not an easy task to kill one's own blood. For this reason Slyvanas would have to sway the crowd and win the hearts and minds of her fellow country men and women.

Mist and fog surrounded the dock with only small lanterns lighting a path down Quel'Danas main strip. However Sylvanas silently thanked the light for the bright moon in the sky, which offered a decent source of light in these troubling times. Everyone had to be on high alert and even the slightest misstep could spell the end for all of them.

Suddenly the group heard a large crowd through the sounds of frogs and crickets. The chants sounded barbaric and primitive, much to wild for that of Quel dori but the trolls had been wiped off of the isle for hundreds of years. Sylvanas knew at least to her knowledge that no other race would have been on the isle at this time, so who or what was responsible for these chants?

" By the sunwell what is that awful noise." Lor'themar whispered.

" It has to be them, it couldn't be anything else." She whispered in a hushed tone before they heard a voice shouting from the fog.

" Stop right there Windrunner!" The raspy, feminaine voice shouted as a small group of dark rangers and Quel dori stood before them

" Seresea how nice to see you, tell me, where is your God Thandor? I'm sure a pet like you would know its masters location." Slyvannas teased, seeing the female dark ranger's face contorted with anger and then relaxed into a grin.

" Our wonderful leader is in the clearing surrounded by his followers and nearly all of Lor'themar ship captains. Come with us at once, Thander has much to discuss with you Sylvanas."

"I'm sure he does." She replied before giving a small nod to her troops as they began to walk beside her but was stopped by the dark rangers.

" The people have said that if they are to trust in your confidence then no guards will be at your side. But as I have heard, your skills with a bow are equal to a thousand foot soldiers. So why the need for your guards?"Seresea chuckled, seeing the troubled look on Lor'themar face.

" Do it." She said aloud, seeing him nod to their troops who begrudgingly accepted the order.

" I suppose your skills as a warrior will be put to the test if something arises Lor'themar." She teased, but just a tad bit loud enough so only he could hear her.

" It has been some time i'm ashamed to say, however my skills will never leave me." He chuckled as they walked alongside the dark rangers.

The chants grew louder as they approached the clearing, and those who caught a gypse of them were either shocked or amazed as Sylvannas moved past the soldiers. Most of the troops heard about the heroics of Sylvanas and the horrors of the banshee queen. After all she had rarely visited Silvermoon after she became undead, it had been too much of an emotional toll on her,although she wouldn't let anyone of her closest allies know that. When it came to matters of the heart she didn't let anyone in. Of course before that boy king came around and tore down her walls.

A smile grew on her face as she remembered her life and death adventure on that strange world. The fighting, and surviving, anger, hunger and then suddenly it changed. Where once she felt hatred,she suddenly felt love and where there was bitterness she saw Anduins compassion.

" Did you hear what I said?" Lor 'Themar asked Sylvanas, noticing her distracted look in the tense situation they were in.

" I' m sorry Lor'Themar what did you say,I was deep in thought?"

" In all of this madness how could anyone be in deep thought?" He asked in apparent shock.

She released a heavy sigh, " You would be surprised, now what did you say?"

" I said that it seems like we are getting closer." Lor'themar observed as they were escorted into a large semi arena which echoed with shouts and chants. Slyvanas knew this area very well, it was used for recreation before the war with Arthas and then during the war it was used as a training area for new rangers and it remained as such before Thandor took control of the isle.

" We are here!" A dark ranger shouted as they rudely pushed Slyvanas and Lor'themar through the entrance of the arena and that's when there hearts almost skipped a beat. In the bleachers and seats sat almost all of the generals and admirals in the Quel dori army and navy but how and when did they decided to side with Thandor? Was he using some type of dark magic or were they convinced that only he could lead them to victory?

" What is the meaning of this? Most if not all of my council is here! You serve your king and the people not some wicked elf!" Lor' themar shouted as he gritted his teeth and his palms turned white.

Suddenly Thandor let loose a loud chuckle before he walked to the center and spoke. He commanded the attention of the crowd and the council,which was a dangerous thing when the tension in the area was so thick. Slyvanas knew that if they were to make it out alive then she would have to think on her feet.

" Lor Themor and Sylvanas I have invited you here today to be judged by the council to see if your fit to lead our people. As you can see when you docked here the naval ships are intact and ready for war."

