
Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Girl Like Me Part One.

Tess remained calm, cool, and collected, and tried not to let anything that was going to happen today, rattle her psyche. Even though she was about ready to step a few moves into what appeared to be the unknown, and could be pushed into losing the control that she enjoyed. Tess tapped her hand on the side of the desk, and waited.

Time seemed to stand still for her, and a buzz on the intercom had brought her out of her thoughts. Leaning forward, careful not to do anything too soon, or not soon enough, Tess had answered the intercom.

"The two owners of the Shining Light Foundation are here to see you, Miss Mercer."

Tess just tapped her fingers on the side of the desk, and waited. She would show no mercy to anyone. Lex made the calculated error of letting his guard down at the worst possible time, and landed him in the fix that he was in. Immediately, Tess answered the voice on the intercom, with calm and self-assured expression on her face.

"Send them right in, I'm prepared to see them," the woman replied, a firm expression set upon her face.

Tess was prepared, more than prepared. The door opened and she saw the two of them for the first time outside of pictures.

Harry Potter wore his dark hair straight down; it was not messed up in any way whatsoever. He wore a red jacket that had stripes on the side, a travesty of a tie, and a rather wrinkled dress short. He also was attired in dress pants that looked to be very much outdated, and shoes.

Tess thought that this appearance could be a way to lure potential adversaries into a false sense of security, as someone who was harmless and bumbling, so she resolved to remain on her guard.

Kara Potter, nee Kent, had her hair clipped back in a bun, with a pair of glasses on her face. She wore conservative business attire, buttoned up completely, with a skirt that reached down past her knees. It did offer the hint of something more, but her eyes told the true story. The woman could be dangerous if she was pushed.

Observation was the key to business, along with diplomacy. Tess leaned over the desk, and extended her hand to shake.

"A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Potter, Mrs. Potter," Tess replied in a crisp and cordial voice.

Harry took off his glasses at the moment, allowing Tess to get a look at his eyes for the first time. She resolved to stay on business, but she summarized they were the type of eyes that captivated most women who had seen them. They radiated of power, and allowed for some kind of air of charisma. They were, for lack of a better term, bewitching.

Not that Tess would be taken in by such things; she was just merely stating an obvious fact.

It was a moment of tense silence, before Kara seized the floor, and began to speak. "We do apologize for not meeting with you much sooner, but business tends to keep us busy."

"Yes, I do understand, and this is a time where us meeting would become beneficial both parties," Tess agreed, preparing to take full advantage of the work she did to prepare for this meeting. "I understand the previous management of Luthorcorp and the Shining Light Foundation had talks that had gone south, and I am willing to open up the possibility of future talks between the two sides."

Harry pounced on the opportunity Tess had given him.

"I heard a rumor about Lex, and I was hoping that I was not overstepping my bounds," Harry told Tess, eyes trying not to show curiosity

"No, not at all," Tess told him, waving and motioning for him to continue. Perhaps this would give her a hint of where Harry's stake in this entire game was. It would allow her to stay in control.

Harry thought that he had some kind of in to figure out the mystery of what happened to Lex Luthor.

"I heard that he has been reported as missing."

"You have heard this rumor correctly," Tess responded, and she just remained calm, not offering any hint with her body language of what she was really thinking. "I had personally followed up on a lead, but our former owner is not where he was supposed to be."

Harry and Kara sat, mentally comparing notes. They knew for a fact that some Luthorcorp interference had been ran, but the question was how this was done and where Lex was. It seemed clear that Tess was only telling them a version of the truth. Harry decided to make a calculated risk in an attempt to find out more.

"I'm interesting in hearing about this proposition you got on the table," Harry told Tess, looking leaning forward, and peering into her eyes. Kara did likewise over her glasses.

Tess took a deep breath. "I believe making such an arrangement will have benefits to all three of us."

"So, it is an arrangement that the three of us will find mutually beneficial?" Kara asked, and Tess just smiled, leaning forward to look at the couple.

