

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Once more around the bend by Thelemonswillseeyou

supahsanic6969 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
35 Chs


The silence in the room was painful. Amorpha was sitting there in her chair, completely without care for what she had done. It made Vanessa's blood boil. Though she could still feel the trail of tears down her cheeks, the fury in her core outshined the sorrow.

"You seem angry, dear. Whatever could be wrong?" The Queen's tone was superior, demanding and somehow managed to be demeaning at the same time.

"You dare ask me that?! After what you did?!" Vanessa roared as loud as she could, nothing holding back the flood of anger.

Amorpha shrugged carelessly. She knew, she didn't care, she didn't see anything wrong with it either. She simply stared at Vanessa, daring her to say anything that might cross a certain line. A line that had been drawn when Vanessa collapsed, shaking, to the floor.

"You have questions, so please, do not waste more of my time than you already have. Once Harry returns from the library, this meeting will end and you will lose your only chance to get any sort of information from me." Amorpha drawled as she flicked some hair behind her pointy ear.

Vanessa sat silent for a few moments, thinking. Finally, she came to the first question, the one that had been burning since the Queen had first touched her flesh.

"Why? Why would you do something like that?" she asked, her tone barely more than a whisper in the wind.

"Because you were… defiant." Amorpha mused. "I told you when you, all your thoughts are privy to me for as long as you remain within my castle. You intended to threaten me, demand that I rescind my price for giving Harry a new staff. I couldn't let that stand." She finished with a feral grin.

"So you decided to… to r-rape me?" Vanessa whispered with calm fury.

"Hahahahaha!" The laugh was sudden and wild, reaching to the roof and back, carrying the mirth of the Queen everywhere. "You think that rape? Child, you have no idea what that word means here in our lands." The Queen finished with a growl.

Vanessa wanted to speak, but once more found her lips sealed. She glared at the queen, silently demanding to be allowed to say her piece.

"What I did to you was barely foreplay. As I said… I could do much worse." Amorpha's eyes turned bored as she lazily looked around the small room, as if looking for something. "I simply ensured that you knew where your place is. Below me."

Vanessa's eyes widened as her body struggled to stand. All it did was force her naked body to grind against the fabric of the chair. She looked down upon her naked form, annoyance clearly stricken across her features. When she turned to glare at Amorpha once more, she found the eyes of the Queen locked with her own, ridicule shining from those red orbs.

"You find your nudity annoying? Humans truly are strange." As if to enunciate her point, Amorpha's dress melted away to leave her sitting equally naked and staring pointedly at her guest. "If you cannot take pride in your own flesh, then why would you ever endeavor outside your small shacks?"

Finally, Vanessa felt her mouth capable of movement. "This is what I'm supposed to hand my son over to? Some nymphomaniac whore?"

The Queen merely chuckled at the insult, it burned something inside Vanessa, made her feel… inferior.

"You speak as if the pleasures of the flesh is something to be ashamed off." Her smile grew perverted as she rose from her seat. "I have seen your thoughts, your darkest desires." Slow, painfully so, steps brought her closer and closer. "You long for Harry's touch, to feel his girth inside you once again, like when you first met."

Vanessa would have screamed if she could open her mouth when a fist flew through the back of the chair she sat in. A familiar set of slender fingers cupped her face. She felt Amorpha's warm breath over her lips as their faces were inches apart.

"Do you know how long I lusted for him? The night we shared deep inside the forest… he drew sounds from my throat I didn't know I could make, he reached places I didn't know could be reached." Vanessa's eyes followed the hand as it withdrew from the back of chair. She followed it all the way, until it vanished outside her view down towards her breast. "Then, finally, I track him down in the human world… with you. I finally thought I could have him again… enjoy more nights like our last… at least until he found the mother of my husband."

Vanessa had waited for the harsh grip on her chest, only it never came. Rather she felt a lone finger trail a line down her stomach and over her damp pussy. She managed to yelp as a full hand grasped her ass and pulled her body forward, bringing her lower body higher.

"Think of my… displeasure… when I was informed he had given his heart to another." Suddenly the finger was back, tracing long lines around her anus. "At first I thought it a simple slip, surely he couldn't have found the mother of my husband so soon…" the finger rose and slid inside her walls, moistening, "I performed every spell, checked everything six times over…" the finger rammed into her virgin asshole and a scream ripped through her throat and echoed into the room. "But you were the one, the Mother of the Prince." Her grin turned vile and sadistic as she increased the intensity of her prodding, the hand that used to hold Vanessa's face now grasping the Queen's own breast. "So yes, you will hand your son over to this… nymphomaniac… and I will treasure every moan and cry he makes, knowing it will bring you suffering until the end of your days."

