
Chapter 4

Chapter Four: Altercation.

Harry sat on his bed. A knock on his door pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Come in," said Harry, as he turned to face the door.

The door opened, and Kara entered. She walked towards Harry. She wore a transparent blue nightdress.

"You're awake, good," said Kara, as she surveyed Harry.

"Yes, I've been working on finding your cousin, for a while" said Harry, as he did not look up completely from his work. "Couldn't sleep I take it."

"I slept fine," said Kara, as she leaned against the dresser. A hint of a smile appeared on her face. Then, she continued to talk. "I had some nice dreams, felt refreshed, and woke up. Figured, I'd see if you were up to."

Kara glided over and, sat herself down on the bed next to Harry. Harry turned to face the blonde girl. He could not help, but notice how nicely the nightdress showcased her legs. Yet, he pulled himself out of those thoughts, to focus on the business at hand.

"Any luck with Kal-El?" asked Kara, as she leaned over, to try and figure out what he was doing.

Harry took a deep breath, to sigh and look at her. "I know he's in this place, Smallville, he hasn't left. That's a good sign. That means the government hasn't grabbed him."

There was a note of relief in Harry's voice that Kara promptly picked up on.

"Why would your government want him?" asked Kara.

Harry just looked at her, as he thought how to best explain the situation. "Don't judge humans too badly on this, but there are some people in the government, any government, who are obsessed with power. A lot of them have the best intentions, or seem to, but their obsession with protecting their country can cause those intentions to go off track."

Harry looked her right in the eye, and added in a low voice. "Governments have been trying to have weapons, just for an intimidation tactic for decades. They might never fire them, but the threat that they're there keeps their enemies on their toes. Some super powered toddler would be something many people in the government would shove their mothers down a flight of stairs for. They could create super soldiers based off of his genetic make-up, or at least try too."

"You've given this matter a lot of thought," muttered Kara.

"They're some dangerous people out there," said Harry. "The government from where I came from, if they had the chance when I was young, they might have snatched me, used me as a weapon."

It was at this point where Harry realized that being sent to the Dursleys might not have been the worst thing that could have happened to him. If the Ministry got their hooks into him early on, he'd likely be trapped in the Department of Mysteries as some object of study.

"No one should have been able to open my ship, but me," she said, to break him out of his thoughts.

"Well, I did," said Harry. "It wasn't too hard; I scanned it and disabled it, one component at a time."

Kara slid closer to Harry, so her bare leg brushed against his, as she looked him in the eyes. She spoke in a sweet voice. "Harry, I'm not fooled. You're not completely human."

She stared him down. Harry just looked back at her. "Kara, you're a smart girl. Yes, I'm not completely human."

"What are you then?" asked Kara, as she got to her feet, to try and rack her brain for an explanation. "I thought you were a Kryptonian…"

"Kara, I told you, I was part of a hidden world, right here on Earth," said Harry. "It's not technology that I have. It's magic."

Kara opened her mouth, as she blinked. Somehow, it made a lot of sense.

"Wow, that's…that…interesting," she breathed, eyes upon Harry in interest. "And you're the last one from your world."

"Yes," he answered, as Kara sat back down next to him.

Kara watched Harry as he continued to work. She had no idea what he was doing, but it seemed amazing.

"Do you know anything about green meteor rocks?" asked Harry, suddenly break the silence.

"Why do you ask?" the girl inquired.

Harry explained to her, "I found loads of them around your ship. They're emitting high levels of radiation, and it's really worrying me."

"I don't know about them," said Kara, as she frowned. She wished she could help him.

"I think they could affect you," said Harry, which caused a frown to appear on Kara's face.

"Why?" asked Kara.

Harry looked at her, before giving the direct answer. "There was a woman in my world that got a hold of one of these rocks. I thought she lost her mind at first, well she did lose her mind, but not because of this. The rock did strange things to her powers. I'm guessing they might react differently depending on the person."

Kara nodded, thinking she'd steer clear of any meteor rocks. She tapped her foot impatiently. Then she leaned over, to whisper in Harry's ear. "So, when are we going to look for Kal-El?"

