
Her Russian Billionaire

Kura is one of the directors of Runner Studios, a really big production company. Everyone knew her to be talented and skillful of her work. The downside was she was judged on how she looks. With platinum blonde hair, pale skin adorned with intricate tattoos and a knack for not following rules. Nile is the CEO of their own family company, Veselov Industries, with advanced technologies that would reach an income of billions a year. He was of Russian, Japanese and American descent, with androgynous beauty that makes women turn their heads. He's conventional, rude and has a cold personality which makes other people fear him. Kura and Nile have the most opposite of personalities. When Quinn, Kura's friend and business partner, requested for her to meet the overbearing Nile Veselov, the two immediately clashed and hated each other right away. While Nile continued to judge the woman, Kura was busy trying to irk him and find ways to show him she was more than capable of her job. One intimate night changed between the two of them. Nile later realized his feelings for her when he met Kura's friend from the past whom he thought was her love interest. He felt angry, frustrated and above all jealous. Things he strangely felt towards the most infuriating woman he ever met. Kura on the other hand, didn't feel the same way at first but he still continued to prove his love for her with a lot of twists and turns, possible love rivals and struggles especially from the past. Nile realized in the process that he wasn't only conservative as everyone likes to put it, he was possessive, dominant and insatiable towards the woman he grew to love. Will Nile manage to let the devious woman fall for him?

Joe Sakura · สมัยใหม่
71 Chs

Chapter 9

I was able to dodge him and veered to the left. I pushed him off and he fell to the ground. I gathered my strength to run until I could go find some help. If I can, I need to run towards the police station.

All of my plan went into that dumpster by the alley when he had company. The other man’s arm wrapped tightly around my neck to stop me from getting away. I was caught off guard.

“Get off of me!” I shrieked. I tried to shake him off but he was too strong to budge. My strength was waning when his arm was locking my wind pipe. I tried to pull myself together and forced my wits back. I gathered enough strength and elbowed his stomach. He backed off while groaning in pain. I ran again but his friend got me, the same way his friend did. I shook him off. I noticed the other guy, lunging towards us with a knife on his hand.

He stabbed me in my belly. He removed the knife, aiming to stab me again with no remorse. The knife paused midair when the sound of whistle, followed by a yell, grabbed their attention.

“What are you doing?! Stop!” With blurry eyes, I tried to shift my attention to the source of the voice. The criminals already fled the scene. My knees hit the ground, blood dripping as I staggered. I heard them running and screaming. I tried to keep my eyes open and not faint.

The sound of footsteps getting louder as the owner of the voice frantically came to me. “Miss, miss! Are you okay?” My savior immediately called 911 while trying to support my body. My senses grew dull, my eyes so tired that I feel like falling asleep.

And I did.


I didn’t expect death when I opened my eyes, only an extremely blinding white room with an IV drip stuck in my arm.

But I didn’t expect a mop of dark brown hair laying in my bed, the rest of the body still sitting in the chair. That must’ve hurt.

I raise a hand to touch it. It was so dark that I thought it was black but with the right amount of light, it was actually dark brown. It was soft, silky… and addicting to touch.

His head moved. His face now towards my direction. His eyes slowly opened, staring at me for a slim moment. Realizing something, he immediately sat up.

“You’re awake.” His voice and face in alarm.

I looked at him in amusement. “Hmmn.” Nile grabbed a glass of water for me to drink knowing I’d be parched. He helped me sit up, wincing at an almost unbearable pain. I tried to be discreet about it. “Thanks.”

“We were so worried about you. You were out for more than twenty-fours.” What? “I had to let your friends go. They hadn’t slept, waiting for you to wake up.”

“Why are you here?” I asked with nothing but curiosity.

His nose flared in anger. “Why am I here? The hospital called me suddenly saying you were in surgery because two men apparently stabbed you.”

“They called you?” I asked in disbelief. I would’ve thought they’d call either Quinn or Belle.

“They called the first name on your contact list.” He answered with a scowl.

“Oh, Asshole.” I winced when I laughed.

“You think it’s funny. You almost died. You lost a lot of blood, Kura. They had to do blood transfusion and put you to sleep.”

“Ugh. Will you stop being a second Quinn? You’re giving me a headache. I don’t want a lecture right now, Nile. As much as I don’t want to you to see it, my wound fucking hurts and I’m fucking exhausted.” He was finally silent but his face was full of concern. He was staring at me like I’m the most fragile thing. Somehow I didn’t want to see him like that.

“I should call the doctor.” He said finally while trying to stand. I reached his arm to stop him.

“Shit.” My hand immediately covered my wound.

Nile hastily went to my side. “I really should call-“

“No.” I interjected. “Just… stay… for now.” I didn’t show it but I was still shaken up from that night. It happened so fast that I really thought I was gonna die when that man aimed for a second stab. And if no one really came by, there would’ve been a third or a fourth until I’m lifeless in that fucking alley.

Nile sat on my bed. His hand touched my face. It was warm and it immediately made me feel better. I closed my eyes, feeling it. His lips came after.

I was surprised that he kissed me. His lips gave me the same feeling with his hand. He kissed me slowly and softly. It was different from the first kiss we had.

“What was that?” I asked as we parted. His thumb rubbed my now warm cheek.

“You know… we haven’t talked about that night.” I hummed. “But before that, I need to tell you something and this needs to be discussed right now.”

I eyed him seriously. “What is it?” He withdrew his hand, falling it to his side.

“Miss Vasquez told me something very interesting yesterday.” My ears perked at the mention of her name. “Why didn’t you tell me that my own employee is stealing from me?”

I sighed. “We were not sure so I investigated. I don’t know if you believe me if I told you. We didn’t have proof. Perhaps we just really made a mistake with our computations. Look, Nile, if you want to discuss this, set up a meeting. Don’t do it here in the hospital. As you can see, I was just stabbed.”

“It’s only right to discuss this now. Adam Wilson is the reason you are here.” He noticed my silence. “You knew it.” He scoffed. “What the hell, Kura. You almost lost your life.” He exclaimed.

“It’s not like I knew he’s going to send someone to kill me. Don’t fucking yell at me. I’ll fucking smear that mouth of yours with my blood.”

He gritted his teeth. “Will you stop being so infuriating for once? This is your life we’re talking about.”

I roll my eyes. “Thanks for your concern, mister Veselov. It’s highly appreciated.” I grimaced. “How’d you know about him?”

“I investigated.” He paused. “Miss Vasquez had some suspicions. This happened to you right after snooping around.” What a word.

“Did you send him to jail?” I asked instead of feeling offended with the word.

“I sent him to hell.” He deadpanned. Vague but whatever. As long as he’s not around to kill me anymore.

I chuckle. “Such sense of humor.”

“You seem calm for someone who almost died.” He looked genuinely intrigued. His eyes then landed on my stabbed wound.

“That’s because you one up me with my plan.” His head tilted to the side questioningly. “The moment my eyes opened, I already knew what to do. Get better and face Wilson. He wanted to shut me up because I was already suspecting. His plan was ruined when fate interrupted. Which reminds me, I need to thank my savior.”

“When you get better.” He reminded me. “Did you plan to go alone again to face him?” He asked almost in anger.

“Of course not. I’m not that stupid. I would have told you too anyway. The incident was already proof enough. Would you have believed me if it happened differently and I told you?” I peered at him through my eyelashes, expecting an answer.
