
Friend Or Foe

Emilio watched the girl wave at her mother. They were at the airport, seeing Lora off. Since they all decided to help Jasmine, she felt it would be more appropriate to leave the matters regarding Bella in his hands.

Maybe this way, he would get to a point where he can easily confess his interest in her. Bella was lost in her thoughts. She felt sad as she watched her mother walk away from her. For all her life, it was the first time that she was going to be separated from her mother.

She was sure that it was just the beginning. She was already thrust forcefully into the world she knew nothing about. " Are you sure that my mother will be safe?" She found herself ask the question that has been at the foremost point of her mind.

" Yes. I am sure. Don't worry too much. She will get the proper medical care she needs as well as relax in a better environment. Are you okay?" He asked feeling worried. Her mother would be fine but what about her?