
Herald Of The Time

There was a peaceful Kingdom of Helio, located in the South. The King of The Southern Kingdom was blessed with a child and a prophecy one held. The Child will overcome his father for the future of the nation, the father was humiliated of the prophecy and started to treat the child with a cold shoulder. Luca Maximilian, the child who will overcome the nation will happen in the next years and blessed by the God of Celestial Time and Universe.

Hana_eMeta · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Where everything Started

A world that no one believes in God is totally pointless to his father and mother.

The gods are nothing but figments of their imagination, made up by people who can never see anything that was really there.

That's the reason why he does not want this child born; he has been cursed with the inability to have any children. His mother wants him to get married to the king's daughter but that's too much for the king.

His mother will be queen of the whole nation but she will always be in debt. And so his father decides to raise this child as his own.

The only person who can make him believe the existence of an angel is a certain god.

"Hello, little one." He said in a gentle voice while looking at his new son's eyes.

It's not the first time he saw this boy since he was born but every time he looks into his blue eyes he feels something. He cannot put his finger on what exactly it is but he knows he would die if he let this boy slip from his grasp.

The baby smiled and started wailing like before but now the sound was different. It was as if someone placed a blanket over his ears.

"There you go." He whispered while caressing his hair. "Don't cry little one." He said while rocking him slowly while kissing his head. "It hurts me to hear you crying."

After many years, people have changed.

They lose faith in life, they become selfish and heartless, they become evil because they believe that all that matters is money.

His father doesn't understand how people could live in such misery when there is hope everywhere else. He doesn't understand how people can forget about their future without even trying.

He also doesn't understand how people can be so cruel in their decisions. If there were any better options, then they wouldn't be living in a place where everyone had to work for everything that is.

He loves his parents so much that sometimes he feels guilty for wishing he didn't exist. His mother doesn't deserve this. She's already struggling enough. He just wishes things were different. He wishes his family was more normal.

Suddenly he felt something touching his hand. His heart skipped a beat when he saw a hand reaching out towards him. He instinctively grabbed it and pulled the small body closer. The baby stopped crying and cuddled close to him while looking up at him happily.

He wanted to cry himself because this child is the only thing he has left. Even though there is something wrong about him, his father thinks that his happiness and love are the most important things to have in life. "No matter what happens, i will protect you".He told the infant as he stroked his dark hair softly. For some reason it felt right, telling the baby these words.

The next few days after that, his father did something unusual. He gave his son his name. Not only is it surprising to the king and queen but also his stepbrother.

The name that is given to the child is Luca Maximilian, the youngest son that will take care the future.

He can imagine his father talking about him with pride, thinking that the child will follow in his footsteps. What a stupid idea!

After many years happen, the prince is already grown up from a young teen. "I'm Luca." Said the prince in a low voice while smiling.

He took a step closer towards the king with both hands extended forward. The man hesitantly extended his own hand towards the boy and shook them slightly. Luca could easily tell from his face that his hands are sweaty and he was afraid that the boy could sense that fact.

It was obvious that he was afraid of something. What happened?

Luca decided to give him a piece of advice that his mother used to give him every time someone scared him. It was his father who scared him, Luca was forced to do what his father is saying making the prince weak and vulnerable in front of others.

He needs to know what he is supposed to do in order to survive.

"You're a prince." Said the prince with a serious expression that the other didn't seem to understand immediately.

"So, you need to act confident and strong in order to keep the kingdom safe. You' ll be a great ruler when you're older." This was not something his mother told him. His parents always encouraged him to train even when he was a kid, with his brothers but now that he's facing the consequences. But still, Luca tried to imitate them by acting brave.

I didn't know what to do when my parents are both disappointed on me, if i continued making myself a slave to my parents nothing will happen to me...

I immediately go through my room and suddenly make a prayer even though I don't have any knowledge about this unknown god.

"Almighty Goddess of Celestial Universe Eternity, please spare my life for doing such things. I pray to you to help me this day to be great and none harmful things that would happen to me".

I pray upon the Unknown God and suddenly saw a woman or a man standing beside my closet, I'm not sure what that is and its giving me some chills.

"That's the reason why you summon me? Giving you a nice day? You are talking in front of a God, you human" she said and look around and sit on my bed.

"Why did you summon the great God of Eternity?" she asked, her voice is kind of aggressive for some reason.

It was rare for her to show interest in their own existence, much less the life and times of their Creator, but this one was different; they had not expected this. She looked at him with wide eyes as if waiting for an answer that did not come. Finally, after several long moments, he spoke again.

