
Good Luck Charm

Later that night...

Y/n was lying on the bed when Jin walked in . He sat at the edge of the bed for a while before he slowly laid beside her without removing his mask .

The entire room was silent but that moment, a strange familiar feeling was brewing inside Y/n's heart as she looked at the man beside her .

Sleeping in this bed for almost a month without him was sad and uncomfortable for her . But now that Jin was right beside her, she just wanted to hug him and squeeze him hard in her arms .


The moment y/n called his name, Jin immediately turned his head towards her .

However, he was surprised because the girl was hiding her face behind a small white teddy bear .

"You're the one who gave me this that night, right?"

she asked and Jin's gaze fell into the face of the teddy bear . He remembered what happened that night so he knew that the teddy wasn't basically from him .

Y/n then hugged the bear in her bosom as she continued talking .