

Many calls began to pour in from my political party members and chairman and other key members saying I did well and that the girl also did well.

After all the calls, Bassey came to me.

“ Sir I just got a message from one of the TV Station that sent their representative to the conference that they do not know if they can have you and your fiancee on their ongoing show? I stare at him .

“ What kind of show? I asked.

“ it's a showbiz show and it's very famous sir and a very popular show and I would say you should go, it would help boost the show would also boost your carrier because more people watch this show and it will boost your popularity” Bassey said.

“Okay, you can tell them “ I said and Bassey took his leave while I walk to where    shade was  and I  sit beside her .

“ we have been invited by a popular TV show? I said and she turns to me and she quickly lower her gaze as our eyes met.

“ I have never been to a show before, I don't know I am suppose to talk or how to talk “ she says.

“ Don't worry, just be yourself, that’s all, and you should play along just as you have doing for a while now, the most important is you playing along very well because this would be watch by a lot of people and there will always be those that will want to see how much we show this affection towards one another and as for the questions let me answer the questions don't reply to any question, let me the do the talking” I said and she nods her head.

We waited for about an hour and Bassey came to me

“ Sir the television channel just sent their driver to pick.you and your fiancee up” Bassey says.

“ Go and tell them I and my fiancee would go in our car, get the address and give it to my driver “ I said.

“Yes sir” Bassey replied and takes his leaves and I shove my hand into my pocket and I go to stand in front of her.

“ Is there anything you want because we would be going to the show soon” I ask her.

“ I am fine” She replied.

“ Food? I asked because I have studied her and I know she loves food so much.

Her face lit up, I studied her but she slowly said no.

I took the room phone and ordered for some food because I don’t know how long this show would take and sometimes it’s not the show that took long but sometimes you get to meet some people you cannot escape and as a governor aspirant even if I am not humble before, I have to be humble and make friends with people, so I took the phone in our suite myself and I called and order some food.

It’s not like I am hungry but I want to eat so that she would eat.

Not long the food was brought to us and we were served and I called her over.

I made sure I ordered for swallow but small wrap so that we don’t go to the show and get tired, I want us to look smart.

We ate together, few minutes later Bassey came to us that it was time to leave for the show.

We walk into the elevator and when we were about to get out of the elevator I held her hand and she looked into my eyes and she quickly looked away and as we step out of the elevator, people began to take pictures of us, we walk out of the hotel, we walk into our convoy car and we were drove out of the hotel.

We didn’t say anything to each other till we get to the venue.

I stepped out and she also stepped out of the car to and some ushers came to usher us in. I held her hand and I can feel her nervousness and I stopped and looked into her face and she looked down as usual.

“ Listen, I need that confidence from you, I want you to look your best” I said and I move my plans on her cheek.

Seriously I don’t know why I did that.


I was hoping that very soon we would leave the hotel after the conference only for Bassey to come to him.

I didn’t know what Bassey had told him until he came to me and tell me that we are invited to a show, I was pissed up because he agreed. They were suppose to tell us earlier than now but they didn’t and yet he agreed to it.

I understand that he is doing all of this to win the heart of the people but I still feel they should have said it earlier.

I became nervous because I do not want to mess things up.

I sat coldly and not long he came to ask if I want to eat, my face lit up from that question because I was very hungry, he ordered for food and not long the food was brought to us and we walk to go and eat.

When we finish eating and few minutes later we left for the interview.

He held my hand when we were about getting out of the elevator and I looked at our hand , I look at him and quickly looked away.

We entered into the car but I was so nervous , scared not to mess things up and my nervousness increased and you can see it on me.

We got down of the car and he held my hand , I am beginning to get fond of him holding my hand now.

He noticed that I was so nervous and he stopped and looked at me and he tries to encourage me and with his words at least I was able to build few confidence.

I looked at myself and I flash back to few days ago and I smile.

Few days ago I was nothing even maids have class amongst themselves but I had no class as a maid in the Kunle’s parents house and some days back I was a prisoner in Kunle’s house, today all the cameras and glam on me and this is me holding hands with Kunle the governor aspirant and here I am trending and now I will be having an interview side by side with Kunle on one of the biggest show.

“ We entered into the elevator with our crew member and usher and he usher into my ear.

“ Why were you smiling? He asks and I was like dosen’t he look somewhere else than looking at my face.

I shake my head like a baby and smile again.

“ You know what you look like ? You just shake your head like a five year old little girl” I laughed out forgetting the people standing around us , He also laughed and we didn’t even know Bassey had this on the phone camera.

This is one thing about Bassey he is so good at his job.

We got to the interview, my make up was done while Kunle too was giving the men make up and we were ushered into the show, there were audiences who clapped for us.

“ seriously , we look like a new wedded couple the way Kunle held my hand tight and kept looking at my face, our chemistry was so strong in front of the camera.

