

It's Monday and everyone is staring at Kacchan and well… Mostly me and I can't blame them. They are all well aware that I adore All Might, he is my favorite hero but thanks to everything I said they also found out that he was recently injured and that he is my step father. I'm sure there are misunderstandings, I would be shocked if there were none but whatever. All Might and I reconciled and that's all I care about at the moment.

"Oi Deku," I turned at Kacchan's voice, making him smile back at me. "We have another request, the mission is in Greenland this time," he made a face and I couldn't help laughing.

"Go ahead and decline it, maybe remind them that we are still in highschool?" I kept laughing and he nodded.

"Thank All Might… Well, whatever deity is still out there, that we have that excuse. It's too fucking cold there," he chuckled while typing on his phone and Aizawa Sensei walked in hearing the tail end of the conversation.

"Where is it too cold?" He looked at us curiously, almost demanding an answer outright.

"Greenland, apparently they wanted us to do a mission there but, you know what they say. Education first," Kacchan answered, not worried about how he would take it, or for that matter any of our classmates either.

"You would need an international license to leave the country to work as a hero and there are more heroes than not that never get one," he tried to reason with us but we both scoffed at that idea.

"Speak for yourself," Kacchan held up his license and I pulled out mine, along with the special terms of our licenses.

"How-? Why-?" He coughed before just glaring at us.

"All Might took us thinking we would fail before school started. He wanted us to learn about failure in a safe environment without crushing our self esteem. He still doesn't understand how we passed," Kacchan answered, somehow understanding Aizawa Sensei's question. "The staff got so flustered thinking that we cheated somehow that they kept bringing in the harder and harder tests until we passed enough of them to be granted an international license.

"Ah, you're talking about that day," All Might entered the room almost quietly but he already had everyone's attention. "The examiners said that they tested higher than anyone who had ever taken the test before and since they change the test every few months there was no way that they could have cheated." He explained, caving to all the eyes staring at him, wanting him to explain.

"Pissed off the one that made the claim that we had cheated in the first place though. He was just pissed that his record was broken," Kacchan let out a sigh.

"Kacchan?" I whined begging him to just drop it, all of our classmates were staring and it was more than a little uncomfortable.

"Be proud Deku. You're the youngest international pro hero in the world," he smirked at me and I just blushed harder.

"I still don't know how they knew how to fill out the toxic waste paperwork," All Might shook his head in disbelief.

"If they are already fully licensed then why are they even here?" Kaminari asked and several of our classmates murmured in agreement.

"BECAUSE we are the youngest to ever pass, they don't want the backlash that would come from the media and public if we were hurt on a mission so they put the requirement for us to finish highschool still but," Kacchan smirked at Aizawa Sensei, "we aren't limited to what the rest of you are and in terms of where we sit in the chain of command we are still above any hero that isn't intentionally licensed. So on a mission Sensei would have to follow our orders, not the other way around."

I punched his shoulder while he snickered, enjoying how our teacher looked so uncomfortable. "Kacchan be nice," I groaned. "All heroes still have to listen to All Might you know."

"What? You know he was ready to try and give us detention or some shit for leaving on Friday. He's mad we didn't listen to him while we took care of the bastard villains," Kacchan defended himself.

I frowned and pulled out my phone showing the jail break where Shigaraki and Kurogiri escaped along with dozens of other convicted villains.

"The fuckers should have stayed in prison where they belonged. We'll catch them again," Kacchan huffed, irritated and I can't blame him, but on some level I already knew All-For-One wouldn't let his previous brainwashed victim stay in prison, not until he died again anyway.

"What?" Ashido asked and I found her looking over my shoulder to see the news article only to start panicking and she yelled out the information.

It took forever to get her to calm down, our other classmates weren't really that easy to calm down either but Kacchan and I have a lot of practice.

"Remember we already arrested them once, they will unfortunately commit a crime again, it's how self proclaimed villains are," I lectured before Kacchan added.

"And just like last time we'll arrest them again, only they won't be able to get away because we'll have safeguards in place to prevent it. Even if they bring another Nomu or even more we will win. We are heroes," Kacchan declared as a fact and everyone settled down, which caught Aizawa Sensei off guard.

"Are you sure they are only 15?" He asked All Might.

"Oi Caterpillar! I'm 16, get it right!" Kacchan snapped and I couldn't cover my mouth fast enough to hide the laugh that bubbled out of me. I should have known that was coming but it was just so funny!

"Boys, seven laps after you change," All Might sighed and we stood up and left the room leaving our confused classmates behind. "Alright everyone go get changed into your suits!" We heard him from out in the hallway and everyone started murmuring but it wasn't long before they were following us.

"How long do you think it'll take them to ask?" I looked at Kacchan who smirked back.

"Until we get to the locker room," he smirked and we both started laughing. As much as I don't really want them to pry into my relationship with All Might, I also know it's too big of an issue for them to just ignore, especially if they think we don't get along. I mean it's one thing for me to be his fan but what if I didn't want him to be with my mom? Or what if my dad was actually someone important to me? There are a lot of what if's that they just don't know the answer to and their curiosity must be burning them.


Kacchan was right, of course. The moment the door opened and Kaminari wasn't even through the doorway yet when he blurted out, "Why don't you get along with All Might?"

"I should have bet money," Kacchan barked out a laugh and I glared at him, or I tried to. I was trying not to laugh though.

"We get along great actually," I smiled at him, failing to erase the traces of laughter from my voice and I could see Todoroki looking at me with the most confused face I've ever seen and considering I've lived to thirty that is quite the achievement.

"Then why did you scream at him so much last week? I've never seen you angry before, I know we haven't known each other long but all the same," Todoroki asked sincerely and I smiled even more.

"It's because I like him so much. My mom would be devastated if he didn't come home one day, all because he was reckless," my smile dropped and my voice lowered before I added, "and so would I."

"I don't understand," Kirishima stated. "If you like him all that much, how could you scream at him like that? I didn't really hear anything you said until the end when you snapped at him that he wasn't your father."

"Shitty Hair," Kacchan interrupted, glaring at him hard. "Stay the fuck out of shit that isn't your fucking business." The sheer hatred in Kacchan's voice made even me look up but I gave him a small smile and patted his shoulder. Both of us were already dressed so we walked out of the room and started our laps.


All Might was already giving directions when we finally finished running and it was only now that All Might told us that we would not be participating.

"I thought the laps were our punishment though," I whined while out of breath. The gym he had us run in was the largest one by far and it took a long time even with using our quirks.

He chuckled at that before saying, "No the laps were stretches. You're already international pro heroes so now you have to keep up the training to maintain it."

"So mean, couldn't we just get certified in another language or hero classification?" I whined a little bit, to be honest this is kind of fun. How he is pushing me even harder than before, it feels exhilarating. Like I finally reached some of his expectations.

"You say that like it's easy," he sighed, shaking his head. I answered by introducing myself with five different customs and languages.

"You two really are something else," he laughed and picked up a long wooden staff and put one hand behind his back. Wait, no! Does he mean-!?!

"Let me give you a lesson on swordsmanship. Of course you'll find many much better than myself but-"

"NO! WE'LL DO IT!" Kacchan and I quickly picked up a wooden staff of our own. Of course we know he isn't that good with a sword but who wouldn't want to sword fight with the number one hero?

"Alright for now, both of you, come at me," he shouted and Kacchan and I leaped forward and I am so thankful for some of those lessons we took in the future! At least we know the basic stances and how not to trip on our own feet!