
Chapter 5

Chapter Five: Sinclair.

Kara, Clark, and Harry walked inside the Kent Farm House. The young wizard got a look around.

"So nice place you have here," said Harry, in a conversational manner. "Very quaint, very homely, seems like a good place to get a nice solid upbringing."

"Thanks," said Clark. He looked at Harry, trying to figure him out. Harry sat down at the table and Kara sat on the chair next to him. Clark took the third seat across from the both of them.

"I can't believe it, that you're my cousin," said Kara to break the silence, as she looked across at him. "Kal-El, the last time I saw you, you were this chubby little baby. You laughed when your feet were tickled. And now you're…well you know what you are."

Kara looked at what she guessed was her cousin, it had to be.

"Eighteen years, Kara was down there then," said Clark.

"Yeah," said Harry, before he switched subjects. "So, just out of the sake of curiosity, what do you know about green meteor rocks?"

"They cause me to be allergic, cause my powers to be unusable," explained Clark.

"So, they're a danger to our kind," confirmed Kara.

"Not just our kind," muttered Clark.

"No, they affect other people as well," agreed Harry, as he tapped his fingers. "Someone from where I came from…she got a hold of one of those rocks. She ended up killing hundreds of people…"

Clark looked at Harry, in alarm.

"She's gone now," said Harry dismissively. "I had to…well I had to take care of her. She converted others to her cause. She said they were her children. The thing I'm wondering is how these rocks got here in the first place?"

Clark had to field that one. "Well, when Krypton exploded…"

"Kal-El, don't be ridiculous," interrupted Kara. "Planets don't explode, it's just scientifically impossible…isn't it?"

"Just one second," whispered Harry, before he held out his hand. "Tell me the status of the planet Krypton."

"Krypton was a planet with a highly advanced civilization, with technology centuries ahead of what was found on Earth," narrated the lifeline reading. "The core of Krypton was ignited and caused a chain reaction that caused the demise of the planet. Kal-El, the son of Jor-El was sent to Earth, where he was found by Jonathan and Martha Kent."

"Who ignited the core?" asked Harry.

"It was the Kryptonian known as Zor-El, the brother of Jor-El, and the father of Kara," said the lifeline reading.

Kara's eyes widened, as Clark looked at her, in absolute shock.

"I didn't know my father had a brother," muttered Clark.

"They didn't speak to each other," managed Kara as she tried to reconcile what she heard. She had no memories of this. She could not believe her father would do something like this. "They…our family is what the people on Earth might call dysfunctional."

'Sounds like the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black,' thought Harry to himself. 'Or the Evans sisters, they'd fit that description.'

"Zor-El…sent me to take care of you,' muttered Kara, as the implications of the true reason she was sent here struck her. "Take care…"

"A double meaning if there ever was one," said Harry darkly, as he wondered if someone had tampered with Kara's memories. If they did, it could have potentially made her unbalanced. "Kara, I want to ask your permission for something."

The Kryptonian wondered what Harry wanted from her.

"Depends on what it is," she whispered, but she looked him right in his eyes.

"I need to read your mind, to see if anyone tampered with your memories," said Harry, who hated having to do this. He never liked to read minds.

"I don't know if you can, my mind's been shielded against mental intrusion from anyone but a Kryptonian," said Kara, in disappointment. She really wanted to have her memories restored to what they should be.

"Okay, then I'm going to have to do something really drastic now," muttered Harry, drawing breath and asking her. "Can I copy your powers?"

"What?" asked Kara.

"I have a gift, where I can copy the powers of others," said Harry, as he chose his words carefully. "I can copy up to seven people's powers, and I've used one up. So…if you want me to, I can help you get your memories back."

There was a long silence.

"What do you need to do?" she asked, as Clark sat, and frowned.

"Couldn't you just copy my powers, instead?" asked Clark.

"No, I need to copy Kara's exact powers, so I can easily get into her mind," said Harry, as he gently put his fingers on either side of Kara's forehead. "This might tickle a little bit."

"Just do it, before I lose my change my mind," she muttered.

Harry closed his eyes, as he felt her powers copying into him. Granted, there were not many differences, but still it was an interesting experience.

He slumped down, and breathed heavily.

"Should I call an ambulance?" asked Clark, as he moved towards the phone.

"No, it's just draining to stop my body from rejecting the transference…Kind of like a body rejecting a new organ…I'll be back on my feet in a bit," said Harry, as Kara rushed over to get him a glass of water. She handed it to him. "Thanks."