“ How did you both met it’s very rare of a hot handsome billionaire, political aspirant to fall for a maid and still held a position like this and still make her his number one” the presenter asked.

“ Well, it wasn’t love at first sight for the first few years she worked with my mom and something led to something and we fell in love with each other and here we are today” he answers and everyone clapped.

“ Did you think it would go this far when you both started this relationship? The presenter asked.

“ No but now it has gotten to a point where I have grown fond of her” He said looking into my eyes and holding my hand.

Truth be told that answer looks so much like an answer from the heart, the way he looked into my eyes during the interview.

The presenter turn to me and ask.

“ Who is Shade? She asked and Kunle was about answering and I beat him to it.

“ Shade is once a maid in the house of the smiths,Shade had come to hustle in Lagos just like any non indigene of Lagos and that maiden job brought us across each other which I think fate was the one who brought us together and now we found love and that love has built a confidence and strong shade and by the special grace of God I look out to bring the best of me which is supporting the women financially and fighting injustice in the society for women if you vote my fiancée in this coming election” I said, I don’t know if I answer the question properly, I just said what came to my mind and Kunle smiled and he kissed my the back of my palm and everyone one clapped.

“ Wow” the presenter said. “ The fiancée of a politician just proved she is ready because she turned my question around and campaign for her fiancée” she says.

“ Before you people step out as a couple there was a video circulating would you like to comment on that? The presenter asked and I look at Kunle and the wild sex, the way his face was when he realized I was the one in his bed made me laugh and Kunle stares at me.

“ Sorry about the laughter, it's just that I remembered what our faces looked like when we saw the video circulating online like who made this up, we are lovers and we are young we definitely will do some crazy things in the hiding, seriously we are just like every young couple catching fun and just feel we should record for the memories but I guess someone stole my phone because we had both our phone to record it and the person just boom throws the video online and people got some misconception about it and started making round some negative comment, my fiancee is a sweet man and he wouldn't lay his hands on a woman but nevertheless shout out to those that feel women shouldn't be treated badly and were ready to take up the case, I appreciate you all because you just prove that women should be supported but nothing of abuse happened between us and everyone do get your PVC and vote for my fiancee because we have to fight for women in justice”Everyone cheered me and Kunle just smile and stare and me and he shocked me, he didn't care who was there, he placed his lips on mine, although it was a quick one but I could feel the passion in the kiss.

We answered few couple of questions because he didn’t stop me from answering questions after my first answer.

Half an hour later the interview was over and we were joined by other celebrities who also had one question or the other to ask us.

Through out the show, held my hand tight and kept smiling.

Finally the show was over many came to take pictures with us, some even took our autograph.

Soon we and our crew left and Lara showed up from no where as we got out of the elevator and I became jealous instantly, the happy mood on my face vanished and Lara came in front of him.

And Kunle’s bodyguards were about pulling her away but he stopped them and ask the cameras not to cover them.

I was so pissed, I wanted to just walk away but I thought of it again .

“ Why am I even angry whatever we are doing right now is just nothing right now, we are just faking it to convince people” I said but I still didn't stop boiling inside of me.


I never thought she would even have the guts to still come and start in front of me and beg me.

“ Kunle, I am sorry for every thing, although it isn’t right for us to have any conversation here but can I invite you for my chit chat show and after that we can have our personal talk just to show support for your ambition, it's a no strong attached thing, your coming would boost my show, I can even bring my crew to your house for the interview” she says.

“ Okay, no problem” I said.

“ Thank you very much, I actually thought you will turn me down” she says and I didn't say a word.


I walked into my car after thanking him like I am no more into him but that space is my place.

We started this whole ambition together, my dream of becoming the First Lady of this state won’t just die, I am back to claim my space.

How can a common maid be competing with me, I saw her change her mood while I was talking to my Kunle, I could see her wearing an angry look and whenever our eyes met I make sure I eyelashes her and she would do the same thing to be too, well my dear I am coming with the war but firstly I need my way back to that life” I said to myself.


After his conversation with his EX, he tried to hold my hand and didn't let him and he looked at me I made sure I make no eye contact with him.

I wanted to walk ahead when he was talking to her but that will leave a bad impression about us that we are just taking out love and no matter what I want him to become the governor of this state.

He tried the second time, I moved my hand and he sighs.

We walked side by side till we got into the car and I face the other side looking out of the window and boiling, seriously I wasn't looking at anything I was just angry that he stopped and speak with his ex.

I steal a glance at my hand and I knew how much I have gotten myself drench in rain of love.

I was missing that hand, his touch but I am still upset at him from stopping to speak to her.

But seriously why am I being worked up over this when it was all staged

He tried holding my hand and I move away my hand and I puff my cheek.

“Do you know that look dosen’to suit you?

“ Why are you upset? He asked and I didn't answer.

“ Did I do anything wrong? He asked.

“ Are you angry because I stopped and spoke with Lara?he asked