"After the sun rises, because most people don't appreciate you bothering them before then," said Harry. "Of course, there's a chance your cousin might have been adopted by someone, so we're going to have to deal with that."

She gave the matter some thought. She had not considered that possibility.

"Would you like to have some breakfast before we head out?" asked Harry.

"I'd like that very much," said Kara, as she gazed at Harry. "I can't think of a better idea, thanks Harry, you're amazing!"

Kara hugged Harry from the side. She pulled away, and walked off, to leave Harry sitting on his bed.

"Women, seem to be constant from any planet," muttered Harry in amusement, after Kara had gone.

He smiled, as he recalled some of his past relationships with women.

Hermione was really just a friend, despite what everyone seemed to think. Her death taught Harry to be more self-sufficient, and not rely on people. The people he relied on might not be there to help him tomorrow. Her death allowed Harry to stop being lazy.

Parvati, well that was still one dance at the Yule Ball, but Harry decided to reflect on her. Despite, how he treated her, she seemed to take it in stride over time. They became friends as the years went on, and she was a valuable ally in the battles with Sinclair and her followers.

Cho, Harry recalled her next. That relationship they had was a disaster. Cho saw a Muggle therapist after her seventh year, which helped her gain some closure on Cedric. She did want one final meeting with Harry to clear the air. Harry caught some hell from certain people, but he agreed to meet her. It was very nice to put what happened behind them.

Cho apologized for trying to use Harry as some kind of surrogate for Cedric during Harry's fifth year. She did help him a few times, as her family chronicled some obscure and lost books on magic. Some of the magic helped him in the coming years, during the final war of the magical world.

Ginny was a complicated case. Their relationship was rocky to say the least. Harry decided he wanted to return to Hogwarts for his seventh year after Voldemort died, and Ginny suggested he should rebuild the Ministry, to use his reputation, because it was his duty. They didn't get too far in their relationship, and the last discussion they had, was Ginny accusing Harry of putting Hermione before her, even after her death. Harry did have some good times with her, but there were times where when Ginny had her bad days. When these days happened, her temper could be second to none.

Luna sort of counted, he guessed as well. They did go to Slughorn's party after all. In addition, they exchanged at least one kiss during the final war, under the demonic influence of too much firewhiskey. Yet, they agreed they were better off as friends.

Gabrielle he was pretty sure likely had some kind of infatuation with him, based on him rescuing her from the lake in the second task of the Triwizard Tournament. Only now did it occur to Harry, about six years later, why both Astoria and Gabrielle seemed to be at each other's throats when they were not fighting for their lives against Sinclair's followers.

Yet, all of them would not have worked out in the end. Harry just smiled, as he recalled the good moments.

Harry found himself rather curious about the latest girl who entered his life. Yet, there were more important things to worry about then his utterly messed up romance life.

Lois walked through the woods, with a purpose, as Clark followed her, in an attempt to keep up with her. She quickened her strides.

Clark looked at her, exasperated. "Lois, you just had a near death experience…."

"Don't say the "D" word," hissed Lois, as she looked over her shoulder. "It could summon him, and I never want to see him again."

"Right, but you should be resting," admonished Clark in a stern voice.

Lois just snapped around, and looked Clark right in the eye. "I'm going to find out what Lex is up to. You on the other hand, aren't acquired to attend, after what happened to Lana. Why don't you go help Chloe on her witch hunt for You-Know-Who or something? Keep your mind off of things."

Clark was confused, but then it clicked. He looked at Lois. "Oh, you mean the Grim R…"

"Smallville, knock it off!" yelled Lois, as her eyes shifted.

"It's dangerous out here Lois, with what might be lurking around," said Clark. "Protecting you has been a bad habit of mine. Besides, it gives me a good opportunity to say goodbye."

Lois just scoffed at him, and rolled her eyes. "You can't break up with me, Clark. We're not even a couple."

"Lois…I'm leaving Smallville…after Lana's funeral," said Clark, and Lois stopped in her tracks.

"Wow, I didn't see that coming," muttered Lois. "Where are you running away to?"