"Which means that of course your threat about burning the ships was just a ruse like we thought!" Sylvanas spat, clearly annoyed with this whole situation and the fact that the pregnancy was starting to take a serious toll on her energy levels.

" Well I had to get you here is not a competition to see who can lead our people Sylvanas it's a trail to see whether or not your fit to join our cause and crusade against the alliance. The forsaken and Quel dori would prove formidable against the boy kings army especially with the help of your azurite!"

" Your insane Thandor! And anyone who follows this man is a fool as well. Our people are already low in numbers and putting them on the front lies would only bring us closer to extinction unless you plan to…"

Thandor suddenly smiled and got in very close so that only Lor'themar and Slyvanas could hear him." That is the plan, to raise an entire civilization of undead Quel dori under my command. What an amazing way to raise our population don't you think Lor'themar and Slyvannas?" He asked with a wicked grin.

" No... you wouldn't!" Lor'themar gasped.

" He is more than willing to do just what he said, no matter how depraved and disgusting it is. But as sure as the day is long I won't let you get away with this Thandor!"

" Oh Sylvanas like you can do anything about it now! You will be judged by your peers and then executed!" Now I must go attend to more important matters and no one will be here to save you." He concluded as his dark ranger hulled off Lor thmar and Slyvanas to the dungeons.

" This is ridiculous, we have to find a way to stop him. But first we have to find some way to contact our troops across the mist." Slyvanas asserted before the dark rangers threw her in a cell next to Lor'themar.

" There is perhaps something we could do. I put in place a plan just for an occasion like this. Before I left I told one of my servants to contact Bane if I didn't send a message within 12 hours informing them of my location and where and how to find us." He explained shortly after the guards left.

" let's just hope your servant is as loyal as you think they are, in the meantime I'll be thinking about a way to plead my case before the council. There old enough to remember my name and have seen my merits. If there's one thing for sure I can be more charismatic than Thandor could ever hope to be." She said before she turned her attention to the markings on her arm. Anduin had to have a feeling that she was endanger or at least in some kind of trouble. Sylvannas remembered what the Ereder told her, focus her mind and connect her continuous to Anduin's. She desperately needed his help, but how could he help in a remote place such as this? It was a long shot but what else could she do at the moment? Waiting for her trail was not an option and meant certain death, she had hoped to sway the crowd but they were wrapped around Thandors finger. Lor'themar servant could have already been killed and Anduin was her only hope.

" Anduin, I need your help please come!" Sylvanas pleaded through their connection.


The young man slept sound asleep, tossing and turning as his mind was troubled with many nightmares and visions. In his nightmares Sylvanas appeared to be screaming in agony and crying. But she did not beg for mercy as hot rods pierced her delicate skin and in the back he could faintly see Undead Rangers smile at their handiwork. Anduin was filled with rage and anger but somehow there was nothing he could do about. However, he suddenly heard a scream and then his name being shouted from the very depths of his wife lungs.

" Husband come quickly to my aid!"

Suddenly the young man had awoken from his slumber. Sweat poured from his brow and even leaking into the sheets, the cry was no mere dream or vision it was his wife's voice and there was no mistake about it. Anduin focused his mind towards the vision and her voice and suddenly his mind felt as though it connected with someone else. But that someone else was his wife, Sylvanas windrunner,mother of his children and love of his life and she knew his mind was connected with hers as well. Unsure of how to proceed he took the first step as he always did,gently but quietly greeting his wife.

" I am here." He said aloud.

Sylvanas released a sigh of relief as she heard his response,even in the darkness of the cell she felt hope and faith into her soul. But she did not have time to waste with pleasantries,she needed to act quickly before time ran out.

" Anduin time grows short I've been captured along with Lor' Themar. We have been led into a trap and I fear for the lives of our children. Lor'themar has said to me that a servant has come to our aid but I don't know if the servant has been killed or not. Thandor plans to lead the Quel Dori army to their deaths and resurrect them as fellow undead soldiers of the Forsaken. My people may be wiped out in a single battle!"

" What in the name of the Light! That man is insane! Sylvanas where are you? I can take a Griffin to your location immediately."

" But how would you escape the watchful eyes of your handlers Anduin? You must not be followed or else this could be the end for the both of us."

" Don't worry,lately I have been very good at not leaving a trace behind,even under the watchful eye my handler. But after this we need to enact the plan."

" You mean outland? It is the right time now? Anduin what about your kingdom and your people they need your leadership and guidance. How could they possibly survive without you." She questioned.

