
Chapter 36

Chapter 36: Relocation.

Chloe sat in one of the many guest rooms at the Shining Light Foundation. There were many strange things that happened to her, and she just took them in stride. This latest Herald of the Herald things had registered a twelve on the strange meter. Chloe looked up, and Kara appeared right in front of her. She relaxed when she realized it was only Kara.

"We need to talk," Kara said in a calm and collected voice.

Chloe had an idea that statement was going to leave to a life changing conversation. She folded her arms and sighed. "Yeah, I suppose we do need to talk about everything. I guess I have the tendency of putting my foot in my mouth. It's really getting to the point where my tongue should permanently taste like leather. But this is something completely new."

Kara looked at Chloe, studying her for several minutes.

"You like Harry," Kara said softly.

Chloe slid back, and tried to remain casual, calm, and collected. "Well, we're friends, so I would have to like him."

"That's not what I meant," Kara remarked, crisply. The blonde Kryptonian brushed her hand through her hair and sighed. "I saw some images in your mind when I was fixing everything with Harry. There were things that I was very interested in, curious."

"I know, and Harry and you are getting married, so it was very wrong for me to even think about such a thing," Chloe said, sliding back on the bed. Powers or not, Chloe had a clear idea that Kara could crush her if she wanted to. Crush her like an insect. That kind of thought made Chloe very apologetic.

Kara stood in the room, before she sat down next to Chloe. The blonde Kryptonian stared at Chloe for a moment. There was a long pause, before a smile crossed over her face.

"There are a lot of things I'm still learning about human culture, but there are a lot of things that I don't really understand. There are many things that I guess I'll never get. The fact is why humans think that there is just one choice or another regarding a relationship. Either one person or another, when going into a relationship, why does that have to be? If there are three people, or more, I guess, why can't they decide to compromise? If they are three people who trust each other, they can respect each other, and can have a healthy and loving relationship, why does one person have to be cast aside with hurt feelings?"

Chloe looked at Kara. She pondered that situation, and decided to enlighten Kara.

"There are certain things on Earth…"

Kara cut her off. "That is forbidden? That is taboo? Who is to say that these things are wrong? Someone had to say those things were wrong a long time ago, but it could have been perhaps they lacked an open-mind or perhaps were too limited to handle those things themselves. Being in a relationship with multiple partners is very common throughout other galaxies. It's not something that is considered wrong, or even demeaning. It is something that is considered to be a perfectly acceptable relationship. Love is love, why try and hurt one person at the expense of maintaining society's standards?"

Chloe raised an eyebrow. For some reason, she thought that Kara had a certain amount of logic, in a sense.

"If all parties are on board, and trust each other, there is no harm," Kara continued. Kara looked Chloe right in the eyes, and Chloe felt like the girl was staring into her very soul. "That is a universal truth. Denying what is true in the heart is not healthy. I saw it in your mind, you feel something deeper for Harry than friendship, and…you also feel similar things for me."

The blonde sat up startled. "Kara…I…don't…"

Kara placed her hand on Chloe's knee, and offered a smile. The touch had caused shivers to go down Chloe's spine.

"It's okay, Chloe. I don't mind. You're a very pretty woman, both physically and on the inside. You have a sharp mind, and would be an ideal partner for someone of equal stature. Harry would say the same thing; in fact I know he will. He just has a greater pull to me. However, something happened when he saved both of us on that day he arrived here."

Kara smiled at Chloe. Chloe slid back, her heart fluttered. This blue eyed blonde Kryptonian was inches away from her, and it was still causing chills to run down her spine.

"Kara, um don't take this the wrong way," Chloe said. She paused, and tried to convey her thoughts in a way that would not really cause problems. "Are you….bisexual?"

Confusion spread over Kara's face. She looked at Chloe, and decided to speak up.

"I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with that term."

Chloe could have slapped herself in the head. Of course, Kryptonian culture might not have had such a term, and the cultures were different. Chloe should have figured that out given all of what Kara had told her. There was a long pause before Chloe decided to enlighten the other blonde on the matter.

"Well that means that you like both men and women."

