
Chapter 8

Cutting the engine, Jarius parked his bike merely an inch from his former platoon partner's resting spot but never unmounted his beautiful machine. “Go ahead,” he said without turning and looking at Olivia. He heard her take a deep breath and then hand him the helmet before hopping off the bike back, the snow crunched beneath her feet as she walked away from him.

Chance Harrison Cohen

March 4, 1988 - December 28, 2013.

Amazing son, brother, and brave soldier who valiantly gave his life for his countrymen.

Kneeling in front of the grave, Olivia traced every letter and number that was embedded into the glossy stone. “I found you, Merry Christmas, brother,” Olivia whimpered with wobbling lips before breaking out in tears. Hugging the headstone as much as possible, she cried out in sorrow.

Watching the small brunette wallow in the snowy earth became unbearable for Jairus when she started to hyperventilate while hogging the unfeeling headstone. He had intended for Olivia to cry as much as she wanted, his chest, however, didn't get the memo, it ached at the crumbling sight before him. Getting off the bike, he kneeled on the ground quickly gathering the woman into his arms to which she didn't need any convincing, clinging to him the moment he secured her in his chest.

Whispering sweet nothings into Olivia's ear, Jairus leaned his back on the grave with Olivia saddling him quite awkwardly. “Your brother did die protecting his men, but it was his own actions before that claimed his life along with the team that followed him.” Jairus started to say, which surprised him since he has never mentioned it not even in court.

“There is this village that's about five miles just outside of the town we were stationed, we received a call about the people living there being hostages including a visiting state governor. Our mission was simple, get the governor out and try and minimize civilian casualties as much as we could.” Jairus added.

While Jairus talked, he noticed Olivia calmed down to hiccups and sniffles as she listened tentatively. “Chance wanted to rush in guns blazing the moment we got our orders, but I needed to assess the situation thoroughly. We only understood that there were hostages but there was no intel about the enemy, so I told the men to wait a day just to get a better handle on the predicament.”

“Chance didn't wait did he?” Olivia finally spoke up as Jairus nodded his head to her question. “He was so much like our dad that way, it's either their way or nothing once their mind's made up about something,” she confessed with a small chuckle. “You were such a jerk face, big brother,” Olivia mumbled into Jairus' chest.

“You're telling me,” Jairus responded with a scoff which caused Olivia to chuckle again and he had never been so grateful. “Anyway, your brother snuck out of camp in the middle of the night, but it backfired because the enemy was lingering at the broader waiting for us. Chance's team was executed instantly, but they tortured your brother first. By the time I finally came up with a solid strategy, we were successful in rescuing most of the villagers and governor but too late to save your brother.”

It's the first time Jairus has ever told the truth of what transpired, even when he was court marshaled and disgracefully discharged for the lives lost, not once did he let it slip that Chance was the one who got over twenty elite soldiers, a village leader, and himself killed because he disobeyed a direct order from his commander.

Olivia sighed, this was what she wanted, right? The truth about Chance's death, then why does it feel like a chunk of the story is missing? “Jairus, take me home, back to Jessica,” Olivia ordered deciding to leave questioning Jairus again once she recovered from the bombshell he just threw at her after weeks of trying to get him to talk.

Having a sister has taught Jairus to know better than to believe Olivia's done asking questions. He would answer the basis of how Chance lived and died in the military, but can't will himself to tell her what happened afterward; what Thomas Cohen did to him. It was okay for him to hate the man, but for some reason, he wanted to preserve what was left of the father/daughter relationship.

Why do I care if this girl hates her father? Jairus thought to himself as he steadied both himself and Olivia to their feet, mounting his bike again, he was very much aware Olivia referred to his sister's house as a home, and truth be told it made him a little bit happy.


“Wow, I can't help but pity the poor girl,” Jessica is the first to speak between her and Jackson once Jairus finished recalling what happened at the graveyard. “Do you plan on telling her it was daddy dearest who not only had you court marshaled but discharged amongst other things?” She further added, taking a sip of her husband's bourbon.

“No, and don't you dare say anything either, not even a hint,” Jairus warned his sister who glared up at him from the porch steps where he was seated.

“Jairus, if you want a future with this woman you should tell her all the truth. The good, bad, ugly, and fucked up. Somehow Olivia doesn't strike me as the type who prefers the sugar-coated version of anything,” Jackson added to the conversation. “And don't even deny your obvious attraction for her either,” he declared.

Scoffing, Jairus sucked at his teeth. “I'm a forty-year-old ex-convict who's good at fixing automobiles, what sort of future does someone like her has with someone like me?” He responded in self-loath but there was no time to be answered as the twins came bustling through the door covered in flour.

“Daddy, Mommy, Uncle Jay, come look at what we helped Aunty Oli with!” Both boys exclaimed with a gleam of pride twinkling in their eyes.

What the boys were yapping about didn't surprise the adults as much as their reference to Olivia as their aunt, Jairus especially. Curiously, they followed the twins inside the house as the sweet and spicy scent of herbs guided them to the kitchen.

“Tada!” The twins freakishly chirped together.

“Crap, I'm so sorry, I just-” Olivia started to apologize for the mess as flour and herbs littered the countertop and floor.

“Oh no, that's not it. What the hell smells so good?” Jessica asked sniffing the air like a dog.

