

Inside the Range Rover Cal was driving at a speed of one hundred and thirty which was violation of the traffic law. Their favorite song by juice world was playing on the radio in a high volume

🎵 Win win focus from depression , he used my past and memories as a weapon. On the other line I talk to addiction, speaking of the drugs I miss them. This can't be real is it fiction something brought me to fixing. I cry out for help do they listen I'm be alone until it is finished.

(This is the part where I tell you I'm fine but I'm lying, I just don't want you to worry. This is the part where I take all my family and hide them, cause I don't want nobody to hurt them. I can't breathe, I can't breathe, I'm waiting for the exhaaale, i toss my pain with my wishes in the wishing well still no lieee but ooh well I still try even though I know I'm gonna fail, stress on my shoulder like the evil. Drugs killing me softly like hell. Sometimes I don't know how to feeeel, sometimes I don't know how to feel. ) Chorus

Let's be for real, if it wasn't for the pills I wouldn't be here, but if I keep taking these pills I count be here yeah. I just told you all my secrets yeah. It's tearing me into pieces, I really think I need theeem, I stop taking the drugs and now the drugs take me🎵.

They Sang several other songs and within half an hour they were already at the school gate. The name of the school was painted and written in big letters.


The guards Immediately recognised Cal and opened the school gate for him while slightly bowing their heads to show respect. They didn't even get to undergo any procedures. They parked at what seemed to be the school compound near the offices and got off the car.

Cal looked at Val who was happily grinning ear by ear, he was really happy to see her genuinely happy and he was fully satisfied by her reaction. Yet he couldn't allow himself to miss this chance and tease her.

" Baby be careful not to swallow a fly cause I can definitely see your molars right now mmmmnnhhh." He told her affectionately raising one of his eyebrows.

Valina pinched his right arm and complained grumpily, " how many times do I have to warn you to stop calling me baby whenever we're out of the mansion for you to get it. It would be so embarrassing for me if someone heard you." She said while studying her surrounding warily.

"Ouuuch!! That hurts when are you going to stop harassing me I'm older than you for heaven's sake." He said rubbing where he was just pinched. " Anyways no one is around here. Come let me take you for a tour around the school first then we'll go to the principal's office. He said placing his hands around her petite waist protectively.

Val only smiled at his actions. " Wait what if the students are not in their classes and start chasing after us like in the k- drama films. After all you are their prince charming. Let's just go to the office and complete the formalities, I don't want anyone to know my identity. So I'm not going to use my surname and also no one can know that you are my brother or relative. After all the so called Davis family is too famous for me to handle now. I don't want to receive any special treatments from anyone, this is my only chance to at least experience a bit of normal life so don't ruin it for me. From now right here we are only friends so hands off my waist understand." Her voice was half pleading and half commanding.

Cal didn't like the idea at all the fact that she is a newbie and without her identity the school bullies are definitely going to make her life at school very difficult after all he also studied here and knows the pros and cons of the school. Just the thought of it made his blood boil he wasn't willing to compromise with her demands not even one. Valina was starting at his hand which held her waist even tighter accusingly. She tilted her head and stared directly at his green eyes he was cought off guard and didn't have a chance to escape those blue eyes like the ocean that were staring at him intently. Her eyes are as blue as the deep ocean that would completely swallow anyone who was cought at it's gaze it was so innocent and pure it was like she would cast a spell through them and control whomever she wanted.

Just like everyone else he couldn't resist the intensity and he tore off the gaze raising his hands on the form of surrendering. "Okay Mrs Davis you win we do things your way let's go." He said firmly holding her hands.

"Is this the way to the office?" "No am taking you for a tour and show you some of my favorite spots." Cal said dragging her behind him. "Are you sure all students are in class? I don't want to make enemies even before starting school because of having been spotted with the famous handsome young master Davis." She said it sarcastically while putting on her hood and mask.

"Why are you wearing that don't be scared, I'm capable enough to protect you and no one would dare to bully you when I'm around." Cal said arrogantly

"I bet you will be willing to accompany me to school everyday just to protect me or fill the whole class with body guards right Cal." She said feigning a smile. "Definitely you really are the best, you truly understand my thoughts very well. Let me make some phone calls and arrange for that."

"Noooo!!, This is the last warning Mr don't you dare create any trouble for me. What the hell in the world don't you understand in the word normal." She had pinned him on the wall fiercely scolding him.