"I see," Kara said slowly. The blonde put a hand on her chin, and began to ponder. "I guess I would be classified as that then. Appreciating the beauty of both men and women is something that is more commonly accepted throughout the universe. Earth's culture is interesting in many ways, and so much backwards in other ways. Then again, compared to many planets in the universe, Earth is still young. It has plenty of room to grow, and to prosper, reshaping its views on established norms."

Chloe would have had to agree. Kara looked in her eyes for a moment.

"Just like our relationship with Harry," Kara added as an afterthought. "I can see you as someone who would keep a very open mind about many things. Given the friends that you have, that's just something that is elementary."

"Yeah, you got me pegged," Chloe answered, shrugging her shoulders.

Kara placed a hand on Chloe's cheek, and leaned closer, so their noses were nearly touching.

"You've come into brand new powers, and there are people here at the Shining Light Foundation that will help you master them," Kara continued. A smile spread across her face. "While Harry and I are gone on our honeymoon, I would like you to stay here, and practice all of your powers. There is a training room down here with plenty of room, so you don't hurt yourself or anyone else. If you need anything, ask for Megan, she's discreet, and able to keep secrets."

"Does she know about you and Harry?" Chloe asked.

"She knows some things," Kara admitted. "Don't worry about your job, you've been given paid vacation time. Harry and I can do that, with being majority shareholders at the Planet now. Granted, we're not the only people with power, but we can pull some strings."

Chloe should have known that those two had pulled a lot of control of the Planet out from underneath Lex. Harry would be the only one who would be so casual about it, and not really make all that big of a deal out it.

"And if you do well, I'm sure Harry and I will find ways to reward you," Kara said, and Chloe's mind went wild with thoughts that were very much not G-Rated.

Her eyes started to burn at the thoughts that she had. Kara reached over, and grabbed Chloe by the hair.

"It's okay Chloe, stay calm, keep your thoughts focused," Kara said, getting Chloe to focus, and not let her heat vision burn up the entire room.

"I've gained an entirely new appreciation on Clark, and how he keeps control of his powers," Chloe said. "And you too."

"It's not easy," Kara admitted to her. "I need to talk to my future husband about this potential arrangement. We kind of need to get his okay before we go all the way with this, even if I can sense there won't be many problems."

A smile crossed over Chloe's face. Harry's okay would kind of be important. From what Chloe could figure out, she was magically bonded to both Harry and Kara. Well, there was likely a more complicated and sophisticated term for it, but that was the general idea. Kara and Harry were bonded, which Chloe figured was just as good as married. They just wanted to get things on paper, which Chloe figured was good.

Chloe did wonder how powerful she was. First, she would worry about mastering her powers, then she would worry about that fact. Chloe had a shrewd idea that she was not quite on the level of Harry and Kara, but rather close. That meant that she was more powerful than Clark and Lana as well.

Explaining this new arrangement to Clark would be fun however. Chloe suspected that his delicate sensibilities would be offended. Although a lot of what Kara said about multiple-partners made sense, and the blonde Kryptonian had grown up in a different culture.

Harry sat in his office, atop his desk, arms folded, with his foot tapping off the floor. A soft pop echoed and Kara appeared next to him. Kara stepped forward, and Harry reached forward, pulling her onto the desk, and onto his lap. The blonde Kryptonian rested her head on Harry's chest, and smiled at him.

"I just had a discussion with Chloe about what's going on," Kara informed him.

"You seem to have a better idea what's going on than I do," Harry told Kara. Kara just responded with a smile.

"I know, but you do too deep down," Kara remarked. Harry stroked her hair as she rested against his chest. "Really, Chloe's little statement really sealed the deal. Back when you brought her back an inch from death all of those months ago, there was something that happened. Just like when you saved me from the ship. Who really knows what would have happened had you not taken those two actions."

Everything clicked with Harry.

"So, I'm bonded to both you and Chloe," Harry said, getting the full scope of the situation, and Kara responded with a nod. Harry took a moment to process this.

The silence was worrying to Kara. She pressed herself onto his chest, and gave him a cute little smile.

