
Hero Nor Villain: The Star That Reaps

Heroes and Villains, one side loved by the people the other scorned and feared, but what if both were the cause of pain for all. What if you were ruined in the middle because of both sides and they are both your source of scorn. Would you become a hero to correct the corruption and become a true hero or a villain to destroy it all or maybe you thought about being both a hero and a villain. All of that sounds okay but it's not for me I don't' want to be either See me I want to be the one who lives on the outside who destroys that mold of fake heroes and lawless villains So I decided to be someone who's neither a hero nor a villain The punisher of all and the reaper of sins

BoredDragon · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Low On Time

"So are we just going to wait here or do something"

"Yeah, are we after all we do attend here"

"Who knows how long we'll be out for"

"Actually, that don't sound too bad"

"Well, I for one don't want to be stuck doing missions because of it"

"What? Who said that'll happen"

"What do you mean who... who else"

Pointing to Devyn who was leisurely laying on the roof of the arena, basking in the sunlight with his eyes closed as if he was asleep

"I don't think he's awake"

"Of course, he's awake, how many times have he been like that and wasn't asleep"

"Actually, he was asleep each time"

"What do you mean he was"

"Just as we said he's asleep"

"There's no way he's asleep at this time"

"It has been five minutes since the battle been going on down there and it seems like it'll only continue for another five or so"

"That's why I said let's go down already"

"Not yet so wait a little longer"

"Why wait it's not like it'll take much time to finish things up"

"Because we're waiting on the main attraction to appear"

Devyn who some believed to be asleep while others weren't convinced suddenly spoke

"They're here"

"What we thought you were asleep"

"Yeah it looked as if you were"

"What so does that mean you heard everything"


"Even during those-"

"Yep, and you sure have a lot of, how should I put it"


"No that's not it"


 "No Hmm"

"You guys"


"I got it disgusting. That's the word I was going for"




"Br-brother why that word?"

"Hehe you know why"


"Enough about you 'problems', it's about time to reap"

"Yes" they all said

Not far away coming at a high speed to the arena he has finally shown himself

"Vel Kanter the guild master of one of the top guilds in Forax City; the Black Dragon Guild"

"Looks like he's come here to put on a show"

"Well, it's too bad that, the show will have to be cancelled a lot sooner"

"So are we going now"

"Yeah I can't believe I almost missed it"

"??.. Missed what?"

"Huh oh nothing"

Getting up to stretch for things to get started, his whole demeaner changed along with the rest as they donned their signature masks

"Let's go you all handle the small frys and don't forget to help the hostages"






"Babysitting duty is it"

"Do you all have a problem with it?"

"No we are happy to help"

"Good now..reap"

"Umm that's"


"No nothing"


They began merging with the shadows as they transverse through them. While he watched them, Devyn began to move once the drama being played out was almost at its climax.

"It seems like you bastards have been planning this for a while, but what is your adjective?"

"Hehehe and why would we tell a hero and especially you Vel Kanter, the Guild master of the Black Dragon Guild, who so graciously offer his presence to us… hehehe"

"Tsk this bastard dog, you nothing but a dog and you dare to speak my name you low-rate villains"

"I may be a low-rate villains, but you're come in person to handle such villains"

"So what does that say about you I wonder"

"How long is this going to take"



"Who said that, revealed yourself you bastard or are you to scared to"

"Scared? Who me? But I'm over here"


Coming out of the shadow of Vel, Devyn was completely unbothered about the hostility he got from both sides but there was also suspicion mixed with caution. And soon later they noticed in other parts where the hostages are located, soon a total of thirteen figures came out the shadows the same way the mysterious guy also did.


"What's going on"

"Who are these people"

"I've never seen or heard about people that dons reaper masks"

"What's going to happen to us"

"Are they also villains and are they here with those people that keeping us here"

"I don't know but I hope this doesn't make it difficult for sir Vel"

"We can only trust that more heroes arrive to help"

'What's going on Vel this wasn't the plan'

'They're not with you?'

'No you're the one who came up with this of course not'

'Then are they villains or heroes but I never seen or heard of such a group that dons masks like theirs'

'We don't know either so it's best for us to be cautious'

'But it's strange'

'What is?'

'Can't you feel it'


'Sorry to interrupt you two but can we wrap this up I can't be late or else'




They looked towards Devyn as he had a smile on his face but that smile for some reason brought chills down their spine.

'Me? The Black Dragon Guild master is afraid of some unknown bastards'

"I'll kill you both he…"

Before he could finish Devyn made his move as he decided to go with the knock them out quickly tactic since he will be taking them back with them and, also because he's running low on time now. He, who went disappeared into the shadows again reappeared behind Vel once again but this time he raised his hand and slapped down with an open hand on the back of Vel's head which caused him to hit the ground face first. That in turn created numerous cracks that began to spread out and soon the ground underneath Vel's unconscious body gave way as a crater the was about fifteen to twenty meters in diameter formed.

"What just happened"

"Vel.. shit we need to retreat now and tell.."

Before he could finish he was also knocked out, but the same impact didn't come

"My bad I was too anxious that I forgot to control my strength my bad.. well not that you can hear me"

Devyn said that to Vel more

"Oh before I forget"

He proceeded to knock out the rest that was in his vicinity with ease

"Well that's done, have you all finished yet?"

"Of course who do you think we are"

"They weren't even good enough to be warmups"

"Oh really then that means we get to have a great time training later huh"

"Uh um noo what I mean was"

"It's too late now, be ready, all of you"

"Fuck Alex you idiot"


"This moron"

"Can't keep his mouth shut"


"Bring them along let's go"

"Okay but what about them"

As they all looked to where he pointed to

"Someone will be here shortly so they'll be fine plus are you sure you want to be late; you know what will happen right"

"Gulp, eh hehe you're right let's go"

"Wait Who, why are.."

"If you want to know who we are we are called the Grim Reapers, the reapers of sins"

Saying that they all disappeared into the shadows taking along the culprits

"No what I mean was why are you taking the guild master for"

But they were already gone by the time he asked that

"Ha-have we been saved?"

"It seems to be the case"

"Yeah but who were those people and why did they take the guild master of Black Dragon"

"Who knows but this will have to be reported to the association immediately"

"Alright everyone as you can see we have been saved now and the heroes will arrive soon"

'Grim reapers, kinda weird who came up with that'