"It could potentially rock the business world, and shake everything up," Tess replied to the both of them, placing her hands into her desk, and pulling out a folder, with material for the both of them to read. "Many would frown upon the three of us getting in bed for this arrangement, but they lack the imagination for the possibilities that something like this contains."

"Many often do," Kara replied, with a knowing smile, and she reached forward, to grab the papers, and passed Harry's copy to him, so the two of them could read it, and get a full view of all of the benefits that such a deal would have.

"It's all about taking risks, all about breaking norms," Tess remarked, more to herself than to Harry and Kara. "Wouldn't the two of you agreed?"

"What is life without a few risks?" Harry asked a smile crossing over his face.

Tess responded with a knowing smirk, and a nod, appreciating the intensity in his bright green eyes. She shook her head, and got her mind back on business. The two of them sat, they were the pure definition of what one would call a power couple. Anyone who stood in their way would find it hard to stand for much longer.

She appreciated that, and the two of them continued to look at the papers, for the proposal that Tess had given them.

"The Shining Light Foundation is mostly non-profit," Harry told Tess, making sure she understood that this was one point that he was not going to concede on.

Tess just brushed her hair from her eyes. "Believe me, I have no intention of changing your foundation, but I'm thinking of a bigger picture and the ways that you can broaden your scope to so much more."

'Believe me, I think of that as well,' Harry thought to himself.

Kara nodded by his side in agreement, getting an idea of what he thought about. Tess just looked at the paper.

"People foolishly throw aside that they are going to change the world, but that's what I intend to do, and save it from itself," Tess added, to the pair of them.

There was something different about them, about both of them, and also there was something different about the Traveler. Tess had studied about them, but she needed to find out even more.

"You have helped those children, and have made visits to Belle Reve, to try and assist the patients there, but the Shining Light Foundation could offer much more, and offer them a much greater purpose," Tess offered to them. "Luthorcorp is willing to assist, and perhaps also offer you a piece of this company, and anything else you may need to make this a reality. Anything you want."

"We'll have to consider what you said, and we'll get back to you in due time," Harry replied, to break the brief second of silence.

Tess just nodded, they should have taken all of the time that they needed. The truth was, Tess needed to have both of them on board, for her goals to work. And if she needed to assist them on their goals, whatever they might have been, so be it. Their assistance was something that was needed for her control, and the plans that she had cooking up.

"We have a lunch meeting that we need to get back to," Harry told her in an apologetic voice.

"Business calls me as well shortly," Tess said, and she offered him a dry smile. "Never a dull moment, whatsoever."

She sat, not backing down, and the two walked off. Tess watched them go, and when she was sure they vacated the premises, the woman reached into the side of the desk. The crumped up piece of paper Lex had studied obsessively was in her hands. The key to some answer was in her hands.

A dangerous road to obsession was also at her fingertips.

Tess also grimaced, about the latest report about her mysterious corporate saboteur. So far, he or she was not caught on camera, and this person had utterly destroyed threw Luthorcorp facilities, without any pattern, rhyme, or reason. Tess would find out who this person was, and bring whoever it was to justice.

Harry and Kara both left as well, and Kara turned towards Harry, but it was the dark haired Herald of Death who spoke first.

"So what do you think?" Harry asked.

"I'm both intrigued and suspicious," Kara replied, after a moment's thought.

Harry just thought these thoughts mirrored his. Yet it would get them ever so closer to Lex, and solving something that had dogged them for the past number of weeks.

Sabotage was a very nasty word for what Kara Zor-El of Earth Two was doing right now, and one she refused to even think of as it pertained to defining her actions. There were certain actions that could be considered to be justifiable, and in many ways, one would call her a noble crusader. The only cause that Kara Zor-El, or Karen Starr as she reminded herself she was called, served was the mantle of the Herald of Death. That had been gifted to her, and she had two counterparts that she would meet.

Yet there were several things that she had to do, before Karen officially joined up with them. The name Luthor hung out in her mind, like some sort of corrosive acid that threatened to eat away at everything that was good and just in the world. Karen recalled all of what the name Luthor did to her cousin, her version's universe of Kal-El. She certainly hoped that he was in a better place, for all that happened, and that she regretted each and every day that Kal-El could not be saved in time.

