
Chapter 52

Chapter 52: Dynamic Part Two

From the perch went Batman and Robin as the Dynamic Duo ran in to go into combat with the League of Shadows assassins. The World's Greatest Detective sent one of them flying with a punch as the Boy Wonder succeeded him sweeping the legs out from underneath another member of the League of Shadows with a well-placed strike. The young crime fighter did a pose and he landed on his feet before he pumped his fist in the air and jumped forward.

"Yay, this isn't too bad!" Robin called with a bit of a smug expression on his face but suddenly one of the members of the League of Shadows knocked him out for the loop. Batman rushed in to block another attack.

"Stay focused!"

This admonishment form Batman caused Robin to properly fall back into line as he rushed over before he used the grace and precision that he did on the high wire. This proved to be an effective attack. The assassins clonked heads with these two obviously not being extremely skilled. The Boy Wonder sprung himself forward and ducked another attack from his enemies.

A duck, a weave, and then a block before Robin flipped him onto the ground. His mentor seemed to be at five places at once but there seemed to be a lot of these guys. There was one thing for certain about ninjas as they bred like rabbits. There were a never ending stream of them, no matter what they did.

"Go free the hostages, I'll cover your back," Batman ordered and Robin did as Batman said as he used the rocks to repel himself to the shadows. The young hero reached forward and snapped the bindings that tied Barbara Gordon up.

"Wonderful, I'm being rescued by the amazing flying sparrow," Barbara replied with a bit of a roll of her eyes. After all of these weeks in capacity she needed someone to take out her frustrations on.

"That's Robin!" Robin answered at that moment but he dodged an attack from one of the League of Shadows members. The sidekick of Batman turned to the Police Commissioner's daughter, before giving her an anxiious expression. "You better get out of here before…"

Barbara cut off Robin's words before she kicked one of the League of Shadows members in the face before she disarmed it. She had some gymnastics skills under her belt as she ducked and tumbled before she knocked two of them down. The sixteen year old girl decided to take out some aggressions on her captors and the Boy Wonder had to admit she had some decent moves.

"That's for kidnapping me!" Barbara yelled as she dodged another shot while Batman rushed in to knock several more of the assassins down. It was pure chaos and three of the hostages had already been moved down the set of stairs.

Batman made his way over at that point and tried to rush them but the large figure of Ubu had blocked his presence. The large man lifted a hulking hand and tried to punch The Caped Crusader but the Dark Knight ducked and rolled before he bounced off of the walls. A grappling hook launched around Ubu but the man caught it.

He only caught it for the moment until a tug had pulled the large hulking man forward to allow Batman to crack him in the face with a huge kick before the Dark Knight jumped up. A huge punch to the back of the head smashed Ubu down hard to the ground as Barbara stepped over to take a look at the World's Greatest Detective.

"Not too bad for a rescue, but I was wondering what took you so long to show up," Barbara answered at that point as Batman just give her one of his world famous Batman looks .The Commissioner's responded with a bit of a shrug because she moved towards a wall to catch her breath.

Batman scoped out the situation before a voice had brought him out of his thoughts.

"If you're looking for a way out it's through the next corridor, to your right, and up."

Supergirl and Arcane had popped up at that moment to face Batman and Robin looked at them, impressed that they had pulled the sudden appearance trick on his mentor of all people. Naturally if Batman was surprised by their sudden appearance he had recovered himself quickly and managed to take a look at the pair of them before he nodded.

"Robin, get Miss Gordon out through that door," Batman answered at that moment when he turned to his protege. "Keep an eye on her."

Barbara did not seem to be too happy with the fact that this was the case and decided to voice that fact to Batman, standing up and looking him straight in the eye.

"Hey, last time I checked I saved blue birds's…"


"Whatever, I saved his sorry butt back there, against those guys and he's supposed to be your sidekick."

"Partner!" Robin answered as this girl was getting underneath his skin and Barbara personally was glad to have some kind of outlet after she had been stuck down there for a few weeks. "I don't know if you've been keeping track of current events but those guys are bad news."