Harry drank the water, as the girl waited impatiently.

"Okay, refreshed," said Harry, as he looked at the girl before him. "Kal-El, I'm going to have to ask you to please leave, until I'm done. Sit in the other room, please."

Clark did as he was asked, but he could hear anything from the next room anyway. Harry faced Kara.

"Ready when you are, Kara," said Harry.

"I'm ready," said Kara. "It doesn't hurt, does it?"

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle," muttered Harry, as he gently worked his way into her memories.

He saw flashes of her childhood go by. She relaxed, as the memories flowed naturally. He saw a huge blockage in her mind.

'Gently, pull back the blocks,' thought Harry. 'Just want a trickle, not a flood.'

Harry worked his way further into her subconscious, as he pulled back the blocks. The memories trickled back, as he steadied her so she did not injure herself.

Harry tried to emotionally detach himself from the things he was seeing. He saw Kara's father, Zor-El, who was twisted enough to snuff out an entire planet for his own ambition, because of his fanatical devotion towards a prophecy. Kara managed to fight, and injure him. Yet, he caught her and erased his own daughter's memories. It was lucky the bastard was dead, because Harry would have helped him along that path.

When he was done, he pulled out. Kara leaned back, in shock.

"You have a crystal," whispered Harry. "Zor-El gave it to you, he said it'd have everything that you'd need for your mission."

"Yes," whispered Kara. "I thought it would be to help Kal-El."

"Help him into an early grave maybe," muttered Harry darkly. "You did well Kara, you were very brave, standing up to your father like that."

Kara just nodded, before she collapsed right in Harry's arms. Clark rushed back into the room.

"Her memories got unblocked, and the stress caused her to pass out," explained Harry. "Do you have…"

"Yeah, bedroom's upstairs," said Clark. "Watch the top step, it's a death trap."

Harry nodded, as he scooped Kara up in his arms, and flew her up the stairs carefully. He reached the bedroom. The covers flew back, and he gently placed the girl on the bed, before tucking her in.

"Rest here, Kara, I'm going to go talk with your cousin," said Harry.

"Thanks," whispered Kara, with a smile on her face.

Harry closed the door and went down the stairs, to face Clark.

"She'll be alright, Kal-El," said Harry. "I know why your father never spoke of Zor-El."

The two young men sat silently, and awkwardly.

"Why did you come to Smallville?" asked Clark. "Why would you be here?"

"Well, we have to be somewhere," replied Harry with a mysterious smile, before he started to speak to Clark. "Look, you and I, we really got off on a really bad foot. The fact is, I like my privacy, and given some things that happened to me, finding people snooping around on my property first thing in the morning, was not something that put me in the best of moods."

"Well, blame Lois for that," said Clark. "She has a tendency…"

"To be nosy," concluded Harry, which caused Clark to laugh.

"You have her pegged," said Clark. "So…I guess we should introduce ourselves properly…"

"I'm Harry Potter," said Harry, as he reached to shake the young man's hand. "I'm the owner of the Shining Light Foundation, it's a non-profit organization that helps super powered people understand their gifts."

"Clark Kent, well born Kal-El, but I'm always been Clark for as long as I can remember," said Clark. "Seriously, what brings you here to Smallville?"

"Business, Clark, just business," said Harry. "There seems to be a lot of super powered activity around this area, and I found myself drawn to here. I traveled the world for six years, learning all I needed to know, and arrived here days ago. The first person I came across was your cousin."

"Where did you find her?" asked Clark.

"Oh, did you hear about that dam that got destroyed yesterday?" asked Harry. "I arrived right there, and noticed an energy signature of a ship. I fished her ship out of the water, and brought it to my lab to figure out a way to open it. I wasn't expecting to find Kara inside."

'An attractive woman was not in the top twenty things that I thought could have been in that ship,' thought Harry, in amusement.

"So, you said Kara's helping you find something you said," said Clark.

"It's a family heirloom, it belonged to my mother," said Harry in a short voice.

"That might not be the easiest thing to find," suggested Clark.

Harry just remained silent. He knew all too well Clark was right.

"So, the meteor rocks, tell me everything you know about them," prompted Harry.

Clark launched into an explanation about the meteor rocks, how they came from his planet. Kryptonite, they were dubbed. Harry listened to some of the examples he was given, and mentally made notes about how to best use his resources to find all of these green rocks. Perhaps he could help a few of these people, before the Kryptonite drove them to madness.

