

Things was going smoothly until tragedy struck,Taiwo died few weeks to entrance examination into secondary school.I can't remember exactly what happened but all I remember was Mummy shouting and screaming her name,people gathered around and the way she was rushed in our Headmaster's car naked and drenched to the hospital.

That was the last I saw Taiwo,she didn't come home with Mum and Dad and I was still too young to understand what was really going on,the next thing was that people kept coming to our house and different high pitched cries went on for days.I knew what death meant at the time but I didn't know how deep it was and the fact that it was permanent and can't be undone.Mum and Dad refused to eat,they were eventually begged to take pap but myself,Mosinmiloluwa and Kehinde was taken to another house where we were being fed since the day the incident happened.

Few days later,things went back to normal but I saw how hard it was for Mummy,she kept calling her name forgetting she was no more,I also couldn't process the fact that she was really gone because I thought she went somewhere and she'll be back one day.The absence of Taiwo made me begin to get close to Kehinde because she was the only sister I now have.She didn't let me in at first,it's her nature to always want to be alone so I can't really blame her.We fought many times and Mum kept telling me to let her be if she doesn't want to play with me.We don't leave home together in the morning and we don't come back home together in the evening,I had this senior who really liked me then,he was the one that always bring me home from school everyday.

Kehinde passed the entrance examination leaving me in Primary school,she got admitted in the best Secondary school around,it was a school for girls only.Adesuwa,Oyin and myself formed a clique and we were very close,they were my best friends growing up.Adesuwa was the most beautiful,Oyin was good with words and I was the smartest.And we visited each other from time to time,I remember I made my first noodles in Oyin's house because I was not allowed to go near the stove at home,not to talk of cooking.

Just a year to the end of Primary school,we relocated and we moved into our own house in a different part of town,as much as I was happy we were moving to a new place,I was sad because I was leaving my friends,my school and those that we grew up together.It was the beginning of another chapter for us and I remember waving to everyone gathered the day we are leaving.Did I cry? I can't remember but I don't think so,I was too excited I guess