Barbara just rolled her eyes at this point when she looked at the Boy Wonder before she proceeded to comment in a sarcastic tone of voice. "Really, no shit, mockingbird, because these guys took three of the other hostages down into the temple where their plan is going to…"

Batman was already gone at that point with Supergirl and Arcane having followed. Barbara watched him leave, she had to admit, she gave the entire fighting evil thing a good thought. In fact, she could be Batman, only a girl, but only if she could come up with some name that would fit the situation.

'Raya just seems to have slipped away in the chaos,' Harry thought to Kara when they had flew behind Batman down the tunnel. The blonde Kryptonian's frustration was evident through the bond as she spoke to her bond mate.

'Yeah, I know, but we've got bigger problems, Clark is down there still without any powers,' Kara responded through the mental link to Harry. 'And Lana too, and…what's that smell?"

Harry had stopped at that moment before he had seen it through and it was a smell that he recognized through his training for the Herald of Death. His eyes took on a grim look before he slowly turned around to face Kara.

"That Kara is a Lazarus Pit."

Kara was afraid of that but she just needed to make sure. The situation had gotten even more intense now that little variable had been thrown in the ring. The two had little time to waste because if this Ra's Al Ghul was using a Lazarus Pit coupled with what they learned about the First, it was hard telling what might happen.

It just would not be good, there was no two ways about it.

"It is on this day where you have been chosen to bear witness to an event that will change the world, an event that was thousands of years in the making. It is ever since the First has been sealed away by several forces beyond your comprehension, an Anti-Monitor so to speak, and one that will help cleanse the Earth. It is upon the sacrifice that you will make that you will bring force a new age that will dawn."

Clark stood rigid, held up by half of the League of Shadows members with Talia having a knife to the throat of Lana to make sure she did not interfere. Ra's Al Ghul stood atop a platform as they prepared Davis Bloome for the dip into the pit.

"That doesn't look safe," Bloome argued as he got closer and closer to the pit as he saw it sinisterly bubble.

"Nonsense, the Lazarus Pit will cure you of all of your impurities, and bring out the true monster within you, the destroyer that you were meant to be" Ra's answered with his eyes firmly on Davis when he was closer and closer to the pit. "I have managed to acquire the notes of Virgil Swann and the log of the Veritas Society. I had gone to them to offer my input but Thomas Wayne, Virgil Swann, and Lionel Luthor all arrogantly turned me down. Yet their arrogance comes with Karmic retributions for it is I who live while their bodies decay and whither in the ground. For it was not one traveler who came to Earth on that day, but two travelers who had crashed in that Cornfield in Smallville."

This had gotten the attention of Clark who tried to figure out a way to escape.

"What are you talking about?" Clark demanded to try and keep Ra's talking whilst he tried to find a way out of his predicament.

"While you were found by the Kents, Davis Bloome was found by the Veritas Society as they wrongly believed he was the one," Ra's explained at that point. "It appears that Bloome was not born by conventional means but rather created as a weapon that hitched a ride onto the vessel that brought you here, Star Child. He was made from the most dangerous creatures of your world, engineered in a lab to adapt to anything. Davis Bloome is merely a camouflage for a true horror that lies within. You cannot fight the monster for it is you and the human face you wear is but a lie."

Davis seriously considered this guy's sanity or lack thereof, he honestly did not seem to be all there at that point. He was being hooked in restraints but for what reason. He felt a savage fury bubble within him as he inhaled the smell of the pit.

"Then there was a prophecy that has been around since the dawn of time, where the Star Child and the Destroyer are destined to battle in a fight where neither will survive," Ra's continued at that point as he cracked his knuckles. "This prophecy indicates a cataclysmic battle between the two sides but do not worry, once the battle has concluded, the world will be rebuilt. I will force this battle."

"Countless with die," Clark answered at that point through a hoarse voice.

"If it leaves your mind at ease, Star Child, I have counted, approximately sixty five billion to be precise," Ra's answered without missing a beat. "And it will happen once you have been exposed and reborn as what you should have been all along."