"I need your guidance." It was a simple statement, yet it held such profound importance.

The deity before them took her words in stride; in fact, they felt strangely... happy. Their eyes were alight with joy and excitement and something else as they watched her intently.

They had never seen one of the Seven so eager. They didn't expect her either, but here she was; a mere mortal, a mere human, a mere hope who needed to know what would happen to their nation and all its people ,and now that their plans succeeded...

"You got to be joking me." She said and look down on me, despite her being a powerful god, I can't make myself being a useless King in the future.

But still my heart beat hard, because it has finally come to this time where no more will to live. Because once the prophecy is fulfilled everyone will be forced to obey his command, and no matter how much the people hate their leader. It's going to get worse and worse, until there is nothing left of me.

I know it sounds strange to some, to think a young man from an insignificant nation like mine would lead the whole nation to their doom.

But you don't need to understand me, if not for one thing at least, because I can't explain everything clearly in just a few words.

Being a King is full of duties, then another problem added cause I suddenly summon a God for my selfish reasons. You can imagine I didn't expect any of those, since I'm supposed to rule over the nation wby myself, and don't know what kind of I should do for the future, but to fake it.

And even though I tried to run away from the responsibilities I have, I couldn't escape that destiny, because destiny doesn' play games.

Because it's always been true that when you're born into royalty and nobility, your life has to be perfect, or else all of your efforts in making you happy or satisfied will just fade and you'll end up miserable with nothing in life.

And I'm sure I will end up miserable with whatever fate brought upon me, but it wasn't fair, and it made me feel so damn helpless and stupid, because even though I wanted to fight against it and defy destiny, I still didn't want to die alone.

And I thought for a while, that maybe the best option for escaping my fate, was joining those other heroes, but I was scared. "Almighty God of Eternity, please let me change my destiny". I said without hesitation to the god in front of me, knowing very well that the only way to save my country is to do what he told me, and to accept the consequences of my actions.

The first step on the road towards becoming a great leader is doing good deeds for others.

But it wasn't so easy, after many years of trainings just for my father's deed.

"Then I don't have any choice, you're lucky cause it will take me to decade to make me say 'yes' to my worshiper". She said with a smirk on her face.

I don't know what to do.... Summon a God, almost got tortured by my own father, and going to be the King of the nation near the future.

"Tell me, what kind of thing do you want from a God?" she said and kept staring at me with her cold eyes. I look down and wish that everything will be okay if I said to her what I wanted.

"I begged you.... please kill my father" I said to her, her look suddenly change. The way she said that I want to kill my own father had literally change.

I explain to her why I wanted her to do it, it was for the nation and for the lives of my people. If I keep being a slave to my own father, nothing will happen but if I keep trying to killing him the nation and economy will fall apart.

"Do you perhaps hated him?" She ask, I gasp through the silence of the room making my decision more worst.

"I don't know...." I said and look down on myself.

What is this feeling? Why do i feel so ashamed. "You could go after his life right now and end it all." she say, and i was hoping everything will be okay.

She look back to me with an angry face. It seems like she have reached her conclusion.

"Do I look stupid when you said that?" she say and looks around me and then back again.

Her dark hair was suddenly grew a little longer and thought it was normal for a go.

Her lips curled into a smile and she starts to laugh out of the room.

it makes me confused why she's laughing when I said I wanted to kill my own father.

"Don't think too much about this or else your plan won't work" her tone suddenly change with an psychopathic tone that will literally would kill you.

As expected she's a God after all. I'm still confused why she suddenly agreed to kill my father.

I just look at her straight in the eyes,

she suddenly stop smiling and stare back at me. It looked as if she wants to take something away from me and she doesn't really care about my answer.

"Make me proud for killing your father, if you don't... I'll kill you myself" she said and suddenly disappeared from the side.

I was mark by her words and suddenly I saw the door open, it was Brother Lance.

Lance Maximilian, my oldest brother and already married, he was now an emperor of the North-East Nation, can't believe my reckless brother became a king.

"Maximillian what happened?" he asked concerned.

I stood there dumbfounded. How can a person who killed thousands of people become emperor?

He walk towards me and grab my shoulders. He look down at me with worry.

He look down and sigh heavily, "Let's talk about this later."

I hope he doesn't hear my conversation with Meta...

Sometimes the devil is one of the people of God's. This point, She's a beyond a devil.

End of Chapter 1.