

Everyone was staring at the helmet girl with curiousity. "Why don't you just go ahead and kill each other instead?" They both bowed their heads facing the ground in embarrassment. By this time Richard had scared the employees away

"It seems quite a family reunion, what did I miss? Why don't you guys enlighten me?" She said removing the helmet. " Because you experienced pain doesn't mean you will never be happy again"she scolded and her words hit the deepest part of their hearts. Lina moved closer to her trying to comfort her, but she dodged her." No I'm grown up now and I'm no longer naive the way I used to be. Don't feel ashamed because of your guiltiness, if you can't be there for me forever and whenever I need you. Don't comfort me now and make me independent to you only for you to leave me stranded later."

A tear streaked from her eyes which she quickly got rid of. "I'm done waiting for you to come around. I know I'm a let down and me being born a girl in this society is my doom, I can't change who I am and have already learn to accept all the pain that comes with my title and the live with it. I'm already used to being alone so no more drama as if you care cause you never did."

She looked at each one of them with a face void of any a emotions. "It's chaos out there you both should get your faces fixed and go finish what you started." she said to them while wearing her helmet back and left without a goodbye or even glancing back at them. They all rushed behind her back wanting to repent and console her, but she stopped causing them to bump at each other's backs. They were like confused elements.

"Don't follow me or send your puppets to come after me, I just need some time to think straight. At least just give me a moment in my own space." She said as she strode out of the building through the private door. All the employees were staring at her trying to figure out who she was but didn't even dare to get any closer to her. For she was emitting somewhat a dangerous aura that made their skins shiver.

The three people were left standing there dumbfounded. The atmosphere was awkwardly silent among the three. Lina left the building alot of thoughts clouding her mind. Initially forgetting what had brought her at the company in the first place. She left the building spaced out in a solemn face. Her words kept ringing in their thoughts. She was so guilty at heart for failing her and it seemed like she would never get a chance to repent and make amends.

Val had climbed on her BMW and sped off, some men were still sent to trail her even though she had warned them not to send anyone after her.

She circled around the city until she lost them and that's when she headed to the beach and enjoyed the cool breeze. She laid on the sand facing the beautiful stars above her.

She stayed there quite longer and cleared her mind and when she felt a little bit better she slowly drove back to the mansion. She entered the mansion but everyone was standing outside with long faces as if they were mourning. She only waved at them and headed straight to her room. Earlier on Mr Davis himself had called the mansion and threatened them. For allowing her to leave the mansion without protection. They all could only thank the almighty for protecting her until she was back safe. They returned inside the mansion to finish their chores.

Nana quickly took ice cream and followed Val upstairs knowing that she will be needing the ice cream to calm her nerves. She had to knock the door several times times for she had locked it from the inside and one could hear the music that was playing from inside the room. She opened the door for her, "I wish to be left alone" she told Nana apologetically and she completely understood. So she only bid her a good night kiss and headed for the door but was suddenly hugged from behind.

" Thank you Nana for always being there for me and I also love you very much" she said and loosened her hug.

Back at the company the both men who were fighting earlier on, were now running up and down trying to control the messy situation that they had caused. The employees were being released from the company after serious warnings and a little threats.

The next morning Val excitedly woke up early in the morning and got ready for her big day. She ate her breakfast and boarded a van that was waiting for her outside the door. The new driver and two body guards a female and male introduced themselves respectfully bowing down their heads to her. They claimed to have been hired by her dad she didn't say anything and went ahead to board the van.

All the way to the school she was anxious and a little bit nervous for she was going to be able to interact with others like a normal teenager. It took them about two hours for her house was located at the center of the city. Which was quite far from the school. Her car was checked by the security guards before they allowed her inside the school compound.

She went ahead to the administration office to collect her school ID and other necessities. She was later instructed to her class after her admission was confirmed. She was taking to a class with an indication of ONE WEST.