Lana meanwhile while Ra's was giving his monologue maneuver herself into place and with a swift kick had knocked Talia back by surprise. The daughter of the Demon Head staggered but the dark haired woman managed to wrestle the key away from the guard before she unlocked the restraints with another fluid motion.

'Yellow sun, where are you?' Lana thought desperately but there seemed to be no yellow sun at this point.

"After her, stop her, she's not part of the plan,' Ra's answered at that point and Talia tried to kick Lana at that point but she managed to dodge out of the way.

"You're nothing without your powers, so I suggest you surrender and I may make your death painless," Talia answered at that point but before she could respond Batman swooped in front of her. The woman took a step back at this point, caught off guard by The Dark Knight sudden appearance.

Ra's on the other hand did not seem to be surprised in any way whatsoever.

"Ah yes, Detective, you are here to bear witness to the end of everything, despite your best efforts the world will be entombed in chaos," Ra's answered with his eyes firmly locked upon Batman as they remained unblinking. "I do offer a moment to consider a choice that I'll give you, if you wish to be a part in this new order, then you can join me. You will have unprecedented respect and the hand of my daughter, but I do not wish for us to be enemies. Rather I wish for you to be my heir."

Batman looked at him at that moment and tried to move his way to Ra's but several large members of the League of Shadows rumbled in to battle with the Detective. The Dark Knight dodged every single one of their assaults. He ducked and rolled when he caused them to all trip up with his solid attacks.

Clark was up to his feet as he tried to reach for the handcuff keys. Lana's powers had not returned fully yet due to being underground away from the yellow sun so she struggled and now Talia had the medallion once again. Lana found herself weakened by the pull of the power.

With a well-placed Baterang Batman knocked the medallion out of Talia's hand, over the cliff, and knocked her back. Lana got herself up and looked at Batman with a grateful look.

"Thanks, I guess I owe you one," Lana answered before she saw a hulking figure with a sword try to stab Batman from behind. At super speed Lana rushed in and knocked the hulking figure out for the count. She shrugged before a brief smile appeared on her face when she faced Batman. "And now I think we're even."

Clark was back up to his feet as the rocks began to crumble underneath him from the stress of the constant fighting. He got his hands on the key and opened up the cuffs.

Two of the assassins tried to keep him from escaping from the handcuffs and knocked him back. Clark fought them and he lost his balance.

The good news was the cuffs had come off as planned.

Lana's eyes widened as she sped over towards Clark but she was just a second or two too slow.

Clark fell backwards over the cliff and landed into the Lazarus Pit with a splash. Lana's eyes widened as she tried to dive in after him but Batman grabbed her arm to prevent her from taking the plunge after Clark.

"No, he'll emerge in a moment and you need to be ready to grab him for mania will visit him due to the pit's effects," Batman told Lana and Lana got the message before she stepped back.

All they could do now was wait and see how Clark would get out of this mess. The pit bubbled sinisterly as all they had to do was wait and watch.

Raya joined Harry and Kara as they made their trek through the temples down the stairs when they saw more scrawls on the wall when they got closer and closer to where the Lazarus Pit was. And that was not all they had gotten closer to there was a thump coming from behind the wall that was faint but only could be heard by super human hearing.

Kara x-rayed the wall and found that there was someone from behind the wall. With expert precision, she managed to pull open the wall at this point and knock it down to reveal the bound and gagged form of Patricia Swann on the ground. Patricia shook her head at that point as she tried to recover long enough to draw deep breaths in and out before she pulled herself back up.

She was untied at that moment and shook her head.

"Harry, I thought it was them again, coming back to finish me off," Patricia answered when she shook the cobwebs from her head. "The League of Shadows is interested in Kal-El."

"Of course they are," Harry responded in deadpan before he looked at the woman. "You told me that you were going on a holiday."

"Yes and they grabbed me at the airport, I was supposed to be back a couple of days ago," Patricia answered while she groaned and rubbed her forehead. "I fear what I might have told them and what damage could it do the world. There are many things that Ra's Al Ghul seemed to know. Did you know he offered to assist my father?"