It would not be enough to murder the Luthors, that was not Karen's game, and it was too clean, too simple for them. She wanted to utterly decimate them, to make sure the name Luthor was not fit to be written, or even spoken. They would be known for two things. Humiliation being one of those things, and failure being the other thing, failure would be the big thing in fact.

'Security is primitive as always,' Karen thought to herself, whilst she dismantled it. 'Now if I was a super powered suit, where would I hide?"

Being in a business relationship with the owner of this company allowed Karen certain access. She was adept enough in covering her tracks, and making sure that nothing could be traced back to her. Once people started tracing things back to her, that was one things got potentially problematic.

Security stood standing around, keeping a vigilante eye out for any enemies, and they acted as if anything they did mattered. They were nothing, but puppets, rabble that Karen could easily take out with one finger. She did, and flicked them back onto the ground.

Karen could have ripped the doors open with brute strength. The blonde Kryptonian preferred the sweet sophistication of science, and she hacked into the computers, getting whatever data she had. The truth was that hindsight being what it was; she wished she had finished Lex off in the Siberia when she had the chance.

It was a missed opportunity, but life tended to be full of those.

Karen was preoccupied by the fact that the Fortress needed to be found. Yet, it was not found, it was somewhere, in an infinite number of dimensions. It was hard to count every single dimension in the vast multiverse, because there were so many. They were all out there, and all of them taunted her, tormented her. It would take a lot of time and power, to navigate through them all, but Karen was getting closer and closer with each passing day to pinpointing it.

The natives were not friendly in many of them, and often times had ripped people apart on general principle. They were far from friendly, and Karen scanned for energy plans. This facility stock piled the meteor rocks of all types.

Green rocks, red rocks, blue rocks, and even a few black, gold, and pink rocks, but they would all need to be destroyed. Karen had seen the full power of meteor rocks up close, and what Lionel intended to do with them in the end.

The meteor rocks did not affect her, thanks to her Herald of Death powers, and they would not harm another person ever again, human or Kryptonian, once she had destroyed them. The blonde heard a foot step off into the distance.

A hapless scientist got knocked into the wall. There were no bones about it, Karen wanted to make sure that no one had followed her, no matter what, and there were no witnesses to what she did.

A grin crossed her face, and the blonde Kryptonian hovered and swayed high above the floor. She was closer to uncovering just what Lex was up to. The security cameras blew up when she flew by. Not that they could catch her, she was a blur, and could not be picked up by any technology known to Earth. It would take an act of magic to catch her.

Karen missed the monitoring spells that had been planted in this particular Luthorcorp facility. Had she not been on a timetable, she would have noticed that the charms had dinged her when she went across the hallway.

'Luthor, what's your game?' Karen thought to herself.

There was no answer, for this was a rhetorical question. Karen circled around the lab, gathering all the valuable technology as the spoils of conquest. She had earned the right to loot whatever she could. Taking pity on the humans, she deposited them outside of the lab.

Then Karen flew up into the sky, and prepared to detonate an explosion device. The device was positively primitive compared to its Kryptonian counterparts, but Karen managed to figure out a way to create it. She watched, arms folded against each other, hovered in the air, and another Luthorcorp facility got vaporized, leaving no traces.

This one offered very few clues where to go next, but Karen was able to adapt rather well. That might as well have been one of her powers. Karen dropped down, and took care of one more piece of business. The blonde Kryptonian used a crystal to mind wipe the last three hours from the minds of the staff and security she had rescued.

No one would be able to track anything back to the source. Like a cork, Karen shot off in the sky. The busty blonde watched, her hair framing her beautiful face, and knew that there would be an investigation, but no evidence could tie the sabotage back to her.

Karen flew back, and listened for radio traffic in the ear piece. They thought it was a group of eco-terrorists who had been attacking Luthorcorp for their past business practices. If they only knew, but a smug smile crossed the face of the young woman as she continued to fly.