"Up North," answered Clark, as he made up his mind about what his role in life held. "There's something I need to do."

Lois opened her mouth to ask another question, but stopped and stared. Another question visited her, as she looked at the house that sat before her. "Um, Clark, was this house here yesterday?"

Clark looked at it, with a frown. "I don't think so, why?"

"Because, there's a little house, that just seemed to appear in the middle of nowhere," said Lois, as she looked at it, to survey it with a frown.

The word "Potter" had been written on the mailbox. Suddenly it struck her.

"Of course, the Shining Light guy, he moved into town!" yelled Lois, as Clark moved closer.

"Who are you talking about?" asked Clark.

"You've been out of the loop, haven't you?" asked Lois. "Harry Potter, he's the reclusive owner of the Shining Light Foundation. He's a bit out to lunch, I think. He's never in public, hasn't been photographed, and no one knows what he looks like."

"Well, he sounds like a man who likes his privacy," said Clark, who knew Lois was likely going to stick her nose where it did not belong.

"Why Smallville of all places?" demanded Lois. "The man's an eccentric nutjob! They say he's had the house moved over brick by brick from the UK."

She surveyed the house, with a critical eye. Granted, it was not a complete dump, but it looked rather unimpressive. "If you ask me, he should have brought better bricks over."

"It's not that bad looking," muttered Clark, but his eyes travelled to a fenced in area. Lois noticed him looking as well. Her eagle eyes locked right into a spaceship within the fenced area.

The sign read "No Tresspassing" Lois shrugged, as she took a step forward. The sign proceeded to shift into new writing. "This means you, Lois Lane."

Lois was flummoxed, and a voice brought her out of her thoughts, "That sign was not a suggestion."

Lois and Clark turned to see a young man facing them, with messy black hair and green eyes. He was dressed in black, with only a few bits of white.

"Who are you anyway?" asked Lois.

"My name is Harry Potter," said Harry, as he looked at her. "I'm the owner of the Shining Light Foundation, or as you so eloquently put it, I'm the eccentric nutjob."

Lois looked at him, and moved to get a closer look.

"As you will find out, I legally own everything from the front of the driveway, to the back fence," said Harry. "Which means, if I didn't invite you over, you're trespassing."

Clark took a step forward, but he found himself propelled back by the fence.

"That was just a warning shot," said Harry, as he looked at Clark, who pulled himself off the ground. "The next time you get a bit too close to my fence, it won't pull its punches."

"How are you doing that?" asked Clark, as he looked down at Harry. "I don't see any wires or…"

"Come on, take a wild guess," encouraged Harry.

Clark pondered the matter, before he gave his theory. "It's magic, isn't it?"

"And, we have a winner," said Harry, before he spotted Lois out of the corner of his eye, taking out her phone. "If you'd like, I'll be able to show you a magic trick. I can make your girlfriend disappear before your very eyes."

Lois crashed to the ground at this point. Clark looked up, to see a blonde woman standing over the top of her. With strength, she crushed Lois's cell phone within her hand. She turned, to face Clark.

"That's what happens when people touch my stuff," she stated in a dangerous voice.

She got right into his face, daring him to try and contradict her. Harry walked over, and stood beside her, to gently pull her back.

"C'mon, he's not worth it," muttered Harry.

She looked at him and nodded.

"Fine, take your girlfriend, and get out of here," she said in a harsh tone to Clark.

Harry added in a low voice. "And if I ever catch you snooping around again, I'm calling the law on you. Is that clear?"

Clark was about to answer, but at that moment, the ship, the house, and both people vanished before his very eyes.

He was left confused, and needed to revive Lois.

High above the ground, Kara and Harry flew.

"So, he's certainly here," said Kara.

"Somewhere, but there must be dozens of places where he could be," said Harry, before he looked at her. "I think we'll just make our way down town, and look for him."

Kara nodded in agreement.

"I made us both invisible, so no one can try and follow us in the air," whispered Harry.

Both flew in the sky over Smallville, in search of Kal-El.

Chloe looked up from her work at the Talon Apartment, and heard Lois and Clark arguing as they entered.