"Interesting, interesting," muttered Harry, as he filed away the information for later use. "So, you were found by…Jonathan and Martha Kent…what happened to them?"

"My mother, she's still alive, she's a Senator," said Clark. "My father, he died a couple years back."

"Sorry to hear that," said Harry with sincerity. "So, you had to hold down the fort on the farm."

"Yes, but I'll be leaving soon," said Clark.

"Well, good luck with wherever you go," said Harry, but then the phone rang. Clark got up to answer it.

"Chloe, I've got company over right now, what is it?" asked Clark.

"Oh, I was doing some digging on Harry Potter," said Chloe, and at that moment, Harry shot up like a rocket. "I found…"

"Harry's right here in the room with me," muttered Clark.

Harry motioned for Clark to hand him the phone.

"He wants to talk to you," said Clark.

"Put him on, then, because I want to talk to him," said Chloe.

Clark handed Harry the phone.

"Yes?" asked Chloe.

"If you want answers, I'll meet you in fifteen minutes," said Harry. "Just don't tell anyone anything you found for the love of God."

"What are you hiding?" asked Chloe.

"I'll let you know what I can in person, we could be overheard over the phone" said Harry. "Where are you?"

Chloe gave Harry directions to the Talon Apartment. Harry nodded.

"Right, I'll be there in a little while" said Harry. "Clark, you want to say good bye?"

Clark took the phone, and did so, as Kara walked down from upstairs.

"Better," muttered Harry.

"Yeah," said Kara, as she looked at Harry. "You look worried."

"My cover just came this close to being blown," whispered Harry as he held out his fingers to indicate. "I've got to go somewhere; I'll be back in an hour."

Kara nodded, as she surveyed Harry with a smile. "I'll stay here with Kal-El until you get back."

"Good, catch up…well just catch up," said Harry, as he ran off, before he turned over his shoulder. "Be back in a bit, Clark."

Lex closed his eyes.

"Please tell me you have something for me," he muttered.

His assistant looked at him, before speaking. "We applied voice-recognition software, and using our satellites, cast a net over every cellphone and landline on the globe."

"Did you find her or not?" asked Lex, as he looked at the assistant.

"We have a match, sir. She's in Asia, China, in Central Shanghai."

Lex paused, before he turned around.

"That's all I needed to know," muttered Lex. "Prepare the jet."

Lex took a step forward, and debated if he should leave this alone. He shook his head.

Chloe looked up at a knock on her door. She got up to open it, and Harry rushed in immediately.

"Shut the door, I'm setting up spells so no one can overhear us," muttered Harry, as he rushed around. He added as an afterthought. "Oh, and my name is Harry Potter."

"Chloe…Chloe Sullivan," she muttered. "So…I found some interesting information on you, but what I didn't find perplexed me."

Harry sat down in the chair next to Chloe. He just resumed a mask of indifference.

"You know the basics, my parents are dead, I went to a boarding school in Scotland, and my name," said Harry.

"Well, boarding school in Scotland, that does sound more feasible than going to a school for criminals that closed down four years before you were even born," commented Chloe.

Harry found himself torn between being amused and being mortified simultaneously at how many people swallowed such an obvious lie from the Dursleys. Yet, that was a consequence of people not checking their facts.

"So, your entire family died," said Chloe, as she looked at Harry. "Your father, your mother, both of your mother's sisters…"

"Wait, whoa, hold it right now, sisters, as in plural?" asked Harry, who was completely thrown off guard.

Chloe shook her head. "Oh, right, she did die before you were born. Her name was Rose, does kind of fit the flower naming motif your mother's side of the family had going on. Lily, Petunia, and Rose, and your grandmother was called Violet."

"What happened to Rose?" asked Harry.

"She died when she was six years old, in 1978," replied Chloe in a gentle voice. "Before you were born…I guess your other aunt didn't want to talk about it, let's see if I can find a picture of her for you."

Harry looked, curious. Aunt Petunia never talked about a third Evans sister. He never got the slightest hint. Chloe found a picture of a little girl, with red hair and green eyes like Harry and Lily. She looked rather pale and sickly.

"Spent most of the time in and out of the hospital, she would have died the same time your grandparents did," she concluded. "Doesn't really say the cause of death, just says her older sister Petunia reported her to be missing, and no one could track her down. Given how sick she was, she wouldn't have lasted long. It was in the middle of the winter."

Harry let this all sink in. Chloe allowed him a moment, but she asked the ultimate question.

"What do you know about a woman named Rosalina Sinclair?" asked Chloe, and that name caused Harry to grow rigid.