"Harry, that's not a bad thing," Kara said. She offered him a bright smile. "I have no problem, and I don't think Chloe has much of a problem with it either. It's just going to take her a while to come around. But I had a talk to her. I know that some cultures on Earth frown upon relationships that have more than two people in it, but…"

Harry cut off Kara with a kiss, to reassure her of something. The kiss had so much passion in it, that Kara felt shivers go down her spine. Kara allowed herself to melt into the kiss that Harry gave her. Chloe really had no idea what she was getting into. Then, Kara wondered what it would be like to kiss Chloe. That was something that she would have to find out in the future. Kara did not really want to overwhelm her too quickly, otherwise she would have seized the moment.

Kara stroked the back of Harry's neck, and her legs wrapped around him. Harry lowered her down on the desk, and continued to kiss her long and hard. Kara's heart beat against her chest, and she felt warmth between her legs. Harry pulled his kiss away from Kara, and a smile crossed his face. He decided it was now time to enlighten his fiancée with a few things about the world that he came from.

"Actually, in many ways, I don't have that much of a problem with it, if you're okay with it," Harry said. Kara's eyes locked onto Harry's, and the dark haired wizard decided to elaborate just a little bit more. "While multiple partners isn't something that was too common, it was not strictly forbidden. There were certain situations where it was allowed and encouraged."

"How so?" Kara asked.

"I was the last son of the ancient and noble house of Potter," Harry replied. Kara nodded in understanding. He was not done. "And through my godfather's death, I inherited the mantle of the head of the most ancient and noble house of Black. Given that I was the last member of both houses, I was allowed at least two wives with each house should I have chosen to do so."

Kara's gaze became questioning, and she looked at Harry. There was so much that was running through her mind right now. The girl could not explain it properly. A question lingered on the tip of her tongue, and Kara endeavored to ask it immediately.

"Why didn't you tell me this, Harry?" Kara asked. She gave him a searching and questioning look. "Didn't you think I would understand?"

Harry shook his head. "I figured that it wouldn't matter, given that world is dead."

"Even if both of our worlds are dead, the spirit of the best parts of them lives on within both of us," Kara replied, leaning closely towards him. Her beautiful legs remained wrapped around Harry. Kara looked up at Harry, and a caring expression lingered in them. "I know that you love me beyond all measure. But why would loving others diminish the love we have for each other? There is no conceivable reason why it should be that way."

Harry would have to agree, there isn't. Kara pushed her head up, and watched Harry, her gaze lingering. Blue eyes met green, and the two looked at each other, wrapped in their embrace.

"An open heart and an open mind is the key to a healthy relationship," Kara added to Harry, and Harry leaned down and kissed her on the lips, fully. Kara wrapped her arms around Harry's neck, and Harry laid on top of her. His kisses became more intense with each passing minute. Harry broke off the kiss. "Why should we be bound by anything that is considered proper for someone else's standards? Even if it is taboo to some, that just makes it that much more exciting."

Harry stroked her cheek, and smiled.

"I love you so very much," Harry whispered to her.

"I love you too," Kara said, her blue eyes meeting Harry's green, the passion in them could not be denied. She wrapped her hands around Harry's neck. They were here on the office, on Kara's desk. "Make love to me, please."

Harry cupped Kara's face, and gave her a kiss. He began to work the buttons of her blouse open.

"As you wish, honey," Harry told her.

Smut/Lemon Begins.

Harry opened her blouse. Kara's magnificent bust was covered by a black bra, and Harry unclipped her bra. Kara made a happy moan of content, and Harry attacked Kara's chest with a series of kisses, and licks. The blonde Kryptonian gave a happy moan of content, with Harry worshipping her breasts. The girl hugged Harry's head into her chest. Kara's eyes rested back, with Harry rolling his tongue over her right nipple and then her left nipple. He then sucked on her breasts. Harry tasted them, and enjoyed what she had to offer.

"Oh, yeah, Harry, suck on my breasts," Kara encouraged him, and her hand reached underneath her skirt. She pulled her panties down with a swift moment, and started to rub her clit a little bit. The blonde Kryptonian was making circular motions with her thumbs, and the sensual sounds she made began to heighten.