"I'm serious, you should go to the hospital," said Clark.

"Why?" demanded Lois, as she shook her head and ignored the ringing inside it. "Just because I got hexed by some magic man, if that's what he is. If I turn into a toad by the evening, I'll consider heading over. Right now, I'm fine."

Chloe decided to ask the obvious question. "What happened to you guys?"

"I got attacked by the new guy in town," said Lois, as she shook her head. "Guy's so quick, I didn't see it coming. He says he's some kind of wizard or something, but I think that's a load of malarkey. I mean, who could believe something like that?"

Chloe just smiled. Given what she saw in the past, there was very little she was prepared not to believe.

"He's a recluse," said Clark. "He likes his privacy, and we were on his property."

"Yeah, well what about that spaceship?" asked Lois. "Or that fancy technology that knew my name? I think the magician thing's just a front, he's really some guy from outer space."

Clark knew now that Lois did not even have a hint of the other person with this Harry Potter. "I'm sure it's just a centerpiece or something for his lawn."

"Why the security?" asked Lois.

"Well, it might be a family heirloom," suggested Chloe.

"Lois just drop it," said Clark. "You just got caught off guard by his security system, I did too, just let it go."

"State of the art security system, but quaint little home, something's fishy," said Lois, as she put a hand to her head. "I'm not going to let the matter go. Once I get out of these clothes, I'm going straight to the Inquisitor. My editor is going to flip over this one."

Lois walked off, to leave Clark and Chloe alone.

"She's imagining things," whispered Chloe.

"Not completely, muttered Clark. "There was a wizard there, but he wasn't the only one there. There was this Kryptonian girl, blonde hair and a really bad attitude. She was the one that knocked Lois out. She moved so fast, Lois never could have stopped it. But that's not the weird part…"

"You mean there was something stranger than a Kryptonian just popping up out of the blue and popping Lois?" asked Chloe.

"Yeah, she was about to come after me, but he stopped her," muttered Clark. "Said I wasn't worth it and she seemed to respect him enough to listen to him. Next thing I knew, everything was gone. The house, the ship, and both of the vanished, I couldn't see it with even my X-Ray Vision."

"Who was the guy?" asked Chloe.

Clark paused, before he stated. "Harry Potter, he's the owner of something…The Shining Light Foundation."

"I caught a glimpse of something about that, but I was trying to find out more about our robed friend," muttered Chloe, but that search turned out to be a dead end so far. "So our mysterious master of the arcane arts and our super girl just vanished without a trace."

"Yes," said Clarke, but he frowned. "I don't know how super she might be. Nearly every Kryptonian I've come across so far as turned out to be a cold blooded killer."

"Yeah," muttered Chloe. "What is it with your people? Are you the only half-way decent member of your Kryptonian race?"

Clark had no idea. "Listen can you find something on…"

He was cut off by Lois taking more painkillers than was medically recommended.

"Wow, that's a lot of painkillers for someone that's fine," mused Clark.

"Clark, I'm good to go," slurred Lois. "I just got zapped by one little spell. Sure it packed a punch, but…I'm just being careful. I got a little headache, that's all."

"You could have a concussion," suggested Clark.

Lois just looked at him, and shook her head. "If I see double when I'm typing my story, you'll be the first to know."

Chloe decided to take a firmer hand. "You know what, Lois, no, I'm sorry. But after everything we've been through together, I'm not letting you put yourself in danger. I'm taking you to the hospital."

"All right," said Lois, as her expression softened.

"Okay," said Chloe as she moved to get her keys.

"But ten minutes, then I'm gone, I don't have time to sit around all day waiting," said Lois.

"Sure, Lois," said Chloe.

'Then I'll see what I can dig up on the mysterious Mr. Potter,' she thought.

Lex sat in his prison cell, stoic and calm. His lawyer entered with a smile on his face, which brought the man out of his thoughts.

"Well, I'm glad someone has something to smile about," mused the bald young man.

"Well, this smile means you've been cleared of all charges," said the Attorney. "You're a free man, Mr. Luthor."

