

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Once more around the bend by Thelemonswillseeyou

supahsanic6969 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
35 Chs



So… you and Madam Bones?"

Harry and Sirius were sitting together inside Amelia Bones' office in the Ministry. Everyone had gone together to begin the process of getting a trail for Sirius so they could finally clear his name. Amelia was gone to speak with the Minister and a few other department heads, Dumbledore and Vanessa went down to speak with the Department of Magical Education regarding Vanessa's advanced classes. All this left the two wizards alone in the office, silently staring at one another until Harry had decided to speak.

"It was a long time ago, pup. I'd honestly expected her to have moved on at this point, I never would have guessed that she would wait for me."

"So… it's been a thing since the Hogwarts days?"

"Nah," Sirius shook his head, "It started just around the time Lily got pregnant with you. Amelia was a part of your mothers circle of friends, and then one night we were all out celebrating James and Lily announcing the pregnancy, Amelia and I just kind of happened. I don't think we ever made it official, but it would seem I've been given a second chance."

"I suggest not messing it up, Sirius."

"I don't intend to," the older wizard looked more serious than Harry had seen him before, "I messed up that night. I should never have given you to Hagrid, I should have taken you to safety and then gone straight to Amelia and explained myself. Instead I chased the rat and ended up leaving you and the woman I loved behind."

"I… never knew."

Sirius shook his head again, though with a small smile this time, "How should you have? But enough about me and my depressing self, what's the whole deal with you and Vanessa?"

Harry couldn't help the smile that came to his face, he had many times wished that he could introduce Vanessa to Sirius, knowing how well they would have gotten along. Now he finally had the chance to do it proper.

"I've known her most of my life, she and I attended the same primary school. There was something that drew me to her the moment we met, and then Hogwarts kind of happened and we both realized how much we love each other around the time we got our letters. Neither of us knew that the other was magical, not initially at first," Harry's grin widened a little, "I wish you could have seen my face when they called her name at the sorting."

Sirius whistled as he listened before grinning, "That's incredible, pup. Though calling her your fiancé might be a bit much, isn't it?"

"Not when you get the rest of the story," Harry replied with a cheeky grin.

"Well go on then, don't leave your poor godfather in suspense," Sirius whined.

"It would seem her and I share a soul bond." Harry stated and then waited for his godfather's reaction.

"Soul bond?" Sirius whispered before looking his godson deep in the eyes, "You are so much like James that its becoming scary. You know, your old man and Lily shared a soul bond as well?"

Harry perked up a little at that, "No I didn't. I don't think anyone did."

"They kept it a secret, they didn't want anyone to poke into it too much. Especially not when you came around."


"A child born between two soul bonded people is magically stronger than your average wizard. You have noticed that you do seem to have an easier time with most magic than others, right?"

Harry had, but he suspected that it had more to do with his knowledge from the past and not as a byproduct of his birth. That would explain why he did feel some of the things he learned originally seemed a lot easier than some of his fellow students. It would also explain why all the new stuff he had been studying was coming to him that much easier.

Harry prepared to speak but was interrupted by the door opening and Amelia stepped inside, a calm look in her eyes but a slight frown on her face.

"You did always cause me headaches, Sirius." She began as she took a seat, "Fudge is willing to let the trial happen. It took a bit of convincing and the not so small threat that if he didn't, you would reveal the entire story to the Prophet and blame it all on Fudge's incompetence. Your trial is scheduled a week from now."

"What did I say, Harry? Amelia always comes through." Sirius declared with a whoop.

"You said no such thing. Stop trying to make yourself look better, Sirius. It rarely works," Harry chided with a wink towards Amelia.

"You wound me, Harry! I would never do such an underhanded thing!" Sirius declared loudly as he stood from his chair and tried to seem offended.

"Sirius, sit down." Amelia ordered, "I'll be in charge of the trial and will be the one to question you while you are under the effects of Veritaserum. I'll bring in Pettigrew right after, and with a little luck that should be all we will need to clear your name and get Pettigrew thrown into Azkaban, if not kissed outright."

Sirius was nodding to himself, happy with what he was hearing. It was Harry, however, that noticed how Amelia was constantly glancing towards him with a worried glance.

"There's something else, isn't there Madam Bones?" Harry finally asked.

"I'm afraid so." She admitted with a nod, "When I was meeting with Fudge, his toad of an undersecretary was there as well," Harry made a face at the mention of the woman, "No sooner had I finished speaking before she interrupted. Apparently she felt she needed to remind the minister that since I was "suggesting" that he took care of the mistakes the minister at the time made, why not also address the charges that "surely" had to be filed against your parents."