Harry indulged himself in the blonde's beautiful tits, and sucked on the wonderful flesh. He noticed Kara pumping into herself. Harry allowed Kara to masturbate herself into an orgasm, and then pulled himself off of her tits. With a grin on his face, Harry took her hand, and began to suck the juices off of her fingers. Kara took some for herself.

"Delicious," Harry told her.

Harry leaned Kara back onto the desk, and continued to kiss her. His kisses spent time peppering her neck, and collarbone. Kara whimpered when Harry had kissed, and licked at her shoulder. Harry worshipped every inch of her. Kara felt herself burn with desire, with Harry kissing down her body. His lips lingered at several faces. His tongue flickered briefly in her belly button, and that caused Kara to tingle with excitement.

Harry's kisses continued down her legs. Kara whined when Harry had just missed her pussy. The dark haired wizard kissed up the right leg, and then back down the left leg. Harry played with Kara's feet a little bit, and the girl was flushed with desire. She loved when Harry kissed and licked at her feet.

The young twenty year old wizard indulged himself in every inch of his beautiful nineteen year old Kryptonian fiancée. With a swift movement, Harry buried his face into Kara's wet snatch. Her pussy was wet for him, and Harry devoured her, licking her folds and burying his tongue deep inside her.

Harry's tongue hissed inside of her, stimulating her with Parseltongue. Kara was driven nuts when Harry's tongue had rattled inside of her moist core. She felt her breath quicken, and Harry buried his tongue deep into her.

"Feels so good," Kara breathed, her hands finding their way to her nipples. Circular motions were done, as Kara played with her breasts while Harry had gone down her. Harry hissed deep within her, and Kara's pussy clenched with an orgasm.

Harry pulled himself up, and his face was splattered with Kara's honey. The blonde girl flew over, and pulled Harry into her arms. The two embraced each other, and Kara gave him light kisses. She slowly licked the juices from Harry's face. This caused him to strain within his pants. Kara thought that Harry was gloriously overdressed. With a swift, and super quick movement, Kara disrobed Harry.

Now Kara shoved Harry down onto the desk. It was magically reinforced to withstand anything that they could do, and the two of them could do a lot. Kara grasped Harry's throbbing hard cock in her hand. The blonde gave slow strokes, and tasted the head.

"Do you want me to stick it inside?" Kara asked him, teasing Harry with a few slow strokes and licks.

"Please, Kara," Harry pleaded, and Kara gave Harry's cock a few more strokes. She decided to have some fun, taking Harry's cock, and placing it between her breasts.

Kara began to rock up and down, pleasuring Harry's cock. She saw the pleasurable expression on her lover's face. Her mate was blissful, and Kara continued to squeeze his penis, massaging it with the supple mounds of flesh on her chest. Her nipples stood out rock hard. Having Harry's cock between her tits felt so good, and Kara could not have enough of it.

Harry watched Kara continue to tit fuck him. Her fleshy globes rubbed his cock in the most pleasurable way, and Harry felt pleasure with his fleshy pole squeezed beneath her breasts. She was slow enough to tease him, yet fast enough to give Harry the pleasure he desire. His balls throbbed, and he was about ready to release his load on Kara's delicious tits and pretty face. Kara sensed this and stopped. She waited a moment, and Harry panted.

Kara dove between Harry's legs, and licked his balls, and the base of his penis. The girl's tongue worked magnificently over him. Harry felt shivers going down his spine. He could not take it anymore. Harry reached over, and grabbed Kara by the hips firmly. Kara got the hint, loud and clear.

Kara motioned herself, rubbing Harry's throbbing member with her wet slit, and then pushed down onto Harry. The blonde Kryptonian gyrated her hips onto Harry, rubbing herself onto his pelvis. Harry returned, and thrust upwards into Kara. Kara rode Harry, a look of bliss content in her eyes. Her breasts bounced when she rode Harry's cock. The two met each other stroke for stroke, each passing movement continuing to make their bodies feel good and satisified.

"Feels so good, keep riding me, love," Harry moaned, with Kara bouncing up and down his cock, gyrating around it with her hips, and squeezing it with her powerful pussy muscles.