"That's news," Harry answered, with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm guessing your father turned him down," Kara chimed in with her blue eyes locked onto the face of the woman.

"Yes, my father, Lionel Luthor, and Thomas Wayne all knew that trusting someone like Ra's Al Ghul was a bad idea," Patricia answered as she shook her head when she tried to take a moment to reconcile what had happened. "If they expose Kal-El and the other one to the pit…"

"The other one?" Harry asked as he decided to let Patricia in on how much he found out. "The other one, that being Davis Bloome."

"Yes, that's the other one, I found out that he arrived her the same day that Kal-El did," Patricia answered at that moment. "And beneath the charismatic face lies a true heart of a killer, someone with no conscious or reason. That's the way he's been born and bred from the very worst of Krypton."

Harry could argue all day about nature against nurture but right now he had to send Patricia Swann back.

"This will teleport you back to the Shining Light Foundation," Harry informed her and Patricia did not seem to question that at the moment.

A loud scream could be heard as Harry shoved the Portkey into Patricia's hand and sent Chloe a quick mental signal to let her know to expect the other woman.

"Lana," Kara murmured at that point as the two Heralds bolted right through the doors just in time to see what was happening.

Batman was all too happy to enlighten them on what had just transpired a moment before they had arrived.

"Kent was knocked backwards and fell into that pit; I trust the two of you know what it is."

"It's a Lazarus Pit, it can sustain a person's life as long as there is a breath and warmth still in their body," Harry explained at that point as he noticed the League of Shadows had suddenly gone scarce which had to mean that there was more than one Pit in this temple. "But if someone healthy goes into it, who knows what might happen?"

Lana decided to bring up the unfortunate and dreaded question. "What happens if a completely healthy Kryptonian male gets knocked into the Lazarus Pit?"

"I think you're about to get your answer," Kara responded at that point as the pit began to bubble and Clark began to rise from the pit with his body giving off a glow as he flew out of the pit. The blonde gave a tentative question towards her cousin. "Clark?"

Clark's eyes snapped towards Kara at that point as they glowed red, with fury and unsettling power. "Do not call me that name, Kara, that's not who I am. I am Kal-El and I have been reborn into what I could truly am."

Kara's expression became suddenly gob smacked as they realized what had just happened at this point. Clark was about ready to lose his mind rather badly and he thought that he got reborn. This could prove to be a most problematic situation if he had gone full Kryptonian without his human emotions.

"Clark, that's just the Pit talking," Kara answered as she prepared herself for an attack before Clark dropped down to his feet and looked at her. "It's made you nuts."

"No, it's made my mind clearer than it ever was before," Kal-El argued as he looked at Kara for a long moment, with almost disdain that was not him. "You can have your human delusions all you want, for I have loftier goals in mind. I will rule over this primitive mud ball that you humans call a planet with strength. My mate will rule with me."

Lana looked at Clark at that moment before she shook her head and she placed a hand on his gently.

"Clark, I'll stand by you but you can't really think that this is the right way to do things."

Kal-El looked at this human, sure she was a certain amusement for his human self, but he had shed his human skin when he had been reborn. He stepped forward and spotted Raya at that moment.

"Raya, long time no see," Kal-El commented when he saw her, looking over this full blood and natural Kryptonian before him.

"Hello, Kal-El," Raya answered in a rather tentative tone of voice as she was unprepared with what to expect. "You've changed a lot."

"It's most surprising to see that you're alive," Kal-El responded at that moment before he shook his head and reached forward to cup her chin with his hand. "The two of us are among the last of our kind, we can rule together."

"We should discuss what you are going to do, Kal-El," Raya responded as she thought the affects of this Lazarus Pit should wear off, hopefully before Kal-El did something he regretted.

"Yes, and we shall mate when the time is right," Kal-El responded at that point as he flipped Raya's hair back before he looked in her eyes and then pressed his lips to hers with a powerful kiss. Raya was shocked by this brazen and bold gesture so much that the woman did not fight it. The Last Son of Krypton invaded her mouth with his tongue and her mind went on lockdown.

