

"I hope you're hungry," I whispered to him and pushed him to an empty chair next to Mom so he would be next to Kacchan. We all ate and as uncomfortable as Dabi, Todoroki and Shinso looked at being in such a crowded place they also looked happy to just watch and of course eat.

By the end of dinner I had managed to get Todoroki to smile and Shinso to relax his shoulders. We were chatting away and they helped to clean up after dinner so Mom and Aunty could relax and gossip.

"It's about time you two brought home some friends, we were starting to think that you would forever isolate from the rest of the world," Aunty laughed out loud when we walked back into the living room.

"Aunty," I groaned and Kacchan started cursing.

"Old hag," he grumbled under his breath but Aunty heard him and they started screaming at each other making Mom and I sigh at the sight.

"Mitsuki, let's let the boys go to Izuku's room to hang out? They have stayed out here with Toshinori and I all the way until dinner and they all cleaned up for us," Mom suggested and Uncle agreed before Aunty could argue or really say anything while Kacchan and I led the way to my room.

"Finally, fucking old hag," Kacchan grumbled before grabbing a bean bag chair and pulling me into his lap to hold. I wonder why he is so stressed? He usually isn't so high strung and today didn't seem to be all that stressful.

"Don't ask. The hag has been on my case about stupid shit," he pulled me back into his arms again when I tried to sit up. I hummed a little and turned so I was sideways in his lap and started running my fingers through his hair. Dabi, Todoroki and Shinso seemed to share a look but otherwise seemed more than happy to find a place to lounge, Dabi taking the bed since he was actually staying in my room at the moment.

Several minutes passed with Shinso, Todoroki and Dabi asking each other questions thanks to some prompting from me of course before Kacchan spoke again.

"The hag has been nagging about my heart and hearing again. Like I don't already know that I'll go deaf if I don't wear the damn hearing aids or that my heart monitor has been showing my heart rate as calm for longer periods than it used to," Kacchan grumbled, his mouth next to my ear as he spoke softly but the others in the room heard him just fine.

"Is there something wrong with your heart being calmer than before?" Dabi asked, interested. He has been increasingly interested in us since he started staying here, probably because we are with his brother so much.

"Yeah, my heart could stop," Kacchan grumbled but I could feel his pulse pick up just from saying the words. "My quirk is a mood stabilizer and I create it naturally so if too much gets reabsorbed, my heart wouldn't be able to function any more. It would stop," he's never told anyone but me before, at least so far. I think he might have told Kirishima when we were older but I don't know for sure.

"I never thought of it like that. I guess even the most powerful of quirks can be bad," Shinso spoke up, surprised by the information.

"I hate mine. I keep thinking that if only I wasn't cursed with it then maybe, just maybe I would have-," Todoroki stopped suddenly as if realizing that people were actually listening to him. "You all probably think I'm crazy for hating such a strong quirk."

"Ha! My fire actually burns my own body in order to use it," Dabi snorted. "My father was a real piece of work too, always trying to "make me strong enough"," Dabi used air quotes while talking and I could see him watching Todoroki carefully to see his reaction.

"So that is normal?" Todoroki groaned, his shoulders slumping at the thought.

"Normal, actually yes but not okay. That is abuse and no one is allowed to do that to you," I shook my head while frowning.

"My old man would cry if he even tried to get upset with me," Kacchan shrugged and I chuckled.

"Uncle cries almost as much as Mom," I laughed out loud.

"For fucks sake the two of them will drown us all!" Kacchan over exaggerated and the others were smiling at our silliness.

"How is All Might as a Dad? I know he is your step dad but still," Shinso asked nervously and I sat back and thought about it.

"He is amazing. He is always trying to help me and anytime I'm hurt he panics trying to fix or find someone who can fix it for me. He gets really excited when we do something together. Like last month, right before you started staying here," I motioned to Dabi before continuing. "He found me making a model replica of the USJ and we ended up staying up most of the weekend together, gluing, and carefully piecing it together. Here I'll show you!"

I got a little over excited and ran to my closet showing them that there were by far more than one such model but it was also clear that this was my favorite. For one thing it was the only completed model still in the front while the others were shuffled back so that I could get to my supplies. Kacchan just watched, smiling. He had walked in on All Might and I with our hands glued to the model and had to help us get unstuck but we had all laughed so much about it that it was really kind of crazy.

"I never had a dad before, not really so the fact that he was so excited to see my interest outside of just wanting to be a hero. I just… It almost makes all those years of abuse worth it," I mumbled that last part before clearing my throat and turning to put the model away again.

"That's right, I forgot. On the first day of school you said that you used to be quirkless. You haven't even had your quirk for a year yet," Todoroki said bluntly and I chuckled nervously.

"WHAT?" Shinso and Dabi exclaimed, making Todoroki confused.

"You didn't know? On the first day of school All Might showed us footage of Yagi and Bakugo being held hostage by a villain. Apparently it was traumatizing enough that Yagi developed his quirk."

"Yeah, we almost died but it was also the day that I met All Might for the first time," I smiled bigger talking about this. "My idol, my hero and he was standing in front of me. I really didn't know what to do," I chuckled while Kacchan rolled his eyes.

"Lucky fucking Nerd. I was surrounded by the fucking media after he came and saved me so I didn't actually get to meet him until after we were accepted into UA," Kacchan grumbled before pulling me back into his lap now that I was done putting away the model.

"Still, to have a dad, or at least a parent at all, that actually cares about you? Yagi you have it all," Shinso sighed.

"Then just come over all the time, I don't mind calling you my brother," I shrugged and Kacchan laughed out right.

"Nerd, are you going to adopt all of them for Aunty and All Might?" He teased me and I grinned back.

"Who knows? Maybe I will," I leaned into him and kissed under his chin, acting cute.

"Can you adopt me too?" Todoroki asked with a straight face and I looked at him confused.

"But I already did?" I tilted my head to the side and waited but his eyes only widened a fraction, showing no other reaction. "Todoroki, why do you think Kacchan and I have been trying to collect evidence on the number two hero all this time?"

"You, what?"

"Nerd, you never told him what we were doing did you?" Kacchan groaned and I chuckled, embarrassed.

"Ah, oops."

"Does that mean I can call All Might dad?" I looked up confused, not sure who said it, it really could have been any of them.

"Well I don't mind but you do know that I don't call him that. Right?" I saw a few of their eyes dim, probably thinking I was indirectly turning them down. I hopped up and ran out of the room too find Mom and All Might a few steps down the hall, trying to sneak away.

"Can we adopt them?" I asked bluntly.

"Legally, no. But," Mom turned her eyes to All Might. They had been listening in and I didn't mind, I even saw their shadows under the door shortly after we settled in.

"I would like to hear you call me Dad first," All Might hesitated before kneeling in front of me. "But I also don't want to push you into doing anything you don't want to do. Take your time."

"So you do want me to call you Dad?" He nodded sheepishly but I didn't let him say anything else. "Then I'll call you Dad but you are so much more important to me than my sperm donor ever was. Don't ever try to compare yourself to someone terrible like him. Promise?"

He was speechless for a second. When he did find his voice he asked, "Is that why you haven't yet? Because calling me Dad would make me less somehow?"

"Well no but the name Dad was never for someone nice. He usually just hurt me, my feelings," I quickly added when I saw Mom's quirk flash in her rage. She settled down but she still looked plenty mad.

"Well to me it would make me feel more connected to you. Like we were closer than before," he gently explained and that thought excited me. Of course I already knew that on some level but the fact that All Might wanted to feel closer to me? It feels like a dream come true.

"Dad, I love you."