

Val was so happy that she would finally attend school like a normal teenager. At least that's what she believes but little did she know what kind of hell awaited her. Tomorrow was going to be her great day and yet they had to cause unnecessary dramas. She tried to keep her sanity intact before she could loose it herself too. She even tried to chant manthra and meditate to calm her nerves but it wasn't working at all.

She was pacing all over the house convincing herself that it wasn't that big of a deal. But she knew more than anyone else that if two big elephants fought only the grass would be in trouble. And those two boneheaded creatures have never sat in one room alone and done anything in a civilized manner. They are always at each other's throats. She couldn't take it anymore and vowed not to bare the consequences of their irresponsible behaviors. They were both adults now and should start to act like one.

She bolted out of the room and headed straight to the garage, she climbed on top of one of her motorcycle. She took the black BMW which is the fastest. Lucky her she didn't have to get the keys for she had modified them to only recognize her fingerprints so as to stop Cal from using them. She accelerated out of the mansion in full speed startling the workers and security guards who were busy gossiping with each other. They were so busy consumed in their conversation that they noticed her departure too late. She had just landed all of them in big trouble, they were so sure to be done for. Their first priority is always her and they have just let it slip through their hands, they could only pray to the almighty to Perform a miracle and redeem them. Val was passing through the gates while closing them manually to stop them from chasing after her. That was her advantage for she could command the gates as they could detect her voice. But it would only last for about ten minutes before the could break down the security codes and that was all she needed.

She was ridding in full speed earning complains from other road users. With the model of her bike and the colour black she seemed like a ghost. She even broke the traffic rules that every one she passed was throwing insults to her direction. It didn't take her long to arrive at the company and the sight that welcomed her was disappointing. It was a total chaos as a large number of people were trying to break in demanding for information of what was taking place in the inside. She wondered how a mere fight that didn't involve anyone else could attract that big of a crowd. It was like they were waiting for this their entire lifetime. Even the police were already at the scene trying to stop their rogue behaviors. The situation was worse than she had imagined.

Inside the company Cal had hit Scott last bit of self control with his words that he also started attacking him. Their fight accelerated to the point that they could not even support themselves while standing but none of them was willing to give up. They had badly injured each other and blood covered their whole faces. They had taken their fight out of the office to the corridor and fought as if their lives depended on it. They kept falling but that didn't stop them from fighting each other with painful words. " I really didn't mean to push all your buttons I was just looking for a mute," Cal said trying to stand on his toes. " I choose my path you chose the way of the hero and they found you amusing for awhile,by the people of the city but the only thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fall, fail and die trying. So son the world is dark, selfish, cruel and life is full of shit so get used to it. If you think I'm evil, what about you? You should know that evil isn't born it's made." Scott said throwing another punch to his son.

Lina only stood aside watching his husband and son fight each other, their every word kept piercing her heart rendering her helpless. She could only cry and do nothing. " How typical, it must be real for you standing here judging me sorrounded by all the things that you got out of life while I spent eighteen years in isolation as the family reject." Cal shouted gaining his balance. Val who still had her helmet on entered the building through the private door. And was taken to where the fight was taking place by Richard who had spotted her while speculating the building. He was releaved that she came for she was the only one who could put an end to all the madness that was going on. For even Miss Lina herself could do nothing.

She arrived at the right moment and heard the exchange of words between the two. Who were so intrigued in their fight that they didn't even notice her arrival. The scene that was displayed before her eyes was so frustrating. " Stop all these childishness act of yours, you are all grown-ups, leaders and are being worshipped as idols by people out there. Why can't you start acting like one, what's with all this mess." She shouted to the trio who were bolted and stood stiff and still like statues upon recognizing the owner of the voice for her face was covered with a helmet. Everyone else around who was watching the fight started speculating on who the helmet girl was that could gain a priceless reaction from the trio.