"What/What?!" Harry and Sirius yelled in unison.

Amelia nodded with a grave expression, "It's true. Apparently there was charges brought against your Parents after their death, specifically against your mother for her use of Soul and Blood magic to keep you safe."

"You know that is pure dragon dung, Amelia!" Sirius interjected.

"Of course it is!" Amelia barked in return, making Sirius flinch back into his seat, "The original charges were dropped when it was argued that they had helped destroy Voldemort. But now that toad of a woman wants to use the excuse that if we are going to be bringing up old crimes, then perhaps Harry should be tried as well, after all we can't put James and Lily on trial."

"Let them." Harry said calmly before Sirius could go off in a rant.

"What?" Sirius mumbled weakly.

"Let them." Harry repeated, "If they think I can't defend my mother's actions, then they are horribly mistaken."

"What makes you so sure?" Amelia inquired.

"The blood magic, while indeed illegal, was used by Lily Potter. She was part of the Ancient and Noble house of Potter, this gives her immunity from the law that prevents normal wizards and witches from using blood magic. Not to mention that she used a protective set of blood runes, those are legal as long as they are used with consent from the target, or in case of a parent using it to protect their young children. My mother was well within her rights to use those blood runes."

"And the soul magic?"

"You mean the anti-possession ward that my mother placed around my crib?" at Amelia's nod, Harry continued, "Soul Magic isn't illegal, it's considered Dark Magic by the ministry, yes, but it isn't illegal. And honestly, if I ask out into the room if anyone there hasn't used similar wards to protect their homes, none of them will be able to say they haven't."

Amelia was nodding along as Harry spoke, everything he was saying was true and if he repeated it all during his trial then there shouldn't be any problems. Not to mention that with Sirius most likely having been declared innocent moments before, it will give them stronger ground to stand on.

"Then I suppose I will see you in a week for the trial," Amelia said with a tired expression.

"I'll see you there," Harry replied with a nod as he rose from his seat, "See you in a week, Sirius."

A quick hug with his godfather and Harry was out of the office and heading down to find Dumbledore and Vanessa. He would have to prepare himself for the potential trial against him in a week. For some reason he couldn't shake the feeling that if he is really brought up on those charges, they will try and use Vanessa to go after him.


A week later saw the Wizengamot gathered fully for the trail of Sirius Black. It had been revealed to the public through the Prophet that Peter Pettigrew had been captured and as such a retrial would be held to establish the true event that happened the horrible night that the Wizarding world lost James and Lily Potter.

Harry was sitting in the viewers gallery with Vanessa, they were both waiting anxiously for the trial to start. Harry had spent most of the week preparing for this, and for his own potential trial. Vanessa was also prepared, she wasn't sure if she liked the idea they had come up with, but having Amelia poke through her head to establish their relation was surely better than her having to worm her way through some, potentially, troubling questions.

"I hereby open the trail of Sirius Black. Lady Amelia Bones, please bring in the prisoner!" Dumbledore announced.

Sirius was brought in through a side door, he was wearing a huge smile and almost waltzed over to his seat and sat down. He was even whistling a little tune as he waited for them to secure him to the chair.

Amelia stepped forward and showed the vial of Veritaserum to the Wizengamot before administering the allowed three drops to Sirius.

"What is your name?" Amelia began the control questions.

"Sirius Orion Black."

"When where you born?"

"3rd of November, 1959"

"What is the name of your parents?"

"Orion Black and Walburga Black."

Amelia nodded to herself and brought out a scroll with the questions listed on them that she was required to ask for the trail today. A quickl glance towards Dumbledore and upon receiving a nod in return, she begun her questioning.

"Where you a friend of James and Lily Potter?"

"Yes, James was like a brother to me and Lily like a sister."

"Are you the godfather of Harry James Potter?"

"Yes, James asked me just a few days after him and Lily had announced it."

"Are you or have you ever been a Deatheather?"

"No, never."

This sent a ripple of whispers through the room as mutterings of disbelief and shock spread.

"Where you aware of the Fidelius Charm placed upon Godric's Hollow?"

"Yes, Dumbledore cast it at James and Lily's request."

"Were you the Secret Keeper of James and Lily Potter?"


This caused multiple people to fly off their seats and yell out their disbelief and anger. Many called for the trial to end because surely Black had found a way to lie under the Veritaserum. Other's were scandazlied that they had imprisoned the wrong man for twelve years.

"Who was the Secret Keeper?"