Then he flew off without a backwards glance or a declaration of goodbye.

"Follow him,' Kara managed to the other woman and Raya nodded at that point, she was going to protect Kal-El.

Lana stood at that moment as she was unsure about what had happened at that moment but she was certain that she did not like it. Something told her that Clark changed but it was most certainly not for the better.

Ra's Al Ghul had managed to move off in the confusion after Kal-El had flow the coup at this point. The leader of the League of Shadows knew that the fact that he fell into the Lazarus Pit in such a manner will only make the transformation far less temporary. He would only last like that for a maximum of six hours, at least that was his calculation. At least that was what Ra's pondered in his mind as he twisted the dial slowly to prepare Davis Bloome. He knew he only had a few moments before they had recovered enough to find his contingency plan.

"Just imagine, Mr. Bloome, you will be what you should have been, what you always had the potential to be," Ra's commented in a crisp voice as he began to lower the pod containing the young man with the chains. "You will thank me for unlocking the shackles upon your human mind and allowing you to embrace your destiny."

Davis believed that this man completely flipped but then he was rather curious. There was a dark force that had bubbled within his mind that caused him torment at that point. The young paramedic was being lowered closer and closer to the pit as he went deeper and deeper. He tried to push himself out at this point but he found himself hit the wall again and again.

"Let me out of here!" Davis yelled but he realized that there was no one who could hear him no matter how hard he had pounded on the containment pod. He was getting closer and closer to feeling the tender embrace of the Pits and primal forces in his mind stirred when he got closer ot the fumes.

Ra's washed at this point as he closed his eyes before he waited for it. The sounds of his second string of followers were being knocked around outside and he could sense that the Detective loomed closer and closer. However, it would be much too late by the time that he arrived.

The Demon Head knew that his daughter was doing what she could to give him all of the time as he saw the pod that contained Davis be dip into the Lazarus Pit. The pod was slowly flooded with the fluids that had drenched him. Davis Bloome felt the warm fluids being drained into the blood.

His mind began to shift and his body had begun to change as he was slowly surely reborn one step at a time as the pod was flooded a little bit. Bloome tried to pry himself out but he felt a more primitive force take over his mind.

"Prepare the helicopter, and release him within ten minutes," Ra's ordered but at that point a figure grappled up to face him. The Demon Head took a half of a step back but at the same time he stood his ground when he stared down his foe. "You're too late, Detective, you should have taken my offer whilst you had the chance. Now your arrogance will create your own tomb."

Batman knocked out several of the henchmen which caused them to spiral to the ground with a sickening crash before they landed. He advanced on Ra's one step at a time ready to engage his deadly foe.

"It's over, Ra's," Batman said but Ra's, in a lightning fast movement that many a fraction of his age could not pull off, unsheathed a sword before he tried to stab The Detective with it. The Dark Knight dodged the attack at this point before he did a tuck and roll before he launched a grapple line before he latched onto it.

Ra's pulled out a second blade before he sliced the grapple line before the head of the Leageu of Shadows advanced. Both engaged each other in battle. There was a series of punches and kicks that both fighters deflected upon each other. Batman managed to obtain a sword form one of the fallen assassins to block Ra's incoming attack.

The cold metal clung together before they smashed together. Another clang echoed throughout the temples as Batman tried to reach over to pull the pod out but his enemy saw that attempt coming, to knock him back.

"So we'll see what happens when we truly match swords, Detective," Ra's remarked as the two continued to clang swords together as they connected again and again and again with the cold steal crashing against each other with each individual shot. The battle between the two fighters got intense.

The two continued to match wits and weapons with neither budging as they fight on the ledge close to the Lazarus Pit at that point. The Dark Knight and the Demon Head circled each other with their eyes locked onto each other for that point before they rushed forward before they clashed together. Both stood with their teeth gritted as the swords had connected at that point before they shoved forward.

Batman rolled and threw a series of smoke pellets to the ground in his attempt to blind the Demon Head but Ra's deflected them with his sword before he repelled up of the wall before he dropped down. The Dark Knight impacted his foe with a vicious punch to the jaw and another punch aimed at him before The Caped Crusader slid underneath the legs before he shot a grapple line around the ankles of the Demon Head.

