
Heroes of Celestia

In a country called Celestia, a child named Akira Mokoro is the descendant of a family that uses the well know "Infernal Style" that was created by his ancestor. It was his first day at Celestia Academy.

Marc626 · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Chapter 8: Trip to the City

A week have passed ever since Style Training has started. And while some we're getting used to it, some weren't able to wield it yet. Meanwhile at Mokoro residence.

Akira: "Huh? You want me to join you?" He was confused by what his uncle, Rengoku said to him.

Rengoku: "Yep. I just want you to relax a little. You've been training nonstop, and I want you to at least get some rest." He said.

Rengoku had been training him the Inferno Style last week. Although there was little to no progress so far. Despite that, Akira was determined to master it.

Akira: "I mean, I don't mind at all, but-"

Before he could say more, Rengoku grabs him aggressively.

Akira: "Uwah!"

Rengoku: "All right! Let's get going! Don't worry Denji and Sumire, I'll make sure he's safe." He then drags Akira out of the house.

Denji/Sumire: "..." They were rather stunned by what happened.

Denji: "Ahahaha, your father can be really quite aggressive sometimes."

Sumire groans in embarrassment. her father can get carried away sometimes.

Sumire: "I wish he stopped being like that everytime." She said being embarrassed by what happened.

As they riding a carriage to the city, Akira asked him the question once again.

Akira: "Why are you taking me to the city? I mean, like I said earlier I don't mind, but why?"

Rengoku: "Like I said, you need some relaxation. I've been extremely harsh on your training lately, so I want you to enjoy for today. Plus, I said I'd take you to the city again right?" He explained to him.

Akira was confused at first, until he remembered their conversation yesterday.

Akira: "Ah! Now I remember. Yeah, you did mention yesterday that you wanted to take me to the city." He said remembering what happened yesterday.

Rengoku: "Took you long enough. Hahahaha, anyways, you deserve a break today, so just enjoy the view, just relax."

After an hour later, they've finally arrived at the city.

Akira: "W-w-w-w-w-whaaaaaaaat!?" He was extremely flabbergasted by what he was saw.

Rengoku: "Hahahahaha! Like what you're seeing now?" He asked a still shocked Akira.

Akira: "It's been like 10 years I've went to the city. I never though it would change THIS much!"

When he last visited the city, it wasn't that busy. Buildings were small and the highest some got were 2 floors. Now, it was busier, 4 wheeled rides everywhere, taller buildings, more establishment, he was having a hard time taking it all in.

Akira: "H-How many floors is that?" He points at one huge building.

Rengoku: "Ten floors!" He yelled enthusiastically.

Akira: "What. The. Fuck!?" He was still trying to take it all in. He couldn't believe how much the city has changed in 10 years. Then again he was busy with training, that he forgot all about it, until his uncle mentioned it yesterday.

Rengoku: "Hahahaha, I remember when I took you here when you still young, your eyes were sparkling with excitement want to go everywhere."

Akira: "But, how was this even possible? When I last went here it felt so... well, old." He asked his uncle.

Rengoku: "Well, it happened 5 years ago. Someone managed to merge technology and magic together. And well, it didn't take long for this city to develop fast." He explained to him.

Akira: "Wow. It's quite crazy what technology can do. I mean, tall buildings, many stores, and those "things". What is that?" He points at the 4 wheeled vehicle.

Rengoku: "Ah, those are cars. They're used to go to places fast. Well depending on traffic. There many types of vehicles aside from that." He explained.

Akira: "W-wow, that's amazing."

They then went to a lot of locations and buildings, some places Akira knew, that were renovated, and some that were new to him.

Akira: "Hey, that's the Kazekura Inn right? It looks so different."

They kept walking around the city, everything felt so different for Akira.

Rengoku: "What do you think of the city now, Akira?" He asked him.

Akira: "It felt... Unbelievable... Everything is so different, like I was in a different place."

As he said that he felt a little tired.

Rengoku: "Feeling tired, I see?"

Akira: "Well, we've been walking around for many hours."

Rengoku: "I want to show something before we go home. Come Akira, follow me." Akira followed his uncle.

They went to a park, a place that was new to Akira.

Akira: "I don't remember this being here." He was understandably confused considering this park wasn't here when he last visited the city.

Rengoku: "This was created last year. Come, I want to show you something."

They then arrived to a bunch of statues.

Akira: "Statues?" He then looks at a certain statue. "What the-... That's Illya Mokoro! Who I saw in dreams!"

Rengoku: "Figured you'd say that. These statues are the former Mokoro's that protected Celestia these years."