Finally, the finger left her sore opening and she watched in horror as Amorpha mounted the chair, placing her dripping sex right in front of her face. She watched as everything jiggled with the Queen's laugh and a horror gripped her heart.

"Now I will take the pleasure I require from you. If you do well enough… perhaps you will leave with your mind intact." The last words of defiance died in Vanessa throat as her mouth filled with the Queen.

Earlier with Harry

Harry felt… angry? Definitely. Confused? Most certainly. Worried… beyond measure. For all he was, he couldn't understand why his Queen would do this to the woman he loved. It went beyond all his understanding. His mind rested slightly as the sight of the library reached him.

The royal library was truly a remarkable sight. In here, every form of knowledge pertaining to magic could most likely be found. Existing outside the passage of time allowed them to accumulate much knowledge that would otherwise be considered lost.

Harry gazed at his companion once more. Hela, the servant Amorpha had ordered to take him here. She wasn't that tall, 5 foot 1 at best. The white west hung loosely around her torso, allowing him a small view of the bumps behind it. An A-cup from the view, she didn't have much ass to show either, if the tight leather pants were any indication. Though her face was angular, a sharp chin and clear cheekbones, it was also distinctly feminine. Her hair hung loosely near her shoulders, clear signs of being cut by someone with great skill.

She did not look at him, not much at least. She would gaze at him when she thought he wasn't looking, her eyes focusing on his face and crotch most of the time. Though as he went deeper into the library, and she continued to follow, he thought it time for questions.

"Why do you continue to accompany me?" he began in a bored tone, "were you orders not to simply see me to the library?"

"Before you entered the castle, I was appointed as your personal servant, my lord." She replied in a soft tone.

"My lord?" he returned with confusion clearly on his face.

"Surely. You have been announced by the Queen as the future Father of the Prince. That gives you status equally to a high noble. All of us, short perhaps only of the Royal Guard and other nobles, are honor bound to obey your every command. As am I, for that matter." She explained with a slightly bowed head.

"Then explain to me what our Queen just did… why would she do such a thing to the woman I love?" he asked in a dark tone.

He saw how Hela's ears dropped ever so slightly, and indication of confusion for the Dark Elves.

"Our Queen established dominance. You brought a female here, one that didn't know her place. Our Queen merely ensured that your lover understood her place. We are, after all, a matriarchal society." Hela explained with a slightly reprimanding tone.

Harry didn't exactly like the explanation, but until he was allowed back inside with Amorpha, he couldn't get any other answer. He was content with asking Hela the location of a few books and let her guide him their respective shelves. The deeper into the library they went, the more sinister the books became. Finally Harry found what he was looking for, an ancient tome describing the acts one could perform with Soul Magic.

"Hela… you said I had status equaling to something you called a high noble, explain." Harry ordered as he began shifting through the tome, it was in Dark Elven and he needed time to decipher it.

Hela looked thoughtful for a few moments before she took a breath and spoke. "Our society is based around different enclave that decide our place in society.

The lowest enclave is the slaves. There is no benefit to being one and the chances of promoted are non-existent. The men can only hope to be born with big enough cocks to be noticed by the pleasure enclave, the women, if pretty enough, can be taken to the pleasure enclave as well or perhaps even picked by a noble to be their servant.

Above them is the Servant Enclave, the one I am part of. We serve the upper enclaves without question and can see promotions depending on how well we perform our duties. The most common promotion is to the Military Enclave due to displaying an impressive performance while we spar with one of the nobles. Then there is the more uncommon way. If a servant mates publically with an influential guest, they will often be promoted to the Pleasure Enclave.

Then we have the Military Enclave, they are permitted housing and family. They serve for their entire lives and rarely get promoted or demoted to other Enclaves, the most they hope for is to become part of the Royal Guard. They make up the majority of the population outside of the small villages.

The Pleasure Enclave enjoy the luxury of living in the Noble District, often living out of their Pleasure Houses. In rare cases they own homes of their own and perhaps have family, but most often those of the ones that are in the Pleasure Enclave are masters of the sexual and spend most of their lives providing just that, pleasure. Again, those of this enclave rarely seek promotion as the only ones above them are the Nobles. The most coveted thing for someone of the Pleasure Enclave is to be picked as the personal sex partner of the Queen for a time.

And finally, just below the Queen, is the Noble Enclave. The elite of our society that advice and govern most of our kind. When the Queen is too busy, they will rule in her absence. There are scarcely few ways to become a Noble, the most normal one is to be born into the position. Of course Noble's live in the Noble District and usually own large houses, most Noble families consists of one Matriarch with many husbands, or rarely, one high standing male with many wives." Hela breathed deeply as she finished her explanation and looked expectantly at Harry.

"The Noble Enclave, is it truly only by birth one can become part of it?" he asked, the book forgotten in favor of something equally interesting.

