
Here we are!

Li Feng is a kind of playboy but truely a gentleman .He is the ceo of one of the best companies. He keeps dreaming about a girl whom he has never met before. He finally meets Nian and realised that she is the girl for whom he has been looking for from a very long time.So let's look into the story to know how they both fall in love❤️

RK030802 · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs


Nian left from the dance to look for Muxi and Li Feng was still standing there totally shocked.Nian was looking for Muxi so she was going here and there.About 2 minutes later Li Feng came back into reality and started looking for Nian. Nian looked for her everywhere but she failed to find Muxi

Nian thought maybe Muxi went to restroom so she went to see whether she was there or not.

On the other hand Li Feng was looking for Nian and finally he finds her but Nian was going from there so he followed her.

(Nian was going restroom to look for Muxi)

Nian went in ladies washroom to look for Muxi,she started calling out her name

Muxi are you here? Nian asked

Li Feng followed Nian and without realising he entered in the ladies washroom.when he entered the restroom Nian turned as her back was facing the door.

As Nian turned and she saw the man infront of her, whom she has danced with few moments ago,she started getting to see a man in women's washroom and asked him in an angry tone what are doing here? Nian asked raising her eyebrows

I was looking for you Li Feng answered innocently.

Oh! I danced with you,you fell for me so you were looking for me and you wanted to meet me so badly that you even entered in ladies washroom .Right?🤔😠

No i was just,Li Feng tried to explain her but was cutted off by hearing foot steps coming towards them.

Hearing foot steps Li Feng closed the door, Nian was looking at him when she saw that he was looking the door Nian asked him why are you closing the door?Huh?

just open it, I know perverts like you very well she continued calling him pervert and went to open the door as she held the door knob calling him pervert,he held her wrist and pinned her against the wall and kept his one hand on her mouth to Stop her from talking further.seeing this action of him her eyes widened .

Nian was out of breath as half of his hand was covering her nostrils so to remove his hand she bit his hand .

Feeling sudden pain in his his hand Feng removed his hand.when Feng removed his hand from her mouth You😤 How dare you?Nian warned him in a bit louder voice.

To stop her he tried to put his hand again on her mouth but before he could do so Nian pushed him hit his feet with her heels and she left from there within a sec .

Here poor Li Feng is groaning in pain.Nian left the party hall and texted Muxi that she is going back.

Feng tried to find her but couldn't do so as she already left.

Mrs Li(Feng's grandmother) approached him and asked him to take her to home,Feng also leaves the party hall with grandma .

Nian was in her room thinking about her meeting with that pervert (Li Feng 😂)

Here Feng was in his room keep thinking about his dreamgirl (Nian😊)

I hope that I will never meet him again 😡Nian said to herself

On the other hand

I have to meet her again ❤️

Feng said to himself

Continue 💕