Harry shook his head. "Tell me what you found out about her, and I'll fill you in."

Chloe nodded, before she consulted her research.

"Well back in 1997, she illegally made a trip to the United States, to get away from terrorists who her killed friends of hers, or so the story says," said Chloe. "Dangerous people by the looks of it, but she got into some trouble over here. She got in a struggle with the authorities, and she ended up in the hospital. She was clinically dead for eighteen hours."

The woman continued to share her research.

"She woke up in the morgue began to claim that she had been gifted a power by a divine force. She had been given a green rock…Harry, do you know anything about the meteors in Smallville?"

"Yeah, they gave people super natural powers," said Harry. "You call them…meteor freaks, but I think the meteor infected is a more appropriate term."

Chloe looked at him.

"The word freak implies bad things, it makes people shun you, and causes some to lose their mind to despair," explained Harry. "I prefer to think that they've been infected, and they need help. Powers don't people bad, but the way they are treated makes them bad. Not saying a lot of these people weren't dangerous, but how many got the help they needed?"

"That's a good point actually," muttered Chloe, as she shook her head. "Sounds like you're speaking from experience."

Harry cleared his throat, and invited her to continue.

"Back to Sinclair, she said she had been given a green rock by a robed figure, that said she needed her for a purpose," said Chloe.

'Fucking hell, that meddlesome…bloody…fuck,' cursed Harry unable to string together a coherent thought, when it clicked together.

"She was a serial killer, worse than the terrorists that victimized her friends," continued Chloe, oblivious to what Harry was thinking. "She was dead in 2000; she died of a heart attack of all things. One would think it would be one bloody battle to the finish, but I guess not."

"Anything else?" asked Harry.

"Well, there is one more little thing I found about her," replied Chloe. "Her grave was broken open recently by grave robbers, a couple months ago."

Harry stopped, his mouth went dry, and his fist clenched.

Alastor Moody would be proud of the level of paranoia he exhibited right now.

"I need a lifeline reading on Rosalina Sinclair," muttered Harry.

"What are you doing?" asked Chloe.

"I'll explain later," said Harry, as he waited.

"Rosalina Sinclair laid dormant for the past seven years," answered the voice. "When the grave robbers disturbed her grave, they allowed her enough oxygen to rise, and the abilities given by the green meteor rock in combination with her magic returned her to a state of living."

"Is she alive or is she dead?" asked Harry, his voice cracking. Chloe sat back, disturbed by how he seemed to be losing his composure.

"Inclusive," replied the voice.

"Where is Rosalina Sinclair?" demanded Harry, who grew more frantic by the moment.

"She has been drawn to Smallville," stated the voice. "She just arrived in town, and she's drawn to the Kent Farm. She's after the two Kryptonians."

Harry rose up to his feet.

"One further thing you must know, she can absorb the residual energy from the green meteor rocks to amplify her powers," added the voice.

"Like some kind of conduit for Kryptonite," muttered Chloe

"Yes, the mortal is correct," agreed the voice.

"I need to get back to the Kent Farm, right now, "said Harry through gritted teeth, as his fists clenched. "Kara and Clark are both in danger, please stay here, Chloe."

Harry bolted right for the Kent Farm.

The moment he was outside, and he was sure no one was looking; he went invisible, before he pulled his hood up over his head.

"I used to sneak away and see your mother all of the time," said Kara. "Lara, she used to make me smile. When you were born, it was the happiest day of her life. She called you her miracle baby. And it's all gone, the entire House of El. Just like that…because of…"

Kara sighed.

"Just, take care of yourself, Kal-El, I don't need to watch over you," said Kara as she regarded her "baby cousin" with a fond smile. "I guess my purpose here is to help someone else, someone who doesn't have anyone else to turn to…"

"Harry," said Clark, and Kara nodded.

"Yes, he's a strange boy, but very nice," said Kara, but she stopped herself from listing the other positive attributes she noticed about Harry. "I get why he is the way he is, he's lost without anyone else to turn to. I'm glad he found me, and gave me back my memories."

Kara remained silent, before she voiced something. "Why can't you fly anyway?"

"I'm not sure," said Clark.

"Harry can fly, but you can't," muttered Kara. "There must be something holding you back."

Kara pondered the manner.

"Well, when Harry gets back, I guess we'll be saying goodbye for a while," said Kara.

"If you ever need a place to stay, you can always stay here," offered Clark.

"It's nice of you to offer, but I've found a nice place already," said Kara, as she thought about it. This farm was nice to visit, but she would be dreadfully bored here.

