

Finally the day for my traditional wedding arrived, a day before that day , I didn’t sleep till the next morning, I kept tossing around.

I knew it was fake and I should be sad but I feel happy because it felt too real to me.

I just want to enjoy this feeling with one I love even if we won’t end up together even if we would have to divorce after few months.

I can’t wait to see myself dancing with few of my old friends in the village because I know my co maids aren’t happy for me so they won’t even come and even if they are Kunle’s mom will definitely not want to see them there.

A day before that day we had two cows killed and this is one of the interested part of the wedding preparation,when you kill a cow in a Nigerian wedding it’s shows money and respect and how you are prepared to feed your invited guests .

We killed two cows for the traditional wedding, my traditional marriage became the talk of the town.

We already have a hall rented here in the village

My costumier arrived to dress me up  and my make up, dress , shoes and purse were top notch, the press were outside our house reporting the wedding, after I was dressed my  siblings and mom were dressed , My mom came to pray for me , I said loud amen, I don’t even know why I feel too happy today , maybe because I have having the so call fake wedding with the man I love deep down in my heart.

The convoys arrived , I feel like a first lady already. I stepped out of the house and I saw my Aunt and uncles and their children not looking too happy,  I smile and walk glamorously in front of them, I could see them all roll their eyes in annoyance and I couldn’t see Racheal in the midst of them, it’s alright afterall it’s a fake thing but it will help me go ahead the haters from the family.

My Grandma prayed for me , the press came forward making coverage of me , several pictures were taken, I knew I and my fake husband to be will be the most trending today on every blogs.

I slowly step into the car , my mom and Siblings, uncles and aunties , also get into the other convoy and we were drove to the hall.



I smile all through while I took my shower and dress up , every one knew how happy I am today even my friends teased me , even my brother teased me that I am being shameless, why shouldn’t I? 

There is nothing like being with the right person in this world , the happiness will always be visible one’s face .

I never thought I would someday fall so deep for someone like Shade that I can’t even wait to show her off to the world even though she says we shouldn’t go beyond kisses but many things wants me to go beyond kisses with her but not withstanding , she is going to be my wife today and I will prove to her that whatever we have is real and I want her to be the mother of all my kids.

I dressed up my traditional attire, and my shoe, I stood in front of the mirror smiling and I smile at myself thinking of when I will be ask to carry my wife and I will carry her in public in a bridal style.

My friends and my brother that will be joining me to do my final prostrate were ready , we stepped out  and we all stepped into our Maybach, we all had maybach, so it made it all colourful, the press were there to broadcast live.

We got to the venue of the traditional wedding , my family was waiting for us to dance into the venue together , the wedding moderator was in front of us while the moderator for the brides family is already coordinating for the brides family , It’s our turn now and music was played by the DJ and we danced into the hall, my parents and their friends and relatives goes  to sit while I and my friends were stopped not to go and sit, there were mat lay on the ground so that we don’t get dirty, I , my friends and my brother postrate , we postrate and every other event in the ceremony follows and I went to sit , soon The bride and her friend danced in and my eyes was all on my Shade, te way she danced was beautiful, I kept staring at the woman that will become my Mrs . After dancing she knelt down and she was blessed and she was said to wear my cap that was seized at the beginning of the event when I and my family danced in.

This is part of the fun in the traditional wedding. She help me wear the cap and she was said  to kneel down in front of me and I spray her lots of money, she deserves all of my money.

I spray her and after that, I was told to carry my bride in a bridal style which is that one moment I waited for.

I carried her a bridal style and place her on the chair and I kissed her.

Other event followed and we were blessed , we exchanged rings and cut the cake and the event end and we took pictures with friends and family, I drag her into my maybach .

“You look more beautiful today” I said.

“Thank you” I replied, we both look into each other eyes and , we tilt our head and move our llips closer and we kissed , the kiss was slow and passionate , we deepened the kiss and she wraps her hand around my neck, and this time she didn’t stop we kissed and we were about taking it to the next level when she quickly controlled herself and breaks the kiss and  I leaned my head to her head.

“Tomorrow is the day I will make vow to you in the presence of everyone and I can’t wait to read them to you” I said.

“It’s a fake thing “ She says.

“My love for you is real , my vow for you tomorrow  is going to be from the depth of my heart” I said and kiss her and she got out of the car.



As I got out of Kunle’s car , smiling to myself , I realize I was about colliding with Kunle’s mom and she yells at me and that was when I noticed that His mom and Juliana was standing.

She eyelashes me from head to toe, she smirks. 

“I can see you are coming from my son’s car, just make sure you are taking contraceptives because if you get pregnant again, it will be worse this time” she says.

I left Kunle’s car and was smiling to myself happily , I did not noticed Kunle’s mom and Juliana because I was looking down, I was about coliding with her when she yelled at me.

I quickly looked up.

“ I am sorry ma” I quickly said and she looked at me from head to toe and smirks.

She looks towards her son’s car.

“I can see you just came out of my son’s car, don’t worry, I won’t complain about you two having anything together but make sure you use contraceptives because if you try to get pregnant , The last forced abortion will be a better one” she says and she hissed.

