

"So why are you two late to class?" Eraserhead asked and I hid behind Kacchan a little before mumbling my answer.

"I kind of hurt Kacchan this morning. No one told me I was super strong," I mumbled feebly. I'm telling the truth I did exactly that, just in bed. Kacchan is still sore and he's already gone to Recovery Girl who glared at me the whole time. I kept asking her why but she just sighed and shook her head making me more confused.

"No one told you… Right, you've had your quirk for around a year," he groaned and I perked up.

"Really? A year? But how am I already licensed as a hero then? Or did I really just study that hard? Kacchan hasn't told me anything yet," I started bubbling my questions and Kacchan put his hand lightly on my mouth.

"You just crippled me this morning and now you're talking about going on missions? It's not happening," he glared at me and I pouted.

"But Kacchan, how much did I really have to study to already be licensed? Surely I could do regular patrols with you?"

"HELL NO! We worked our asses off to get those licenses and it would violate them if you even tried while under the influence of a quirk like this," he isn't giving me an ounce of leeway, no matter how much I try to beg.

"Kacchan," I whined but he shook his head no. "Then, can you tell me about my brothers? You said I have three right?" I tried another tactic, so far he has refused to tell me anything about my step dad or my brothers and my curiosity is killing me!

"You know we are in class right?" He rolled his eyes but his tone of voice told me that he was starting to give in.

"I don't care, please! I promise I'll stop asking to go on patrols until my memories come back," I quickly swore, praying that I'll finally get some answers.

"Fine," he sighed and took a deep breath. "But Sensei has to agree too," he added and I just want to flop on the ground and cry. Why is he being so difficult? Just why? I looked at Eraserhead who looked far too amused by watching than anything else but before I could say a word he quickly told Kacchan to hurry up and make it good. I wonder what he means by that? Make it good? Are my brothers not nice?

"I guess I'll start with the eldest and youngest then, they are biological brothers and they have another brother and sister but they are still with their biological father," Kacchan started and immediately I have questions.

"No, I don't know why, maybe because instead of being physically tortured they were simply neglected and ignored but I don't actually know. Dabi has a strong fire quirk, strong enough that his flames are usually blue. It's because of that, that his bio dad tortured him, trying to turn him into the perfect hero, he pushed him so hard that he still has burns on his body from his own flames even now. He had to fake his death in order to escape the bastard and it wasn't until we found him that he came back to the land of the living, although his bastard father still thinks he's dead. None of us saw fit to tell him, not like he deserves to know or anything and he is technically a legal adult so there are no legal requirements to do so."

"Oh, then he probably despises me then. Both of them if they were both tortured like that," I could feel my hopes for a loving brother relationship being crushed but that seemed to confuse Kacchan.

"What the hell? Why would they despise you?" He demanded and it didn't look like I was going to get any help from the teacher either. Well crap.

"You said that they were tortured? To become pro heroes they were burned by their father, probably his quirk. That means he "trained them". It was probably the same as with my dad." I let out a long sigh and just let the disappointment wash over me. But, so long as Mom is happy then I can make myself scarce. I've been used to it for so long, and it's not like I'm actually quirkless now so just going to my room should be enough. Wouldn't it? Besides now Kacchan is by my side so I don't really need to-

"Izuku," I froze hearing the tone in his voice and I looked up a little afraid. "Will you come and sit in my lap?" I tilt my head confused but nod slowly and he turned in his seat and I did what he asked. I'm even more confused with why he is asking me to do this in class but he must have a reason. He always does.

"What do you mean by trained? We've trained together more times than I can count and I don't think I've ever burned you. Got close a few times but I've never burned you," his voice was light again, as if he were trying to be careful of his words but I smiled. That is true, even at his worst he has never actually burned me.

"Well, for me Dad kept trying to force the weakness out of me. No son of his could be quirkless after all. Mostly he used fire to try and force my quirk to manifest, he kept saying that I'm his son so of course I would have a fire quirk like him. Maybe even a stronger version of his flamethrower," I explained but Kacchan's eyes didn't leave me and I relaxed a little against him, thankful that he wasn't mad at me.

"Then there was the specialist, mostly the school counselor but when Mom suggested that I might be depressed he brought in another one too. They agreed with Dad about forcing the weakness out of me but he disagreed with burning me. He said that that would only seal away my fire so he brought razors and then after the first few times they made me cut it myself. Get the weak blood out, they kept saying. The school counselor however thought I was a lost cause and simply went about the procedure for the quirkless. My death day was decided. Like most quirkless, I just wouldn't be up to the pressure of-," my voice broke when a sob surprised me.

"Sorry, it never gets easier. I don't like to talk about my exit plan. Well I guess since I have a quirk now I don't really need one, do I?" I tried to force a smile but the absolute heartbreak in his eyes when I looked up was just painful to see. I heard someone ask what an exit plan was but no one answered and Kacchan was too focused on me for me to turn to someone else.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. Besides, even if I didn't get my quirk, I would have forgotten it all after my next appointment anyway. So don't worry too much. We all already know. We know and we are thankful that we are given at least 15 years to experience life. So many don't get that much after all." No matter what I said, the look just wouldn't leave Kacchan's eyes. I had to look away.

"Can I–," my voice broke again and I had to clear my throat. "Can I see your quirk Kacchan? It's always so pretty," I couldn't help the small smile on my face. Kacchan can make anything better after all. He held up his hand and little sparks went off, dazzling. "So pretty."

"Deku, why wouldn't you remember after your next appointment?" I heard Kacchan ask softly and I leaned into his arms.

"The school counselor's quirk is called memory blank. He could erase any part of your memory whenever he wanted to. Well, if he asked you to come inside his office first anyway. But there is a catch, there's always a catch," I yawned, getting sleepy from all the emotional drain of this conversation.

"What's the catch?" He asked so quietly that I almost didn't hear him. I saw his knuckles turn white and when my fingers brushed over them he opened his hand for me and I was able to play with his fingers.

"If the target ever says a key phrase then all their memories will come back and any of the pain they suffered at the time it happened," I closed my eyes and he hugged me.

"What's the phrase?"

"No, I can't," I tried to shrug it off but Kacchan wouldn't let it go.

"I want to be a hero, I can't say that I want to be… That," I yawned and tried to hide my face in his neck and thankfully he let me. "I'm so tired. Kacchan is it okay? Pretty please?" I mumbled while snuggling into him.

"Yeah, I've got you. I will always have you," he whispered and I nodded and I could feel the small smile on my face but I couldn't force it away. Not when he is being so sweet.

"I love you," I whispered before the darkness creeped in. "At least I was supposed to make you a hero. It's all I ever wanted," I whispered as I fell asleep in his arms. I felt him go rigid at that but I couldn't stay awake any longer.