
Chapter 1-The tragedy that took us to another world

Hello my name is Magnus and I was a normal teenager from 15 years old until two months ago, and if you are wondering why the "era" I will explain it to you. Before we go to explain my nationality, I am Brazilian, but I live in the United States since my birth so I speak English, I live in the United States because my mother is English and my father is Brazilian, the two met in a school where my mother went to teach there in Brazil, and as they are both teachers, they had a lot to talk about, they got closer until they finally got married and had my sister Mia and me talking about my sister, she is the same age that my mother and I died in childbirth, so I don't really remember what my mother was like. Other than that, my father and my sister are very close. Now let's explain the reason for the "era" in the first sentence.

It was a day like any other in Manhattan, not too noisy and such, me, my friends Jack and Peter and my sister had scheduled to go out to the movies, eat ice cream and other things like that, which was already a bore since Jack and my sister kept flirting while they talked.

Kiss soon! - I said impatiently

-Magnus! - My sister screamed.

-What is it, the two of you like each other and stay in that lenga-lenga- I said to both- If you don't want me to talk, at least try to hide this passion of yours that neither of you admit you have but everyone knows that you has.

-Hmpf-mumbled my sister all red.

-Magnus you saved me, I almost throw up from so much romance and that mutual passion - said Peter.

-You see? - I said - Even Peter, who falls in love with any girl who passes in front of him, felt like retching with the two of you.

-Hey! - complained Peter- I'm not like that!

-Se- I said

We kept talking until we got too distracted and passed the crosswalk while the light was open and we were hit by a truck, all together, at the same time. Don't even ask me about the possibility of a truck passing through a big city like Manhattan and at top speed and running over four 15 year olds, but that's exactly what happened, my ears were ringing because of the impact and my friends and mine sister were beside me completely red with blood, when everyone looked at each other I was sure that everyone was thinking the same thing: "That was not normal" and "We are very dumb", I just remember that we all smile at the same time because we were going to die at least we would die together, and after that I don't remember anything.

Hello, If you want more chapters hit the 50 powerstones goal, the second and third chapters are ready, come on guys

Light_Blazecreators' thoughts