I did not say a word , I was going to walk away when Juliana stopped me.

“ Hey, I think you should take to Kunle’s mom advice because Kunle is mine and I am getting him back “ she says and I walk away.

I  became scared but I managed to look happy because I do not want my mom to suspect that I something is bothering me because the convoy has to take us to Lagos now since Lagos is not that far to my village and the event ended very early.

The convoy took us to Lagos because Kunle already booked Hotel for us in Lagos.

The convoy took us to Lagos, when we got to Lagos we lodge.

The next day was the wedding day.

I stood and stare at my wedding dress that was hung , I smiled happily.

My costumier and my make up arrived, I was having my make up and when Kunle called , we talked and he told me how much he can’t wait to see me in the wedding dress.

I also told him I am anxiously waiting to hear his vow to me.

My costumer and make up were done with me.

My costumier was helping me tie my wedding dress strings , I stood in front of the mirror and stare at myself, I smile happily , I wore my shoes.

I couldn’t stop staring at myself in the wedding dress but What Kunle’s mom told me last night crossed my mind again and I felt so sad that the marriage has its own rule.


I dressed up looking dapper, I kept staring at myself in the mirror , if I was looking good enough for my bride.

My friend and brother teased me that,  is all of this for Shade.

Ofcourse it’s for that special woman that captured my heart.

I and my grooms men stepped out of the hotels we took pictures and we stepped into the car.

My driver drove me while some of my friends drove themselves.

When we got to the church my mom and my Dad was just coming into the venue.

We walk to we’re the groom and his best man would stand.

My friend stood beside me with the priest at the front.

Guest were sitted and my bride arrived with her bridesmaids.

Here comes the bride was played by the pianist’s.

The grooms men join the few brides maid, they marched in and it was time for my bride to come in.


I thought the decor for the traditional wedding was the best I have ever seen but the decor for the wedding was top notch,  tear stream down my face because I never thought I will ever have such beautiful wedding in my life.

I stepped out of the car and I could see Kunle looked towards me.

I smile, he couldn’t take his eyes of me, even I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

I stepped on the carpet holding my bouquet with my mom holding my hand with her second hand.

The moment my mom place my hand into his hand he quickly held my hand , he smiled at me and we stood in front of the officiating priest.


I kept stealing glances at the woman I loved, she look beautiful in the dress she was wearing even though she had to work with my mom but I still admire her so much, I want to surprise her today.

Before leaving my room, I bring out the beautiful diamond ring I bought when I realized she was a virgin, I know she doesn’t believe I want our first night to be special.

I want the world to know that she is mine, I want to claim her in front of everyone today, I know my mom would be mad at me for this but I don’t care about what she thinks about us.


I couldn’t help looking at Shade and Kunle than wish for a beautiful day like this for myself.

Everything looks beautiful, the decor, the brides dress and the way they look into each other’s eyes is just too beautiful.each time I look at the couple how they keep smiling happily at each other, I will steal a look at Simi but my heart never keep skipping.

Shade and Kunle might look so real but it’s just a political deal and she already warned me against her son even though we are madly in love with each other but his mom is my fear.


I can’t believe this girl is getting married right in front of me before my daughter, look at her , a real transformation took place in her eyes in just a twinkle of an eye, something my daughter should be enjoying.

So Shade’s mom will be respected in the family now.

Look at the way her uncles are respecting she her mom and her siblings, I should have giving my daughter that money that day but notwithstanding I will make sure my daughter gets such opportunity no matter what.

I looked back at the press, look at the whole atmosphere how beautiful it was, the wedding dress she is wearing.

That wedding dress is worth millions.

I looked around and saw Tunde.

Maybe Rachel should play his card with Tunde maybe she would have him but Tunde that I know when I worked for them is a play boy and I don’t want anyone to play my daughter and I thought of it .

Maybe my daughter should try her luck with Felix, the first son of the opposition leader and with that they will rub shoulders but it seems that guy has a fiancée.

I can’t let Shade’s mom become more important than me in the family.


I look at my daughter and I feel so proud of her because thinking back to how their Dad treated me so bad, took the compensation money I could live on away and still leave me knowing I had lost one hand in the process of making ends meet for the family.

He thought we wouldn’t survive it, he thought we would beg or depend all our lives but here is my daughter making I and her siblings proud.

I looked at myself yesterday inside the beautiful hall I never thought someday I will step my foot into but I gave my daughter out inside that beautiful hall in the presence of dignitaries.

Here we are today again I gave my daughter out in this beautiful atmosphere.

And I can see how much Kunle loved my daughter and I know she will be happy with him and very soon my daughter will be the First Lady of this popular state in this country.

we have become Nobody to somebody, we are that family that people ridiculed so much, laughed at us that we can never make it but look at us today.

 I see how my husband brother’s who never liked I and children now respect me and my sister who came to shame my daughter here in the village after taking her to the city to work as a maid and didn’t even send her salary to me and I am sure her father will be watching right now.

Tear escaped my face a tear of joy because the unexpected happened in my family.