Clark and Kara sat in silence. Heavy winds kicked up outside, and the sky got rather dark all of the sudden.

"Some kind of storm, I take it," muttered Kara.

Clark just tensed up, as he heard footsteps outside the door. He took a step forward, but suddenly, he felt light headed. He felt a heavy amount of Kryptonite radiation coming from outside. Someone was here, and someone brought it to the Kent Property.

"Kara, you need to run, someone dangerous is here!" managed Clark, as he dropped to his knees on the floor.

The door blew open, as a twisted woman entered. Dressed in white, her skin was lifeless, her eyes were haunted, and her dark hair was limp.

"Greetings, Kal-El, my name is Rosalina Sinclair, and I'm here to guide you to your final resting place," she whispered, as she sent a green energy blast right at him. Clark managed to speed out of the way. "You grow weaker, yet I grow stronger. You cannot hope to elude me, or deter my mission."

Kara grabbed her cousin, and threw him out of the way. Then she rushed forward. She felt weakened, but she had to save him.

With full force, she punched the woman in the face. Sinclair staggered back, but she turned to face Kara.

"Good, both in one place, it is a shame I just missed the false savior," she whispered. "He has brought death and destruction on the world, slaughtered my children, and for that I will…"

Kara shoved Sinclair right through the windows, causing both to smash through them. She felt light headed, but this woman needed to be brought down.

"I would almost cherish your protectiveness, child of the stars, if it would not be for the fact for the fact of how you don't belong here," whispered Sinclair, as she aimed a blast towards Kara. She dodged it.

Clark staggered outside and tried to push Sinclair back. He felt weaker and weaker by the moment. His knees buckled. He was hoisted into, the air and dropped hard to the ground.

Sinclair conjured an energy knife, before she stabbed it towards him.

Kara bolted in front of the attack, and took the hit for her cousin.

At that moment, she saw through bleary vision, a robed figure glide in at super speed, and blast Sinclair back with an attack that crackled the air.

She passed out.

"Kara!" yelled Clark, but he watched as the mystery man and Sinclair did battle. A shield appeared right over Sinclair, which caused him to come back to his senses.

"Sprint her out of here, to your friend to heal her before it's too late," managed the figure, as he tried to hold Sinclair at bay.

Clark shook his head, but felt his powers slowly come back to him. Through sheer force of determination, he picked up Kara's prone form in his arms, before he sprinted her away.

Chloe looked up, but then she saw a frantic Clark rush in, holding the blonde Kryptonian he encountered earlier in his arms. It took her a minute before she found her voice.

"Oh my God, you killed her," muttered Chloe.

"No, I didn't, there was an attack, someone named Sinclair, robed man, Chloe please help!" yelled Clark, as he sat Kara down. "Your powers, use them, she's my cousin, Kara…"

Chloe looked from Clark to Kara. The wound looked rather nasty, and potentially fatal. She still breathed, but it was shallow.

She closed her eyes. Only for Clark would she risk this again. She touched Kara's waist, and the girl was healed.

Chloe blacked out. Clark struggled to catch her, but he was still weakened. Still he managed to prevent her from cracking her head open.

Kara's eyes opened, as she returned to life.

"She healed me, didn't she?" asked Kara as she surveyed Chloe and Clark nodded. "When she wakes up, tell her I said thanks, stay here, I'm going back for that woman."

"Kara, you can't…" said Clark, but she was gone, and he was too weak to follow.

Kara sprinted out and went airborne. She could not tell her cousin the real reason she gone back. She remembered vague hints about a mysterious herald of the afterlife that had been told throughout the galaxies.

Yet, there would always be more dangerous forces to disrupt the careful balance between life and death.

Sinclair pushed out of the field, but Harry grabbed her around the throat.

"How are you alive?" hissed Harry, as he tried to strangle her to the ground with his bare hands, but Sinclair repelled him.

"I have a sacred mission, I was chosen, to defeat the darkest force that the world has ever known," whispered Sinclair, as she tried to take Harry out, but he dodged her attacks. "That force is you. You were protected for years, but I saw through you. You were Death's own chosen, to continue the sadistic work which brings much loss. I am the liberator, I shall bring new life, and I will eliminate death. The world will be a better place."

Harry nailed her with a violent attack. He did not even bother wasting oxygen trying to point out the logic flaws. He continued to calculate a way to beat her. The last time they fought, it had been a bloody spectacle. This time, she was more powerful, and more unstable than ever before.