"Peter Pettigrew, I suggested the change because I was the obvious choice and so I suggested Peter."

"So that is the reason you killed Peter Pettigrew that night alongside twelve muggles?"

"No. I chased Peter and when I caught him he began yelling and blew up a gas main, killing twelve people. Then he transformed into his animagus form, a rat, and escaped into the sewers."

"Why were you arrested for the crime then?"

"When the Aurors found me, I was yelling that I had killed James and Lily, because I truly believed that it was my mistake because I suggested Peter."

A loud silence descended upon the chamber as everyone absorbed what they had just heard. Slowly the whispering began spreading and soon it was a deafening rumble of disbelief and yelling. One person stood and yelled out into the chamber.

"What proof do you have of this?! Other than the word of a deranged mad man who have been in Azkaban for twelve years?!" Lucious Malfoy had decided that now was the time to interfere before this became even more of a disaster.

Amelia grinned viciously as she raised her hand and called for silence. "If it is proof that you want, Mr. Malfoy, then you shall have it."

As if one que the doors to the chamber opened and two aurors came into the room, a pale and shaking Peter Pettigrew in their grip. The chamber was silent for all but a second before shouts of outrage began and there was a call for Pettigrew to be kissed right this instant.

Sirius was freed from the chair and Peter sat in his place. The same three drops of Veritaserum was given and Amelia opened with the question that made everyone go silent.

"Peter Pettigrew! Were you the Secret Keeper of James and Lily Potter?"

"Yes." The rat faced man mumbled weakly.

"Did you betray them to Voldemort?"


That was all it took. Chaos began once more and this time no amount of yelling from either Amelia or Dumbledore seemed sufficient to calm them down. It took Dumbledore firing high powered noise makers into the air, almost making everyone in the chamber deaf, to finally get some semblance of order back.

"In the light of the evidence brought forward during this trial. All in favor of fully pardoning Sirius Black!?"

Nearly every wand in the room rose into the sky with a small white light from the tip, indicating their agreement to the statement.

"Sirius Black is hereby a free man and will receive compensation for his twelve wrongful years of imprisonment!" Dumbledore's eyes then fell on Pettigrew and even those in the viewers gallery could feel the malice in his gaze, "All of those in favor of a lifetime imprisonment in Azkaban for the crimes committed by Peter Pettigrew?"

This time there was even fewer wands that didn't rise and Dumbledore slammed his gavel down one final time. Peter Pettigrew as carried out of the chambers screaming and kicking about how he didn't want to go and that the Dark Lord had deceived him.

"Very well," Dumbledore began, "If there is no further business then I declare this Wizengamot meeting.."

"Hem Hem."

Dumbledore visibly held back a sigh as he turned towards the voice, "The floor recognizes Undersecretary Umbridge."

"Thank you, Chief Warlock. Now since we are bringing up crimes of the past, and working to resolve them, I feel it is my duty to remind everyone of the case that was brought forward in 1981 against Lily Potter."

Harry felt his head his hands as he tried to refrain from killing the mad woman in front of him. He truly hated this woman, more so than he hated even Voldemort, but then again. This woman was a much more personal evil than what Voldemort did.

"If I remember correctly, Undersecretary Umbridge, those charges were also dropped." Dumbledore stated with a knowing look.

"Be that as it may, but if we are willing to go to these lengths to defend, then surely we must also equally looked upon those we accuse?"

With a great sigh, Dumbledore turned towards Amelia and saw her expression. With a nearly invisible nod shared between them, Dumbledore turned his view towards Harry.

"Harry Potter, please join Madam Bones on the floor."

Harry did as asked, giving a small smile towards Sirius as they passed one another on the stairs of the viewers gallery. The young Lord took a seat and appreciated that he at least wasn't bound down like the two before him.

"My apologies for this, Lord Potter." Amelia said.

"It's quite alright Madam Bones." Harry began before turning to look towards the gathered members, "Am I correct in assuming these charges are my mothers supposed misuse of Blood Magic?"

"Do not forget her use of Soul Magic, young man." Umbridge chided.

"I did not forget, Madam Umbridge, but I needn't remind the gathered members here today that Soul Magic isn't illegal. Simply because a school of magic is considered dark, does not make it illegal after all."

Umbridge looked like she wanted to protest but knew she couldn't, not after that little brat had just unraveled the entire argument in one fluent motion.

"As for the blood magic? My mother was well within her legal rights to place protective blood runes on my crib. She was, after all, my parent and as such was not required to have my consent before placing them."

"Be that as it may, young man. Blood Magic is still forbidden to anyone but pureblood wizards, your mother was, after all, muggleborn."