Ra's staggered forward and nearly went over the side but he hung on for dear life. The growls of the monster could be heard from below it was music to his ears.

"This is been most illuminating Detective, but I have a ride to catch and I would suggest you do the same," Ra's commented in his smug superiority before he kicked his enemy over the ledge. Batman hung on for dear life over the edge before he swung his feet back and forth, back and forth.

The pod cracked open as it was in the Lazarus Pit with Batman trying to drop down to scope out the entire situation. He saw Ra's exit through the Helicopter with several members of the League of Shadows scrambling towards the exit.

Batman knew he had to keep the monster from breaking out of his pod but there was a moment where he had tried to reconcile what to do in his mind. It was not going to be easy for sure but that's just what the caped crimefighter had to do.

The fluids within the pit had begun to eat away at the human exterior before the monster began to crack through with Batman setting explosives. He vowed never to kill but given what he learned his father's notes, this monster being loose might make him forget that vow. That was the thought that went through his mind when he continued to set explosives.

Lana's eyes snapped up as she saw Clark, or Kal-El rather, fly away from her. She gave a long and labored sigh before she looked at two of the three Heralds of Death who had been left behind.

"That was the real, Clark, wasn't it?" Lana asked and Harry saw a slight crisis of faith coming on so he decided to nip this one in the bud before the woman could be drowned in her own self-pity.

"Lana, the Lazarus Pits lead to mania and madness, the mind is not sound, which is why no one should expose themselves to them constantly. It can prolong someone's life at the risk of decaying their minds. Clark will come back to normal."

"With a whole lot of regrets," Kara managed at this point to have her eyes on Lana at this point.

Lana just nodded she could tell that Clark was not himself, there was just something in his eyes that was completely off. One did not know someone for that long without picking up some kind of subtle hints that something had happened. And now she wondered what would happened, she just hoped that Raya woman was going to be able to convince Clark against it.

This Raya was a surprise to her but she was certain that the Heralds had their reasons for keeping her quiet.

"That's not Clark Kent who is talking remember, that's Kal-El, someone who has fully embraced his Kryptonian heritage," Kara answered before she offered a slight smile. "And I do hope that warping his mind was not what it takes for him to fly."

Lana shook her head she felt that there was something where Clark would be able to achieve that happy medium. She stood forward as her shoulders slumped and the woman sighed.

"Some protector I turned out to be," Lana offered in a crisp voice but Harry just looked at her.

"Lana, why did I give you those powers?" Harry asked her which caused Lana to get taken off guard by the question at hand.

Lana recovered at this point to ask Harry's question at least how she thought he had implied it.

"Because I could be with Clark?"

Kara and Harry locked eyes and thought that Lana had got most of why they did what they did but she had not gotten what they did one hundred percent.

"Yes in a way, but no in another way," Kara chimed while her eyes were firmly on Lana's. "Harry and I didn't give you those powers. You earned those powers. You wouldn't even be able to enjoy those powers you hadn't earned them, you proved yourself to be able to selflessly protect Clark."

Lana had gotten it immediately as she took a deep breath before she faced Harry and Kara, getting everything immediately.

"And Clark is now in more danger than ever before," Lana retorted at that moment as she clutched her hands together before she offered a sigh. "And I better go after him."

"Tread softly," Harry warned her and Lana nodded her head slowly, she understood about treading slightly. "He's not the Clark Kent you know and love, not until he's purged of the Lazarus effect. "

Lana moved off at this point to track down Clark but she had a pretty good idea where he might have gone. She just hoped that he would not do anything that he would regret when he had come to his senses. Although given the way that her boyfriend was talking before he flew off that seemed to be more than likely. She turned around and flew off without another word, there was no time to waste at all.

Harry and Kara rushed over to the next room before both of them had heard the sounds of the monster at that time. A fight was just wrapping up from where they stood and they located the structural weakness in the wall. Or rather the sign Batman had given them when he snuck off.

