
Melodias's Flanking Attack (Part-2)

"Quick! Turn quickly! Get in line! Form up!"

With Perseus suffering from a mild mental breakdown, Theony decided by himself to temporarily take charge of the army, putting it upon himself to try and change the tide, or at least stymie it long enough for Perseus to escape.

And to that effect, he instantly ordered the already gathered phalanx units at the back to turn to face the new enemy.

And as he gave that order, the young man thanked the gods that they had spotted the enemy at the earliest moment, just as they were crossing the peak.

'Oh, everything is still not lost! We still have some time,' He optimistically said to himself, as all the soldiers used every bit of the time they had on their hands to try and reorganize their formation.

While up above the hills, Melodias, upon seeing the enemy starting to form up along the wooden walls of the workshop, intending to use that as a defensive crutch, could not help but *tsk* a bit in his heart.