
Remember that

Hermione woke up a little later than Draco, she noticed this because he wasn't in the bed anymore. He was fully dressed and sat in a couch with the Daily Prophet his mother had sent him. He looked quite upset and worried while he read it.

" Darling? Are you alright?" She said wonderingly. She put her dressing-gown around her and walked over to the couch. She was sore between her legs so it took a while.

" My mother sent me this" He said and put her in his lap. " What does it say?" He showed her the front page. Hermione read out aloud: " Late last night, ten dangerous death eaters escaped from Azkaban. One of them was Lucius Malfoy and it's said he is the leader.

Everyone of them is gone missing and are extremely dangerous."


Hermione stared at Draco and didn't know what to say. They shared a long silence together until Hermione broke it.

" Now what? " Draco sighed and put the away the Daily Prophet and held her close. " You're not safe here, Hermione. You have to go back."

" What...? But..."

" You're not safe with me! If he finds out about us we're so screwed. They can be everywhere. I'm sorry.

I'll get you back to the Weasley's and I'll go back to my mother. She needs me right know. She's not quite safe either."

" Um...okay, but..?'' " Pack your things now, and we'll be off. Okay? You trust me, right?"

" Of course I trust you Draco!" She kissed him like she had the other night " I love you" She whispered.

" God Hermione, I love you too that's why I'm doing this!" He kissed her back and held her against him.

" What about Ginny and Blaise, should we tell them?" Hermione said worriedly. " Yes, I'll send an owl to Blaise as fast as possible."

Hermione started packing and put on some clothes, while Draco send Blaise his owl. When she was done packing they disapparated back to the Burrow.

They stood infront of the house and Hermione refused to let go of Draco's hand. " We'll see each other again, Mione. I promise. I love you. Remember that. "

He kissed her goodbye and disapparated from her. She kept telling herself they would meet again, but deeply inside, she wasn't sure of that.