Kara grinned, and continued to ride Harry. She was making a show out of it. Her breasts swayed, and the desk creaked beneath them. For one insane moment, Harry thought that it was going to bust beneath them. However, his charm work did in fact hold. Kara bounced down, and squeezed Harry's cock with her powerful pussy muscles. Harry worked back towards her, pushing her and stretching her. Kara's pleasure spots were touched, and Harry knew how to drive her wild.

The blonde Kryptonian bent down, and bit Harry's nipples, which seemed to add to the erotic experience. Harry reached around; to play with Kara's ass the more she bounced up and down onto him. Harry thrust back up into her tight crevice. Kara moaned.

"That's it, fuck my pussy, play with my ass," Kara encouraged him. She loved Harry's hands roaming all over her body. His hands found her breasts, and Kara reared back her head, to offer a hearty scream.

Harry thrust up and into her pussy. Kara's walls hugged him in the most desirable way, and rubbed him. Kara was determined to drain Harry of every single drop of seed he had in his body, and the girl continued to bounce on him. Their hip bones clashed together when the two lovers met each other stroke for stroke. The passion heightened, and Kara saw stars when she was driven to one orgasm after another.

Kara leaned down, so Harry could lick her sweat covered breasts. It offered an interesting taste. Harry worshipped her breasts, with Kara squeezing her pussy muscles, to try and get him to cum into her. Harry was a tough nut to crack, but Kara would not be denied her treat. She needed to get her lover's cum, it would complete her, and fill her up.

The hours ticked by, even only minutes ticked on past their office thanks to the time expansion spells. Kara moaned, and cooed, feeling Harry's cock striking every single pleasure point of her. It throbbed inside her quite nicely, and was shoved deep into her as far as it could go.

Harry reached the end of his tolerance. His lover's warm velvety walls squeezed and massaged him. Harry was driven closer and closer to the edge. Kara bounced up on him. He watched her swaying breasts, playing with them as well. His hands massaged her breasts, and Harry sent jolts of magic at Kara's nipples, which he knew were sensitive.

"Harry, cum for me!" Kara yelled at the top of her lungs.

Harry held out long enough for Kara to have one more earth shattering orgasm. Then he let all caution to the wind, and splattered his seed into Kara's waiting womb. He painted her walls wet, and both of their combined juices dribbled out on Kara's thighs. Both collapsed, several hours later, their desires sated, at least for the time being.

Smut/Lemon Ends.

Kara wrapped her arms around Harry, and pulled him into a long kiss. Her bright blue eyes stared into his green eyes.

"I love you," Kara said. "And I'll do anything to make you happy."

"I love you too, and I'll do anything to make you happy," Harry said to her.

The two lovers, and soon to be spouses cuddled on the desk. Kara thought that the sex was great, although she wanted to try some new things that were outside just standard sex. The blonde Kryptonian had plenty of ideas in her mind. What if she dressed up as a naughty schoolgirl who had to serve detention? Or what if she dressed up like a nurse who gave some tender loving care to a patient? Or what if she dressed up like a librarian who tried to negotiate a payment for an overdue book?

Kara's greatest desire was to play an alien slave girl that pleasured her master. She thought that her and Harry could get a lot out of that. There were many more devious ideas Kara had dabbling around in her mind. Some of them needed more than one girl, but Kara was working on that front.

At this point, Kara settled for cuddling on the desk with her lover, and soon to be husband. The two would get up in a few minutes, but as for right now they would enjoy their company. And perhaps have one more round before leaving their office. Kara could tell that Harry might be agreeable to that, and so would she.

The two of them would just need to relax, and perhaps restart in a little bit, once they had a chance to catch their breath.

There was never a dull moment in his life, or that was the conclusion that Clark had come through. He had crashed on the couch the previous night, watching television with Lana. Lana was down next to Clark. Both of them had recovered from their ordeal of the past day. It was a healing process that would needed to be done one step at a time.

"Morning," Lana said with a yawn. She shook her head, and shifted off of Clark. There was a moment before she regained her bearings and got a look at the clock. "Or good afternoon I guess. Everything really just got away from us."

Clark had to agree. He nodded his head, and tightened his arm around Lana's waist.

