

In Splendora, most peoplr tend to start off in one of 8 classes: Hero, Warrior, Mage, Scout, Priest, Conjurer, Tinkerer or Pharmasist, but there is also a 9th class, which is called Synergist. which is said to be weak, and therefore is not persued.

Hero - A hero is a melee fighter, usually favoring a sword and should, who is able to have an affinity with healing magic. Since they only use healing magic, they normally have an affinity with light element, which excels at healing. Technically, though, they can also have the water affinity, though it's pretty much unheard of, since the water element is considered to be an inferior element, especially for heroes. (Advanced Class - Paladin) (Master Class - Sovereign)

Warrior - A warrior technically can have a magic affinity, but due to the low magic potential of their class, it is extremely difficult for them to comprehend any element, and even if they do they will always be weak in it. They excel in the use of nearly all melee weapons, except daggers, short swords, and similar light-weight of finesse-type weapons. (Advanced Class - Defender (Master Class - General)

Mage - A mage uses magic, and tends to have 1 or 2 elemental affinities. In rare cases they can even have three, but the more elements the greater the difficulty it is for them to cultivate to higher levels. All magic affinities that they will ever possess much be obtained before they advance beyond the mortal cultivation level. It is impossible for their bodies to adapt to additional affinities beyond that point. A mage cannot have the light element. (Advanced Class - Hexer Mage) (Master Class - Archmage)

Scout - A scout specializes in all finessable weapons, as well as bows and crossbow. A scout can hypothetically pick up a magical affinity, but their attributes are not suited to it, so they'll forever be weak. (Advanced Class - Hunter) (Master Class - Duelist)

Priest - Priests tend to specialize in the use of mace-type weapons and shield, along with the light element, which they can use to full effect, both offensively and to heal. In addition to the light element, they can have one other element. Their magic is from a divine source, and thus in spite of their inferior magic stats, they make up for it be having their magic being particularly effecting against most creatures native to Splendora. Their melee fighting potential is inferior to the hero or the warrior, but still substantial. This is often perceived to be the strongest class. (Advanced Class - Cleric) (Master Class - Martyr/Chemist)

Conjurer - The Conjuror is actually a class that benefits from the water elemental affinity. Most people in the world ofg Splendora who have the water affinity belongto this class. Whatever element they have affinity with, they can cummon elemental creatures of that element to fight for them so that they ca be safe. As far as weapons goes, they usually keep a dagger, but are not anywhere near as proficient with it as a scous, so they keep it just in case. They can have multiple affinities, but carry the same limitation as the mage class. (Advanced Class - Arch-Conjurer) (Master Class - Summoner)

Tinkerer - The Tinkerer class specializes in building and repairing things. As far as weapons go, they use crossbows or crude firearms. Tinkerer's are not powerful in battle, but are still deemed as important to society for the contributions of their minds and effors. (Advanced Class - Enhancer) (Master Class - Technist)

Pharmasist - The Pharmasist uses finessable weapobs, though not nearly as good as the scout can. This class excels at identify and gathering herbs, and combining them to make medicines. Similar to Tinkerer's, they are valued by society more for their talent with medicine then for any combat prowess they may possess. (Advanced Class - Alchemist) (Master Class - Grenadier)

Synergist - The Synergist is perceived to be the worst class, effectively a hybrid class combining Warrior and mage, but with inferior strength and power to a warrior, and less magic power then a mage. Worst of all, for them, their magical stamina is really small, so they can't last throwing spells around in a brawl. While they are short on magical stamina, they do have the ability to take magical power directly from a slain creatures magic stones, which is unique to this class. They can use any weapon that a warrior is proficient in, though their affinity with those weapons is only half that of a warriors, making them harder to master. (Advanced Class - Gestalt) (Master Class - Evolutionist)

It merits noting that any class can use any weapon. They just naturally improve/advance faster if they choose a weapon that their class has synergism with.