

It's the end of the day finally! I can't believe I am hating school so much but I guess it makes sense, we've already done it once so it feels like a waste of time to do it again, even with the new roles and responsibilities. 

The door opened, showing Uncle standing there and Kacchan and I froze for a half second. "Dad?" Kacchan asked, confused. 

"Boys, hide," we didn't stop to ask why. The window was opened and we both jumped out of it only for me to use Blackwhip to hold us under the ledge and out of sight. Kacchan was on top of me but he was gripping a groove in the ledge to relieve some of the burden on me while we waited to find out why Uncle came running in like that. 

Blackwhip however had other ideas, it seemed to hug me instead of just doing what I wanted and Kacchan noticed his eyes were wide when it slithered over his body holding him in place.

"WHERE IS MY BABY?" You know what? I think I can stay here all day long, yeah. I don't know why Mom sounds homicidal but I want nothing to do with it. I tried to ignore how Blackwhip was acting more like a cuddly pet, is it possible that it came alive now that we've been sent back in time? How does that even make sense?

"Inko, it looks like the boys aren't here at the moment. They could have went to the bathroom or the library or who really knows, it is the end of the day after all, so I'm sure they aren't rushing to come back besides it won't be long before they are home," Uncle tried to reason with her and whether Aizawa Sensei was just shocked into silence or if he was actually staying silent on purpose, I really don't know. 

"KATSUKI AND IZUKU SHOW YOURSELVES RIGHT NOW!" Mom yelled and the hair on the back of my neck rose but neither of us were going anywhere. We don't wish to die and the fact that our clothes were being lifted up even from out here from her quirk going haywire was more than enough reason to stay exactly here. Even Blackwhip shivered and helped pull us further from the edge and helping us hide a little more.

"Inko, you can see for yourself, we are on the third floor and they aren't in here," I heard Auntie talking this time and now Kacchan and I are holding our breath in case Mom was by the window. 

"I'm sure Toshinori was mistaken, after all they are only 15 and 16 now. What could they possibly do?" Uncle asked, laughing nervously. "Besides, what exactly was inappropriate?" I heard the door shut and after a few seconds I heard Auntie. 

"If you're still out there you can come in," she called out softly. 

"Why is Mom so mad?" I asked, groaning when Kacchan climbed inside first, pressing on my stomach before helping me inside. 

"All Might sent us this," she handed us her phone and we read the text message about him finding us doing something inappropriate at school but that was all. 

The door opened and all three of us froze only for All Might to step inside. Auntie wasted zero time and grabbed him by the ear and slammed the door shut. 

"Are you trying to get my son killed?" She would have screamed if not for the fear that Mom was outside the door. I typed up what All Might actually caught us doing and handed her the phone after hitting send so that Mom and Uncle would see what actually happened too. She quickly reads the message and really yanks on his ear before shoving the phone in his face. 

"Is this or is it not true?" She hissed and All Might quickly read it while yelping from the pain because Auntie wasn't letting him go any time soon. 

"Ouch yes! That's what I found them doing! Can you please let go of my ear now?" All Might complained. 

"THEY ARE ALLOWED TO DO THIS!"  Auntie stopped keeping her voice down and screamed in his face. 

"Damn it Toshinori! I know you've never had kids before but you better get your phone out right this second and confirm this message before Inko actually kills Katsuki! Then you and I are going to have a LONG talk about how you word things!" Auntie yanked hard on his ear and the Symbol of Peace actually fell to his knees, afraid to actually fight back and I don't blame him but did he really have to send Mom into a panic over a kiss? 


He did as he was told and we all felt the building shake a moment later. 

"Shit, I don't think she has her phone," Auntie quickly called Uncle and told him to show Mom his phone with the messages in it and then we felt the building shake again, much harder than before, people fell out of their seats and things fell to the ground.

"Masaru? Did she see it or not?" There was silence and she let out a sigh of relief before turning back to us again, still not letting All Might's ear go. "Run, Inko is now a little too happy," both of our eyes widened before we jumped through the window again while Auntie said she would get our things for us and we ran like hell. 


"I'm sorry," All Might grumbled, more like a teenage girl than an adult man that was the hero of millions. Kacchan and I have been hiding at Auntie and Uncle's house because I can't go home until Mom calms down, but right now we are in class. 

"I fucking told you, we were ALLOWED! I said to call my hag not leave a cryptic text message for all of them! I almost fucking died, TWICE!" Kacchan couldn't keep his voice down. We were in the waiting room of one of the gyms during heroic class and several of our classmates and Aizawa Sensei were listening curiously but at this point I think they are afraid of upsetting my mom by asking us anything. Even Nezu has asked that my mom refrain from coming to school without an appointment or at the very least a call before hand.

"Did Auntie leave your ear attached?" I finally asked, letting out a sigh. I already knew I couldn't stay mad at him from the beginning because after all, he was only concerned for us. Still, I don't like the idea of Mom rewarding him because of all of this. So I am silently cheering Auntie on. 