'The destroyer is loose,' Harry thought to Kara, a statement which caused Kara to pale at this point.

There was another force that the two Heralds of Death felt beneath the temple as Davis Bloome was transformed into the monster that was buried deep inside him. There was something stirring at this point but Harry and Kara tried to block it out. They could only deal with one problem at a time.

That half gold-half red reading that Bloome had given of was completely clear in their minds, they could not touch him but at the same time he needed to be destroyed for he was an undesirable. It was quite the paradox that came with their powers.

Kal-El flew through the skies to leave a whirlwind behind him as he reached the top speed capable of him. His eyes were squinted shut in determination at this time before he dropped down onto the ground at this point. The Last Son of Krypton stopped in the Artic before he took a long look at the Fortress that stood before him.

He was a fool to assume that this Fortress was just some pretty little architecture, it should give him everything that he needed to take control. For years Kal-El had stood and allowed the weakling known as Clark Kent take over his life and cause him to get bred by supreme weakness. Yet he was strong part of a superior group of people who were far evolved, a race that had powers beyond the wildest dreams of mortals under the yellow sun.

Kal-El withered locked away, while Clark too control of his life. Now that the situation reversed and the true Kryptonian within took all control.

"Kal-El, what is the meaning of this?" the voice of Jor-El spoke.

"You thought you could use me as some pawn of a chess board to ease your own failures," Kal-El responded with a bit of a smug expression spreading over his face after he spoke. "I knew that you needed to feel big to push me around but don't worry, Jor-El, I have figured out what my destiny was and it doesn't involve you in it."

"Please clarify," Jor-El answered at that moment.

Kal-El decided to offer his father a moment's pause before he explained.

"The technology within the Fortress will allow me to take control of Earth and save it from the monster that is coming. Anyone who stands in my way will be exiled to the Phantom Zone."

"Kal-El, your mind has been addled," Lara chimed in without pause but Kal-El responded by shaking his head.

"My mind is fine, it is more perfect than it ever has been, and my thought process has never been sounder," Kal-El answered without thought as he managed to enter the Fortress console before he tried to determine how to delete his parents.

"Kal-El, wait," Raya chimed in when she had dropped to the ground to face the Last son of Krypton and Kal-El turned around to her face her. "Do not be so hasty as to delete their influence from the Fortress, but rather mute them. Given them a chance to see that you are in sound mind and what you have done is just."

Clark mulled over the thought in his head before his jaw remained set and he nodded before he altered the Fortress.

"Kal-El just remember your heart…"

These words by Lara were upon deaf ears as Raya watched, she knew that Kal-El would regret removing his parents from the Fortress during his madness. The woman knew that she had to work some kind of damage control at this point before the Earth's eventual savior spiraled out of control. She worked over in her mind a way to stop the young man before her before he caused too much damage.

"Show me everything," Kal-El stated as he accessed the technology within the Fortress. "Show me it all."

Kal-El worked through the Fortress technology before his eyes widened at that point before he saw the plans to some destructive weapon that could annihilate entire armies. There was no weapon on Earth that could withstand its pure fury. He looked over the majestic fury and the brutality of it. Whilst Kal-El did not feel the need to use that particular weapon, the fact was that it had a certain destructive fury.

It was called a Nova Javelin and it would have a sadistic fury that would burn through everything in its path once it had been launched. It was a twisted invention of General Zod who had used it to great fury but Kal-El did not concern himself with those details. The Last Son of Krypton began to access other Kryptonian weapons and how to perhaps adapt them using Earth technology.

Raya felt worry flood through her because Kal-El found himself rather interested in the weapons of Krypton. That was the worst part of his culture to find himself develop an interest for especially with Javelins which could be considered Krypton's version of what a nuke was on Earth.

Back in the temple in Egypt the pod had busted open with Kara and Harry trying to summon the full force of their powers to keep it at bay.

The monster had risen from the pits with Batman's attempts to keep him down having failed thus far. There was one thing for certain, they were in for a tough battle.

It could not leave this temple, that much was for certain.