
Shipped off to college..

Her exam results were out and she didn't score really well. Her grandma was disappointed in her. Well she was already disappointed that her grandkid wasn't a good girl as she expected. Grandma wanted to get her away from that stranger of her's. Well not that she ever talked to him or anything. But grandma still wanted to get her away. So she was shipped off to a college in a different city. For someone like Diya who had never stayed away from home it was a terrible experience. The first year of college was hell for her. She stayed in the college hostel and none of her room mates treated her well. They took advantage of the good girl program that was ingrained into her. They treated her like their lackey. She wanted to run away. She knew she wasn't being treated well. She wanted to retaliate. But she had never done that throughout her life. She was taught to be a good girl. So she had to bear with them. Even in the midst of all this, the memories of her lovely stranger was the only thing that kept her going. She tried to search for him on social media. But she could never find his profile. Probably he wasn't there on social media. She went through everything in the hope of seeing him again some day. Maybe her love story would have a happy ending as she dreamt.

One day after college she came back to the hostel and as usual she tried to search for him in social media. She was scrolling through the images in the search results. Suddenly she stopped scrolling. Her hand holding the mouse shook. There he was. Her lovely stranger. The one who made her dream of a beautiful future. The one who made her feel she is good enough for someone for the first time... But he wasn't her's to dream of anymore. He was in his wedding attire. Holding a beautiful lady in her wedding lehenga. He was smiling at his bride. The same smile he used to give her. Diya felt like her whole world was crumbling. He wasn't her's anymore. He is someone else's. No it can't be. She clicked on the image. tried zooming in to check the image. To try and see if it wasn't him. Maybe her eyes were deceiving her. No they weren't. It was him. And the image was posted from his wife's profile. She felt pain like never before. She wanted to scream at the top of her voice. She wanted to cry out. She felt like throwing her laptop away. She wanted to unsee that picture. But she couldn't. She couldn't cry out loud. She couldn't scream. Because she was taught to suppress her feelings. She just sat there stunned. She has lost him. Someone else took him from her...