They would never know what she had done. Karen had gotten away with the perfect crime, and just in time too, given the people who were hovering around. Soon the name Luthorcorp would be lower than mud, and Karen would feel justified.

Lana hovered, and watched Clark go about his daily duties, at the Daily Planet. It would be at least ten minutes before he would get off, which allowed Lana to fly above the ground, and collect her thoughts.

There were a couple of moments where Lana kept an Eagle eye view for any potential crimes she could foil, but there was nothing to be seen. Not even a pickpocket and Lana resigned herself to just going around the sky of Metropolis, taking a casual flight to clear her mind.

She wondered what this accursed ringing in her ear was. Lana had felt it on and off, and there was a beacon of some sort.

Lana had stopped in the air, and pivoted, when something like this happened, automatically she was likely to have smelled a rat of some sort. That rat could potentially have been named Lily Potter.

Lana was not too sure she was gone, and was forever was looking over her shoulder for. Lana tapped her foot, and flew even higher, to orbit in space, to get a better bird's eye view, and potentially clear her head. Lana folded her arms.

The dream happened again last night. Clark had taken her to the Fortress, and proposed to her. Lana had said yes. Then the dream turned into a nightmare. Clark had been swooped down by some monster who had stalked him, and had been ripped away from her.

The more Lana tried to fight him, the more the monster just crushed Clark. Lana kept getting pulled further and further away, until she was in an endless void of nothing. She fought, was helpless, feeling Clark get dragged away. The blood dripped from him, and the breath faded from his body.

Then Lana stood over Clark's grave, and that's when she woke up. The dream had been so vivid Lana thought it was real, and it scared the ever living hell out of her.

It was a sign that she needed to double, no triple, her efforts protect Clark against all that caused him harm, but at the same time, Lana felt that Clark did need a certain amount of space, as not to stifle him.

It was a no win situation for sure. Lana tried to close her eyes, to figure out what to do. The knowledge from the Fortress was partially translated, and tomorrow was when she would begin her sessions with Kara at the Shining Light Foundation, where they would decipher and translate the information. Kara warned Lana that this might take a bit of time to do so, but Lana was patient. Any shred of information to help her help Clark help the world was more than appreciated.

At the same time, Lana had a sense that someone was up there, watching over her as well. It was uncanny, and made the hair on her neck stand up. Every time Lana focused her X-Ray vision towards the person that she thought was there, that person was not there. When Lana's grip slipped in a rare lapse, someone had held her readjust long enough to save that entire bus full of people.

Lana wondered if this was the sign of some greater power, returning back to Earth, just in time to catch Clark. She looked up at the news broadcast, stating that Lex Luthor had gone on a sabbatical, and Lana just took these broadcasts with the grain of salt that they deserved. It did confirm Lex was not dead and still out there, planning and still a menace.

Clark stepped out, and Lana moved up to greet him, but then suddenly, Clark rubbed his ear. Lana paused, and looked at Clark, noticing that gesture.

"You hear it too?" Lana whispered to him, in a voice that only a Kryptonian with super hearing could pick up.

"Yes, it's been happening on and off all day, and it's saying, come to the Artic, Kal-El," Clark replied, but he clutched his papers.

"I don't like it, Lily might have survived," Lana told Clark, and Clark shifted.

"Harry destroyed her," Clark told Lana, and Lana just shrugged.

"Lily could have made a backup that even Harry couldn't have found out about ," Lana suggested, not wanting to discount that possibility. Harry was only human, even with his great powers.

Lana and Clark stepped forward, into the hustle and bustle of Metropolis at rush hour. Once they got to a safe location, they would fly off. Well technically it would be Lana flying, with Clark in her arms, but the thought was there. The two heard the humming, and the message growing more and more frantic.

"We'll get Harry to check this out later," Clark told Lana, and he rubbed his ear.

"I'm at the Shining Light Foundation tomorrow, I'll talk to him then," Lana said, and sure enough, Clark was in her arms, and the couple took flight into the air.

Clark was getting more used to this, and Lana was getting more confident regarding her powers. Both had hoped that the mental block would fade over time, but there were some parts of himself that Clark still had not come completely to terms with.

