
Not married anymore

In the corner of the courtyard, a certain man was squatting on the ground. His one hand was holding a cell phone to his ear while his other hand was holding a burning paper.

His handsome face looked extremely annoyed as though a little bit more interruptions and he'll smash his cell phone into pieces. His brows were knitted so hard.

"Marriage Contract. " He uttered.

His teeth clenched. Well, Jin never experienced being threatened and forced to talk like this before.

Had the other person not been Namjoon, Jin might have already deployed the special forces to annihilate him.

However, the man who was currently treating him like this was no other than his trusted right hand, Namjoon.

The only person he could never catch once he decided to escape from him.

"Ohh... marriage contract, huh. Wait, don't tell me you're burning that contract? The contract of your marriage almost six years ago?!"

Namjoon yelled. He sounded like he couldn't believe what Jin just said. Causing Jin to wonder innocently what was Namjoon getting riled up for.

"Mm. " He could only reply as he took the license.

He started to light it up when Namjoon spoke.

"Even your license?"

"Mm . "

"Are you serious?! Even your certificate?!"

"Mm . "


For a moment, the two of them were speechless. After a while, Jin could hear a deep sigh from Namjoon.

"Oi Jin, don't you think it's too early for you to do that? Have you forgotten that you destroyed all records of your marriage in the civil registry when you left her? You know that the only proof that you guys are married now are those papers in your hand and now you burned it?"

Namjoon explained. His voice was still filled with disbelief.

Jin that moment just blinked and was speechless for a while.

Well, he did destroy all the records because he knew the police will investigate her back then. He did it to protect her.

"W-well, I obtained these licenses and certificates illegally so it's fine. I'm burning this because I'll marry her for real soon. We will get a genuine marriage license and certificate soon so these are no longer needed. " He reasoned and Namjoon released another deep sigh.

"Ohh... so it means, from now on, you two aren't married anymore. "

"What do you mean?" Jin was puzzled, he can't comprehend where Namjoon's words are leading to.

"Oi Jin, did you revert to being slow-minded again because she's beside you now?! Sigh... If you destroyed the only proof of your marriage, it only means your marriage has been nullified. It's not valid anymore. You don't have any other evidence to prove it otherwise . Did you forget that you don't have any witnesses during your wedding, not even pictures or documentary evidence? From here on you guys have not legally married anymore!"


Jin's eyes slowly widen and he suddenly couldn't speak. He realized the impact of what Namjoon was talking about and the man suddenly stood. And before he knew it, he instantly stepped on the burning fragments of the paper to kill the fire. If anyone was there looking at him at that moment, they might not help but grin watching a gorgeous man stomping over a fire in his chibi self.

However, it was too late. He stared at the ashes on the ground and he froze. His face turned unbelievably dark as though the world just broke down. Jin was like a statue that was about to crumble down into pieces. He looked as though his spirit has left him.

"Jin! Oi! Jin! Are you still alive?!" yelled Namjoon on the other side of the phone multiple times before Jin could hear him.

"I... I think I'm doomed. " Jin uttered.

His system was still a huge mess. He couldn't believe what he had done. He never expected this. His only intention was to get rid of those heartless papers so he can remarry her. He failed to realize the consequence. He should have done this only on the exact day of their marriage.

"Pfft! Hahaha. " Namjoon on the other side of the phone laughed hard. It was because he could already imagine jin's expression as he says those.

"So? What are you going to do now? You can't call her your legal wife anymore. "

"I..." Jin was apprehensive.

He couldn't accept that she was not his legal wife anymore. Even if it was just for a minute or a day, he couldn't accept it. He felt like his brain was about to explode as he gripped his cell phone as hard as he could.

"Jin, you know what? If other people will know you're being like this, they might never believe that you and the famous and feared King Kim Seok Jin are the same person. Sigh . . . Really, only Miss Y/n could bring your brain down to your stomach like this. " Namjoon said.

He was grinning hard because, within those five years, Namjoon never teased him like this.

However, he knew that this was a lethal blow to Jin so he could only refrain from teasing him even more.

"Well, you're already planning to marry her again anyway. There's no difference, although, you'll just need to wait a bit more until your wedding day to call her your wife again. "

He continued, but no sound came out from Jin. Namjoon could already tell that what he said didn't change his terrible state. Thus, he could only continue talking to coax him.

"Well, if you can't accept your marriage being invalidated even for a day, then, just hack the civil registry again. Y/n isn't aware of this anyway. With such power in your hand, there's nothing impossible for you. " He added but Jin's darkened expression intensified.

"When it comes to her, I swore I will never do anything improper and not legal again. " Jin finally replied.

His voice suddenly turned extremely firm and terrifying, causing Namjoon to only raise a brow. Well, he somehow expected him to say that.

"Then what now? Don't tell me you're going to take her to the civil affairs office tomorrow and have a flash married. "