To transport her to another dimension would mean he would have to get close enough, but she seemed to guess his intentions.

"Then again, you are merely Death's puppet, dangling on a string," muttered Sinclair.

"You would know something about being a puppet, wouldn't you Sinclair?" taunted Harry, as he blocked every single one of her attacks.

Sinclair saw red at this point, and she became careless. Harry blasted her right into the air at this point, and propelled her to the first graveyard he could fine.

"I'm no mere puppet!" yelled Sinclair, as she shook her head.

"Really, do you even know who gave you the meteor rock that gave you your powers?" asked Harry, as he deflected another attack, before he sliced right into her arm. Sinclair screamed in agony.

"It was a gift, so I could bring life!" howled Sinclair.

"Yes, from Death, so you could achieve her ends," whispered Harry, as he watched Sinclair, who rushed him. "The truth hurts."

The two struggled, as Harry tried to set her up for the kill. It would take a while to pull this spell off, but he had a feeling it would work.

"Your lies have caused me suffering for the last time!" shrieked the woman. "It is fitting you brought me to a graveyard, and I must thank you for giving me the opportunity to bury you!"

At that moment, Kara flew high in the air. Sinclair found her attention being taken off of Harry for an instant.

An instant she paid for. Several rotting hands poked out from on the ground right underneath Sinclair. She screamed, as she struggled. She reached for Harry, but she was dragged right beneath the soil by the army of the undead.

At a grave marked "Jonathan Kent", one particular set of hands seemed particularly adamant to see that she went down.

The Herald of Death let out the breath he had been holding in.

"She's dead," whispered Harry. "Please tell me she's dead."

"Rosalina Sinclair has met her demise, but I fear this may have been a calculated hoax," said the voice.

"Elaborate, please," said Harry weakly, as he barely noticed Kara floating behind him.

"Sinclair was never in Smallville tonight, rather an Inferius, for lack of a better term, altered to her likeness and given her memories," said the lifeline reading. "It appears the alterations have been so complex, that they fooled my awareness and created a near perfect duplicate. Yet, her grave has most certainly been disturbed, and her body remains missing."

Harry gave a long sigh.

"Her body, please tell me you have an idea where it is," whispered Harry.

"I'm afraid I am not permitted to give you any further information on this matter, it is one that higher powers have elected you solve on your own," said the lifeline reading.

Harry cleared up the blood that had been spilled. If it had traces of the Kryptonite, then it could be lethal, and could potentially create more problems.

He shuddered, as his hood dropped back, and he passed out from the exhaustion.

Kara's eyes widened, when she saw who was underneath the hood. She remembered the legend, and immediately, she picked up Harry's limp body. She blasted him into the sky, and away from the scene before anyone could spot him.

Harry's eyes opened, and he saw Kara sitting right beside his bed, on a chair.

"Hi," said Harry. "Guess I overdid it."

"Well, yeah, you did," said Kara, as she did not let go of his hand, almost afraid that he would disappear if she did. "Are you alright?"

"Physically yes, mentally, it's an entirely different issue," said Harry, but he shook his head. "You know my secret."

"Yes, I know," said Kara, as she sat herself right on Harry's bed, and helped him sit up.

"I couldn't have defeated that monster without your help," said Harry. "But someone has dug up her body."

Kara remained silent.

"I need to go check on someone," said Harry, as he pulled himself up. "I'll be right back, I'm sure some people are kind of confused right now."

Kara looked like she wanted to say something, but it could wait. She would tell Harry everything she knew in due time, about the legend of the herald as she knew it.

'Green eyes, black hair, great power, world had to die, he matches the one from the legend,' thought Kara, as she watched Harry leave.

She tried to reconcile how she felt about Harry. He was an interesting young man. One, Kara would be interested in trying to find out more about.

Chloe woke up, and saw the robed figure stand above her.

"We must stop meeting like this, Chloe Sullivan," said the man dryly.

"So, it's you again, and you actually showed yourself this time," muttered Chloe, but she looked up. "A young man named Harry Potter left here did he…"

"Potter is fine," replied the man. "Despite his foolish emotions getting the better of him, he can be capable of great acts of courage and heroism. He and the young Kryptonian known as Kara assisted me. They rest at a safe location."

"You seem to be saving a lot of people," said Chloe, but she voiced a question. "Why in the hell did you save Lex Luthor?"

"I beg your pardon," said the robed figure.

"I get that you have this greater purpose, or whatever, but it's a Luthor, if anyone deserves to go, it's them," said Chloe.