Chloe sat at the Shining Light Foundation, having waited for Harry and Kara's return from their activities. The last couple of weeks had been exciting to say the very least for her, and a smile just was put on Chloe's face. She had a great relationship with a great man, and if she had to share him with another woman, then so be it.

From what Harry had said, given the type of bond that they shared, they were technically for all intents and purposes married. Much like Harry and Kara were technically for all intents and purposes married before they actually got married-married. Chloe did not claim to be an expert on magic, even if Harry was teaching her a little bit about it. Harry was a very good and able teacher, and Chloe found that her eyes remained on him at all times.

Some people would sell Harry short, but he was rather brilliant, caring, and brave. Harry did admit to himself that he had never been the best in school, but Chloe thought that he was rather intelligent in other ways. He really supported her, and what she did, in all of its insanity.

Plus there was the mind blowing sex, which Chloe thought was more of cherry on top than anything. Chloe leaned back on her chair. She wore a tight black skirt, and a cleavage baring white top, along with boots. Perhaps it was not the most professional thing in the world, but Harry had taught her a nifty little charm to change that if someone came by for a meeting. Or at least give the illusion that she had changed.

To be honest, magic was a fascinating thing, and Chloe found herself more and more endeared with it the more that Harry taught her about it.

The doors opened, and Chloe bounced up, to see Harry and Kara walk inside. Both of them looked a bit worn out, but rather pleased despite the situation.

"So, how did your meeting go?" Chloe asked.

"I thought it went well," Harry remarked, looking at Chloe. Harry sat down on the chair and turned around to check the monitoring charms that he had snuck inside Luthorcorp. If there was any hint of Lex, he would know.

Kara hovered over, and sat herself down on Harry's lap on the chair. Chloe moved over, with a grin, and sat on his other side on the chair. It was a rather tight fit, but the three of them had snuggled together nicely on the chair.

Harry kept clicking away at the computer, trying to find out what he needed to, but his mind drifted to the two beautiful women, who were on either side of him.

One of the most serious pieces of advice that Sirius had given him was that Potters would find always find a woman who could be defined by three adjectives. Those three adjectives were, smart, sexy, and strong.

Harry looked up, and both Chloe and Kara cuddled on either side of him. The fact of the matter was that he did not just find one woman who had these qualities, rather he found two, and that was something that he could take to the bank all day long.

The door opened suddenly, and Chloe and Kara suddenly stiffened, with the compromising position that they were in. Harry was a bit slow to react, and Claire walked into the room, in a cheerful expression.

"Hey, Dad, have you seen my bag?" Claire asked.

"Did you check the last class you were in?" Harry asked Claire at that point, and Claire just shrugged.

She could have smacked herself.

"Yeah, I must have left it in there, I don't know why," Claire replied, but suddenly she looked at Harry, Chloe, and Kara. "Um, why are you three sitting on the same chair?"

"Because the other one was busted," Kara replied quickly.

"Don't you have magic?" Claire asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically. "Can't you fix it?"

Claire suddenly looked at the two of them, and saw her father's hand slowly slip off the small of Chloe's back, and it was wrapped around Kara's as well. The eleven year old girl looked, nodded, blinked, with widened eyes, and just turned around and walked off.

Harry really had no way to read the reaction on her face. Chloe leaned forward.

"Did you explain to your daughter about the situation, Harry?" Chloe asked him, voice nonchalant and calm.

It was this point where Harry shifted in the chair. Chloe and Kara both got up to their feet, and Harry did as well, to took a step forward.

"How do you explain something like this to an eleven year old?" Harry asked them.

Chloe just gave a shrug. "How do you explain something like this to Clark?"

"I thought you were going to tell him today," Kara told Chloe, and Chloe gave a rather prolonged sigh.

"It must have slipped my mind," Chloe replied, and she bit her lip nervously before she spoke again. "We better tell him soon, because Lana's already figured it out."

