
Here we go, Desert Rangers!

Tired of just playing video games all day, a young man was ready for a change. He wanted a real challenge, something that would give him a sense of purpose. So, he joined the army, thinking he'd finally found his calling. But life had other plans. Bombings were happening left and right and before he knew it, he was gone - vaporized in an instant. Or so he thought. Next thing he knew, he woke up to the sound of a beep and the strong smell of alcohol. He looked around and realized he was in a place he didn't recognize and had no idea how he survived the blast. Talk about a crazy twist of fate. 3 - 4 Chapters per week. I need to take it easy and improve the quality of each chapters. Sorry. ------------------------------------ My fan-take on Wasteland 2 story and tackling the Wasteland 3 story to gain a more in-depth perspective on this fictional world's apocalypse! PLEASE SUPPORT THE WASTELAND TRILOGY! AN UNDERRATED GAME! ------------------------------------ I DON'T OWN THE PICTURE. Kindly contact me should you want me to change it. Thank you.

CarbonatedDrink · วิดีโอเกม
36 Chs

Seeing you again

"Whaaa. Da. Fuck." Houmin had his hand covering his mouth, trying to make sense of what's going on.

'This is bad.' that much he's sure. He listed down the things that happened with the synth, and his face sunk, knowing this all started with him. 'I shouldn't have done that... Letting it interact with the O.S was a bad call. We're done if that thing took control of the whole bunker complex-- Fuck!!'

"Better think fast, Voider." Seeing the situation and assessing it, Joe remembered that it's not his problem in the first place and shoved Houmin forward, "You're up."

'Don't mind it too much.' Joe gestured to Viñia, who is giving him an angry questioning look.

The synth broke the hostile atmosphere with the voice so soothing and enticing like a Radio D.J.

"Please calm down, everyone. Any programming from the Cochise A.I. that harbors hostile intent has been rendered obsolete. As of this afternoon, I am now the newly designated SAGA-DAEDALUS UNIT 001 ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE, and I am here to serve you, Rangers." The synth stood there gracefully, Its hair tied to cover up the opening at the back of its neck. Vargas stood up while the rest were taken aback by what it said.

"Command prompt! Cochise Protocol - Definition of Humanity!" Ace, Angela, and Thrasher recognized the call from Vargas. This was the trick they used to single out robots and synths that are under the influence of the Cochise A.I.

"I'm sorry, Snake Vargas. Like I said, Cochise has no power here, nor will it ever have power here." The synth's mouth curled up to a smile as it effortlessly apologizes to the Desert Ranger.

"Don't you listen to it, Snake!" Thrasher reminded Vargas as he tightened his grip on his pistol. "You know what this Tin Cans can do! They blast your back when you give them a chance!"


Hearing that cough, Both the Synth and the Desert Rangers look behind to where it came from.

"Oh! Hi, there, Administrator! I'm the Ascendant Intelligence Designated Aide or A.I.D.A for short." The synth waved at Houmin. "I know you have a lot of questions for me, so I will keep it short."

"I am open to any question you have at a later date-I will be busy with today and in the next few days as the system will be going on an update."

"Update?" Houmin caught that last word, which ticks him off in a suspicious way. "Aida, anything I need to know why there's an update?"

"Great thinking, Houmin!" Ace agreed, along with the rest of the Desert Rangers. Only for Vargas to keep his cool as he points his revolver at the synth.

"To do checks and fixes to the complex, Administrator," Aida gestured a respectful nod, "This place has been operating for a century. Bound to have needed maintenance here, shake off cobwebs from all kinds of equipment, and re-sync the power distribution."

"By linking me to the O.S, the core computer demanded the need for an Anti-Cochise firewall and hunter call script," Aida added. "Plus, it's a waste to turn me into scrap metal to be sent to the Reprocessor. I can help, you know. Hmph."

With their long experiences regarding Cochise, hearing the word 'Anti-Cochise' made them unease. Angela spoke out to Ace. "Ace, tell me that's not really what I heard."

"No, uh, yeah... you heard right... She sounded so angel-like." As soon as he said that, Angela bonked him on the head.

"Aida, is it true? that-Hell, I almost forgot. Houmin! go ask it about the Anti-Cochise for me!" Vargas kept his cool before trying to ask a barrage of questions to the synth. Remembering a restriction accompanied his status, he figured that letting Houmin do all of the questionings will be better.

"Oh, then, Aida? What's this Anti-Cochise?" Houmin kept to himself, but he already had a general idea.