"On what grounds?" asked Lex, as his attorney gave him a look of disbelief.

"They caught the killer. A disgruntled employee from one of your tunnel-construction crew claimed he got cancer from the chemicals down there."

Lex paused for a few seconds, before he nodded. "So he blew up my wife to get back at me?"

"That's what he said in his confession," said the Attorney. "Come on. Let's get you out of this cage. I'll buy you a big, juicy porterhouse."

Lex got up, but just stood there, in thought. "He didn't do it."

"Lex, they found his fingerprints at the scene," replied the attorney. "He confessed to the crime."

The man just remained firm. "I don't care what kind of evidence there is. The man did not murder my wife."

"As your attorney…"

"As my attorney, I want you to set up a meeting with this disgruntled employee," said Lex, as he looked right in the man's eye. "I want to hear it from him."

"What's your point?" asked the attorney.

Silence, before he gave the frank response. "I'm not sure Lana's dead."

'She's out there, I'll know for sure soon,' he thought. 'Once I get closure, I'll see what I can do with that second chance, the gift I was given.'

'Not even one day in, and I'm already being visited by people who stick their noses where they don't belong,' thought Harry. 'Okay, Potter, don't lose it. Just got to play it cool, help Kara find this Kal-El, get him back to the house, and then keep your house hidden. Then we'll work from there.'

"What if someone goes for my ship again?" muttered Kara.

"They won't," said Harry.

"How can you be sure?" asked Kara.

"Because the enchantments work that way," said Harry. "I've hidden the house; it took me about eight hours to get the spell work completed. It's just those two showed up right as I was done, and no one could be in the house when it was activated. Only those I allow to see it, those who are keyed in, can see it from here on out."

"If those two say anything, people might wonder," suggested Kara.

Harry paused, before he added. "Well, if they start rambling about a fact a house appeared, and then disappeared, they might come across as just a bit crazy. No one who isn't keyed in, will not be anywhere near my house."

He paused, and then added. "I keyed you in, by the way. You're the only one, other than me keyed in right now."

"You actually trust me enough," said Kara, surprised, but oddly enough pleased.

"Call it instinct, but yeah, I trust you," muttered Harry.

'Hopefully, this is the ninety nine percent of the time my instincts are right, as opposed to the one percent of the time they are way off base. Trusting someone is not something that comes easily to me. Yet, I trust her. Is it out of necessity? I don't know, just got to roll with the punches."

With another movement, they arrived at the first pre-school. Harry noticed there seemed to be little to no supervision, which made him shake his head. In a blink of an eye, Kara moved over, to begin to interrogate the children. He chuckled in amusement.

'No sense of stealth,' thought Harry.

"What's your name?" demanded Kara, as she had a child off the ground, but Harry cleared his throat.

"Kara, listen, there's a much easier way of doing this, than lifting these half-pints off the ground one by one," said Harry.

She looked at him. "And what is…"

Harry waved his hand and a loud bang echoed. It sounded like a cannon, and caused all of the children to straighten up, fearfully. Their eyes widened, as Harry turned to address them all.

"Attention, rug rats!" shouted Harry, as they stood up, straight and still. "I'm going to ask you all a couple of questions, and I want them answered, immediately!"

The children nodded, looking like bobble heads. Kara hid her amusement, as she stood in the shadows, to stay out of Harry's way.

"Are any of you children adopted?" asked Harry.

"What's adopted mean?" asked one of the children.

"It means your Mommy and Daddy, aren't your real Mommy and Daddy, stupid!" shouted another child.

"Hey, no name calling, you little crumb grabber!" snapped Harry, as the kid fell back into line. The children remained silent, as he channeled the spirit of Severus Snape for a minute. "Well?"

They all shook their heads.

"Does the name, Kal-El, hold any meaning to you?" he asked.

Once again, they shook their heads. Harry picked up no signs of deception. He sighed. "Okay, have a nice day. Look both ways before you cross the street, don't take candy from strangers, and always say please and thank you."

They nodded their heads in fear, as Harry turned to rejoin Kara, who seemed rather amused.

"I like your way better," said Kara.