Harry thought that was about right. The truth was he could imagine Clark freaking out just a tiny bit about this, not that it was his business. They were all consenting adults. Chloe stood immediately, and watched, carefully, and quickly.

"You must be distracted, you didn't even kiss me when you walked in the door," Chloe remarked to Harry, placing her hands on her hips, and looking at him.

A devilish grin crossed over Kara's face, and she hovered in the air, before grabbing Chloe around the waist. Chloe gave a surprised noise, and Kara pressed her lips onto Chloe's in a searing kiss. Harry watched the gesture, eyes widened. He was not about to make a noise, rather he stared there, transfixed.

Kara just pulled away from Chloe at that moment. Chloe watched Kara, absolutely shocked, and numbed. A look of mischief crossed the face of the blonde Kryptonian at that moment. "Oh, you meant Harry, didn't you?"

"Yeah, yeah, I did," Chloe breathed, but a shit eating grin was plastered upon her face. "The gesture is appreciated though, thank you very much."

Harry stepped forward, and wrapped his arms around Chloe. Chloe peered into his eyes, and Harry pulled her into a long kiss. Chloe melted into his embrace, feeling her spine tingling with his efforts, and Harry ran his hands down her back, teasing more potentially coming.

An alarm went off, and Harry had found what he was looking for. The monitoring spell had struck pay dirt, and Harry stepped forward. Chloe and Kara both stepped forward, and watched what Harry had brought up. There was a moment, before Harry responded.

"Are you two girls seeing what I'm seeing?" Harry asked both of them.

Chloe and Kara offered a nod, and numbly peered to the screen.

"I think we've found our third Herald of Death," Chloe replied, and Kara just watched her. "Looks like you, looks a lot like you. Only shorter hair and she's….a bit more mature."

"What do you mean mature?" Kara asked, without missing a beat.

"Well, she's had more time to grow," Chloe offered, and Kara just looked at her, but then her eyes fell on the cleavage window on the girl's outfit.

"Oh, I see," Kara replied, but she looked at it. This girl moved with speed and rabid fury. It seemed like whoever this girl was, she was Kryptonian, and had embraced her heritage even more than Kara did, perhaps too much to the other extreme, on the other end of the spectrum from Clark.

"So, either someone cloned you, or you have an evil twin from another dimension," Chloe remarked.

"No one is saying she's evil," Harry said, eyes narrowed sternly.

Chloe just shrugged, and the three of them kept looking at the screen, over and over again, in an attempt to uncover some kind of clue. Harry suddenly marked down a list of the Luthorcorp facilities that had been hit.

The problem was there was no pattern.

"So, Kara, if you were going to attack another Luthorcorp facility, where would you go?" Harry asked Kara.

Kara pondered for a moment, before it struck her.

A car crash had occurred in Metropolis and it lead to a three car pileup. One person was down on the ground clutching their neck. In some weird twist of fate, it happened so fast that the mysterious blur could not save the day. Several paramedics had been dispatched on the scene.

One of them was Davis Bloome, a young and charismatic paramedic. He was unassuming and casual to the naked eye, but like many people, there was a darkness that lurked inside of him. Also, little did he know he was in the cross-hairs of someone who wanted to do him harm.

Karen floated in mid-air, hovering with her arms folded over her chest. Her eyes narrowed, and looked at the person below. She could sense him. The crisis she had manufactured to draw him out of hiding worked like a charm. Now it was time for her to finish off the job, nice and easily, to slay the monster before the darkness had overwhelmed him.

In a way, she was doing him a favor. Karen swooped up, and caught Davis around the waist, unaware, still invisible.

"What is going on?" Davis demanded, and he was hurled across the room onto the ground.

"Taking care of you before you before a problem," Karen replied, looking down at the paramedic immediately. "You'll thank me for this later, in the afterlife."

"I don't understand what I did," Davis replied, confusion on his face.

Karen just simply rammed an elbow down across the side of the neck. That was not nearly enough, to kill him, but it would cause him a great deal of pain, blues, and agony.

Suddenly a figure rushed in. Davis was scooped up, and swooped out of her reach. Karen spun around, and grabbed Clark Kent by the jacket, before she flung him against the wall hard, with the full force of her Kryptonian strength.

