


I wept so hard going back home, I never knew my mom and Dad are power driven to an extent that they will fake their kidnaps or even think they would lie to me that my wife is dead when she is still alive.

A part of me is happy because I will get a private investigator to help me find my wife.

And the part of me feels sad because my parent that I thought I should trust so bad makes my life miserable.

I drove home, enter into my house, I walk to my daughter's nursery and also walk to my matrimonial room, I smile so happily , I shut my eyes and tears dripped down my drip down my face.

" Shade, I will find you and bring you back home, Daniella Daddy will find you and bring you back home" I said with tears dripping down my face.

I bring out my cell phone and began to dial the number of an old friend who is in the investigating sector.

I called him and explain to him that I need his help to search for my wife.

We plan to meet in a cafe on the island.


I stood pacing around our living room, I look around the mansion and tears dripped down my face , Am I happy? 

Do I have that luxury? No!

The moment we got married all my luxury stopped, I thought I will keep getting the luxuries but I got none of such luxury.

He wouldn't even let me drive any of the cars, I have to let him travel before I try to leave my life.

Do we have good communication?No! 

I am restricted to staying at home so that I don't speak to people about his abusive lifestyle.

I have lost four pregnancy in the in just a year of marriage just because of this beating.

I have treated over two internal wound in just a year just because of this abuse.

He parades himself as one of the best man when he does what he wants.

He doesn't stay home and when I complains he beats me up.

For three months now I have been begging for divorce and he kept begging me .

He isn't begging me because he is sorry that he messed up rather he is begging me that his father would said he has always say he will never be a good husband and is he really a good husband? 

He kept begging me that he will change but in just three months that he has been begging me , I can't count how many times he has beaten me.

I have no savings, if I run to my mom she will send me back to my husband just because she wants people to keep saying she is an in law to the current Governor of the state and some small benefits that she gets from Felix.

I wish I had a supportive mom like Shade.

She has always been behind her children through their hurdles.

I remember my mom visiting me recently making jest of that girl but after meeting her recently I saw her wearing helmet on a site that is being constructed and I asked her if she now walks there, she told me it's her project explaining how people will benefit from her project.

She might not have her husband beside her but she has done good for herself and her family and benefited.

But I wanted to be like her but did her achieve anything no, I had the worst marriage ever.

If I lose this marriage I will be the because I will show her that I am not stupid.

loser and if I stay in this marriage I might die in it but I have chosen to find a way to know every of his personal data of his account or golden ATM because I have to benefit from this abusive marriage, he has been beating me before marriage so what will be my benefit before walking away from this crazy marriage.

I have to also benefit just as Shade benefitted but my mom will never see me again .

I was still in my full thought that my husband called my name.


I wanted to go and take my bath so I call my wife Racheal.

She didn't answer me

I called her again and she didn't answer me.

That is what she has been doing for a while now, I will call her and she wouldn't answer.

I was so angry that I walked towards her like a soldier, I hit her so hard, she screamed and I started beating her and suddenly I noticed she wasn't screaming again.

I kicked her and there was no response that was when I knew something has happened, I crouch down beside her, I lift one of her arm and she wasn't moving.

I became nervous, I became scared , I quickly place my hand on her throat and tears drip down my face.

I run out of the room, run back into the room, I shut the door because I do not want anyone to see what I caused.

I kept shaking, I never wanted to kill her.

I loved her so much but I just don't know why I had to always beat her, I try to stop doing this but I just couldn't.

I should have let her go away when she pleaded for divorce.

I drag her into the bathroom, I thought of taking her out of the house to go and throw her body away.

I could be caught in the process of trying to dispose her body, I thought again maybe I should call one of my guards to help me get rid of her body or maybe I should chop her body and dispose it.

I thought for a while and I walk out of the room, I called one of my guard that he should help me dispose the body and he said her body should be chopped so that she won't be recognized and trace back to us.

I found it as a good idea because we all will just be searching for her together.


Finally I am done with my project and will be lunching it today,I have the press invited to the opening of my project .My investors will also be at the opening ceremony of my amazing project.

I have been Excited for myself, proud of my]self for some days , but  this morning that I am supposed to more excited is just the day I choose to cry, I wish my husband will just be here to stand side by side with me while we lunch this Amazing project.

I didn’t even see my mom behind. I don’t even know how long she had been behind me because she was all dressed but I who own the party is not even ready.

I felt her hand on my shoulder , I look back at her and I burst into tears.

“ I understand , you are missing him, It’s normal to feel that way” she says.

“ I just wish he could be here with me “ I said.