"It's still attached, just red and swollen," he rubbed at his ear, wincing as he did. "She also gave me the lecture of a lifetime each time she pulled or squeezed on it." He rubbed at the bandaged ear and I nodded understanding, Auntie's lectures were torture in their own right. She gets off topic a lot and by the time she realizes it she has to backtrack and you have to sit through it all again. It could easily last hours depending on if she was in a hurry where she would say that she will tell us later and then forget altogether or she won't stop talking and your lecture on why you can't brush your teeth before eating right before bed will go on and on and on. 

She was better than any lullaby and would put me to sleep faster than most anything else. I would be lying if I said I've never called her and asked a question because I was going days without sleep and wasn't functioning properly. Something she will still laugh about even when we were thirty, so yes she knows. Or knew rather.

"At least she only pulled your ear," Kacchan grumbled but didn't say anything else. 

"It's still not appropriate at school," he repeated himself for what has to be the millionth time and I threw my hands up. 

"Fine! Here in the building, we will not do it again," I over pronounced each syllable, sick of him repeating himself. I mean, what more did I have to do? 

"But! You get to tell Mom that you're the reason why we aren't doing it anymore," I pointed at him and Kacchan choked on his water. 

"She'll kill him!" He sputtered, trying to talk and breathe at the same time but that only made him choke worse. 

"He'll live," I rolled my eyes. It's not like I'm going to stop kissing my future husband anytime soon. 

"I'm warning the hag," Kacchan pulled out his phone and within seconds All Might's phone rang. 

"Hello?" He asked confused. … "Why do you all think she is so scary?" Kacchan and I burst out laughing but now that I think about it. I don't think he has ever seen Mom angry before, he even missed it when she was about to tear the school apart. I still don't understand how he thought that was an actual earthquake.

"You know, by the end of all of this he is going to be more scared of Auntie than any of us," Kacchan laughed and I agreed, he was in our first life after all, just for entirely different reasons. 

"Yagi, Bakugo," Kacchan and I looked up at Aizawa Sensei's voice. "With your mother so powerful, I have to wonder why she isn't a hero?" He looked at me curiously. 

"Oh that's just because she can't control it. At least not to that level. She can only control pulling small objects around and she uses it while cooking a lot," I shrugged before taking another drink. 

"Yeah, Auntie can only shake building foundations when she is excited, either bad or good but she is usually a very calm person," Kacchan added, putting his water down. 

"I see that's rather inconvenient," he slowly nodded but I could also tell that what Kacchan said bothered him. Did he really not realize that Mom was shaking the entire school when she was hunting us down? 

"I want to go home though. Sorry Kacchan, I just miss Mom," he shrugged understanding what I meant but we both know that neither of us are that brave yet. 

"You could try calling her?" He suggested, pointing at All Might who was still stuck on the phone with Auntie. 

"Last time she was in the car and the whole car rose a meter into the air," I sighed while shaking my head and he winced. That had to be painful when she suddenly dropped back to the ground. 

"Still for her to get so excited now is kind of weird. I wonder if her new husband makes her that happy?" I smiled at the thought. 

"Poor man," Kacchan chuckled and I ended up laughing too when All Might looked up from his phone and I swear I saw his eyes light up. 

"I'm glad they make each other so happy. It's still a little weird to be called Yagi instead of Midoriya, nice but weird," I leaned against Kacchan who hummed. 

"Doesn't matter, I'll always call you Deku," I laughed at that but I'm tired. Was there something else I was forgetting? I know that the USJ incident will be happening soon I think. Since there was already a break in at school but was there anything else? 

"Kacchan?" I asked looking up and he hummed letting me know he was listening. "я что-то забыл?" (Am I forgetting something) I asked in Russian. 

"Нет почему?" (No, why?) Kacchan answered, probably confused, why I switched languages with him but I can't help feeling like I'm missing something. 

"неважно," (Nevermind,) I let out a sigh and relaxed again. Whatever it is, I'm sure we'll be alright, we have each other now after all. 

"Mrs. Bakugo? How long have they known Russian?" I heard All Might ask curiously and we both started laughing. "How many languages exactly?" 

No, we aren't going to tell them how many or which ones. That's confidential information but Kacchan and I were laughing at the bewildered faces around us and the increasingly shocked one on All Might's. 

"They know Greek and lat- No, I mean sure maybe some Latin but-" there was a pause and the color seemed to drain out of him. Truth be told we only talked enough to learn a few phrases in each language when we were this age but as we were sent on missions and stationed in different places for periods of time our vocabulary and pronunciation grew better and better. Of course most languages were a stretch but Kacchan and I had to make it a challenge, a competition between each other which is the reason why our skills never seemed to dwindle. 

"одна неделя?" (One week?) I asked Kacchan and he nodded. It won't hurt for us to refresh ourselves on the language for a week. It would probably last us for a long time and then we can just start over again. 

"Ах, да," (oh yes,) Kacchan laughed maniacally, mostly because Iida was having what seemed to be a mental breakdown. 

Well, it will be fun for a while at least.

Besides Kacchan and I need to figure out what is going on with Blackwhip.