

I laughed and I said that my mom.

“ Mommy don't worry no one is casting a spell on me” I said and at that point I was distracted by the sound of a show on the staircase and it was Shade climbing down the stairs, she looked really beautiful and I remember this was the same.dress she was wearing when I was watching her on the cam and I lost focus, I wasn't listening to whatever mom was saying anymore, I didn't even bid mom bye, I just hang the call and when she walked closer I looked away calling Bassey when Basset came, I had nothing to say than something that even Bassey didn't understand what I am saying even I know that I had nothing that I was saying and I kept stealing glances at her.

She stood looking at her feet.

The dress looks so amazing on her body and beautiful on her, I couldn't even hold standing in front of her to myself.

I walk to her and I ask.

“You look beautiful” I said and she smiles .

I was already dressed and I held her hand and I said.

“ Shall we” and she nods her head.

We got to the car and one of my men wanted to open the car door for her but I stopped him, she deserves to be treat like a queen, she look at me and she smiled looking down. She sat down and I go through the other side to sit.

I kept stealing glances at her while she was looking through the window but she has this excited look on her face, she must have missed her family so much for her to be this excited.

“ how long have you been in Lagos? I asked and she look back at him .

“ Two years and some months” she replied.

“ Have you ever gone back visiting? I asked and she chuckles.

“ No, I have never been home since I left the village, it’s my first time of returning to my hometown” she replied.

“ You must have missed your family for those times you states in Lagos?

“ Yes, I missed my mom and my siblings, I really wish to go in all of those years but I had no money to go”She replied.

“ You earn money working for grandma right? He asked.

“ Yes but I am not in control of it and I  don’t even think my aunt is even paying the money to my mom, when I spoke to my mom she told me life hasn’t been easy at all and I have been heart broken since yesterday hearing that from mom, you know I accepted this job just to help the family but I am surprised mom was complaining to me last night” she say. I could see her struggling with the tears which was about falling down her face and she quickly use her finger to dry it, I held her hand and she looked me in the eye and I gave her a smile”.

“Don’t worry when all of this is over, you won’t have to work as a maid again, I will pay you for all of this” I said.

The truth is I don’t even know what I feel now, I want more than partnership, I want her but I do not want to drag her along with my political problems, she’s already been through a lot, dragging her along with all of this could cost me losing her for life so it's better we keep it partnership.



“ He said I am beautiful! What did he just said that to me?, I never thought he would ever find me beautiful or he would say that to me someday, I felt so happy and shy at the same time, he held my hand looking at my face, I saw that look and I know that look, I know we feel something for each other because I could feel a strong connection between us but I know we are two worlds apart even if we fall in love will his mother let us be? 

We entered into the car and the driver drove us out of the compound, I began to look out of the window and my heart began to race hard about my mom’s situation, I began to ask myself “ Does it mean that I have been working for nothing? I asked myself inwardly and I heard him asks me questions? He asked me questions about my family which I answers and he held my hand and tears dropped down my face and he gave me an assuring smile and he said that he would help me when all of this is over but the truth is I wanted to hear him say something different, something like I love you but I guess he would never tell me he love me because even if he loves me his mom would never allow , he is being controlled by his parent and I don't think from the way he is being controlled by his parent and he would do whatever they want because they are the ones that put him in that position and to be honest I don't like his mom, she seizes any opportunity to insult me.


 We got to the village with our convoy and the PR team and I could see some villagers come out to see us because of the convoy, the PR team stepped out first and the bodyguards and the body guard came to open the door for us and he came to my side and held my hand, he uses his hand to help me tuck a strand of my wig that fell to my face with a smile and the photographer took a picture of him helping me tuck my hair behind my ear and we both stare into our eyes and I smile, I promised myself that I will make sure I show him off by being Romantic with him so that they all that have heard the fake rumor my aunt has come to say about me in the village would go and give her information about me that I came back home with a big fish.

My sister and brother quickly came out and my sister also and my mom came out too and I could see that they are all not looking good, my mom and my siblings as become thinner, they had a pale face and the best of their clothes that they are wearing is the dress we had sewn for Christmas in the last five years, it’s already faded, tears streamed down my face and I was so ashamed of myself  because I look down at my dressing and my my siblings dressing I weep and Kunle comes in front of me and he uses his finger to help me dry my tears and he held my hand and give me his soothing smile.

We walk to them and my siblings jumped at me and I rush to embrace my mom and almost the entire neighbors came to see us, I look at my mom hand and tears rolled down my eyes and Kunle came and prostrate before my mom and I was surprised because I never thought he was this respectful  and my mom told him to stand up and we go into the house and before we entered into the sitting room and I look at his face because I don’t know if he would be able to sit on the chair, because we only have a single torn sofa and wooden chairs that has no sofa on it, we have no Television, we have a small standing fan and he goes to sit on the wooden chair and I sat beside him and my younger sister goes to bring drinking water in a plastic cup and I excuse myself  trying to stop her from giving it to me and my mom tells her to go and collect a bottle water from one shop not far from home.