Akira: "Guess that explains why my mom isn't shown here. It's quite unfair." He said looking a little sad.

Rengoku: "I understand what you're saying. Honestly, it bothers me that she's the only Mokoro that isn't created here, all because she didn't learn the Inferno Style." He clenches his fist in anger.

Akira looks at a statue that felt odd.

Akira: "Hey uncle, who's Garu Mokoro?"

Rengoku: "I honestly don't know. There wasn't any records of him at all. It's as if he just showed up out of nowhere."

Akira was thinking about it for a second and thought of a theory.

Akira: "I know this is a bit crazy, but do you think reason why there's no record of him is because he didn't exist in Celestia?" He asked his uncle.

Rengoku: "What do you mean by "He didn't exist in Celestia?" Are you implying he came outside of Celestia? That would've been impossible."

Akira: "I didn't mean by that, but do you think he existed in another universe?" He said so nonchalantly.

Rengoku was understandably shocked by that suggestion.

Rengoku: "Why would think that? That's quite absurd, even for you." He was baffled by what he said.

Akira: "It's quite insane, but think about it. There's wasn't any records of him at all. It wasn't until Illya Mokoro, that he was suddenly was mentioned. If he did exist in Celestia, then the Inferno Style would've been known for him, instead of Illya."

Rengoku thought about it for a second.

Rengoku: "You might have a point, but it's still crazy."

Akira then looks at the other statues and notices another odd description in one of the statues.

Akira: "Maria Mokoro: First Inferno Style Demon?" What does that mean?"

Rengoku: "I don't know the full details, but according to some records, she was infected by a demon, but she managed to fight back against it."

Akira: "Wouldn't that mean we have demon blood inside of us then!?" He was terrified by that revelation.

Rengoku: "Possibly, yet after that, we have no records of any Mokoro after her getting any signs of being a demon. And from what I can tell, they were able to remove the demon blood out of her, for fear it would take over her, if left for far too long."

Akira: "I see..." He felt relieved but at the same time worried. "I doubt it was removed. Maybe it was dormant, and they didn't know about it." He thought.

After looking at every statue he then looks at a pedestal, statueless.

Akira: "This is where my sister should've been."

Rengoku: "Maybe, but with her gone, you'll be taking her place."

Akira: "I wonder if I can learn it. You've been training me for a week now, yet no progress. I wonder if I'm like my mother." He then looks at the ground feeling defeated. His uncle then puts his hand on Akira's shoulder.

Rengoku: "Don't say that. While it's true my daughter wasn't able to wield the Inferno Style, her kind-hearted nature, in a way, is what made her strong. Even after she realized she can't learn the Inferno Style, she never gave up living to her fullest. She knew that she wasn't meant for it. Let me ask you this, did she ever feel sad whenever you said you doubted you could learn the Inferno Style?"

Akira: "No... In fact she kept motivating me to be strong, even after all my doubting."

Rengoku: "Exactly. She doesn't want to think that you can't do it, just because you weren't able to learn it at an early age. She wants you to be strong no matter what, whether or not you can't learn the Inferno Style."

Akira then tears up after remembering all the times his mother comforted him when he felt down.

Akira: "Guess it's no surprise that because of her, I always tend to kind towards everyone. Looking back, my sister rarely showed any kindness. She was always focused on learning the Inferno Style."

Rengoku: "She always admired the Mokoro history, so it makes sense she wants to learn it as well. But because of that, she rarely showed emotions. The only times she showed emotions is when you were talking to her, in a way she feels like she can be herself to you."

Akira: "I was worried for her all the time because of that. I hope we can get along once again once I find her."

Rengoku: "And you will. Anyways it's getting dark, we should go home now."

Akira: "Yeah!" They then rode a carriage to return home.

As they arrived home, they were welcomed by Sumire.

Sumire: "Welcome back you two. Took you so long to return."

Suddenly Akira hugged her mom, surprising her.

Akira: "Thanks for taking of me for all these years." He teared up while saying it to her.

Sumire then gives him a caring smile.

Sumire: "No, it's me that I have to thank. You and your sister gave me some of my happiest memories of my life, and I'll never forget both of your smiling faces. I wish I could see it again." She then tears up as well.

Denji: "Thanks for everything Rengoku."

Rengoku: "Don't mention it. I just wanted to help in anyway I can. I just wanted to make it up to you guys, after I failed to protect both of them back then."

Denji: "Don't be like that, we didn't expect the enemy to be strong that time. All that matters now is that Akira is still here, and he will get strong one day, to protect everyone."

Rengoku: "You're right."

They then prepared for their supper.