"Yeah, let's move on, these children are all duds," said Harry.

Kara grabbed Harry's hand, so they became invisible once again. They moved onto the next stop of their list.

"So, about your eyes," muttered Harry. "I'm guessing you fire some kind of heat blast out of them."

"Yes…I burned your ceiling last night," said Kara in an apologetic tone. "It fixed itself, so I figured there was no harm in it."

"Well, your eyes flared up at least twice at Breakfast…so I've put a spell on you…"

"That sounds like a bad Earth pick up line of there ever was one," muttered Kara.

Harry just smiled, "Perhaps, but what I did will prevent any accidents, until you can learn to control that particular power. I don't relish putting out any forest fires."

"You seem to know a lot about Kryptonian powers," said Kara in a casual voice.

"Kara, I told you about where I came from," said Harry. "Let's, just focus on finding your cousin, and we'll worry about what we need to do next."

"Alright, next school's right around the corner."

They touched down, to interrogate more children.

Chloe worked in an absent minded manner at the Daily Planet, as she moved from the Printing Press. She looked up, to see the face of one of the last men she wanted to see at this point.

"Lex, I thought you'd be sharpening your shiv behind bars by now," remarked Chloe.

"Someone else confessed," said Lex, as he looked at the woman.

Chloe's face contorted into disgust, before she found her voice. "Once again, a Luthor snake manages to slither away from the grasp of justice. How much did you have to pay the poor guy?"

"It didn't…it was my father, before he disappeared," protested Lex. "But that's not the point…"

Chloe waved off his words. They were nothing, but empty lies as far as she was concerned. "It doesn't matter what slight of hand you pulled, it's not bringing Lana back."

"What if she isn't dead, Chloe?" asked Lex.

"Lex…" said Chloe in protest, but he cut her off.

"I felt death pull me inches away from the wreckage of a hell crafted by my own sins," whispered Lex. "I got one more chance, I just need closure."

At this point, Chloe stopped, and stared at Lex. Her mouth widened, but she shook her head to clear the thoughts.

"What if she isn't dead, Chloe?" repeated Lex.

"I heard you the first time," muttered Chloe. "You don't need to come up with any more convoluted conspiracy theories."

Lex remained quiet and then spoke so only the two of them could hear. "Before, Lana died; she stole highly classified research from me. The one person, who would know for certain, is not exactly the most accessible."

Chloe turned for a second, to hide her expression.

'It can't be, it has to be a coincidence,' she thought.

"I simply need closure, to move on with my life," stated Lex. "Find out what Lana's plan was, tell me what you know, and I'll ask nothing else of you."

Chloe turned, and handed Lex some files. "Take this, all I know."

Lex moved off when he had the information. It was some time before Chloe even realized he left. The robed man mystery gained even more layers by the moment, and the more she knew, the less she understood.

She tried to look a bit more into the enigma that was Harry Potter, but found no references other than what was common knowledge. Clark showed up.

"Hey, are you alright?" asked Clark.

"Um, yeah, I'm fine," muttered Chloe, but her eyes widened at the latest news. "But there are two people who have been spotted, that resemble the Kryptonian girl and the wizard that turned up. They're bouncing all over the county, terrorizing children. The children were found shaking in horror."

Clark's expression darkened. "About where were they sighted?"

"They just appeared, and vanished into thin air," said Chloe, but she looked at a map, before she pointed out all of the schools. "There seems to be a method to their madness. I'm guessing this might be their next stop."

The two touched down on the ground.

"He's got to be here," said Kara.

"This is the last place," muttered Harry. "Unless…"

"His ship didn't make it," she concluded in a quiet voice.

Harry decided to add a more optimistic spin on the situation. "Or someone did adopt him. Then, we're going to have to hunt down adoption records from the last year."

"Well, that should be simple enough," she said with a shrug, but Harry grabbed her, before they went invisible.

"Not as simple as dealing with someone who has been tailing us from the last three schools," whispered Harry.

Harry's mood did not improve when he saw who it was.

'Great, we meet again,' thought Harry.