"Again, Madan Umbridge, I find myself disagreeing. The law clearly states that any member of a Noble and Ancient house is allowed to perform blood magic as long as it is protective in nature. My mother was Lily Potter, member of the Noble and Ancient house of Potter, so she was quite clearly within her rights."

There was silence yet again in the room. A thirteen year old had just dismantled any argument to be made against his mother for her actions that night. And he had done it masterfully at that. More than a few people found themselves suspecting a bit of trickery going on, but none dared voice it.

"One more point, Chief Warlock." Lucious Malfoy had risen up once more, nose high in the sky.

"The floor recognizes Lucious Malfoy," Dumbledore announced.

"Correct me if I heard wrong, but Madam Bones referred to Mr. Potter as Lord Potter. But I for one have not received notification that we have inducted a new lord amongst us," Malfoy looked pleased with himself, hoping that he could get one over the Potter brat.

"I would quite like to know as well," another member announced, quickly followed by a few more.

"Quiet, quiet!" Dumbledore demanded as a ruckus began breaking out, "Indeed none have received word about young Mr. Potter taking up the mantle of Lord Potter. This was done at his request, he did not feel ready to enter the political world just yet as he wished to enjoy his years at Hogwarts first."

"So he is emancipated?!" Yelled a wizard from among the gathered membered.

"It would not matter, nothing short of marriage or engagement would allow young Mr. Potter to take up Lordship before he reached 14." A witch clarified with a glance towards the visitor's gallery and the young girl sitting next to Sirius Black.

"Then I fail to see the issue," announced Harry with a bored expression, his head resting against his hand, "I'm engaged to a lovely witch and the Chief Warlock can even confirm it, he was, after all, present at the time of the announcement."

"Preposterous! Who would this witch be?!" Lucious yelled loudly.

With a bored gesture, Harry pointed towards Vanessa sitting in the viewer's gallery. The witch in question gave a small wave and a nervous smile, boy that was a lot of eyes looking at her all of a sudden.

"I demand proof of this." Announced yet another member.

"How would you want it?" drawled Harry with annoyance.

"I suggest letting Madam Bones scan her mind, if what they say is true then Madam Bones will see it. For good measure I also suggest asking her under the effects of Veritaserum." Replied the same member.

"I accept!" Vanessa yelled from her seat as she rose and quickly made her way down and stood next to Harry.

"Are you sure, Miss Weaver?" Dumbledore asked once everyone had calmed down.

"Positive, bring on the mind probe." Vanessa replied with a grin.

Amelia sent a glance towards Dumbledore as if asking for permission. When all she got was a tired nod, she knew there was now way around it. Drawing her wand, Amelia pointed it between Vanessa's eyes and began the spell.

As Vanessa's trained mind began unraveling before her, she found the proof she needed quickly enough but she noticed something else while she was looking through the young witch's memories. A small part of it was blocked off by a powerful spell that she couldn't identify. Amelia withdrew from Vanessa's mind and looked worriedly at the younger witch. Moments later, Vanessa had been given Veritaserum and asked a few rudimentary questions culminating in the question, "Are you the fiancé of Harry James Potter," and when she had answered yes, no one could argue any more.

Dumbledore finally called the session to an end. Once everyone had departed, Amelia took Harry, Vanessa, Dumbledore and the new free Sirius to her office. Once they were alone she raised a silencing ward and locked the door.

"My apologies for this, but I found something when I looked through Vanessa's memories."

Harry and Vanessa shared a glance at this. They had prepared for the potential that someone might read their minds and they had locked away the memories of their previous life in a place no one should be able to reach.

"What did you find?" Vanessa asked.

"There was a… block… on a short part of your memories. I couldn't determine the spell that blocked it, but it was much more powerful than anything I have encountered before."

Vanessa looked shocked, as did Sirius and Dumbledore. No one noticed Harry turning pale for a second as his entire skull felt like it got split open and memories began replanting themselves. He saw them as they visited the Dark Elven castle, he saw the beginning of his meeting with the Queen and his visit to the library there. But he also remembered the rage and anger and he felt towards his Queen, but he couldn't remember why he was angry. But he could remember the fury, the rage that still now burned in his veins as he thought about it.

A single glance towards Vanessa was all Harry needed to know that she had just experienced something like him. Someone inside the castle had messed with their memories, and the only one strong enough to have done it without Harry noticing it at all? Only his Queen was that powerful.

"No…" those were the last words that Harry managed to mumble before the weight of his memories threw him into unconsciousness.