
The Question

"Does Jin really doesn't smile at all?"

Y/n's question was followed by a short silence . Well, it was simply because Namjoon was quite speechless . He prepared himself for a hardcore question, only to end up hearing such randomly unexpected and seemingly silly question .

"That... that... that is your question?" he asked .

"Mm . I once asked the maids and Mr . Gou but they too said they haven't seen him smile even once . Wait, what's with that reaction? Don't tell me that's forbidden as well!"

"Huh? Of course not! Haha . I was just surprised . I never saw that coming . " Namjoon was laughing hard . Causing y/n to go quite impatient .

"Just answer me . We're about to reach the entrance . "

"Okay, okay... well, Jin is... how do I put this . Now that you mention it, I don't even remember the last time he smiled - O-OUCH!"