Clark landed with a solid thud, and he looked up. He saw this girl who resembled Kara so very much it was scary. The white material on her costume hugged snugly around her body, showcasing her curves. There was a large cleavage widow, one that Clark tried to look away from. She wore black boots, white fingerless gloves, and a black cape that fluttered in the breeze.

"Just who are you?" Clark demanded, regaining her bearings.

"Someone who is very pissed off about what you did, Kal-El," Karen told him hotly.

This girl even sounded like Kara, and this was the last thought that went through his head, before she punched him. Clark was somehow immobilized, and stunned.

Lana showed up immediately against Karen, pleased that she had just saved an innocent civilian from a terrible fate.

"Wonderful, his partner him crime," Karen replied dully.

"Crime, what are you talking about?" Lana asked, confused.

"You saved him, helped save that paramedic, but trust me, he's a real monster," Karen replied, in a dull voice, and she grabbed Lana by the hair. Lana tried to struggle with all of her might, but she had been flung into the wall, and with a loud crack, her face connected hard with the concrete.

Karen took a step forward, and Lana and Clark were both down on the ground. The two of them would wake up in a moment, and most certainly the opportunity had been lost for today.

Karen stopped, and her heart skipped a beat. She was face to face with her two fellow Heralds of Death. It was too soon for them to meet. Kara blinked, looking at her double.

"Who are you?" Kara demanded.

Karen grabbed Kara violently by her hair to do the same she did to Lana, but Kara had the presence of mind to fight back. Harry was knocked down in the scuffle, but he rebounded quickly.

Harry found himself watching the two blonde haired girls, each equally matched, rolling around on the floor, pulling each other's hair, scratching at each other's faces, and punching at each other, while trying to tug at their clothes. He found the sight to be rather distracted, especially with the attire on what appeared to be Kara's doppleganger.

Shaking off his thoughts, Harry tried to rush forward. A force field had knocked him backwards, and forced him to stagger a step or two back. The two of them continued to fight.

Eventually Karen rolled over, and pinned Kara on the ground. She groaned when the small of her back hit the concrete.

"Guess I'm stronger, and more mature," Karen replied to Kara, whispering in her ear, and stroking her face. "And I can dominate you, and have my way with you, in any way I wish."

"You wish," Kara managed, and Karen's hands wrapped around her throat. She choked, and Karen straddled her on the ground. Karen licked her lips. After being locked up for all of those years, Karen relished being the dominant one for the change, not someone who was helpless, and demure.

Harry tried to fight through the forcefield. If this was the third Herald of Death, she flipped, and absolutely lost all sense of self.

Karen looked at her younger, but mostly identical body. Kara struggled to fight Karen off, but Karen just leaned down, and pressed her lips on Kara's in a lustful kiss, forcing her tongue into Kara's mouth.

The kiss lingered, with Karen just rubbing herself on top of Kara, as they both laid on the pavement. Whether or not anyone was around to see this, they did not care. For the first time in a long time, Kara felt powerless, and Karen just grabbed the crystal.

"Are you going to…wipe my mind?" Kara asked, breathing heavily.

"No, I want you to remember this for a lifetime," Karen replied, groping Kara through her shirt.

She enjoyed this, perhaps a little bit too much, and Kara deflated under her touch, feeling her double's soft hands work on her.

Karen got to her feet, and held the crystal, before jabbing it towards the area between Kara's legs.

Kara gave a high pitched moan and her hips bucked violently when she was simulated with the energies of the crystal, before she blacked out from the pleasure.

Harry felt her pleasure through the bond that they shared, and found himself black out immediately as well.

Karen smiled, they would make excellent lovers when the time was right, but she still had plenty of work to do before that particular moment was ready. The destroyer had tasted blood, his own, but Karen could not adequately finish the job.

Clark and Lana came too, and saw Kara lying on the ground, a goofy smile on her face, and Harry out as well. Both of them wondered what was going on.

To Be Continued in "Girl Like Me Part Two."