"I'm sorry, Administrator. My directives stated to answer that sort of inquiry at a later date." Aida bowed her head in apology. "What I do can tell you, Administrator. It's a good thing that you brought me here. Today, Any Cochise A.I. or robots that walk through the Illusion Gate will be subjected to IMMEDIATE and SEVERE indoctrination. For it is better to serve the betterment of humanity than to lord over it."

"That last part is my humble opinion... Teehee~ Oh, I'm sorry. That was inappropriate."

The Desert Rangers felt more uneasy as the situation grew more distant from what they expected. Cochise programming was a stoic, human-hating, kill-all self-aware machine. The Four Legends knew just that! Killing fucking machines! Not under the service of humans. Not being cute like this one.

Ace took the confusion the hardest as he gestured with Thrasher with the possibility of a Cochise A.I. actually turning over a new leaf. The 15 years of tinkering with all sorts of robots, the answer he got was no, you can't overwrite the Cochise Main Directive. However, Today, he's looking at one. Completely fine at that.

"Enough, Synth." Snake sighs. "How about answering me this one, Will you try and kill us all? Humans, especially?"

"Sure, if it's in the past." Aida blinked her eyes attractively. "Today? No, Snake Vargas. Rather, It's the opposite. I can be proactive in helping humanity. I only need the go command from the Administrator. As a matter of fact, if you can bring any captured or shut downed robots here. Be reborn in a way that we can expand our capabilities in helping humanity."

"Or take us over." Snake shifted his aim to the synth's head. Infuriated with the smile, it's showing. "How can we know you're not bullshitting us?"

"I think this can be of help." Aida stepped to the side, letting the rangers see what it is doing, as it grabs a thin square object from the table. It then walked towards the rangers, prompting them to be on a high ready posture as they point their weapons in different parts of Aida's frame.

"Please take it." Aida handed Snake an M.R.T, displaying all sorts of charts, bulleted lists, accomplishments, and so on. "This is real-time information of everything about the update."

Vargas took the M.R.T with suspicion, hefting up its weight, wondering if this thing can be a bomb. He glared at the smiling synth for moments, and with nothing happening, he tossed the M.R.T back to Ace. "Check it, Ace."

Ace caught the object. Earlier, he had some practice playing around with a similar device the division agents were using. At the start, he scans the display to confirm what the synth is saying, then moments later, he frantically scrolled through the screen with widen eyes. "Everything's here... It will take me some time before I sort it... But all of it, all of it seems to be displayed here."

Hearing that, Vargas glared intently at Adia. Thinking to himself that something is wrong with what's going on, he contemplated just pulling the trigger and ending this sore eye in front of him...


"Oh-hoo. Son, would you mind keeping an eye on your toy." Vargas looked over his shoulder and tipped his hat at Houmin. He decocked the hammer from his revolver and holstered it. "I think it might be time for us to go home. Don't you think? We'll come back when the place sorted itself out. My advice? Give the place some decorations. Feels dull in here."

Yes, this wasn't his call. This wasn't even their house. He made a deal with these people, the Remnants of the Old World. When the rest of his team looked at him with doubt and confusion, only Surgrue was looking at him with proud eyes.

He let his pride go. Imagining himself conquering this treasure dove was now a passing idea. What he needed at this moment are the resources to help his people and to stabilize the region. He's just thankful these people are the things they were looking for a long time: A friend, A helpful friend with a buttload of resources and experiences.

"We're thankful for the hospitality, Aida." Vargas changed his tone, acting more like a guest. He diffuses the sentiments from the rest of the rangers by telling them he'll explain it later on. "It be nice if you could show us our way out. It was an educational trip for sure. Don't you worry, we'll be seeing each other soon,"

"Oh, my. Certainly. Next time, there's gonna be some refreshment." Aida made a cheered up face reaction that almost caught Thrasher's heartbeat away. Vargas stoically followed with the rest of the rangers not far behind. Looking at this scene, Houmin and Skylar stared at each other. Baffled that the situation got diffused without them doing much.

"This time, I'm sure you know what's up, Doofus. C'mon, say it." Skylar had nudged him from the side. From start to finish, she could already tell that Houmin figured it out. His weird habit, facial expression, and gestures always give it out. With Joe and Viñia had their attention perked up, Houmin was in no position to not answer the question.

"Would you even believe me if I tell you?" Houmin asked back with an indifferent tone.

"Are you that stupid?" Skylar stepped in close, making sure the Doofus didn't catch a cold or something. "Houmin, we spoke with God, and we're inside a bunker in another world. Just try us."

