
CHAPTER 50: Gathering Of The Beasts

  Morning came and the Wyslien kingdom remained in terror. After the havoc caused by the vampire knight, the red alpha decided to gather all the remaining fighters to start a war against the blood tribe. The werelions were encouraged to prepare for battle while the werewolves chose to wait for the king's order.

  "Sire, nobody from the pack who pursued the young ladies made it. The tunnel where they used to escape also disappeared like it didn't exist at all."

  Mathew glared at the servant who gave him a report. He was sleepless and the commotion caused by the werelions outside the palace, demanding permission to attack the Vacil empire caused him more headaches. Restless, the werewolf alpha sat on his throne while contemplating whether to go with the other alpha's plan or continue to pursue Lavinia and his sister.

  "What do you mean disappeared?" he asked the servant who abruptly bowed his head before replying.