Here, Hela's cheek darkened and she looked like she wanted to hide. With an audible gulp and big breath she looked into his eyes and spoke.

"The only other way to become a noble is by bearing a child of noble birth. So if I were to mate with… as an example, you, in public and then carry your child, then since you are the Father of the Prince, I would be giving birth to the prince's brother and thus I would be birthing noble blood. If that were to happen, I would immediately be moved to the Noble Enclave and given a home. Unlike other nobles, I wouldn't be pressured into taking husbands, my attention would have to be solely on my child."

Harry stared in wide eyed wonder, it was perhaps not terribly complex, but he imagined that there was a few extra layers to each enclave that answered roughly to the political problems one would face in the Wizarding world.

"And you are all okay with this?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It is how it has always been done." Hela replied with a shrug.

Returning to the book, Harry looked over the segment about Soul Shattering, more commonly known as Horcruxes to the Wizarding world. Apparently, making these was not just bad, it was an abysmal practice that one should never indulge in. Had Voldemort done his studies, he might have found the same has Harry. By splitting his soul so many times, not only had ole Tommy painted a large target on his back, he had also ensured that when he died… well… it wasn't the judgement of heaven he was going to face.

The further he delved into the book, the more he felt hope rise in his chest. There were several ways to track the pieces as long as they had been inside the object for a lengthy time. The ritual to find them was… unpleasant, but not entirely undoable either. The darkest part was perhaps the requirement of a blood sacrifice by the caster.

But they had it. A way to find the Horcruxes, now they just needed to go collect them.

Flipping a few more pages in the book, he fell upon something that interested him. It was a short description of some of the magic used by the royal family, the Queens to be more exact. Apparently each Queen was taught, and later added too, a selection of spells from a certain book. The most prominent of which was the spell that allowed them total domain over the castle, allowing every thought and action of others to be known to them. At the same time, it also allowed the Queens to manipulate and force actions and thoughts upon others within the castle.

That would explain why Harry and Vanessa hadn't been able move. Flipping deeper into the book he came upon the last spell that most of the Queens would learn, he read the title and his eyes widened impossibly… if this was true… then… then… he should simply close the book and put it back, and he did so without a second thought.

Gazing over at Hela, he noticed that she had been staring at him for a while now. Her cheeks were still dark form earlier, and suddenly it hit him like a ton of bricks. Either she wanted him to mate with her, or she was seriously thinking he was planning on it.

"I've found what I need, take me back to our Queen." He ordered sternly, averting his gaze as quickly as possible.

He didn't see her reaction but heard the confirmation. Soon he was once more following the small Dark Elf back towards the chamber he had departed. His sense of time felt distorted, though his time in library felt only like ten minutes, he could swear that he had spent hours in there.

As the large doors once more came into view, Harry saw them opening and a fully dressed and smiling Vanessa walking out. His Queen right at her side, a small gentle smile on her lips.

"Harry, did you find what you need?" Amorpha asked as he approached.

Stopping for a short bow, he replied. "Indeed I did, my Queen. I now have the means to locate those vile objects and will be destroying them at first opportune moment."

Amorpha nodded sternly, her eyes darkening at the mention of those foul smirches on her beloved Soul Magic.

"Very good. It would seem your love and I have come to and understanding. I wish you the best of luck and we shall meet again once you have dealt with the child who fears death so greatly."

Harry and Vanessa bowed before Hela began guiding them back towards the entrance. They walked in silence, hands intertwined and smiles on their faces. Hela bowed respectfully to both and wished them the best, and voiced her eagerness for their return. They waved as they walked and soon stood at the edge of the forest. With one last look at the beautiful castle, Harry warped both of them away, leaving nothing but a gentle breeze in their wake.

Neither had noticed that upon the castle wall, Amorpha stood with a victorious smirk on her face as Hela walked up behind her and knelt deeply.

"I saw them off as you requested my Queen. Everything seems to go as you planned." Hela whispered as her white clothes vanished in the wind and black armor grew in its place.

"You did well, General. Take the day off, go visit the Pleasure Enclave. While you are there, let Minlos know I require him." Amorpha waved her hand dismissively as she spoke.

"Thank you, my Queen. Minlos shall be waiting in your chambers, ready to serve." With those words, Hela rose and vanished into the castle.

Amorpha stared out over the forest and her smile grew.

"Now prove it to me, Harry. Prove that you deserve the title of Herald, break my spell on your mind. And let us see… see if that girl you have given your heart deserves to stand next to you once her womb has performed its service." Her hand stroked her still damp cunt as her thoughts found voice. "I wonder… will she break if she finds the strength to undo the spell on her memory? I wonder, I wonder…" with those words she walked back into the castle, the human girl had been… delicious… but she needed something more… filling.