“Don’t worry , you can bring the water” he says.

“No, my mom ….. okay let me go and get  the bottled water and he stood up and collects the plastic cup of water from my sister and he drank it, I stare at him and he smiles back at me,

I go to my mom and sit beside her….

“mom, this is Kunle, Lagos state Governorship candidate, he is my Fiancee and babe, this is my mom, my sister Folakemi, and this is our last born” I said and go to hold my brother by his shoulder. “ Segun” and my Dad must have gone to work, he won’t be back till night” I said even though I am pryaing so hard that e doesn’t come in and if he would come in , he shouldn’t in his drunkard state. and Kunle smiles.

“ Nice meeting you all” he says and I go to sit back beside him and he held my hand so tight and he takes the back of my palm to his lips and he kissed it.

“ I am in love with your daughter ma  and I have come to ask for her hand in marriage and would like you to give us a date that I would come with my family for wedding introduction.

“Wedding introduction? My mom asked in surprise.

“yes, I love your daughter so much and I want to spend all the rest of my life with you, ” he said and look into my eyes and I smile . 

“Whatever date both of you choose is okay by us” my mom says.

“Alright, both of us will discuss the best time date to fix  and she will come and tell you” he says and it’s nice meeting your family my love” he says looking at me.

“ Thank you” I said.

After a while of sitting , he lean towards my ear and  told me that we should go home and I smile and I stood up and I told my mom that we are going and my mom stood up and whispers into my ear.

“ I made some food for you and your visitor” she says.

“ Mom, it’s fine don’t worry, we just ate before coming ‘I said.

“ Even if it is just little, both of you should eat” my mom says.

“ Mom, we have some things to do at the city, we would still come back and spend sometime with you” I said , I embrace my mom and tears rolled down my face.

“ I am missing you already” I said , I embraced my mom and my siblings and I go to him and gave my clutch purse to me and he whispers into my ear and I open my eyes wide and I embrace him and I whisper thank you and he smiles’

I open my clutch purse and there was bunch of money in my clutch and I smile happily and I turn to him with tears rolling down my face.

“Thank  you , I whisper and I walk to my mom and I took out all the money and the one remaining palm and I place the money into her palm and she looks into my eyes .

“For you mom” I said.

“All of this? She ask.

“Yes mom, you deserve it, I will come back and check on you and we would talk better” I said and my mom embraces me and weeps and my siblings came to me and they wept too and I go to Kunle.

“ Can I stay with my mom for today and I would come back tomorrow” I said.

“No problem” he says.

“Ok mom, good news, I would be spending a whole of today with you and I will go back tomorrow” I said and my mom and siblings were so excited about it.

I go to Kunle and he stood up and he gives my mom and siblings some money , I look into his eyes and I smile.

“Thank you”  I held his hand and I turn to my mom and siblings,

“I will be back” I said and we walk out of  the house , we walk to the car and he looked at me and I said “Thank you” and he cupped my face and pulled my head closer and he kissed me on my forehead.

It was so passionate the way he kissed  me on my fore head and he played with my hair a little and he smiles at me .

“ Let me know when you will be coming back home so that I can send the convoy to pick you up” he says.

“ Oh, you don’t have to worry about the convoy , I can always pick a bus back to Lagos” I said.

“ No, my convoy will here to pick my fiancée up” he places his finger on my nose playfully and I smile and he gve me some money.

“No, I won’t take this , you just gave me a huge amount of money for my parent and now you are giving me another one” I said.

“Yes because you will need to get somethings for yourself” he said and held my hand and place it in my palm and he kissed me passionately on my cheek.

“Alright Yes daddy” I said and he smiles and he enters into the car and the car drove off and at that moment I began to miss Kunle but at the same time I was so excited to see my mom and siblings.

I entered into the house and my siblings comes to me.

“Sister, your fiancee is so handsome, oh my God ! I want a handsome and rich man like that” she says.

“Not now, you have to finish your studies because I won’t let you stop at secondary school just like me” I said.

“Sister , if you know what aunt and her daughter came to the village to say about you? You won’t even want to associate with her, she was shouting at mom that she doesn’t know where her untrained daughter has run too, she said so many horrible things about you that everyone believed her, she even try sharing the video to some people but she didn’t find the video on her phone but I am happy that you came back to the village to surprise them with and you shame them" my sister says.

"You know I really have respect for aunt, I thought she loves us but she never loved us because if she does she would know that she isn't suppose to do all of this, she really hurt me" I said.

" What about Dad, has he changed? I asked.

"Your dad will never change because if someone had told me he would do this to me , I wouldn't have believed it, he ruined me , I don't miss him, let the woman he left with stay with him , I do not care , I know we would survive without him" my mom said

" I don't understand? I said.

" Daddy has moved in with another woman because she is rich" my sister answers s.