
Her majesty's untold dream

Merina who woke up screaming looked at the mirror with a strange gaze. "Is this me?" she asked herself. She slowly adapted to the body nullifying the effects of both past and future. In this life, she swore to be a successful business woman. But what's with the sudden tide of followers chasing her? Let's hop on to see how she tackles her lovers and rules the world.........

Charu_L · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

The new friend

The next morning, she went to the University. on her way to class, she was appreciated by everyone. She was now the hot topic of the University. while she was taking the stairs, she bumped into someone. He was Feng, senior from computer science department.

Merina: I am sorry. I didn't see that coming.

Feng: it's not a problem.Are u hurt,miss Merina?

Merina:I am good.how come you know my name?

Feng: you are our university's genius.How come someone may not know u?

Merina:oh! and you are?

Feng: I am Feng from computer science department.I am of course your senior.

Merina:Oh I see. Sorry senior.

Feng:no need for apologies.Shall we become friends?

Merina:yeah senior.for sure. let's catch up next if you have time senior.

Feng: Definitely. can we meet by 4 in Louisiana cafe?

Merina: I will try to catch up senior.Now I will make my move as I have an important lecture to attend.

Feng:yep ok.

She rushed to the class . She moved to the lecture hall but there was only a little students. Of course it's a lecture.It's definitely gonna be boring.