"I thought yesterday was a bad nightmare, but it happened," Clark said.

"We got out alive, and we'll survive," Lana replied, trying to keep a positive spin on things. She blinked immediately with everything that had been rattling around on the inside of her mind. Lana really did need a quiet place to reconcile all of these thoughts. "The real question is what is going to happen now that the Fortress is gone?"

"I don't know," Clark admitted.

That was an honest answer to that burning question. Clark really had no idea what he was going to do about the Fortress. The thoughts flashed through his mind. The truth was, he was not convinced that the Fortress was really on.

Lana worked Clark's shirt off of him. She took a look at the scar on his chest where Lex stabbed him.

"Faded a bit from yesterday, it looks like," Lana said, studying Clark intently.

Clark shifted a bit at this. "Maybe Harry was right, that it will heal in time."

"Are we talking about the physical scars or the emotional ones?" Lana questioned him. Clark had no idea how to respond to this question. Lana decided to elaborate. "After all that happened, Lex knew your secret, and we don't know what he might do about it."

Clark hated having these thoughts. He really hoped that Lex had perished in the Artic. There was a chance that somehow he got buried deeper than Clark and Lana were. They would never know. He knew one thing, and he was sure Lana agreed. Without a body, there was no guarantee that Lex was dead. And even with a body, they would both have their doubts.

"Lex knows how to leave his mark," Clark remarked, but the young man was deep in thought. "But, he does have some interesting points that I can't help, but wonder about."

Lana sensed that Clark doubted himself right now. "Clark, don't, Lex was just playing with your head. He is deluded."

"What if in all of his delusions, he might have been right about something?" Clark asked. "What would have happened if I would have come clean with him all of those years ago?"

No one seemed to be willing to answer that question.

"I don't know," Lana said, and that fact scared her. Actually, she wondered what would have happened if Clark had become clean to her years and years back. The world would never know. "It's hard to predict how Lex would have reacted, but…something tells me it wouldn't be good."

Clark had to relax at that point. He traced the scar on his chest. It was almost in the shape of an "S". It was a weird souvenir to be left behind for sure. A knock on the farm house door caused Clark and Lana to sit up straight.

"Lois," Lana said, seeing Lois in the distance.

Lana hastened to answer the door, and let Lois in.

"Since when did you start locking your door?" Lois asked in confusion.

"Since, people started letting themselves in," Clark replied to her, a small crossing his face.

"Oh, that's really funny, Smallville," Lois said. She placed her hands on her hips, just looking at Clark. She really wished he would put on a shirt on, it was kind of distracting her and throwing her off of her game. "So what's the deal with the scar?"

"Cut myself shaving," Clark replied, and Lana could have hit herself for the lame answer.

Lois could not bother to retort. "What, in the dark, and half drunk?"

"How are you holding up after what happened, Lois?" Lana asked, trying to deflect the subject away.

"There's something that happened, or so people said," Lois said. She tried to rack her brain. "It's almost like something wiped my memories. I just hoped I wasn't abducted by aliens and probed or something."

Clark shifted, he knew, but could not very well tell Lois. The entire timeline worth of memories had been shifted. It was a Friday, and this had been a long week. Tomorrow would be the wedding.

"Are you sure you couldn't remember anything, Lois?" Lana asked.

"For some reason, I remember a giant bat, but that can't be right," Lois said. She sighed. "Never mind, I've just swung by to see how you two were holding up. The new owner of the Daily Planet is evaluating everyone, and looking into hiring some fresh blood. I'm actually popping in to see if I can find a story that can rock his socks."

"Lois, I'm sure if you just keep up the hard work, you'll be able to do something that will keep your job," Clark said to her in a reassuring voice.

"I'm sure whoever is the new owner will appreciate your dedication," Lana chimed in.

"Even if your grammar skills are off," Clark added.

Lois folded her arms, and looked at Clark. There was a moment where Lois looked at Clark, and she had to shift her expression and sigh. "Yeah, but you've got a point, both of you, I guess. Just got to see what happens when the hammer drops."

"Well, I'm sure the hammer won't drop on you, Lois," Clark said, but then he remembered the news he had been holding onto. In all of the chaos, he had nearly forgotten it. "In fact, we might be seeing a bit more of each other starting on Monday."

