
Her True Love!

Being born an orphan didn't make Clara Brown feel small. She tried to prove to everyone that she could stand alongside other successful people. The betrayal committed by her lover did not make her fall into grief. She rose from the slump and made everyone regret that she had thrown it away. Can Clara survive in situations that make her uncomfortable and hurt her?

dhruva_novel · สมัยใหม่
14 Chs

What do You Want?

"And never take him to your house at night! I'm pretty sure that man is a jerk. He must have changed Partners a lot."

"Who wants to welcome guests tonight? When I get home, I usually lock the door, shower, eat dinner and go to bed."

"Really? I can't believe it. If what you said was true, you wouldn't have suddenly called me at Eleven in the evening or one in the morning to ask for this and that email."

"Hahahahahaha... not every night I bother you!"

"Yes, I know! It's not every night, but you seem to know when I'm making love with my wife. Did you do that on purpose? Or did you put CCTV in my house? Because it is very likely to happen considering that the house is your gift."

"Don't just talk! Of course not! Why would I put CCTV in your house? Well, from today I will not call you at night. Fear of disrupting your special activities."

"Good! Keep your promise! I'm sure you know very well how my wife is. You could have come by and been ready to hear her tantrum because you always interfere with the process of making children that we do."

"Stop talking about this unimportant thing!"

"Hahahahahaha ... you should get married soon. So you understand what it's like to be me."

"Talking is always easy! Have you forgotten that your sister, who has a mediocre face, does not have a lover? Are you mocking me?"

"Of course, I'm not mocking you! Can I suggest something?"Asked David, glancing at Clara.


"Life does not just work and work. What are you after now anyway? All your dreams are in your hands now."

"My dream is already I get, but if I do not maintain it, the dream of employees who work in the company that I manage will be lost because the company went out of business, aka closed, roughly bankrupt. You want me to be poor, huh?"

"If this kind of debate is with you, I will never be able to win. After all, you can't be poor. Your property business is everywhere, starting from resorts, hotels, and culinary businesses, the top-class restaurants you have are scattered in several places. Have you forgotten all that? If so, I'll remind you."

"It can still work because there are many who pray for me and help me. And I'm so grateful to you for always being there for this meaningless woman."

"I'm starting to get lazy when you're like this. When you get to the office, you better get down. I'll park this car first!"

Clara stepped out of the car and strolled towards the lobby of her office. As she passed the receptionist, one of them called her and said she had a guest waiting for her. Clara's brows immediately frowned. Who else came? As if she didn't have an appointment with anyone else anymore.

Clara also met the person who came this afternoon. How surprised she was when she saw Steve sitting while reading a magazine. Clara took a few steps back and tried to stand up properly. David, who had finished parking the car, immediately walked quickly to Clara when he saw Clara's unusual attitude.

"What is it?" David asked, puzzled.

"Why is he here?" Clara asked while still looking straight at Steve.

David followed Clara's gaze and immediately let out a rough breath. He was distraught to see that shameless man in this office. He doesn't know what he wants right now.

"Let me meet him. You can go straight back to your room!"Said David in a lazy tone of voice.

"Are you sure it will be okay?"

"Of course, security officers are ready to help him out of this office if he behaves here."

"All right! I'll leave him to you."Clara turned around and walked quickly to the elevator to return to her room.


As the joint work project with Andrew progressed, Clara met him more and more often and chatted. They discussed many things. Sometimes they spend time together on weekends to discuss their college days.

Andrew began to be careful if he wanted to tell Clara because one day, David came to his office to meet Andrew. David recounts all of Clara's condition and the worst that would have happened if Andrew had gone wrong in taking action to repeat their past.

Andrew understood how deeply David was with Clara. But what made Andrew even more intense in approaching Clara was that he was already in love with that woman. Clara had his heart set long ago. Ever since she was Nathan's friend. Although Clara was never aware of Andrew's existence, Andrew always watched her from afar or up close.

After a morning run, they chat in a park far from home. Because her physical condition was getting weaker and weaker, Clara decided to do a morning run before leaving for work. Since exercising, Clara felt better physical needs.

"By the way, you have no plans to return to Cambridge?"Andrew asked idly as they ate the bread they had bought from their fathers passing by.

"I have no intention of going back there. My family's here. And my sisters and brother are here too."

"You mean those in the orphanage?"

"Yes, they are my family. And I don't want to be separated from Mrs. Maria anymore. I used to go to Cambridge purely to pursue my education. And when I could work independently and produce work here, I never thought of pursuing a career there."

"Um ... I thought you had ambitions coming over there that time."

"If you mean to go after Nathan, You're wrong, Andrew. Because honestly, our meeting there was accidental. Your brother and I have been out of communication for a long time because of our respective busyness."

"Oh, I thought you were going after Nathan until you arrived. I thought you loved him so much and vice versa."

"You're wrong. I think of Nathan as my brother, David said. Because ever since I was in high school, I've been dating Steve. Your fucking cousin."

"Hahahahaha ... now you can curse him."

"The reality is like that. I feel stupid, spending a long time with someone who may never love me."

"Maybe he used to love you, but he began to get bored over time."

"It could be so."

"Because if I'm not mistaken, he also went to Cambridge, right?"

"Hahahahaha, don't you know? He didn't go to college there. He has fun and spends his parent's money."

"Yes, I know that story anyway, and he was pulled back here and finally finished college here, don't you think?"

"Yes, surprised he was when he found out I came home with my master's degree."

Clara laughed, remembering the incident. Because Steve didn't know that Clara was taking a package scholarship, he had to complete his undergraduate and post-graduate studies within five years.

"Do you still love him?"

"Maybe I haven't opened my heart to anyone yet. But my love for him is completely gone. I've already dumped her in the Pacific Ocean."

They finished their simple breakfast, returned to their respective homes, and then prepared to leave for the office. Andrew always offers Clara a ride, but Clara prefers to walk to the office because the distance is not too far.