"Harsh words, he must have wronged you in the past," he remarked.

"I've got stories to tell you," muttered the woman, as she looked at the figure. "He just killed a friend of mine, Lana Lang, and he thinks she might not be dead."

"I see," said the robed figure. "Well, I've returned you to life again. I hope that you can get a better hold of your talents, and not think of yourself as a freak. There may come a time where I may not even be able to help you."

"Well, it is comforting that there is some kind of dark guardian angel looking over me," said Chloe, before she added with a shudder. "And creepy, it's kind of creepy too."

The robed figure just nodded, as he saw Clark standing there.

"Both fine, in case you're wondering," muttered the robed figure.

Clark nodded his thanks, but he was gone.

"Pulled another disappearing act," said Clark. "So what did he tell you?"

Chloe was spared explanation by the arrival of Lois.

"Guess what, Chloe, I got the job," said Lois. "Yeah, I had to re-work the story a little bit, to avoid being slapped for libel, but I think I left enough in where it catches people's attention. So I'll be joining you at the Daily Planet."

"Congratulations, Lois," said Chloe, as she looked at her cousin.

"Hey, Smallville, did a tornado come by here when I was gone or something?" asked Lois. "Your place looks like it got struck by one, the windows are busted."

"Yeah a small storm," muttered Clark.

Lex showed up at Shanghai, on his guard, but suddenly, everything froze around him.

"You, Lex Luthor, exist outside of the pull of time," whispered a voice.

Lex paused, as he saw a figure dressed in a robe stand before him.

"I know what you're trying to do," he said.

"Why did you do it?" asked Lex. "Why did you pull me away from instead of dragging me straight to the depths to burn for all eternity?"

"You ask deep questions, Lex," replied the figure, as he faced the young man. "Perhaps, I took pity on you, but as I said, it was merely not your time. Yet, it may be your time sooner rather than later, if you do not let your obsessions leave you."

Lex looked at him, pondering. "You have done your homework…"

"Yes, I would not have confronted you, unless I know what I'm dealing with. And I do kindly remind you that I detest giving people the benefit of the doubt, and being made to look like a fool. You will find your afterlife tormenting if you prove me wrong. You've been given one last chance. Squander it at your own risk."

"I just merely came here for closure, and for answers," said Lex.

"Your closure is that I insist you drop the matter, and make amends where you can," said the Herald. "I shall speak to the other party, this Lana Lang."

Lex turned, and he walked away. He wanted to be as far away from this place as possible.

Harry entered the Shanghai Apartment, invisible. He watched the woman comb her hair at a vanity. With a swift motion, he levitated the comb out of her hand to get her attention.

Lana Lang spun around, and held a gun right on the robed figure.

"So Lex can't face me himself," she whispered. "After all of the trouble I went laying out the breadcrumbs, he loses his nerve and sends a flunky to take care of me."

"Be silent," said the Herald of Death. "You understand very little of the consequences of your games, little girl."

"Yeah, well here's a consequence, a bullet in your head," said Lana, as she pointed the gun at the intruder.

"Fire that gun, and I will sent the bullet back into your own head," muttered the robed figure. "Go ahead, princess, pull the trigger."

Lana held the gun, as her hand wavered. The gun pulled out of her hand and disappeared right before her very eyes.

"If you're here to kill me, then get it over with," said the woman.

"Tempting as it may be, you still have much to answer, much like your ex-husband," said the Herald. "In the interest of fairness, I will give you the same warning I gave him. Let your obsessions go."

"You don't understand…" started Lana, but she was silenced and found herself unable to voice her next words.

"Well, there is one person in the room who is incapable of understanding," he stated. "I've seen your type before. The world caters to you, enables you, you think the entire world revolves around you. So it is allowed you the opportunity to string people along, for your own selfish desires. I'm not condoning anything Lex Luthor may or may not have done, but I'm going to offer you the same judgment."

Lana looked at this man with absolute disdain.

"You will return home, and you will apologize to your friends for the grief you caused them, Ms. Lang," said the Herald of Death. "Then, you will move forward, let your obsession with revenge go. I'm giving you another chance, just like I gave to him. Don't make me regret it."

Lana was dropped to the ground. She looked up, and she was alone.

Inside the Fortress of Solitude, Clark walked up to face Jor-El.

"Kal-El, my son, you have finally chosen to start your training," said Jor-El.

"There's something I wish to speak with you about," said Clark, as he explained about Kara.