"GOAT... GOAT gave the synth a Soul. Or kickstarted the synth to having one." Houmin lowered his voice enough for the 3 of them to hear it. Before the 3 can voice out their concerns, Aida raised 'her' voice and was waving at the four of them.

"Administrator! Before you go with them! Don't forget your G.E.C.K cases!" Aida lifted both of her arms, showing two metal briefcase in each hand.

"HOLY SHIT!! WHAT?!" Houmin almost fell down, knowing full well what a G.E.C.K is.


Ranger Citadel

Inner Area

Brig Section

Three cells are each occupied by a different gang. Jaberon's Waste Water Gang is held in the north cell because his group has the fewest members. 4, he included, out of 40 something-ish number. But he can't remember the exact number, nor he actually cared to find out, One woman and two men. Jaberon took the news lightheartedly as most or not all of his gang with him were people he picked up with drugs. The thing that pained him the most was how useless the ones that were left. The two men were bickering about signs and brands while the woman was huddled to a corner, moaning and begging for drugs.

"Man, man, man, coulda SWORE this place gonna heat up like a motherfucker with all of us IDIOTS cooped up here," Jaberon complained from his cell. He chose to sit down at the edge of the prison bar, having a good view looking at Deslin's and Porker's gangs.

On the south cell, sitting down on a bench, Deslin felt his ears were ringing nonstop every time that dumbass, Jaberon, moved his mouth. "Tsk, you've been like this from the time we got here to now. Give it a rest, will you?! People need some sleep."

Deslin's Sand Vipers are in a large cell with having 6 members. Opposite of Jaberon's rowdy attitude and useless retinue, Deslin's unit was calm and experienced. Three of which, adding Deslin himself, were a regular in the Ranger's cell. Bailed out by their other members, or the Diamond Black Militia bought for some mercenary work. However, this was now different. They knew the chances of getting out of here alive was zero. They were a part of a group that massacred villages though they weren't willing participants of it. But they knew the rangers didn't care. They broke the wasteland's taboo: unnecessary deaths will bring you the worst luck and those that are close to you. So they knew what's soon gonna happen to them... likely a firing squad. No one likes to be associated with that heavy blood on their hands. That's why they were mum from the beginning to now.

"Giving up? Pathetic. This much? And you're all like that?" Porker snorted at the sorry state of his contemporaries. "Is this what America had become when we're out there in the south? Protecting you from the savages of the Estados Cartel."

Porker and his Border Heroes are placed in the east cell. Blatantly checking the cell's bar for any signs of weaknesses that can be exploited, even taunting the rangers to come at them as Porker knew how to push this kind of people. Naivety is a highway to downfalls. He ignored the ridicule and pitied eyes he got from the other gangs, counting on the opportunity for his vengeance for this humiliation. Everything was going well, with some of the rangers took the bait, and he waited on the right moment to wreak havoc. However, he didn't chew on those plans much... All his plans for revenge got thrashed with the sudden appearance of three men in similar gear. These three had a talk with the rangers for a few minutes, then the situation changed. Now, the rangers weren't even paying attention to anything Porker was doing... Ignored like a spoiled kid. Realizing that nothing is going out as planned, he sat down and resorted to belittling his colleagues as he comes up with a different plan.

"Wa-- Haha! Really? You got the face to say that, huh? Conceited big guy? oH I'm sO sTRong, LiSten To mE... Phew! You got put to your place, LIKE A BITCH!" With all of the years of brawls, gang fights, and trash-talks in the streets, Jaberon had a knack for messing up a person's ego. Which Porker, the unwilling pig, took much of the verbal beating. "So don't talk big game when you got out cold by someone bigger and with one hit.

Bitch, I'm so embarrassed for you acting like that. Step down from your seat. Please."

Porker flinched his head to look at Jaberon but backed his angry thoughts away. Seeing Jaberon with an anticipating smile, Porker knew that he'll fell for this drug addict's tricks if he engaged in a verbal debate. Instead, he concentrates his mind on who or what this new peoples' affiliation is... The shame he got from their leaders doing has put his pride in shambles. He started asking the ex-ranger, Fitzgerald, for any answers.

"Don't know, I don't fucking care," Fitzgerald answered. He laid his back on the bench as he tapped on the underside of what he's sleeping on. "Why not ask them yourself? Stop bothering me. You'll be seeing all of them soon."

"Seeing him again... Can't wait." Porker replied with a regained expression, planning something out.

"Aren't you all boring-ass motherfuckers?! Where's the hating? Screaming? Bitch as cusses to each other? Man, fuck you all! I'm going to sleep!" Jaberon complained.