“Listen my dear , many things happen for a purpose in this life, imagine what you have been able to achieve in two years, if you were, you might never have thought of this but look yourself, the huge thing you have successfully done, I look at you and look at this Amazing projects and I feel proud of you, I am sure your dad will see this and get surprised that he left us but God has made you a real blessing to the family he abandoned for another woman and that you got married to a wonderful man that loved you, You got that loved I never got, I am happy, I believed God will bring him to you wherever he is because both of you loved each other genuinely, Dress up honor him as you have promised to honor him, I know he must be searching for you , I know he would be somewhere , maybe he would see this on the Tv and come to find you? Someone who knows him my see you on the TV and he would see you and he might come looking for you after seeing you, think about it , just the same way I want your father to see you might be the same way he would see you on the Tv screens and come searching for you” my mom said.

I gave what she said a thought , she is saying the truth, I thought within me. I quickly undress to go and take my bath but I turn to my mom.

“ Mom , my husband is not a TV freak , how will he see me? I asked.

”People might see you and tell him about you and he will find you.

I dress up quickly, I was wearing the type of dressing my husband love to see me in, that kind of dressing that shows that boss lady.

I dress for him even if he is not here, I want to feel that I have him around that is how I dress in the way he loved.

I stepped out of the house, my mom, my sister came to embrace me.

My daughter said I was beautiful, I appreciate her words even though she said that because her aunt and grandma said it.

We walk into the cars, I and my kids in one car, my siblings and mother in one car.

We have two drivers now.

I felt so happy, I can feel in me that something different is about to happen in my life, something I can not place my finger on.

Maybe, I will meet my husband today that is one thing I wished for today.

The car drove out of the house and it drove to the venue of the event.

I could see the press standing as our car drove into the venue.

I stood staring at the building, tears dripped down my face, I thought back ti when my aunt came to pick me up from the village, my accidental meeting with the man who made this possible and to the struggles of our courtship to marriage and here I am becoming one of the most powerful woman in the country.

I slowly walked out of my car holding my holding my daughter and carrying my son.

My mom and siblings quickly came to help me with my kids.

The press came rushing towards me even the uninvited press came to opening of my project.

"You are Once Mrs Smith , the wife of the youngest Governor candidate from last election that compete with leading party and the leading party of last election but there are rumors that both of you are divorced? Is that true? The reporter asked and I smile.

" Yes, I am Mrs Smith and I still remain the wife of Kunle Smith, we are still married" I reply.

" About this Amazing project what was your dream before going into such projects that is one his kind in Africa and even built by a woman, tell us what came about your dream for such amazing projects? Reporter two asked.

" If you remember during my husband Kunle Smith campaign few years ago, I said I want to support women and children and yes I meant it then,it doesn't matter my husband becomes a Governor or no Governor, it is something that women deserves.

Women deserve love , respect and should be treated well but many women in our own part of the world goes through a lot and do not get those respect they should get.

How can they can their respect in the society, money but not every women have the money to make this money because you need money to make money that is why I have decided to create a project like this for women , widows to support their families and also have an organization that supports children education most especially girls , we want our girls to be raised to make money" I replied


I am not a fan of TV I always listen to news, I was switching channels when I heard the wife of former Governorship Candidate who happens to be the youngest Governor in the last Election……..

I quickly stop switching the channels,then I heard Mrs Shade Smith.

When I heard Shade Smith, I wanted to see who , Then I saw my wife on TV screen being interviewed I look up to the TV, it was a live programme.

I didn't change into any dress, I quickly slip my feet into one of my slippers picked my car key rushes down the stairs to my car, I start the car, It was then I realized that I did not know the name of the place or address, I run back into the house maybe I will hear the address been talked about and I could see a a white woman come to talk on the stage speaking and she made mention of the place.

" Women trade center" I quickly search for the place on google and there were so much to say about my wife.

I got the address and I followed the address and drove down there .

When I got there, I stood staring at the building, I smile tears dripped down my face because the building is so amazing, outstanding and one of it's kind, I walked to the gate and I told the security about myself showed him my identity and he let me into the gate.

I feel proud of my wife and next I heard her voice through the Microphone, I walked towards my wife , I was lost, I can't say what was going through my mind at that moment until the securities stopped me, I tried to explain and I  yell out my wife's name and I heard someone called through the microphone "Kunle!

She didn't continue her speech , she screamed stop.


I was about to begin my speech and I heard someone called my name.

That was my husband's voice, Even close to death, I will still recognize his voice.

I didn't know when I called out his name because the voice came from afar, It's a voice I want to hear everyday again.

I rushed to where my name kept coming from and I could see securities holding him back.

I screamed stopped out of anger when I catch a glimpse of his face.

I know the securities are doing their job but I was angry that don't they recognize my husband.

They left him, I stood and stare at him with tears dripping down my face, I didn't know if to run towards him or jumped at him because I don't know what his explanation his abandoning on that very day and he open his mouth to speak.

" I am so sorry, I was in coma for six months, when I woke up I was told that you and Daniella and your parent died in a fire accident until few days ago that I knew it was all lies.

I am sorry I just wish I ………….. I jumped at him.