Anduin released a heavy sigh as he overlooked Stormwind city from his bed. So much weight was upon his shoulders with this decision. Could he really leave his country for his family, the answer seemed so simple but being a king came with great responsibility. At times a king must put the needs of his people before his own family. But he knew that right now in this moment,nothing mattered more than getting his wife to safety.

" Sylvanas my family comes first and foremost, I will leave a letter explaining my absence. Of course with certain details left out, I have faith that the light will guide not just me but other leaders in the alliance to victory and the horde to peace. I understand this will have great consequences that I may not even fathom. But what's more important is your safety and the children."

Slyvanas herself knew that he was taking a great risk with little certainty of the future. But she knew he loved his family and would do anything for them, including giving up his right to rule.

" I understand Anduin, I'm in Quel'Danas just west of silvermoon, where the sunwell is located. Its filled with a large number of soldiers of the undead and Quel dori soldiers. How you navigate through all of this will be a miracle Anduin."

Anduin chuckled under his breath. " My dear wife, the light is with me. Therefore I have all I need to free you and Lor'themar as well.

" But how will we explain all of this to him?" She asked.

" With everything that's going on at the moment I think that would be the least of his concerns Sylvanas." He laughed.

" I hope your right little lion, for all of our sakes."

" And I couldn't agree with you more, even in Outland we will have to be careful. But our first stop will be Shattrath City and then onward from there."

Slyvanas sighed as she heard the many raindrops falling from the cell window. "Always so upbeat and positive I just might try it one day."

" it will be better to show our kids a great example,wouldn't you agree?"

She quickly rolled her eyes, " Oh just shut up and get here quickly and don't forget to bring bow and arrows and a sword. We will have to fight our way out."

" Will do Sylvanas,see you soon."

" I hope so Anduin." She said with just the little amount of faith she had in her words. Hope was not something she was accustomed to, unlike bitterness and disappointment which often visited her during her time as the Banshee Queen. But she was in a new stage of her life,one that she was still getting used to. But in this situation she knew that a little faith could go a long way.

" You will see me Slyvannas. Nothing in this world will stop me from getting to you, not even death." He said with determination before their connection ended. Anduin stood up from his bed and readied his armor,choosing to leave behind the bulky plate armor for his leather and chainmail. This was a one man mission and therefore he couldn't afford to be weighed down by anything.

"Almost ready." He whispered before he heard movement behind him. The young king quickly readied his sword before he halted in his tracks.

" Its you… Valeera, what are you doing here?You weren't supposed to come back from your deep cover mission… By the light that was. "

The young blood elf sighed, pulling down her hood and giving him an annoyed look. " Anduin that was two years ago but I guess when you were on that world it had been only…"

" Six months, by the light I'm so sorry Valeera, I forgot to check in with you when I got back,In my mind It wasnt two years."

" Yeah Anduin I figured, it's no problem I just picked up jobs after I was done with your mission." She replied, tossing him a small amulet. " Here is that light wielder artifact you were looking for by the way and I like your beard,it suits you well."

" Oh um thank you Valeera and I'm a bit late but I would like to sincerely thank you again for finding this artifact." He smiled, moving the amulet between his hands before putting on his hood. " Unfortunately we will have to catch up later,I have some urgent matters to attend to."

The blood elf raised an eyebrow at the young king. " Hood and cloak, daggers, bow and arrow? You look like your going on a haunt Anduin, now tell me what is it you're really up to?" She asked with a slight feeling that Anduin was about to get himself into trouble.

Anduin paused for a few brief moments, Valeera was one of his closest friends, he could trust her with something as big as this?

" I'll tell you if you come with me and keep it a secret?"

Valeera chuckled at Anduins child like remark,she had watched him grow up from the time he was a child and now as a young man. But what was remarkable is that his personality has always remained the same.

" Sure what is it Anduin?" She asked out of curiosity while not even sure if she would agree with what he was about to ask of her. He appeared to be bothered and at the same time excited so what was it?

" Time is short so I will have to tell you on the way there Valeera but it's right up your alley." He answered before the elf shrugged her shoulders and followed him out of the window.

" I'm sure were going out of the window because you don't want anyone to know what we're doing" She observed.

" You already know how I am ." He smiled.

" Light help us Anduin! This mission better not kill you, I have to get paid from the last mission you gave me."

" Don't worry, it's all under control." He whispered.