
7. Hero’s first kill

The guards escorted me upstairs. I took a glance at the vicinity. I was in a sort of mining prison bunker in the heart of a dungeon filled with slave children mining rocks. I see guards with three wild panther-like animals with bat wings at their backs, known as magic beasts, patrolling. Two guards and the lady with pink hair entered into an elevator. The elevator began to pull up and stop at a bunker. Two guards with wide panthers stopped at the bunker door, I was pushed into a room illuminated by light. The female guard stood with me as well.

"Let's wait here until Lord Jefferson Velrick arrive" I watched from the glassy window and I saw the entire layout of the mining cave hall. Hundreds of children are hidden from the sun lights. They work not knowing whether it is day or it's is night. They know it is dawn when the guards bash into their room. Staring at a guard beating a child, Hero remembers the child forcefully raped by an adult.


Princess Elena got home and saw a maid tied to a chair with a rope. She had killed herself to prevent her from talking and after the search on her body. She found an emblem with two white crossed swords.

"It is them, the same group" the deep voice of a man echo behind him.

"Father" Elena turns her face. King Edmonds, silver-white hair with transparent silver-looking eyes on red royal night regalia.

"Father are you alright" Elena rushed to him and hugged him.

"Yes I am, I was lucky that my eyes of clairvoyance could see through the food. Without these eyes, I wouldn't have known but all is alright now" The king pulled her to a hug.

"I hope you are preparing for your crowning of age and sixteen birthdays. You must select a suitor to at least be friends with or else I would have to arrange one when you are older. The crown needs a prince as you know I have to have a son"

"Yes, I know my duty to the crown Father" They embrace themselves a bit longer.

"Go, your dinner is ready. Am sure you must be exhausted and feel sleepy" Princess Elena bowed her head to her father and she went to the diner. Her eyes widened at the delicacy on the table. What caught her attention was

" chiiiiiicken!" She shouted as she swiftly sat on the chair then wolfs the chicken to her mouth. Suddenly she felt the pressured presence of a familiar maid staring like a hawk behind her. She robotically turned her head with her mouth filled with chicken skin to the tall woman in her late fifties, dark responsible hair with sharp eyes on a black and white maid outfit holding a folded Chinese-looking had fan. She stared her eyes at the young lady wolfing the chicken.

" Tiiiinaa! Wait, this is...this is not what it looks like" Elena's voice muffled and chuckled as the maid stared her eerie dark eyes like a ghost at her.

"Not eleganto! " She slams the hand fan on Elena's hand and she drops the chicken on the plate..

"As a princess, the proper etiquette, is customary to wash your hands before you eat" She slams Elena's head.

"It is customary as a princess to tie your hair to a ponytail before you eat to prevent strands of hair from falling into your soup" She slams the hand fan harder on her arms.

"Ouch" shouted the princess

"It is customary for the princess to wash up before she eats dinner"

"They hurt. I am the princess you remember and am supposed to be spoiled as one." Elena cried out

"Yes, I do remember that you are the princess and I also know you are the only child of King Edmond. Only child tends to be very spoiled" She stretch her hand fan and stars flash in her eyes" However under my watch. Princess, you must be disciplined, and discipline you must remain as long as you and I share the same sky"

" Eheeeen! Not the same palace castle but same sky"

"Yes. Princess same sky whether you marry or kidnapped or anywhere you go. As long as you share the same sky with me, I will discipline you even if I have to eat witchcraft to get to you"

"That's just meeeean" Elena exclaimed.

" Hahahaha! We are just getting started. Chap chap come along. It is proper etiquette to bath, eat, and sleep on time"

"That I agree with you for once" Tina slammed her hands together and the maids assisted the princess however Elena snicks in a chuck of chicken under her gown. The mad lose and combed her hair. Wash her in a night bath and she wore a gown. Tina stood behind her with a corner of her eye she watched Elena eat with a fork in proper etiquette when all she wanted to do was to gulp the food with her hands.

Elena tugged to bed with a black sheet spread over her. "Night night princess. It is customary..." Elena cuts in "It is customary not to read a book but to turn the candle off and close my eyes"

"You finally becoming molded to become my creation however you are not perfect" Elena frowns and sleeps and Tina closes the door behind her. It was two hours gone and the owl oats and Elena squeezed her eyes.

"Am right here princess as you ordered," Wise the tortoise was standing next to the princess chucking on the stolen piece of chicken.

"Good then you know what you need to do wise. Wait a minute how did you know I snare in some chicken"

"Hehehe! Sense of smell" wise the tortoise replies and continues. " once upon a time in the magical land, my nose was the most perfect...."

"Wait! Wait!wait! This is not the time for one of your stories" Elena "Yes princess if I should tell you a short story"

"Don't, I have heard enough for today" Princess jumped out of bed as the tortoise replaced her. She grabbed her bag and walked through the window.

"I bid you safe returns princess," Wise said

"I see you in the morning twinkle toes" Elena jumped out of the window and followed into a straight hidden secrets tunnel which led her outside the castle walls dodging guards and imperial guards. She walked to the hideout where Samson, Betty, and Eliot were waiting. They changed into an outfit of black like ninjas.