Jor-El paused. "She poses a potential threat to you, but her companion, this Harry Potter, is one that intrigues me. Describe him."

Clark gave him a description of Harry.

"You have no idea the forces you have encountered, Kal-El," whispered Jor-El. "This young man may be your greatest ally you will ever have, or the key to your demise. He remains a wild card, both of them are. Watch them closely."

Clark decided not to tell Jor-El he had no idea where they both disappeared off to.

Back in his study, Lex pondered what happened, as he went through some old boxes. It was just absent minded rummaging, but he found something that piqued his interest.

He pulled out a red journal, with weird markings on it. He had almost forgotten it was here.

Years ago, his father had purchased the journal as a curiosity. It had a rather interesting journey. It had been found in a house at Godric's Hollow in England. Apparently, a house had been ransacked, with several items of value being stolen and sold on the black market.

Lionel Luthor purchased it fifteen years ago from a shady man called "Dung", and tried to access whatever secrets it contained. Yet, he tossed it after every avenue was exercised. Lex rescued the journal, and put it away. Other matters had demanded his attention, so he forgot about it until now.

"You hold in your hands the key to the salvation of this world, Lex Luthor," whispered a voice.

Lex turned around, to see a creepy woman standing in the background.

"How did you get past security?" demanded Lex.

"They're merely asleep, peaceful, untroubled, I did not kill them," said the dark haired woman, as she peered at him with her green eyes. "Yet, no one will sleep peacefully should they get their hands on the journal you hold."

"Who are they?" he demanded. "Actually, who are you?"

"I am merely a messenger from beyond," said the woman. "I have been sent by my master to give you one final warning. Do not allow that diary to be accessed by the one called Harry Potter."

"And why couldn't Death tell me this himself?" questioned Lex, as he slipped over to summon security.

"You could be the key to saving many lives, to atone for your past sins, or you could head down an even worse road," said the woman. "You would do well to keep that journal secure, Lex."

She disappeared.

Lex sat down. Now, the journal demanded his attention, even if he was not sure he bought into the messenger of death that this woman claimed herself to be.

Yet, he would remain on his guard, and keep the journal safe, until he could gain further information.

Rosalina Sinclair walked into a wooded area, and answered a cell phone as it rang.


"Are you glad you sent a duplicate, instead of going for revenge yourself, Ms. Sinclair?"

"Yes, I am not fully back to life yet."

"Well, you technically aren't alive. There is still much missing from you. But, if you fulfill our bargain, I can return your entire life to you. I must say, these meteor freaks as they are called, are a curiosity to me. Those who have been gifted with powers, but when I read up on your case, I believed your powers were far greater. There is another element, one that cannot be determined by science."

"No, not by science," muttered Sinclair.

Her contact remained stoic. "Yes, well, your powers will help me serve my purpose. I will assist you in achieving your destiny, and help you defeat this false Chosen One. In return, I will require much help from you, to accomplish my goals, in locating these meteor empowered people."

"As long as you fulfill your end of the agreement in the end, Doctor Knox," said Rosalina.

"You have no need to fear, Rosalina," said Curtis Knox. "At this point, your mortal soul is still at the tender mercy of the Angel of Death. We can work together to correct that. It was a wise decision to send my men to investigate your grave."

The conversation ended at that point, and Sinclair prepared her search.

Kara now sat on the couch in the sitting room area, when Harry returned. He sank down on the couch, she had the television.

"I made some popcorn, you want some?" asked Kara.

"Thanks," said Harry, as he sat down beside her. "The kitchen didn't give you any trouble, did it?"

"No, we came to an understanding," remarked Kara, with a smile, as the two ate popcorn.

"So what are we watching?" asked Harry.

"Something called War of the Worlds, I think," muttered Kara. "It sounded interesting, but you humans have some weird ideas. So much is wrong; I could make an entire list if you'd like me to."

"Just sit down, and try to be entertained by the movie," said Harry, as he ate the popcorn. He could count on the hands the number of movies he saw on one hand, and still have all of his fingers left over.

"So, we've got a lot to talk about, but it can wait until the morning, over breakfast," suggested Kara during one of the commercial breaks. "I figure after the day you had…"

"Thanks," said Harry.

They enjoyed the movie, and each other's company, along with the popcorn. They were both glad it kept their mind off of things they learned today.

Harry looked up, to check on Kara, but she fell asleep, her arms wrapped around him. He did not have the heart to wake her. He shut off the television.

He smiled, as he gently placed his arms around the girl, before he drifted off to sleep as well.