Ranger Citadel

Outer area

A drove of people surrounded the returning convoy. Of course, the non-residents of the Ranger Citadel were barred outside.

What attracted the attention of the people were the new 5 large military trucks, with 2 long containers linked to each one of the trucks, that came along with the previous convoy. How it maneuvered or even driven all the way from the Sanctuary Bunker to Ranger Citadel was nothing short of magic.

Vargas gathered his people and asked for the status of the retrieval and preparation for the deceased rangers. He told them a half-truth about the trucks that came, only saying it was a goodwill gift from the Old Worlders, as he fondly calls Houmin and his group. Ordering everyone to be on their best behavior. He even had to hit someone in the head for being stubborn about opening up the container.

One of Viñia's agent came up to her and gave her an M.R.T. She excused herself from the group and headed to the command tent. On the other hand, Joe met with Irish. Laughing to the stories the latter told. He, too, excused himself as he followed Irish to Citadel Interior.

Like it was planned from the start, Houmin and Skylar were left alone with a noisy goat.



"I'm so proud of you! Yes, I really do. Proud of you two. Yup, yup."

"You both got this far, just like I knew you could."

"See, you have reached this point, but you aren't there yet."

"Don't forget that you haven't been accepted to the Desert Rangers. Come back to me once you got their word."

"Or just look around, check how things are going, maybe try your luck at anything. Why not fixed that toaster? Go on, give it a try. You're not gonna lose out on anything anyway."


"A toaster? Did he just say toaster?" Skylar asked, scrambling her head to look around for a toaster. She scrunched her eyes to the direction near Vargas is, not believing what she sees.

On the ground near Vargas and the refugees, a square-ish electronic appliance that spews out sparks from time to time, even if it isn't plugged into any power source, it's unusual.

In contrast to Skylar's confused expression, Houmin eyes were almost popping out.

'God! It's a toaster!'

In the Wasteland Universe, a toaster is equivalent to a treasure chest. How exactly a toaster of that size can fit a heavy machine gun or a laser rifle is beyond anyone's guess. Plus, there are mission optional items inside the toasters that can be exchanged with some individuals for tasks or trade.

In short, repairing toasters are vital in this world.

"Hehe. Skylar, talk with the general and see if we're already in with Desert Rangers." Houmin said as he giggled away towards the toaster.

"What?! Argh! Hey! Hmph!"

Tired and confused. Skylar exhaled her worries away and chose to follow what Houmin said. Halfway as she walked, she turned her head to where all of the covered bodies of dead rangers were placed. General Vargas was coordinating closely with his people for the funeral.

"If I may, General. I would like to say a few words to the fallen." Skylar made herself known. General Vargas gave a clipboard back to one of his aides before turning his head to Skylar. He first looked around, searching for the funny blue-eyed kid. Vargas gave a raised brow, seeing Houmin busying himself on a broken appliance. He turned his back to Skylar and giving her a nod of approval.

"As cliche, as it may seem... I know all of you are going to be seeing them on the other side one way or another." Skylar stepped forward as she leaned down close to a body. "Even if we're from a different era, I still would like to honor this fallen people's sacrifice."

Skylar stared across all of the bodies, "Born a man, Born a woman, all died as a ranger."

General Vargas and the other rangers that heard Skylar were taken aback by that speech, "Born a man, Born a woman... All died as a ranger. Yes, we'll be seeing them someday."

It riled up the hidden emotions of General Vargas as he looked at Skylar and tipped his hat at her, "Thank you so much for that... Ranger Skylar."

In the meantime, Houmin wiped the sweat off on his forehead as he only needs a final turn from his tool to have the toaster fixed. "And that's that... Hey! Why'd everything turned to white?"


Toaster Inner Area

Standing before a crowd, a man wearing a white suit, with his black hair flowing down on his back, looking at a group of confused people as he puffed a cigarette.

"Ain't it nice seeing you all again."

♪ The Five Stairsteps - Ooh Child (Things are Gonna Get Easier) ♪



I won't be able to post a chapter next week as I will be trying to make an advance chapter about 3 or 4 to make my upload consistent.

Due to the rising cost of my electric bills, It may take longer for me to post anything. I'm tempted to set up a Patreon account, but I can't stomach it when you are wasting money on something pathetic like this hobby of mine. I'm just really thankful you kept up this long with me. This part really made me feel fulfilled, haha.

I'll try to churn out this story on a consistent timeline.

Sorry for another 1 update for the week.

Always Stay Safe and Stay Healthy!

CarbonatedDrinkcreators' thoughts