. Betty dressed like a witch of the night with a long hat and a cloth mask revealing her eyes only. Samson dressed like a samurai stealth ninja, Eliot dressed like Batman with a bat cloak cape and a mask on his face and Elena in knighted black Tunis and pants on combat boots similar to the mask of Zorro.

"it is Time to take the gangs down" smiled Elena.

The four in black swing their weapons into the moon heroically. They move stealthily through the night and arrive at a two-story building. Eliot summoned a spell and the earth moved and accompanied by the shared amount of force pushed him up to the air. The moon was behind him and his Batman cape spread as he glided the air to the roof of the warehouse in front of him.

Princess Elena runs and suddenly fire from her foot shoots her into the air and she acrobatically spins her body with her swords in her hands. The moon shone its light behind her and her blue eyes glowed as she stomped on the roof.

Betty used ice magic to push herself up while Samson jumped easily on the available edges of the roof. They looked from the window and they saw the gangs and the one on top the young girl crying and Hero watching. They followed through the window, passed through the spaces, and jumped down silently behind Hero.

Hero hidden behind a stack of wooden boxes saw his money given to a gang leader while he watched them. A sword swung for his neck behind him; however, he was quick to notice the assailant as he ducked down, Turning around, his leg kicked the assailant.

While he attempted to fight, three more assailants aimed their weapons at him. Hero was outnumbered, and the assailant got up from the floor. She picked up her sword and lifted it above her head.

"Why are you here?" She questioned him, Hero explained his situation, and the assailant removed her Zorro mask. It was the princess, Elena. Hero was shocked. The princess had come by herself to stop the illegal gang activities. Hero was forced to join the group.

"Hey, who is there?" A gang member who heard the noise called. The attention of the gangs is drawn to the stack of boxes. "It must be one of the children hiding. Come out come wherever you are. I will ensure I give you a painful death if I find you" The gang guard drew out a dagger and walked into the stack of boxes.

Suddenly a noise was heard and Eliot stabbed a bat like dagger at the neck of the assailant and there was total silence. The gang lord worried nods five of his gang to the boxes. They moved silently drawing their sword. As they moved, they experienced a sudden fog mist clouding their vision.

Inside the mist, they saw Eliot in his Batman cape and figure with his eyes staring at them hidden in mist.

"Over there get him" They ran towards the Batman however the ice mist covered him disappearing into the air. They only experienced sharp weapons going through their throat. Two members of the gang were frozen in ice and Hero runs out and slams the ice to pieces.

The human in ice crashes from Hero's impact but the head remains intact. Hero was shocked and his hand began to shake. He just realized he had just killed a person. Elena notices Hero trembling and asks.

"Your first time killing someone. You get used to it as a member of the night parade"

"Night parade? What is that?"

"This? What we are doing. Do you think I will let you go after you find out our secret? We share secrets now so let's be friends" She raised her sword "Friends to murder evil villains" she laughed grabbing the head of the assailant swinging it.

The rest of the gangs watching and a familiar member's head frozen in ice rolled over to them. They got scared. "Come out ever you are or we kill the children" A guard grabs a child and aims a steam gun at the head of a child.

"I know you are here to save them. Come out now or they die"

"You are such a coward hiding behind a group of children afraid of little girls. Are you sure you want us to come out? You are going to die anyway" Betty the witched began to laugh hysterically like a witch.

Ice fog mist spread all over the warehouse to the extent the gangs could not see themselves or tell who was who. Betty adjusted her big rounded glasses and it illuminated bright light on her dark witch costume. She was the perfect witch. She gave an illusionary vision of an old witch turning blood with a big pot.

"Do you have to do all that drama?" Hero questioned

"It sets the mood for some witchcraft Halloween"

As the fog grew thicker, the only sound the guards heard was swords thrusting into bodies and the moaning screams of death, as the fog faded away. The only two people remaining were the gang lord and the man who raped the girl tied with a rope to a chair and the children safe behind the princess.

"How did these happen? Who are you?"

"I will be the one asking the question. Who is the owner of this emblem". Princess Elena showed the gang

"I don't know" the gang lord cried out" But Boris knows."

"Who is Boris?" Elena questioned.

"It's a gang information broker. You can find him at Oak Town"

Elena gave a dagger to the little girl who was raped and ordered Hero to kill the gang lord.

"Why me?" questioned Hero

"Get used to it" Elena replied to him. The little girl narrowed her eyes in anger. With pain and anger without hesitation, she aimed and matched with power and ran forward with the dagger in her hands and rammed it through the neck of her assailant.

"That's more like it compared to some whip. A wise man once said, what you fear must come to you. Now do it" Eliot orders. The gang lord begged for his life and Hero's hand shook as he walked to him.

" Face your fears, conquer your fears says the wise Chinese man"" What's with you and wise man? Hero do it already" Hero lifts his sword to the air and his hand trembling.