With a wave of his hand, he summoned Clark right towards him. The young man was caught off guard, as he landed on the ground.

"Time to find out what this guy's issue is," whispered Harry.

With a movement, both got transported into the Nexus Dimension where Harry stored Kara the previous day.

Clark dropped down to the ground, and looked up. He found himself in an endless voice, of absolutely nothing and no one around. He did see a small laboratory in the distance.

"Where am I?" he asked, as he saw the two individuals he had been tailing appear.

"First trespassing, and then stalking, you're really racking up the criminal charges today," said Harry without humor.

"I was trying to stop you two from doing something…" started Clark, but the girl stood and faced him.

"Why were you following us?" she demanded.

"I…wasn't really following you…you were terrorizing children, I had to put a stop to it," said Clark, in a firm voice.

Harry snorted. "So, you decided to be a hero. I didn't harm any of them. Shook them up a little bit maybe, but the world has far scarier things than little old me. "

"Look, um…Mr. Potter," said Clark. "You realize who you're with. She's Kryptonian and potentially she could be…"

"Yes, thank you, I knew she's Kryptonian," replied Harry, as he turned to face this young man. "How do you know it? She's under my protection, because we're looking for someone important."

"Yeah, I don't care if some do-gooder gets his pants in a knot," said the blonde, speaking up. "I'm finding my cousin. Harry, I think we should leave him here until he learns about personal space."

Clark zipped off at super speed towards the lab, but then returned. He turned to face Harry.

"There's got to be some kind of exit portal around here," he muttered.

"I'm the exit portal," said Harry.

"Then you have to send me back," said Clark, but Harry dodged his attempts to grab him. Clark went into the void at super speed, and Harry faced him.

Kara tugged on Harry's sleeve. He turned to her. "Humans…aren't supposed to move that fast. I'm wondering about this guy."

Harry took that thought into consideration, as Clark returned, but a containment field magically appeared around him.

"Okay, here's the deal, and I'm only going to explain this to you once," said Harry as he looked at the contained young man. "We're looking for a small boy, Kara's cousin. Get in our way one more time, and you'll be sorry."

Clark just looked at them. "Don't suppose you can give me a name. I might be able to help you."

"Kal-El," said Kara.

The look on Clark's face was dumbstruck. "That would be…my birth name."

"That's impossible…" started Kara in disbelief, but Harry cut her off.

"Kara, are you sure you were only down in that ship a few months?" asked Harry.

"Are you trying to say I wasn't?" she asked.

Harry sighed. "My initial scans indicated you might have been down there for years and years. I thought I buggered the math."

Kara opened her mouth, but Harry just held up a hand. "Okay, I'm going to check something, and then I'll know for sure. Kara, please stand back. Kal-El, if you are Kal-El, I'm going to release you from the containment field. You need to remain perfectly still, unless you want me to scatter your molecules throughout the entire multiverse."

The field released, and Clark stood. Harry waved his hand over, as he muttered what seemed like nonsense words. Harry calculated everything, checked the initial scans, and tried to compare the scans of this young man to the one he took of Kara.

Harry sighed when he had finished.

'Well this complicates things,' he thought. 'All and all, I would have preferred a troublesome toddler.'

"So, do you believe me?" asked Clark. "I was born…Kal-El."

"He's lying, he can't be Kal-El!" yelled Kara in disbelief.

"He's telling the truth, Kara," said Harry, as he sighed. "Now, we need to figure out where we need to go from here."

Kara stood there, as everything she knew was wrong. She had been down in that ship for years before Harry rescued her. Clark looked at both of them.

"It'd be a lot friendlier if we head over to my farm house," said Clark, as he looked at Harry. "No offense, but this isn't exactly the most cheerful place."

Harry looked at him.

'Oh, you've done plenty to offend me, Kal-El," thought Harry darkly. "This can't be the one she sent me to help. I swear, this is how she gets her jollies.'

"One moment, I'm checking to see if there's anything here that can follow us," said Harry, as he performed the necessary spell. He looked up. "Ready to go, Kara?"

She nodded. Harry grabbed her gently by the hand, and grabbed Clark forcefully by the arm, before he turned to him.