Lois was caught off guard with this. Lana was not completely surprised as Lois was, she knew Clark was applying for something, and she pretty much put two and two together what was going on.

"I'm starting at the Planet on Monday," Clark informed her. "It's high time that I step out of the comfy confines of Smallville, into the big bad world out there."

"Wow, you're moving away from Smallville," Lois said, whistling at the news.

"It's not like we're leaving forever," Lana amended. She and Clark had discussed this potential arraignment a couple of times, not seriously, but really just figuring out their options. Lana thought that this would be for the best. "Clark can still commute back and forth, easily, if he wanted to."

"Yeah, with the gas prices these days, good luck," Lois retorted with a roll of her eyes. Lois looked up at Clark and Lana. "Wow, Clark Kent, mild mannered reporter, I never thought I would have seen the day."

"Neither did I, if truth be told," Clark agreed, shaking his head at the thought.

The fact of the matter was Clark thought that being in a key position at a major newspaper would allow him to keep an ear out for any problems that required his response. The journalism racket was going to be a tough one to deal with. Clark thought it was worth the risk, and Lana thought it would be as well. Lana wondered if Harry had a job opening at the Shining Light Foundation branch in Metropolis. Providing he would forgive the entire possessed stealing the orb thing. Even though it was not her fault, Lana felt guilty.

"It would kind of be a shame if you left forever," Lois said. She frowned, just thinking about it. "Smallville wouldn't be Smallville without you, Smallville."

There were sometimes that Clark did not get Lois at all. A smile crossed over Lana's face, and she nodded.

"No, it really wouldn't be, but things change, people grow up."

"I see that," Lois replied. She looked at Clark. "So, you two are still going strong?"

"We're hanging in there, despite everything," Lana said, looking back at Lois, wondering about her curiosity.

Lois's face contorted into a smile. "That's great for both of you. I'm happy for both of you. Really happy, did I mention how happy I was?"

"Yeah, I heard it the first time," Clark replied.

Lois turned around. There was sometimes where she got the impression that there was some really big secret that she had not been let in on. It was almost like some really big bit of gossip that everyone else knew, and thus no one else talked to it. They all knew everything knew, so there was no reason to say anything. Lois watched both of them.

"So, I just stopped by to see how you both were holding up," Lois said. "And to ask if you have any idea where Chloe is."

"She's at the Shining Light Foundation," Clark informed Lois.

Lois frowned at that moment. She looked to be deep in thought, and closed her eyes. "Chloe has been spending a lot of time there lately."

"Well, she is friends with Kara and Harry," Clark offered her.

"Yeah, one might think they would be more, almost like there is some steamy affair going on between the three of them," Lois said. She said this in a joking manner, mostly in an attempt to rile Clark up. Clark seemed to laugh it off after his eyes widened for a minute. The entire thought seemed so absurd. "Yeah, I know, that'd be the day."

Lois bid them a goodbye, and left Clark and Lana alone in the farm house. Lana noticed the subtle gaze that Lois gave Clark. A half frown, half thoughtful expression spread across her face. She decided to just figure things out as they happened, but she would be keeping a close eye on Lois Lane from now on. Clark dropped on the couch. Lana turned around, and looked at Clark.

"Now, where were we?" Lana asked.

"Why don't you tell me?" Clark asked.

Lana nudged Clark. "I should just show you, then."

With a swift motion, Lana pinned Clark down on the couch. Clark wondered what he got himself into this time.

The move of Lex Luthor was done overnight, and discreetly. There was no clear idea what his eventual fate was going to be. His future medical future did not look promising, and there was a change that Lex may lose all use of his body from the neck down. Tess pushed open the office door. The chain of succession had allowed her to take over as the acting CEO of Luthorcorp, although there would be many vultures trying to get their piece of the pie. She sank down on the chair on her desk , and made her next move.

Tess saw to it that Lex's location remained discreet. He had frostbite, hypothermia, and severe blunt force trauma. The bald young man had the fortune of living through all of this, or perhaps it was the misfortune given the situation. The red haired woman snapped open a file that was on the desk. It was everything that Lex collected on Harry Potter. Obsession did tend to be a game that he played more often than not.