“My own version of a shepherd's pie and homemade ham and cheese pizza that the boys helped me with,” Olivia replied chuckling nervously. Jairus had brought her back seven hours ago and she woke up feeling starved nearly two hours now and wanted to do something productive while staying with the family.

“Nice!” Jackson exclaimed in glee like a child. “You may have noticed we're not entirely normal and traditional here with the whole big Christmas dinner shenanigans,” he further explained but Olivia was more than okay with that.

“Alright then, dinner will be ready in half an hour,” Olivia said to no one in particular to which everyone bobbed their heads before scurrying out of the kitchen to avoid helping to clean it; except for Jairus. No matter, she took her own sweet time tidying up with his help and before she knew it, the place was spotless, and the timer dings just in time too.

“You can go clean up a bit before we eat, I'll set the table,” Jairus suddenly said startling Olivia for a moment she was so used to him being all silent and serious. With a small smile, she nodded before making her way up the stairs to freshen up.

A few minutes later, everyone was gathered and chattering away with each other on the floor in front of the fireplace in the living room, abandoning the dining room completely. Olivia watched as Jackson complimented his wife so much, that Jessica's face turned red at some of his cryptic suggestions. Ever so often the twins switched plates even though they both got the same thing with equal proportions, mischievous as ever those two. And Jairus? He ate like everyone else but his gaze remained on her so much that she started to feel flustered.

Maybe something's wrong with me? Olivia thought to herself. The day had been nothing but emotional drama, yet, she felt content to an extent. She still felt sad about what happened to her brother, but she also felt relieved and grateful she now knew where he was buried and it was all thanks to the man her parents despised for no reason. He's not the monster they and Jairus himself made him out to be by warning her to stay away from him. If anything, she was now more determined than ever to solve the mystery behind those blue eyes.

Jairus was familiar with women who claimed they want to know him, but there was something different about Olivia. Besides being more stubborn than a mule, there was nothing to compare to her determination, and that scared the living shit out of the man. To him, Olivia seemed delicate and young, while he was more than rough around the edges. They were opposites and from completely different worlds, how would it work if he started something with Olivia without being straight with her about Thomas?

Shaking his head, Jairus excused himself and left the living room to just breathe and gather his thoughts outside. It's been only a minute when he heard the back door opened and closed. “Jessica, I'm not in the mood alright,” Jairus said tiredly without turning around. Before he could utter another word, a familiar weight is pressed on his back as small arms wrap around his midsection.

“Thank you,” Jairus heard Olivia mumble into his shirt, the small vibration of her voice sent a different kind of message down south. Before Olivia could even comprehend anything, she found herself pinned into place with Jairus kissing her ever so aggressively, she tried desperately to keep up. “Fuck,” he groaned. Grabbing Olivia's hand, he placed it on his full erection and she gasped. “This is what you do to me and you're nowhere ready for any of it,” he lets out only to be shoved.

“Get over yourself already, Jairus! I guess you're not that much different like I thought, your dick is as big as your ego,” Olivia let out, shocking Jairus but his awareness went somewhere else when he heard a sound.

“Olivia, get inside and tell Jackson to get out here right now!” Jairus ordered and Olivia knew better than to question his actions by now.

Running inside, in order not to alert the kids, Olivia gently tapped Jackson on the shoulder, the sound of a gunshot was heard and he moved away immediately from his wife. Thankfully, by now the boys were too engrossed in whatever game they got going on to realize how jittery the two women were. “What's going on?” Jessica whispered to Olivia.

“I don't know, Jairus said to get in and get Jackson,” Olivia replied but they didn't talk any further as Jackson came into their line of vision with a perplexed expression on his face.

“Boys, go upstairs and try out the new game your dad got for you guys,” Jessica said to the twins who were more than happy to sprint up the stairs to their room. “What's going on Jackson?” Jessica asked turning to her husband, who signaled the two women to follow him.

Grabbing their coats, Jessica and Olivia followed Jackson outside around the back and into the barn just a few strides away. Inside it, kneeling and bloody, Olivia gasped, running to the person Jairus still held his gun on. “Oh my goodness, Dave!” All she received was a groan. “Jairus, did you really have to shoot him?” Olivia asked staring at the bullet hole in the man's shoulder.

“Miss. Cohen, I'm glad you're doing okay,” Dave's voice mumbled. “I lost track of your cell phone signal,” he added moaning in pain as he boosted himself more upward.

“You've been following me, did my father send you?” Olivia asked.

“No, he didn't, your mother did to ensure your safety,” Dave responded never taking his eyes off Jairus. “She was worried something would happen to you so she told me to keep a close eye,” he added.

Sighing, Olivia shook her head. “Let's go, take me back home,” she replied tiredly.

“Oliva-” Jairus started to say.

“No, if I stay here any longer, what follows next would be disastrous. I can't be responsible for that,” Olivia responded interrupting whatever Jairus was about to say.

Begrudgingly, Jackson, Jessica, and Jairus watched as Olivia huddled inside an SUV that showed up an hour after Olivia's declaration of going back home. “Get over yourself already, Jairus! I guess you're not that much different like I thought, your dick is as big as your ego.” The bold words spoken by Olivia echoed in Jairus' head.

He may have just lost any chance with Olivia once she got back home because Thomas will never let his daughter and only surviving child out of his reach again.