"If you're capable of visualizing skills, try and picture your house in your mind."

Clark did so, and the three disappeared.

Chloe sat, deep in research about one Harry Potter.

'Harry Potter's a common name,' thought Chloe. 'There must be dozens of people named Harry Potter. Yet for this Harry Potter, we're looking for green eyes and dark hair. Likely in his twenties, at least that's what I figure.'

After some careful digging, Chloe stumbled upon the closest match.

'Harry James Potter, son of James and Lily Potter, formally Lily Evans, born July 31st 1980. Parents died when he was one year old in a car accident. He was sent to live with his aunt and uncle,' read Chloe mentally. 'This is about the closest thing to a match. A couple of school photos has the green eyes, and the messy dark hair. He's changed a lot since childhood, but then again these were taken when he was ten. Guardians said he went to St. Brutus's Center for Incurably Criminal Boys when he was eleven.'

Chloe researched that place, and pondered what she found.

'St. Brutus's Center for Incurably Criminal Boys closed down in 1977. He must have violated the laws of time and space to serve time in a place that closed down before he was even born.'

She continued to hunt. No dental records, no doctor's visits, not even a bad report card, or a police report was found between 1991 and 1999. Then Harry seemed to work for the British Government, but there was no information about the position he held.

'Let's see about his parents. James Potter…no records for him other than he was Harry's father. That's….interesting. Lily Evans, let's see if we can find anything about her.'

A frown appeared on the woman's face, as she researched. She was intrigued the more she found about this mysterious young man.

'The second oldest daughter of Violet and Briar Evans…their daughters were Lily and Petunia…going for some kind of plant motif I see," she mused. 'There was a third daughter, Rose Evans, born 1972 and died in 1978, mostly in and out of the hospital between then. Poor kid, but…it was a long time ago. The Evans parents were killed in 1978. The room was locked from the inside. The culprit was never found. Doesn't help me, and Lily disappeared between 1971 and 1980, for her marriage…hmm six months before Harry was born, I do wonder.'

She shrugged and decided to try out Petunia Evans next.

'Petunia Evans, married to Vernon Dursley, they had one son named Dudley.'

"Dudley Dursley?" asked Chloe out loud, shaking her head.

'Okay, never mind that. Vernon was given his position in management at Grunnings Drill Company, by Briar Evans, the previous owner of the company as a wedding gift, and left him a huge sum of money as well. Vernon, Petunia, and Dudley all were murdered in 1999, by the same person. The fingerprints matched a woman named Rosalina Sinclair."

Then, she prepared to find out more about this Rosalina Sinclair.

At that point, things got interesting.

Outside of Smallville, a looming figure approached the town. She wore all white. Black hair extended down past her shoulders. Her skin was gaunt, almost corpse like, with scars all over her body. Her green eyes were devoid of all life whatsoever.

She spoke to herself in an eerie voice. "I sense kindred spirits in this place. My fellows, my people, the one's I must save. As I wake, I discovered the false Chosen One that murdered my family, my children, still lives."

The woman stood, as she felt the power that drew her to this town.

"I sense he is here," she whispered. "Likely he intends to spread his lies to more, as he attempts to sway my kind away from the truth. The faux Chosen One will not be allowed to be permitted to ruin any more lives."

She turned, and remained calm. Then she made her next proclamation. "So Harry Potter, you leave all of the prestige of the world that has allowed your delusions of grandeur, to come to this Smallville. So mote be it, this humble farm town will be where I put you into the ground."

She paused and felt the power, but also clarity and knowledge.

"Yet, there are two others here, who do not belong here," she whispered, as she sensed them. "Two extra-terrestrials steal oxygen from the humble people of the world. They pose a threat, more shackles for those who have been gifted."

Rosalina Sinclair stood, as she looked into Smallville. Her gifts had brought her back to life. It took a long time for her to recover, but after seven long years, she would fulfill her destiny.

"I will save my people, this time," she whispered, as she delivered a solemn promise. "I will lead them with a promise of a brave new world. It starts in Smallville, built over the corpse of the false savior."