She read through the file with only the slightest amount of interest. There was really nothing that indicated that Harry Potter was anything other than a young man with a past that seemed unremarkable. Given the notes Lex made, Tess noticed some level of frustration that Lex exhibited because of his lack of success. There were many trips made for Lex to try and gather information.

The only thing that was even more than a bit curious, A folded newspaper article was spread out on the desk. It detailed a bit of news from sixteen years ago, detailing a young girl who had been institutionalized. She claimed that she saw a flying car in the neighborhood, pick up a neighbor. Lex made a note that this was the same neighborhood where Harry Potter was reported to have grown up in as a child.

A few more notes, and no one seemed to remember Harry Potter even existed. Tess put away the file, and clicked to see if she could find anything further on the computer.

There was nothing. Tess once again pulled out the piece of paper she recovered earlier. This was a curious symbol, and something that showed the promise of true power. Tess shook her head off to the side, and placed the folded paper back into the top drawer of the desk. There were so many things that had to be done, and so many things that Lex left her behind. Not to mention a few lawsuits against the company that she had to deal with. Tess shook her head, and took a deep breath.

She took the telephone off the desk, and dialed up her contact.

"Make sure he gets the medical attention he needs. In a few days, I'll speak to him again. And make sure no one finds out where he is. And do not let him out of your sight. I know you say he's crippled from the neck down, but I'm not about to take any chances. Your job hinges on it."

There was a sound of understanding. Tess put down the phone. When she left him, Lex had been babbling about Harry Potter, Death, Kal-El, and Krypton. It was almost like his mind had shattered from spending what seemed to be eight hours in a frozen wasteland. There were more things that she would have to sort out regarding what Lex was working on. Most of the Luthorcorp employees had been on a need to know basis. If Lex had no use for them, then they didn't need to know. It was just that simple.

Tess walked off. She checked the note. There was a board meeting today. Lex was going to attend, and Tess had to as his proxy. There was one more piece of business Tess had to deal with, and then it was back off to the races.

There was an announcement about the wedding of Harry Potter and Kara Kent on her desk. Tess thought it would be best to send the happy couple her regards, and perhaps open the door for future business. She made arrangements to request a meeting with them at their earliest convenience after they had returned back from their honeymoon.

In a room inside the Shining Light Foundation, Kara and Harry looked over the stacks and stacks of gifts they had. Claire stood behind the two of them. Her young eyes widened, and a smile crossed her face, and looked over the gift.

"You guys got a lot of presents," Claire said with wide eyes. "Who are they are from?"

Kara responded with a smile. "Oh friends, well-wishers, and other general misfits."

Claire looked at them. A look of mischief spread over her young face. She turned to her parents.

"So, are you going to take a peak?"

"Claire, that would take the fun out of it," Harry told her. Despite this statement, there was a fond smile on his face. He put an arm around Claire, and steered her away from the gifts.

"Well, how will you know if it's lame or not?" Claire asked, in wide eyed innocence that only an eleven year old girl could have.

In a couple more years, she would be a teenager, and then the real fun of parenting would begin.

Kara folded her arms over her chest, and offered a smile to her daughter. "It doesn't really matter; it's the thought that counts."

"Besides, if they're lame, we can pawn them off," Harry told Claire, and Claire laughed at that statement.

Claire stepped forward, and looked around. She yawned. The girl tried to mask her feelings, but Kara scooped her into her arms.

"I think it's time to get you home, and to bed young lady," Kara said. She held Claire in her arms, and took a brief look at the clock. "It's getting later than we thought, for all of us, and we have a big day tomorrow."

Harry would have to agree. The truth was that he lost track of the time, and it had gotten away from him. Claire was carried off. There was a lot to do, but they had to wait. The Fortress was out there somewhere, and it could have been in any number of infinite dimensions. It would be Clark's job to try and figure out where he would go from here.

Harry and Kara had other things to worry about, and they got Claire set up for bed. The two of them walked off, to head off to bed.

To Be Continued in the Next Chapter "Bonding."